Imitating the infamous Souls-like formula is no small feat, and Lords of the Fallen knows it. You can’t just copy and paste Dark Souls and call it a day anymore, which is forcing developers to find new ways to innovate the genre. Already this year we’ve had the mechanically tinged take in the form of Lies of P, but Lords of the Fallen takes it one step further by delivering a distinct mechanic that completely changes how you play the game. But is it enough to proudly stand as part of the Souls-like pantheon? Well, the answer to that is a decidedly mixed bag.

Lords of the Fallen drops you a thousand years deep into a timeline established by the 2014 game of the same name. The demonic God Adyr, imprisoned for millennia, is back with a vengeance and spreading their evil across the lands of Mournstead. It’s up to you, a Dark Crusader and Lampbearer, to defeat Adyr and end their malicious rule of tyranny. True to the genre, Lords of the Fallen takes a laid back approach to its storytelling, and for the most part lets the world do the talking. From frosty peaks to swampy bogs, you’ll soak up each and every detail of its world, and it’s a brilliant feeling as you piece it all together.
If you’ve ever played a Souls-like before, then you mostly know what to expect. Crunchy combat, difficult enemies, shortcuts to unlock, and Vestiges (bonfires) to activate. Earning Vigor, the game’s currency, you’ll steadily upgrade your character’s stats and weapons, which you'll come to use when you face off against one of the game’s bosses. This part of the game, when looked at in isolation, is good, but not incredible. Combat never feels quite as finely tuned as something like Elden Ring, enemy variety leaves much to be desired, and the space between Vestiges can seem unfairly far apart. Even the boss encounters, while fun, don't really evoke that sense of awe that you can find elsewhere in the genre. Thankfully, this is where the dual world mechanic comes in, elevating the entire experience above being just another Souls copycat.

In Lords of the Fallen, there are two concurrently existing worlds: Axiom, the world of the living, and Umbral, the world of the dead. With the help of your Umbral Lamp, you are able to peer into this other world, or even transport yourself there entirely. On initial impression, this mechanic may seem a little gimmicky, but spend a bit of time with it and you’ll realise that Axiom and Umbral are woven into the game's DNA.
At its most basic level, Umbral unlocks new pathways for you to progress through the world, with ladders, bridges, and opened doorways that aren’t present in Axiom. However, this mechanic also effectively gives you a second life, as whenever you die in Axiom, you’ll be sent to Umbral with one more chance to carry on. The thing is, Umbral can be more of a curse than a blessing. You will receive a Vigor multiplier, but creatures of the dead will now be on your tail on top of the regular enemies that roam Axiom. The longer you're in there, the more hostile and overwhelming enemies become, before eventually, your healing items are locked off and you are pursued by a near unstoppable creature.

Partner this up with the Vestiges that are few and far between, and taking a trip to Umbral becomes seriously risky. Certain points allow you to transport back to Axiom and you can plant temporary Vestige seeds, but they need to be clear of enemies, which often left us sprinting through packed corridors with thousands of Vigor on the line, praying for a way out. Moments like these had us gripping our DualSense like our life depended on it. It’s utterly thrilling.
Once you become accustomed to the risks, switching between Axiom and Umbral becomes a proverbial game of cat and mouse. You can access Umbral walkways by simply peering through the lamp, but you're exposed. If an Axiom spawn point is nearby, you can switch to Umbral to gain the ability to earn your entire health back, rather than using one of your precious healing items — but there's also the risk of losing it all. Later on in the game, there are pretty damn tough enemies that call Umbral home, but some of the best resources can be found there. Deciding when and when not to switch between Axiom and Umbral adds an entirely new dimension to Lords of the Fallen, and it's easily our favourite part of the experience.

Part of what makes this entire mechanic work so well is the visual presentation. Running on Unreal Engine 5, Lords of the Fallen is easily one of the best looking games on PS5, and similar to the Demon’s Souls remake, you’ll feel the history in every castle wall or abandoned village. Peering through the lamp or switching to Umbral instantly transforms your surroundings into some mutated hellish landscape. It’s exciting to have a game that's fully embracing current-gen, and even 40 hours in, we're still impressed by how flawlessly the two worlds tie into each other.
Sadly, performance-wise, the PS5 version of the game has some issues. The title was in a pretty rough state when we first received our review code, but a couple of updates later solved almost every problem we had. That being said, just a day before release at the time of writing, the game still suffers the occasional frame rate stutter and the odd issue with audio. In its current state it never quite spoils the experience, and we suspect a day one patch will iron out most of the remaining issues.
As a final note on the PS5 experience, DualSense haptic support is pretty decent. The vibrations in particular are well attuned, although never quite hitting those PS5 exclusive levels of detail — and adaptive trigger support is a little muted.
Lords of the Fallen is an exciting kind of Souls-like. Whereas many others aim to perfect the formula, Lords of the Fallen’s goal is to innovate. It certainly has its own array of problems, like lacking audio, repetitive enemy types, and combat that could be tightened up a little. However, when the game sinks its claws into you with its thrilling dual world mechanic, you won’t be able to get enough of it.
Comments 66
After all the hyping it up it only gets a 7/10 disappointing. But the first one was pretty bad. Very clunky. This sounds a bit better than that at least
Yet another big AAA just missing the mark again.
Let’s see how spider man 2 and Mario wonder do next week. Hoping both are top quality all round.
so people think 7/10 is a bad game now ?
@OldGamer999 7 out of 10 is still a good score.
7 here 8 ign happy with that people need understand fromsoftware don’t make everything
Curious to know which game would you guys choose. Lies of P or Lords Of The Fallen?
@trev666 Yep because there are too many time-consuming great games above 8, people can't spare the most valuable asset called Time on 7s.
Game sounds great to me. Copy should be arriving tomorrow!
@BuGGy2DaB Good question. Lies of P certainly has far better enemy designs and tighter combat, but I find Lords of the Fallen's world and Umbral mechanic a bit more intriguing. I think there will be slightly more replayability in LOTF too, so that's what I would personally go for.
You are definitely correct there 😂
@AaronBayne While it likely wasn't available at the time of review, does the game implement an equivalent to Humanity/Kindled consumables to allow co-op/PvP?
Well damn. Kind of a bummer for sure. Apparently there is a huge lack of enemy variety. With basically the same. Handful of enemies throughout the entire 40-50 hour playthrough.
This was my most anticipated game releasing anytime soon. However after sifting through the highs and lows of a dozen reviews or so; it is very much on the cusp of being a wait for sale and/or performance fixes at this point.
Kind of torn. I will likely still grab this sooner than later simply because the kid like games on the horizon that many are hyped over like sonic, Mario, and Spiderboy along with the weak jrpg junk early next year amount to a big drought period for my interests.
@Broosh I know there’s at least co-op. The way they claimed, it sounded to be a lot more seamless and normal than regular souls. I really want to hear more about how it’s actually implemented though. Not sure of pvp but I’d assume so
I expected between a 7-8 after seeing some of the previews. I’ll be enjoying this after Lies of P, which sits as my GOTY. Expecting a new team to nail the FromSoftware formula on the first go is a sign of the larger cultural plague of modern gamers (yes this is the same publisher but an entirely new dev studio under them).
@TheArt I agree 100%. We live in a saturated marketplace. Why would anyone bother buying a game that they MAY like when there are dozens games that they will?
When you spending money it’s a good ok score and probably an ok game.
I’m used to Sony and Nintendo top AAA games and will accept nothing less for my money.
@Broosh Yes there is a co-op and some kind of invade system as far as I'm aware. However, as you suspected, this wasn't available to try out during the pre-release period - at least on PS5.
10/10, 9/10 - it wouldn't have mattered. This was always going to be a on sale game for me given how much I don't like the first.
Will definitely try when reduced.
I feel like Lies of P leans more into Bloodborne while this leans more into Dark Souls. I think I did try the original Lords of the Fallen on PS Plus and it didn't really click for me.
Speaking of Souls-like games, Another Crab's Treasure is a really cool soulslike that has a demo out on Steam at the time of writing.
Sounds like it'll be an 8/9 after the patches and made free on playstation plus 😜
Seriously though can't got a date with spiderman.
Looks awesome to me I'm getting it. Negatives are nothing too disappointing or serious imo
The two worlds mechanic sounds quite a lot like the way Soul Reaver worked.
"Lacking audio"
So you mention in the writeup that there is an issue with audio, but not what that issue is. I am assuming that you mean that there are issues where the audio cuts out randomly? Does it come back?
I want to understand what you mean as there is no real context or writeup about the audio.
@OldGamer999 no problem with that, it is always consumer's choice whether to buy the game or not. This year is already packed with great games it is hard to justify buying another averagely good game for the full price when you hardly have time for it.
A 7/10 could just as well be a 10/10 for someone else. Plenty of games with subpar review scores that are masterpieces for me. Matter of taste and all that
We are in an era of gorgeous games.
But man... i cant go to another soul's like after elden ring. I'm burned.
The next one will have to be exceptionally fantastic or its a no go for me.
A 7 is a good score.word up son
Well the game better get some good updates soon or it’ll end up like this months 7/10, The Callisto Protocol, and be on Extra next year.
@GamingFan4Lyf Same!
Please elaborate on the audio - the review is deafening without it.
That Eurogamer review though, oof.
@AndyKazama This game is made by a brand new team(!), I think they sacked the first team but I'm not 100% sure.
So no need to compare it to the first, that's why this game pretty much have same title, it's a reboot of sorts.
Regarding the sound issues or whatever what was bad during the review, have you guys tried it after todays patch?!
I have preloaded the game and I got a huge patch a few hours ago so just curious..
Something like this interests me far more than something like Lies of P. We're currently living in a key point of saturation when it comes to souls-likes, and the ones that are actually doing something to differentiate themselves from the pack are the ones that are more likely to grab my attention. So while Lies of P may be the more polished game all around, Lords of the Fallen is actually trying something new. I'll take a newer experience over a familiar one even if it is ultimately less polished
For anyone here that wants a more "professional" view, check out "FextraLifes" review after 100 hours played on youtube.
And while watching his videos no sound-issues what so ever as far as I can tell...
The score is not that important to me as a 7 is not bad. My copy should be here tomorrow or saturday but its going to have to wait until i finish lies of p. I cant wait to get stuck into lords of the fallen.
@OldGamer999 It's pity you miss so many classics that way. There are so many great smaller fantastic games. Big budget does not mean better. Smaller unknown games atleast try something else because they can.
@Tchunga For me it depends I don't want a mess of a game with bugs that break a game or don't unlock things like trophies. I like something new but not a massive mess.
It's a pity about the release timing. I like the look of the game so much that I 100% would have bought this if it released at any other time this year.
I do try the odd smaller game now and again but my gaming time is more limited nowadays.
So I head for the big ones, like tonight for about and hour and half TOTK.
I’m really looking forward to playing this at some point. Game looks amazing and the dual world mechanic seems quite interesting.
@Flaming_Kaiser Yeah, no one likes broken games, I think that goes without saying. But a little jank here and there doesn't bother me too much
If it was from From Software it'd get9-10 and GOTY candidate.
It seems there is one Soul-like game every month.
@mrbone It certainly does feel that way, doesn't it?
@AndyKazama this is the best answer.
20 dollars = makes me holler.
Will hang on but keep one eye on it, sounds to me it's patch or two away from true greatness.
@Tchunga Small issue are not to bad but to much jank and broken stuff is another thing.
@Sequel yes lies of p is just a stunning game. I do get the bloodborne vibe but i'm also getting a serious bioshock feeling too. I like that the levels are not too big and overly complicated as it just makes it more fun for me. I'm hoping lords of the fallen is just as good but even though they are both souls type games they seem just different enough for both to exist side by side..what an awesome couple of months for souls fans..
1. 7/10 is a fine score. A 7 for someone might mean an 8 or 9 for a soulslike fan.
2. The first one was developed by a completely different team.
I’m usually left cold by SoulsLikes not made by FROM. This however looks stunning and the gameplay footage is extremely promising.
@Tr3mm0r What a ridiculous statement. Tell us all about the great game journalism conspiracy regarding FROM titles specifically 😛
Its excellent. I'm loving it. Souls fans are eating well lately.
I could never really get into "soulslike" games. After all, why play a soulslike when you can just play a Souls game? It might be fun but I don't think I'd ever be able to shake the sense that I could probably get more enjoyment out of just playing through Elden Ring or Bloodborne again.
@starbuck2212 hows the performance?
Anyone currently playing this? Curious how it runs. There seems to be a pretty big disparity regarding mainstreamlcontent creator reviews and actualy day one adopters regarding just how bad the performance is. Sounds like we have another Jedi Survivor situation along with a dash of Cyberpunk Fraud gameplan via withholding certain platform code to hide even worse performance on the Xbox side?
Kudos to Push Square at least being honest about it. I am curious to see if the day one patch helped, because I've seen a few videos that suggest it didn't help much with video evidence, alongside a bunch of people writing that it did, with no evidence.
@KundaliniRising333 i've played for a little over an hour to get my bearings with how it plays and i'm not having any issues with it. The frame rate in performance mode is pretty rock solid and it looks gorgeous in quality mode. I have not encountered any sound issues at all but like i said i'm just over an hour in because i want to focus on finishing lies of p first otherwise i'll have another unfinished game to add to the list. Sorry i cant be of more help.
@Northern_munkey No worries, much appreciated! did you notice a significant drop in visuals in perf mode? Also since you have the unique perspective of both, thus far which plays better in terms of combat and world/level design between Lies, and this?
I would also like to say that even though i've only really played through the tutorial section comparing this to lies of p is not really fair as even though the 2 games are souls like they play very differently. Yes they feature similar play mechanics but both titles have their own vibe. I read the eurogamer review and i cant agree with it to be honest and its not because i want this game to be superb i just think they went into it with too high expectations and played a version that was not optimised. I need more time with it obviously but most people will agree that an hour will give you a pretty good idea where the games taking you.
@KundaliniRising333 i dont think its fair to compare the 2 games. Lies of p has levels designed for relativley quick farming runs once all shortcuts have been unlocked and i think personally it really works and stopped the game becoming a chore. I cant comment on lotf's level design yet but the tutorial section looks amazing,grim and really has a deep sense of dread about it. Combat is something that again whilst pretty much the same as all souls templates somehow feels as though there is new depth to it in both titles. I do like the umbral lamp in lords and it reminds me a lot of the soul reaver game.
@KundaliniRising333 playing now and having a great time, honestly the biggest frame drops I've seen are in cutscenes rather than gameplay. some of them were pretty bad but again not impacting the actual gameplay experience much at all. I am loving the game just took down the first major boss and it was way harder than I expected based on reviews. Took me a bunch of tries and felt great to overcome the challenge. Edit: the quality mode has bad performance but most people want 60fps for a game like this anyway I would assume-visuals still look great in performance
@KundaliniRising333 so far i've not noticed any significant performance issues. That dosnt mean there are none its just i have not noticed any so far..its far smoother than elden ring but lies of p is pretty much perfect in terms of frame rate in performance mode.
@Logonogo @Northern_munkey Awesome thanks to you both.
I am downloading it as I work. So looking forward to giving it a go and breaking from the end of BG3 for a bit, albeit I am not sure if I want to start with this or Lies of P. I was thinking this first then Lies for a more streamline and smooth experience, however that may be the wrong call considering Lords could use some additional patching.
Ill likely do through to the first boss and decide then overall but appreciate the insights!
I think you will enjoy it. I'll give it a good going over tomorrow then hit lies of p on sunday.
@KundaliniRising333 it can get a little laggy every now and again. I switched to performance mode and turned off motion blur and it seems a lot better.
Just ordered it I can't miss on a nice Soulsborne experience! Lies of P was excellent even if unfair at MANY times!
@OldGamer999 You know what the great thing smaller take way less time. I also have limited time to game but I play a lot more because of smaller great games.
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