By now, you'll have made your mind up about PowerWash Simulator. It's been doing the rounds for a couple of years, winning hearts with its simple, inexplicably compelling gameplay. Yes, it's about blasting water at filthy buildings and objects. Yes, broadly it's quite repetitive and slow. Yes, you could get a power washer and hose down a patio in real life. However, combating all of those points is one simple fact: this is a video game, and once you've cleaned something, it goes "ding" and makes you feel really good.
Just the act of carving a line into a layer of muck, exposing the true colours of whatever you're cleaning, is satisfying enough on its own. A surprisingly lengthy career mode has you earning cash for washing a wide variety of structures, vehicles, and more. These stages get rather large and feature increasingly complex objects, easily keeping you occupied for over an hour. Despite the long levels and admittedly repetitive task, we found ourselves eager to keep playing; it's as soothing as it is satisfying.
Beyond the career are bonus jobs, free play, and challenge mode — and online co-op is enabled in all but the latter. You can use the cash earned in the career to purchase better power washers, as well as extensions, different nozzles, and soap, to use in all these modes, so there's a decent amount of variety to toy with.
Where we fall slightly out of love is with the fiddly controls. It packs a lot of useful functions onto the controller but it took us a while to figure it all out, and the tutorials are so minimal that some features barely register. It's also a shame the DualSense's capabilities are wholly ignored; this seems a perfect game for all its tricks. Even with any small reservations, though, we can't deny the game is just as engaging, relaxing, and enjoyable as everyone says.
Comments 22
Honestly didnt think this game would hook me as much as it has XD the metal soap is a godsend later on mind, the rust gets stupidly tough to clean. Been playing this in-between Dead Space lol
There is reason for no music. It's a relaxation game, they expect you to put on your own music via Spotify.
I'm oddly bitter that after amazing games like Velocity, Velocity 2x, and even Tiny Trax, this is the game that becomes the most mainstream of their project. Seems like a great podcast game otherwise.
Cant understand why this resonates, but it clearly does as so many love it.
Personally I played two scenarios and then uninstalled. I have a million boring chores to do irl without getting bored in the virtual one.
I think it's a fairly good game for mindfulness therapy. Other than that I think I'd rather spend my time actually playing a narrative game.
@Jayslow yeah I kinda get what you mean, futurlab are a really good team and it does suck that they couldn't get funding for Velocity 3 so have had to resort to what's "marketable".
Having said that, they have experience with VR and this game would suit it well.
@AdamNovice True, I'd probably get a PSVR2 version of this
Sunk a godly amount of time into it on Gamepass, its so relaxing and chilling.
Personally I can't get enough of it but can understand it not appealing to everyone. With the games missable trophies it makes the game almost a completely different experience than it would be on the Switch like cleaning the fire station without using the scaffolding and highlights for me why trophies/achievements can be a good thing adding to the overall experience that add some nice little challenges along the way. Still cant find no info on if the game autopops from PS4 to PS5
@AdamNovice excellent point and I never thought of that. This would be great in VR! Hopefully a patch is incoming.
@Jayslow I never put two and two together and realised this was made by FuturLab (Velocity, Velocity 2X, etc.) That explains a lot! Genius "just one go" game design.
Never thought this game would pull me in, but it did, eventually had to stop for my sanity. lol
@Voltan PSVR2 Power Wash Sim... I don't think i'd leave.
Thinking about this logically, do you think we could get to the point where with Augemented Reality glasses and AI game designers could make ACTUAL chores as satisfying as this? Give you that dopamine hit for doing the dishes, washing the laundry etc. I hope so!
My backlog needs info that I'm struggling to find. I wouldn't mind double platting Powerwash Simulator as I'm enjoying it a lot but I'd also be very tempted to autopop the PS5 version trophies once the PS4 plat is done for the sake of my huge never ending backlog. So if anyone knows if the game autopops or not on the PS5 would be greatly appreciated
LOL, I thought it was the "game pass" effect when everyone raved about this game in the Summer, but no, it's capturing hearts here, too. I don't understand this world some times
OTOH it delivered us the best video game "con" in review history:
"Soap doesn't add much"
@Wheatly @Titntin Exatly! At least I'm not alone one this! Same with Lawn Mowing simulator and the lot.
Good turn your brain off listen to podcast kind of game. Only issue i have is when u have to get 99.99% of dirt to clear. Looking for the specs of dirt cam be annoying at times
this game makes no sense. Halfway through playing and enjoying Forbidden West and I've stopped to play this on Game Pass and I'm completely addicted. Wtf has happened to me!?!
I've recently tried it on Game Pass. It's surprisingly therapeutic.
At first when you start a new level it can seem a bit overwhelming because there's so much to clean but it soon becomes quite addictive when you work along a specific path and then look back at what you've done and see all the bright and vibrant colours
Let’s not pretend the activities we’re usually accomplishing in video games have any more actual merit
Love this game!
Hopefully this will make it to PSVR2 in the near future.
All I need to know is when you've cleaned an item is there an ed bassmaster "would you look at that" voiceover. This would be a selling point.
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