Avid Push Square readers will undoubtedly recall that we rather liked 2018's Jurassic World Evolution. Making an amusement park full of dinosaurs that occasionally escape their confinement and eviscerate the slack-jawed tourists is what we're all about.
Now the sequel is here — the imaginatively titled Jurassic World Evolution 2 — and at first we were a little put off by it. You see, the campaign isn't about building awesome amusement parks full of deadly creatures, but rather, building sanctuaries for dinosaurs that have previously escaped into the wild.
We appreciate the nobility of the cause — after all, dinosaurs have feelings too, and maybe if we just treated them a little better then they wouldn't be so bitey. But there's just no getting away from it: building a sanctuary that's not open to the public so that dinosaurs can live in peace and harmony just doesn't get our juices flowin' in the same way as building an amusement park in which the only thing separating chubby, khaki-clad families from the digestive tracts of gigantic lizards is a thin wire fence and sheer pig-headed optimism.

Like the original game, you've got advisors who pop up to guide you, and these early hours playing Evolution 2 can feel a little like it's on autopilot. You use simple fencing tools to create pens to house your dinosaur guests, and then assess what they need to truly feel comfortable in their new home. Some dinos love forest, others desert; some like eating leaves, while others like chomping goats. It's not ridiculously in-depth, but customising your pens and then later your sanctuaries and parks is incredibly easy thanks to streamlined mechanics and some smart tooling.
After five or six hours we thought we'd barely started the game, and were flabbergasted when we noticed on the menu that it listed our progress through the campaign at 90%. Sure enough, an hour later we'd finished the whole thing, and not a single person had been eaten. Not one. In fact, we'd never even failed a stage.
Preposterous! How could we have finished the campaign without so much as a single fail state due to too many people hilariously being savaged by marauding dinosaurs? How could the story be over, our work done, dinosaurs and humans co-existing peacefully without so much as a nibble? We wept, and raised our fists to the heavens in fury, cursing whatever dinosaur God is up there, demanding that they deliver to us the dinosaur mayhem we crave in the same way that Gordon Ramsay demands lamb sauce, and that God smiled back at us and through gnashing, pointed teeth it menacingly whispered, "Play Chaos Theory mode." It was dramatic.

What's foolishly labelled the "Campaign" in Jurassic World Evolution 2 is really just a tutorial with a bit of a story, and Chaos Theory mode is, as an early-oughties rapper on MTV's Cribs would say about their gaudily decorated bedroom, "Where the magic happens". Each level in the Chaos Theory campaign is a "What If?" alternate take on one of the Jurassic movies, like building the very first Jurassic Park under the guidance of John Hammond, but doing it properly, and without all of the screaming and terror and hiding and door-opening velociraptors.
Each of these five stages are bigger and more involved than any of the levels in the first campaign, and they're also a lot more fun, in part because they all feature more challenging and more satisfying park building mechanics, and also because each is tied directly to one of the Jurassic movies, featuring characters, locales, and lore from that film. For a Jurassic Park fan, Chaos Theory is a treat, but even if you've never seen one of the movies there's a lot to get out of it thanks to the streamlined approach to strategy gameplay and a higher probability for dinosaur-related hijinks.

On top of this, there's a Challenge Mode in which creating successful parks under different conditions and at varying difficulty levels unlocks cosmetics to make your cute wittle dinosaurs even fancier looking, and there's a sandbox mode so you can use everything you've unlocked to build the biggest and best dinosaur park in the world unconstrained by objectives or storytelling. There's a variety of ways to play Jurassic World Evolution 2, and while the initial campaign is certainly the least rewarding of them, the others do make up for it with aplomb.
The original Jurassic World Evolution featured an impressive array of prehistoric lizards, but Evolution 2 ups the ante by expanding the roster to include dinosaurs in both the swimming and flying variety. Avian dinosaurs like Pterodactyls require a specially built dome to house them so they can't fly off to Blackpool Pier and start nicking people's chips. The watery ones live in arenas like the dolphins at Sea World, only unlike those poor, imprisoned ocean-puppies, the aquatic lizards can on occasion fight back against their oppressors by swallowing a couple of kids.

Presentation-wise, the game does an excellent job of feeling like part of the Jurassic World franchise, featuring familiar locations and music, as well as boasting dinosaur designs that look like they're plucked right from the movies. Bryce Dallas Howard and B.D. Wong reprise their roles as Claire and Dr. Wu from World, while Chris Pratt's character is once again voiced by the world's worst Chris Pratt impersonator while the real Chris Pratt is off somewhere practicing his best Mario voice.
Jeff Goldblum is back as Dr. Ian Malcom and he's clearly relishing every moment spent playing the role, delivering each line of dialogue with his trademark fumfers and awkward inflections. Even for Jeff Goldblum he's pushing it to the point where at times he sounds like Jeff Goldblum doing an impression of Jeff Goldblum in some kind of Jeff Goldblumception.
We love Jeff Goldblum, and in fact made a case to the Push Square overlords that we should update the scoring policy to automatically award any video game featuring Mr. Goldblum an instant 10/10. Our request was swiftly denied, and so Jurassic World Evolution 2 is going to have to settle for an 8/10.
If we had to make a list of things that are totally radical then dinosaurs chasing and eating annoying fannypack-wearing tourists while we triumphantly hum the Jurassic Park theme tune would be top ten. Maybe even top five. We're here for that. Minor quibbles with the main campaign aside, Jurassic World Evolution 2 delivers an entertaining if simplistic park builder, that well-utilises the Jurassic World license, and throws in just the right amount of dinosaur-fuelled mayhem to boot.
Comments 27
Being a hater of any strategy game, I'll give this a miss.
Awesome. I really enjoyed the first one, even if at times it could accurately be retitled Powerline Simulator. This sounds even better, so I'm in. My excitement level is at 5/5 Goldblums. 👍😁
Oof, I nearly pulled the trigger on the first game so many times but I heard it was just a little bit lacking. With this being better I don't think I will be able to resist for long.
Also I really want to see The Fly now.
I enjoyed the first game a lot, but played it on PC. How well does a game like this work with a controller? It seems like something that’s easier to play with mouse and keyboard.
Will definitely be picking this up around Xmas. Enjoyed the original, but this sounds like a nice improvement.
Sounds awesome!
Since I need a longer comment I'll pick the world's tiniest nit, and point out that dinosaurs were purely land-based, and the extra creatures are actually pterosaurs and pliosaurs.
@Excess I played the original with the Steam Controller and I'd expect it to carry over to something without a mouse fairly well
The best part of Rollercoaster Tyccon and similar games was killing your guests. This sounds like a game specifically designed to allow you to do that!
Question though: Does this one have more hybrids? The first game only had three I believe.
I enjoyed being able to see my park in first person via jeep/helicopter a little too much in the first game. I even made some dunes in a few exhibits to ramp off of. I might eventually give this a go, Goldblum adds value in my book as well 😁
I loved the first game but once I played the hugely improved JP DLC I couldn’t go back. Too many start up buildings. Hope this is the more streamlined gameplay like the JP DLC but I can’t wait either way.
I just wanna know one thing... Can we create the Scorpius Rex from the Camp Cretaceous show on Netflix??? 😬
Great review btw, made me laugh.
Might try this - i picked up planet coaster at the ps5 launch but i struggled with the controls. Is this better suited to a PS5 pad?
They improved building variety/landscape options much?
When park satisfaction is low so you open all the gates and really give them something to complain about 😂
Looks good, though with no day one benefits that I am aware of, I’ll wait for a sale.
Didn't realise this was out so soon!
I used to love Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis on PS2 back in the day, so may check it out once my backlog is a little neater.
Yeah, I loved the first one, so I'll probably ask Santa for this!
I still need to play the Jurassic Park expansion of the first game but I'm definitely picking this up. Love these types of games.
Sweet! The first one was one of the first games I played on my PS5. Super excited to pick this one as well... Granted the campaign sound it like basically supposed to be a based of the events of Jurassic World 2-3 so I'm surprised they didn't delay to bank of the hype of the new film.
A good, and often funny review. Never played the first game, so may give this a go.
@Excess @Excess @kyleforrester87 I quite enjoyed the first game and it’s on sale often enough to give it a go.
It was a good challenge to get full ranking on each level and the game encouraged you to do further levels to unlock stuff to use in your old parks.
The biggest issue was that the maps were almost purposefully designed to be annoying so that you always seemed to be lacking decent open space and your monorail had to take a stupid route around the park.
Also, having the iconic theme tune play when you open the game is cool the first time you play but incredibly annoying after a few weeks..
@Excess It’s been a while since I played the first game but I don’t remember the controls being much of an issue. Whereas Civ 6 always felt a bit clunky to play on PS4/5 but did as good a job as it could on a controller.
I’ve little interesting in playing the game, but the review was a cracker to read
“so they can't fly off to Blackpool Pier and start nicking people's chips.” Actually laughing (and mentally picturing) that!
With planet coaster you can use a keyboard and mouse on the PS5. you can probably do the same with this one. Planet coaster plays great with a controller btw
The comments are really behind. Like 2 years behind. Filling space I suppose
I'll add it to my PS+ library but not sure I'll get round to trying it...
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