Square Enix’s 2018 hit Octopath Traveler sold over 3 million copies worldwide, but never made it to PlayStation. Now, the series heads to PS5 and PS4 for the first time with Octopath Traveler II. Still with the striking HD-2D graphics of the first game, the sequel takes what its predecessor did and builds on it, creating a unique gaming experience which will leave you wanting more. It’s a completely standalone game as well, so there's no need to power through the first title.
Like the first game, Octopath Traveler II gives a choice of eight protagonists: Osvald, Castti, Throné, Ochette, Partitio, Agnea, Temenos, or Hikari (OCTOPATH, get it?). Picking a protagonist ties you in to having that character in your party permanently, but you'll unlock the rest of the characters and their stories on the journey through the new world of Solistia, so there’s no chance of missing anything and having to start a new playthrough.

Collecting party members as you journey on will allow you to play the first chapter of each character’s story. This can either be done by playing straight away when you’ve encountered the character, or by visiting the inn in any town and choosing ‘Hear a Tale’ from the menu. There are benefits and drawbacks to each way; playing immediately often feels like it inhibits progress and interrupts the flow of action, but it does mean that you gain EXP, items, and money for that chapter which then carry over. Skipping the chapter means that character joins the party (or the bench if you already have 4 party members) at level 1.
Introduced for this sequel, Octopath now has a day and night cycle. This can be triggered with a press of R2, or naturally by waiting it out. Characters have different skills at night and at day, and NPCs will move around or appear depending on the time.
Each character has their own class, whether that’s Temenos the cleric, or Osvald the scholar, and everything in between. Each of these classes comes with their own combat style, and a Path Action for each character. This is a special action that can be used outside of combat; for example, Temenos the dutiful cleric is able to guide townspeople by day, meaning they’ll follow him wherever he goes until told otherwise, but by night he can coerce information out of them by battling them, and causing them to reach their Break.
Each of the characters has a story which feels so deep it could be a game on its own. Fully developed and nuanced, the plot of each drives a desire to find out more, to keep going, to explore more and to push further. There’s a constant feeling of ‘just a little bit more’, which is testament to how much fun Octopath Traveler II is, and how much we wanted to sink time and energy into progressing with each and every character. Occasionally throughout your travels, the option will come up to ‘Hear Travel Banter’, and a little scene will play out with party members. This is a really fun element that adds to characterisation.
Outside of main chapters there will also be'“Crossed Paths' stories. These are short missions which involve two travellers, and will be highlighted on the map. Both travellers need to be in the party to trigger the story, or they can be added later, and the story can be started from the inn. Like the Travel Banter element, these plot threads are really good fun, and give a great opportunity to see pairs of characters interacting and working towards a common goal. Whilst the members will be in the party for each other’s chapters, they don’t interact with the main character past appearing to support in combat — so this adds a welcome sense of comradery.

The characters themselves are incredibly well written and the voice acting for each is top tier, bringing layers to the dialogue. The danger with such a large cast is that certain facets of the cast's personalities often end up getting reused, and they can sometimes be a copy and paste of one another. Octopath Traveler II manages to present eight characters who are rich with personality, each having their own quirks and their own motivations. Their storylines are all completely different, too, which makes things even more varied. Don’t want to continue this path of revenge? Have a break and focus on becoming a world-class dancer instead. There’s so much variety here, and it often feels like we’re spoilt for choice.
It’s not just the characters that are varied; all the places in Solistia have a different vibe to them. From a wild west-esque town to an icy tundra, the environments are all varied with different aesthetics and unique soundtracks to them. Traversing Solistia throws varied enemies at the party, which have specific weaknesses and require different tactics to best in turn-based combat. Meanwhile, hopping from place to place is simple — there’s fast travel on the world map to visit places you’ve been before — and load screens between areas are virtually non-existent, so everything feels seamless.

Building on its already aesthetically appealing predecessor, Octopath Traveler II is exquisite in terms of visuals. Blending retro pixel art and 3DCG, coined HD-2D, this sequel is even more detailed. Everything just looks so crisp and more expressive than before, which really heightens the feeling of this being a cut above the property's initial outing.
However, it does feel like Octopath Traveler II stumbles slightly with its story progression. Opening up the world map shows where to go for each chapter, and what the recommended level is to complete that chapter. Handy, but getting to that level can really feel like a grind at times, putting a dent in the story's otherwise immaculate pacing. At the start, we were completing chapters left, right, and centre, but the further along we got — and the higher level we were required to be — the more of a slog it felt to get there.
This is also echoed somewhat in the repetitive nature of some of the battles, specifically boss battles. Some of the bosses have gargantuan health pools, and it really is a case of finding a strategy that works against them, rinse and repeat. It'll feel like you're on autopilot during some of these encounters, and with no visible HP bar – enemy names are white for high HP, yellow for mid-range HP, and red for low HP – we were left wondering if the end would ever be in sight.

We don’t mean this to sound like a gripe about the combat, though – the mechanics themselves are really enjoyable. Enemies have icons underneath them which you need to unearth, signalling what their weaknesses are. They’ll have a number in a shield, which shows how many attacks they have to take on their weak spots before they reach Break Point. Once the enemies are ‘broken’, their turn is forfeited for the current round if they haven’t already acted, and the same is true of the next turn. Broken enemies also take increased damage.
Each character has a different Latent Power, which, once the gauge is filled, are unleashed by pressing triangle. Using these Latent Powers can really turn the tides of battle, playing into an especially engaging tactical element of combat. The bottom line here is that fights can feel incredibly slick and nuanced in short bursts, but the longer the battles go on, the more it can feel like an exercise in button pushing.
Octopath Traveler II presents enough rich, turn-based action to forgive its minor combat system flaws. It's a breath-taking work of art, filled to the brim with story and adventure, bolstered by a cast of incredible characters who will leave you wanting more at every turn. A masterfully crafted RPG.
Comments 41
I didn't realize the embargo would lift this early, the game sounds exciting!
I broke the golden rule and pre ordered.
Can't wait to play at release.
I may go with the Steam Deck in this one, the portable aspect may help with the grind. The previous one was the last game I played in my Switch. I bought it casually in discount last year and loved it, went to 100% it. The only think I did not like is that the final segment that combined the paths felt like an afterthought.
Anyway, it seems like the sequel delivers.
Still, it baffles why there was never a PS4 version of the first game.
@AndyKazama You singlehandedly ruined this game and the entire industry. The developers have already ordered the coke and hookers and they won't fix bugs until after launch.
The Prologue Demo sold me on this, but with Hogwarts Legacy, Like a Dragon: Ishin! and Atomic Heart taking up my time for the next few weeks, it’ll have to wait. Definitely going to get it eventually.
@belmont Even more baffling is why the first game came out on Xbox Series, but this sequel has not been announced for those consoles.
@JohnnyShoulder the first one launched on different platforms over 3 years, with Xbox being the last one - so it might still get there. I agree it's a little weird though
Oh wow, I assumed it’d be solid but now my attention is piqued. The first game was uniquely suited to my need to kill 100 or so hours during the pandemic lockdowns. Looks like I need to make some room in my schedule somehow.
@DarkestHour 😂 I hope they don't get caught, or their names will be persona non grata in the Japanese gaming industry
2023 has to slow down! Too many good games being released in succession!
2 questions about the game:
Great that its Standalone might pick it up at some point. I put about 20 hours in on the first one but its leaving game pass soon
Tried the demo on PS5, needless to say that I'm picking this up for the same system. That smooth framerate along with the 2D HD graphics just blends so well.
I hate to see this because I can’t fit in any more games this year.
Can't wait to play this now that I've finished Dead Space! Will keep me going nicely until Horizon FW DLC comes out in April 😀
Osvald story is excellent.the voice acting in octopath traveler is amazing.combat is excellent.the story is wonderful.the graphics looks good.I already know that octopath traveler 2 was going to be a hit.the demo is really good.im definitely buying the full game.word up son
Due to Like a Dragon and HL, I will be busy but I will be 100% picking this up when it get's it's first sale.
@AndyKazama OK I am also guilty; I finally preordered the Steam version, turns out the game is day one Steam Deck verified. I have broken the rule one more time in recent months for Resident Evil Remake when the PS4 version was announced.
Spring 2023 is certainly packed gaming wise...
@belmont double guilty when it comes to RE4 here! I even booked the day off work
I already listened to (parts of) the soundtrack on the Square Enix website, the music in this game is absolutely phenomenal! I am very much looking forward playing this next Friday. (Completed the demo and now patiently waiting LOL)
@AndyKazama I am lucky the day RE4 Remake releases is a public holiday here!
Glad this turned out well. One to add to the wishlist for sales.
If I wasn't playing through the PS5 version of Ys VIII right now, I would consider pre-ordering this after reading the review. But between having plenty left in that game and Resident Evil 4 coming in about a month, this will have to wait.
Still, after reading the review, this went from being one I was ignoring to a game I'll definitely be getting at some point. The general consensus about the first one was that it was just ok, so I figured this would be more of the same, but it's nice to see them improve it so much.
That is a good question by @ExReey though. Are there random encounters constantly while walking around? That could get annoying if so.
I forgot I preordered on Switch until I got the "delivery update" email from Amazon this morning haha. What a relief to see this review.
Well looks like another 80 hour game added to my backlog. Simply not enough time in the day anymore
Great to hear.
Skipped the Switch version and waited to play the first one on PC. Glad we get all versions on Day 1 this time around.
Already certified on SteamDeck. Not had a chance to test it with the Demo, but most likely stay on PC for this one.
On the list
Damn sounds like the upped the interactions between any 2 travelers mostly but not really the group as a whole. I guess this is just the type of game they're going for with octopath
I'll take what I can get but I'm not sure when I'll pick this up
Nice. I think im going to give this one a go. Great review!
the demo was fantastic - loved those little stories of the characters I found, I'll get on to this at somepoint! but for the switch, as this fits that console much better for me.
Loved the demo and on ps5 it looks insanely crisp! Playing demo with another chara on a train on the Switch atm. But probably going to get the ps5 version.
I’m currently playing Hogwarts Legacy which is amazing, but will play this later this year!
Really looking forward to this. Looks gorgeous and turn based is so much fun. Can't play new FF games that are basically hack n slash with bells now.
i'd like to play this one day, but i'm still baffled s-e chose not to port the first game to ps4. why? how? does nintendo control the publishing rights of the first game?
The graphics are so gorgeous, I may buy the game for visuals alone even though I'm not a fan of JRPGs.
A 9 out of 10? Impressive. I might actually get this game.
Happy to see the game is reviewing well! However I shall wait and hope that the first game gets an eventual PS5 port.
Yes I know I can skip the first game, but my OCD compels me to wait.
Preordered this on PS for the trophies so I hope it has a fun list at least.
Will get it on Switch too at some point.
@KidBoruto Its very weird it hasn’t come to PS yet, makes me think maybe Nintendo included no PS port in its original timed deal.
@HeeHo Yeah I could see that being the case. Maybe by 2024?
Only time will tell at this moment.
Wow, that’s a pretty game! I’ve had the demo for over a week but haven’t had the chance to play it. Might just skip it and get the game
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