If the Earth was in peril from intergalactic invaders and needed a game developer to save its ass, governments across the globe would turn to Insomniac Games. You can practically bank on the Burbank-based developer to deliver top-notch titles these days, and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is no exception. TL;DR: this PlayStation 5 exclusive action platformer is virtually flawless at what it sets out to do.
In fact, so few are the faults that we may as well get them out of the way to begin with: weighing in at a whisker over 12 hours (extend that by a couple of hours if you plan to 100 per cent complete it) it does fall on the short side – especially considering it’s commanding a £69.99/$69.99 price point. It’s also fairly easy – we’d recommend playing on a harder difficulty, to be honest.

Aside from that, though, this is comfortably the best instalment in the long-running series since Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time. There are some disorientating Watch Dogs-esque spider-bot hacking minigames that we didn’t particularly care for, but everything else – as we’ve already alluded to – is bang on. If you’ve enjoyed your time with Insomniac Games’ loveable Lombax in the past, you’ll have a blast here.
The presentation is quite literally explosive, too. If you’ve seen any of the title’s trailers, then you’ll know that this release is jaw-dropping to say the least – and yes, that level of fidelity holds up across the course of its duration. This is, inarguably, the best looking console game to date – it’s a cliché, but the developer’s absolutely touching on animated movies here.
It’s got a simple but entertaining story to boot. Having built a Dimensionator to help Ratchet reunite with his Lombax kin, Clank is separated from his furry friend when arch-villain Dr Nefarious intervenes and sucks the dynamic duo into an alternate dimension. It’s here that Ratchet’s backpack buddy forms an alliance with Rivet, the protagonist’s female alter-ego.
The campaign divides its time between the two Lombaxes, and Rivet is so well-established over the course of the release’s running time that it’s hard to imagine the franchise moving forward without her now. Some of the other clones fail to establish themselves quite as strongly, but Rivet is a mainstay – in fact, she’s comfortably the star of this particular title.
Combat refines the series’ core staples of mobility and over-the-top artillery, meaning that you can now douse opponents by transforming them into greenery and then trim them down with the Topiary Sprinkler. Other wacky additions include the Ricochet – a pinball-inspired bouncing ball, complete with retro arcade sound effects – and Mr Fungi, a ‘shroom-shaped alternative to Mr Zurkon.
While the gameplay still relies on the strafe shooting of past instalments, the DualSense implementation is transformative to the point where the game simply wouldn’t be quite as good on a DualShock 4. The triggers are utilised subtly yet effectively, allowing you to feel points of resistance to perform different actions; pair it with the haptic feedback and it’s phenomenal.
The title also leverages the SSD for serious set-piece moments which transition scenes at lightning speeds. This is unlike anything that’s ever been done before: a single grind rail sequence can see you toggle between three or four different environments within the span of seconds. Meanwhile, optional Pocket Dimensions allow the developer to get imaginative with the mechanics without subscribing to the environmental rules of the planet that you access them from.

It’s worth stressing, however, that this utilisation of the SSD is primarily a gimmick; the set-pieces are incredible, beyond anything you’ve ever played before – but they are still set-pieces. Two planets allow you to transition between dimensions in real-time similar to the mansion estate in Dishonored 2, but beyond that this is still a Ratchet & Clank game with some hardware-enhanced tricks up its sleeve.
That shouldn’t be taken as a negative, however, as this is the best Ratchet & Clank in well over a decade. A handful of sandbox levels inspired by the experimental Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus give you a ton of extra objectives to complete if you want to spend the time exploring them, while a hearty array of collectibles will test your platforming prowess just enough to tempt you to unlock them all.
The Battleplex Arena returns with new interdimensional encounters, while the Clank puzzles have been inspired by classics like Lemmings and – unbelievably – Krusty’s Super Fun House. These last just long enough to leave you wanting more without overstaying their welcome. Everything else has been meticulously designed to keep you progressing, with an excellent array of accessibility options incorporated to ensure everyone can enjoy the title to its fullest.

In an era where games have been releasing undercooked, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart has been polished to a perfect sheen, like the ray traced metallic casing on Clank’s outer-shell. The music immerses you in each scene; the script is thoughtful and laugh-out-loud funny on occasion; and the game is just pure fun from start to finish – it never pretends to be anything else.
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is the best game in the series since Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, which franchise fans will recognise as high praise. The familiar combat is elevated by outstanding DualSense implementation, while Insomniac Games’ imaginative gameplay design keeps each planet interesting and engaging. It’s not a particularly challenging platformer, nor is it necessarily all that original – but it doesn’t need to be. This is one of those games that’s just really, really good.
Comments 205
Hello everyone! I've played a lot of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. Any questions, thoughts, or queries please shout me and I'll do my best to respond!
Thanks for reading!
Hello @get2sammyb
Pre-ordered for my birthday on 23rd, can't wait.
You advise to play on the harder difficulties, can you elaborate on the what difficulty settings are and their differences please, with your recommendation?
That was the longest minute of refreshing this page to see an eagerly anticipated review ever! Now to read through 😀
I gotta say, disappointing score. I normally don't talk like this about an 8, but damn I was expecting much more!
Will read the review in a bit and I'm still super excited for this!
@AFCC There's only two more points it could have possibly got on our scale! 8/10 is a fantastic score!
Bring it on! Can't wait!
Nearly flawless and "only" an 8. Mmm...
Will see for myself in 2 days.
@get2sammyb I've - somehow - never played a Ratchet and Clank game before. Is this a good place to dive in to the series, or will I get more out of it if I play the PS4 game first? (Thinking about some of the clones, etc.)
Would you recommend it for someone's first Ratchet & Clank game?
The 8 score isn't super surprising, I mean, the series as a whole isn't exactly a 10 out of 10, and the 2016 reboot was somewhat underwhelming. But then again I'm not a big fan so!
@get2sammyb Did you have access to the 60 fps modes for review or play through on 30fps?
Considering 8 is pretty much the standard score for most games that are adequate, this is a sign this game ain't for me.
... "this PlayStation 5 exclusive action platformer is virtually flawless."
Virtually Flawless = ... um ... 8??!!
Really disappointing score after reading the first paragraph. You've defo put it in the "wait for a sale" category ... especially when you factor in the astronomical price!
@get2sammyb we live in a strange world where many are going to latch onto that 8 as if it's somehow bad, instead of the wording literally saying great.
Good review and those level transitions were coming off as gimmicky rather than game changing, as impressive as the effect looks. I'm not the biggest fan of the series but did enjoy the PS4 game and this looks fun as well.
Excellent news and a solid review.
So far a few other outlets
SkillUp - Strongly Recommended
ACG - Buy
Eurogamer - Recommended (Chris Tapsell)
IGN - 9 (Jonathon Dornbush)
Gamespot - 9 (Steve Watts)
GamesBeat 5/5 (Jeffy Grubb Grubb )
Easy Allies 8.5 (Michael Huber)
Game Informer 9 (Steve Watts)
METACRTIC 88 / OPENCRITIC 89 - I think they like it!
Several of the reviews suggest the gameplay and AI is better at harder difficulties. Maybe bump this up a notch or two compared to your usual (if feasible)
Have to say I'm a little disappointed the SSD utilisation is merely a gimmick in the grand scheme of things after being touted how key it was for the game design. Still a solid par for the course Ratchet game that was always expected.
I guess Sony expects this game to tide PS5 owners for the next 2-3 years seeing as there's no announced upcoming PS5 exclusives.
The shortness is certainly a shame! Will have 3 people playing so we will definitely get our moneys worth but was hoping for longer. Sounds like a great early cycle exclusive!
People getting caught up on the number, it's not that serious lol!
@JigsawPieces I haven’t played the new one yet, but I’d say NO. If you have a ps5 then play 2016 r&c game for free on the ps plus collection. Then Decide if you like the series and if so whether you want the new game now or can wait till it goes on sale. $70 is a lot for a game you don’t know you will like.
Great review, Sammy. I'm pretty excited for release.
@fluggy 8/10 is not a wait for sale score by any means
I’m finding it hard to believe this game scored lower than Returnal, especially for being “nearly flawless”.
I'm looking forward to digging into this on Friday when there's not a livestream to watch! Having only played the PS4 remake, I'm excited for this one.
@Bluetrain7 why are you latching on to the score itself for the basis of what you trust in a review? so many outlets toss out "classic" designations to a litany of games that do not deserve it, it should be a breath of fresh air when a website has higher standards for what they will brand a 9 or 10
gamespot strikes again 😅
Already preordered the physical version, can't wait to play it! 😃
Wasn't sure if I was going to pre-order it, but I did it anyway. By combining a coupon and a sale I managed to snag a copy for €50 instead of 80. Looking forward to it!
@Bluetrain7 Why does it matter they're a PlayStation-centric site? It's only good they don't score it higher just because the Sony logo is on it!
I can understand knocking game score down due to price, but this review won't age well (when standard price goes down, or game ends up in infinite sales loop, you should revise and bump up the score a point).
@JB_Whiting "The 8 score isn't super surprising, I mean, the series as a whole isn't exactly a 10 out of 10"
I've really enjoyed all the series since day 1 but this is spot on. The game and gameplay is fun but it's never been revolutionary, a 9 was the most I was expecting (it's curretly at 88 on Metacritic), so they've clearly done a great job. 8 is a solid score for this game!
@Futureshark There's four difficulty settings (I forget the names) but they're basically Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard. I think you should probably consider playing on Hard because Normal is still pretty Easy.
I have got a guide going up about this closer to release so look out for that for more info!
Wow, I'm not one to pick on review scores but I read this review as a 10 based on the words, maybe a 9. Quite suprised to see 8 considering the flaws were the length and difficulty (which I assume playing on hard should fix) Not a criticism simply wanted to point it out. I feel like a 12 hour story is a positive and quite appealing to me. The £70 price will come down. I've played enough 30-50+ hour games lately.
Obviously I wish it was longer but I'm crazy excited to play it nonetheless!
Watched a few video reviews and it looks absolutely amazing.
@truerbluer Yes because they haven't announced games that are years away it must mean there's just NOTHING in development for 2022 and 2023. Its not like they recently mentioned they have 25+ first party games being worked on.
I know numbers must not alter the experience but i would be a happy man if the number that was attached to this document was a 9.
PlayStation's MVP studio right now.
@JigsawPieces I think you'll enjoy it just fine as a first Ratchet & Clank. There is some wider context that long-time fans will appreciate, but it can be enjoyed standalone. (The PS4 game is still very fun, though!)
@scpnightwing See above!
@Lyonjak The 60fps mode was patched in on Saturday (or Sunday, can't remember) and I played a bunch with that. It's really great. The bulk of the review was done at 30fps, but all of the graphics options seem outstanding based on my experience. It'll come down to personal preference!
@fluggy A few people have said the same thing, so just to address this. I think what Rift Apart sets out to do — which is be a very good Ratchet & Clank game — it's virtually flawless at. But Insomniac has made this same game about eight or nine times now, and while it's still a lot of fun, for me there's not enough originality here to warrant a higher score. Which is fine, because I enjoyed the game a lot and highly recommend it. But that's why it's an 8/10.
@get2sammyb 8/10 under your scale is "Great," which is what this game appears to be based on your review and others. However, if I got an 80/100 on a project in school or at work, I'd be disappointed. Perhaps the issue is inflation in our normal lives or the number doesn't reflect your real feelings.
Either way, thanks for doing what you do.
@get2sammyb I know but now that I read it, it reads like a 9, come on Sammy
Well, its certainly not the score of a "virtually flawless, MUST HAVE, marquee, next gen title costing £69.99.
"Reviewers are far too easily pleased these days. The review score scale starts at 7/10, 9s and 10s mean nothing."
"An 8/10 isn't high enough. I'll wait for a sale."
@get2sammyb Are trophies tied to difficulty? And can you chance difficulty at any time? e.g. if we change difficulty does it void trophies?
This has been a regressive problem ever since achievements and trophies first appeared. Don't punish me for wanting to make the game harder or easier.
@themightyant Yeah, I think the expectations are more to do with it being a PS5 exclusive than a new R&C. And people are piling on these unrealistic expectations because of it. Like I said I enjoy the R&C series but the light and breezy nature, and its unwillingness to really try something outside the box, sort of limits it to this "great" section of critique. Again, by. no means a bad thing, I just think everyone needs to stop expecting the next exclusive to be a masterpiece.
@get2sammyb See that explanation makes more sense. Maybe it's a failure of writing rather than intention? "Virtually flawless" as a game full-stop is much different than "virtually flawless" as a "Ratchet & Clank experience". It is not just me who is latching onto that combined with the score. It is a confusing statement within the review.
@Bluetrain7 I explained this above. The game is practically flawless as a Ratchet & Clank experience, but Insomniac has made this same game a few times now. Which is absolutely fine, it's still a ton of fun and there's nothing wrong with that, but it's very important context.
@Deadlyblack Thanks for reading!
@Dange Yep, can definitely see how people would be into a shorter campaign after so many huge open world ones.
@themightyant You can change difficulty whenever you like and it doesn't affect Trophies at all! The game is very lenient with Trophies and most people will be able to get the Platinum without any real trouble at all!
@Voltan Visuals are insane!
@AFCC Haha, we expected a few would say the same when we were proofing it but I'm pretty comfortable with the score. Awesome game!
@get2sammyb if you have played Returnal yet, and if you have, what is the better game, R&C, or Returnal?
@Bluetrain7 That's totally fair, and I appreciate the feedback. I've made a tiny edit to the review to better clarify that!
Honestly, a 12 hour game doesn’t seem that bad actually. I’m not the gamer I used to be and I gotta put my time to good use when playing games. I’ll definitely pick this up, once I have a PS5.
12 hours I will rent it then
I'm rather curious on replayability here. As in is it worth it to play it 2-3 times? Also does 100% refer to getting all trophies? I like games that are short but reward playing again for trophies, cosmetics, etc.
@get2sammyb You didn't have to do that, but thank you for taking feedback. Sorry that I reacted so strongly. I was really excited by your first paragraph and it felt like a balloon deflating when I read the score. My reaction was unkind and I apologize.
Little disappointed in the comments here, play the game for yourself and just score it 10/10 if that makes you happy 😡
@CynicalGamer As far as I'm aware the game can be 100% completed in one play through, including all trophies (none are missable). I've read this can take around 15 or so hours in total.
@JB_Whiting sounds like a game for a busy month with less time to play. Thanks!
I'm glad is a solid game at least. I do wish Insomniac's next game has more meat on the bone, their last two games have been on the short side.
8 out of 10 is pretty good.thats a game of the year contender in ratchet and clank.word up son
@get2sammyb 8 sounds fair to me for a $70 twelve hour R&C game that you need a nearly impossible to purchase $500 console to play when you could have picked up R&C for free a few months ago and played it on the PS4 that you probably already own after 7 years on the market or could purchase new for $200. 🤷♂️
Was going to spend $570 to play this day 1, probably still would if I could find a PS5, but I can't find a PS5, so I'll probably wind up playing it on PS+ or a free borrow from my public library. Currently borrowing Monster Hunter Fury and Bowser's Rise.
All the more reason to not put a score on a review. The plebs can't see past it. The game looks great and I want to play it but I never jump in on a R&C game Day 1. 90$ CAD irks me for a contained 12 hour experience. Funny how Returnal actually feels like it was "worth it" to me at full price. I've currently been playing it for over 200 hours. Damn those Ciphers! I need Mark Cerny to write me special code to find them too!
@get2sammyb is it worth $100, objectively?
@Loftimus As my Mum used to say, it's only worth what someone's willing to pay.
@themightyant 89 based on 57 reviews
@Bluetrain7 Not at all, it's important the review is understood properly by everyone so the feedback is useful!
Meh, have to admit I'm a little bummed. I was really hoping this was the R&C to break out and be a true classic. It sounds fine, but having ordered it, I can already feel the burn from the higher price tag attached. At £30 I'd probably be happy, but for the £55 I've paid I know there's going to be some nagging negativity when the credits roll.
Let's face it, Sony was never going to be able to keep up the crazy standards expected for £70 games. With the cross-gen admissions I think they're going to have to roll back the prices.
12 hours for a cartoony action shooter platformer sounds spot on. Would hate for it to be passed unnecessarily or for a bunch of nondescript levels tacked on just for the sake of value for money.
It’s a bit mad how short this, Returnal and Demon’s Souls are despite the bump in price. This does look like pure unadulterated fun though, I’d say I’ll wait for a sale but Sony are pretty tight these days so probably another one for second-hand.
I'm more annoyed at the comments complaining about the game's length. I'll never get the mentality of £1=1 hour of gameplay
Awesome. It will have to wait for I'm only about to start ME3 though.
Also shaking my head with amusement at people worshipping scores. Scores are great and useful for every party except for gamers guys.
'Only' 12 hours is ok with me. If this game is anything like past entries I'll be playing it at least a few times anyway. Loved the 2016 're-imagining,' can't wait to get this on Friday.
@Daveuppercut 😂 mate there’s more to games than a score out of 10, and this isn’t the only website to give a score out of 10. Some gave it 9, some 10, some even 7! Read them, watch them, find some other way of measuring quality otherwise you’ll end up playing very little.
@get2sammyb A wise lady, indeed. Great review, thanks bud!
To be honest, based on what I have seen of the game, I think 8 seems a very reasonable score. The actual moment to moment game-play doesn't appear to be doing anything that the PS2 games weren't offering.
It seems like a 'typical' R&C game - short, sweet, colourful and 'fun' so 8 seems like a 'fair' score to me. I won't know how I would 'personally' score it as I haven't played it myself.
@AdamNovice how about £1 = 17 minutes? Thats what you're paying here.
It's like the trendy arcades all over again.
@arra1213 I KNEW I should have put "at the time of writing"
But glad it's trending upwards. Currently it's the equal highest rated game of the year on Open Critic with Disco Elysium: Final Cut, Bowsers Fury and... Swarm... nope never heard of it either (It's apparently an Oculus game)
Well done Insomniac!
$70 for 12h-15h of play isn't doing it for me. Especially considering comment #36 from Sammy about the lack of originality.
To each their own tho'. Hope fans get their money's worth out of this. What IS there seems solid enough.
Still, this one will likely end up, up for debate & also "12hR One AnD DOne exPEEriENC HUr dUrr!!!" fuel for people subscribing to platform bashing/console wars.
@get2sammyb Great review! I'm so looking forward to this. One question though, is there still a new game plus? Thanks!
Damn. As a Ratchet and Clank Fan I hated to read "short" and "easy". That was exactly my biggest fear esp. for 80 Euros. But of course I'll buy it and try to play it slowly.
I'm probably one of the only people who read that this was easy and short and smiled. Ratchet is a Sunday afternoon Cherry Coke & Ice Cream Blockbuster and I don't want to be stuck or annoyed or whatever. I love these games precisely because they're short and easy.
@Daveuppercut Well, you'll just miss one of the most fun games available on the system.
Absolutely gonna get this :
1) when I get a PS5
2) when it’s around the £20 mark
12 hours completion time is a little disappointing tbh but I love R&C.
After having my nerves and resolve shattered so many times by Returnal this EASY game seems like just the tonic I need. 😁😁
@get2sammyb Brilliant review Sammy. This is about where i expected the game to land on the scoring charts being honest. And that is absolutely fine. It is just another example which showcases Insomniac as one on Sony's most important developers right now.
I will say the length sounds refreshing to me, as was Resident Evil Village. Games unecessarily pad out their length way too much these days.
I am 46 hours into Yakuza like a dragon, and am still only scratching the surface of that game (which i love btw), and that comes off the back of pumping 120 hours into Persona 5 Royal, 70 hours into Persona 5 Strikers, 80 hours into Yakuza 6, and 70 hours into Ghost of Tsushima.
I still have Assassins Creed Valhalla and Watch Dogs Legion staring ominously at me from the shelf.
So whilst those games are - for the most part - undoubtedly great, there is something so refreshing about a game where i can see the credits in 10 to 20 hours!
Cant wait for this to land on my doorstep later this week!
Sounds awesome! I have no choice but to wait for this but it will be one of the first to go in the PS5!
@AdamNovice "I'll never get the mentality of £1=1 hour of gameplay"
I do understand that for some people buying a game is only something they can do occasionally and so getting the most time out of that purchase may be important value in their case.
But outside a few exceptions I completely agree with you. 10-15 hours is in line with every other Ratchet game and longer than every Uncharted (except 4 which was deliberately slow at the start to fit the narrative). Do I regret playing Uncharted because it was 'short'? NO, of course not! Crazy way to think.
Quality > Quantity. As time goes on I actually respect games more that don't overstay their welcome (Ghost of Tsushima was another)
The amount of folks that seem to view 8 out of 10 as a negative in these comments is mental. Maybe you should mix up the system @get2sammyb. No numbers or even no reviews. Just the name of the game and either its good, its alright, hmmmmmmm or nope.
The PSU review is hilarious. He though Rift Apart has one of the worst stories, dialogue and character development he's ever seen in a Rachet game. Is quite interesting seeing Playstation sites beat up on the game a bit.
I would argue rating system needs to become more complex...
If final grade was broken into components, and one of those was "value", it would make it very obvious at first glance why a "virtually flawless" game is just great (8), at 12 hour playtime for 70$.
Jesus, a lot of upset people about what's a great score. If its not genre defining then its a fair score for a game that does everything solidly.
@Weebleman i'd agree with that, too many people have these ideas that if a game isn't a 10 or a 9 at a push then its not worth playing or someone is being unfair. @get2sammyb
Just go for a simply review score, something like:
Rise of the Robots levels of turd
You'd think half of the folk on here are getting a bonus from Insomniac based on the review score.
@get2sammyb I trust your reviews, always did. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't expecting a 10 lol
But come on, tease us, is there a Jak and Daxter world? 😏
@Juanalf Genuinely not sure what that reviewer could possibly be referring to. I thought the core cast was pretty great overall. Not a complicated story by any stretch of the matter, but enjoyable and Rivet is ace.
@AFCC Not that I've seen but you never know. 👀
@johncalmc You'll love it to bits, sir!
It's an 8/10 because it's a lot of fun and you'll enjoy playing it but not quite worthy of a higher score as it doesn't really reinvent the formula nor have any lasting impact.
That sounds fine to me. Gamers gotta be gamers though and see an 8/10 as a poor score.
Just count yourself lucky you can play this PS5 owners, us PS4 peasants will have to wait.
@fluggy I don't get this. It's a 10 point scale. 5 is average. 8 is great! Whilst Insomniac set out to do everything they intended, maybe the original design just wasn't ambitious. It doesn't sound like it's iterating on the previous games in any significant way, so a flawless 8 sounds reasonable.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
So glad I avoided this. If it innovated in a meaningful way I was willing to buy day one, however it seems its getting inflated reviews by others, without really changing anything from the formula, and being a fairly short easy experience for 70 bones.
Visually stunning it may be, not interested in visual spectacle on rails.
@get2sammyb Only a select few reviews are acknowledging numerous bugs and PS5 crashes (yet another PS5 specific game that causes these). Did you notice this and are willing to admit experiencing such?
12 hours is fine, these games have never been sprawling 50 hour long excursions.
@get2sammyb now I'm expecting it lol
The sweet sweet music to my ears this morning was hearing “short” and “easy”. For us time poor gamer dads who have a couple of hours a week max to game and declining skills, I want a short game that doesn’t frustrate me with difficulty spikes so I can move on to the next game. I’m tired of the people with high level gamer skills and tons of time on their hands dictating what value and length should be in a game.
@Gediminas sarcasm?
@Dange i think the game needs to be rated based on its current MSRP. the 12 hours of playing time is enough to dock a point for many people, especially with the recent price hike of ps5 games. value is a key measure of any experience and unfortunately, rift apart falls short in this cetegory for many people. seems like a well balanced review IMO.
@get2sammyb review scores really detract from the enjoyment of the games.
12 hours is PERFECT. The price needs to come down a bit though.
@get2sammyb Hey Sammy! I was reading the review and stopped very short when you mentioned Rivet establishing herself from the other clones. Is this information we should already know going in based on promotional materials/trailers?
@KundaliniRising333 What reviews talk about bugs and crashes?
Cant seem to find anything on this other than a Gfinity review which I trust as much as I can throw it.
@get2sammyb do you think the game was a bit on the short side just because Insomniac is keeping stuff for the inevitable(hopefully) next game? Also given that Ratchet and Clank are never that long, since I feel like they could probably over stay their welcome if they were.
Everywhere I read about the game they say that it's a bit short but it's an amazing game.
@get2sammyb so a little on the short side ,how many hours are we talking ,resident evil 8 short ?
I'm impressed people still think the open world stuff started in Nexus and not, you know, the two levels that did it in Ratchet 2.
@Jeevz Yeah I feel the same Returnal has been a great return(al) on investment. I've platinumed it now but it's been keeping me going for what seems like a long while now.
This does look spectacular and is no doubt really fun to play like all other R&C games but would I be done within a week? Demon's Souls is currently on sale and that is tempting. I guess the difficulty of that would stretch it out a bit.
@Kalvort 12 hrs is fine by me then ,short for me is about 4 to 6 hrs,there 12 is usually my 20
@solocapers If anything I saw some reviews mention the game being exceptionally polished.
@render Not gonna lie, I’m thinking about getting DS too, even though I tried Bloodborne before and bounced off of it pretty quickly.
I don't think people have a problem with the game scoring an 8 - the surprise is that the review score is incongruent with the words posted above it. It's odd to say you had a blast playing the game and that it's virtually flawless, and then give it a B-. I think the surprise from people is understandable.
That said, I've long been a proponent that scores are broken, that a 5 should represent "average," and that scores should be subjective.
I can recognize that a film is well made but that I don't personally like it, and I can score it accordingly - for some reason that's taboo with games. I've read many game reviews where the writer effectively says "I didn't personally like the game much but it's really well made and designed so here's my high score."
If a game is "good" but you don't like it, then give it a low score.
@Voltan Perhaps I might need to get both then and at least when I'm tired of dying in DS I can make plenty of progress in R&C 😀
12-20 hours(with 100% everything) is what I'm reading everywhere and that's just fine for this game. Since you know and hope that Insomniac is going to make another game with Ratchet or just Rivet you would think that could be a reason why it's not super long. Ratchet and Clank games have never been super long to begin with.
So I have no problem spending $80 on the deluxe edition for one of my favorite franchises and hopefully the beginning of a great new era of Ratchet, Clank and Rivet.
Nice review. I'd likely have a lot of fun with this, though the price seems a bit high for a short game. Glad to know there's various side content, such as collectables and an arena.
@jonnythejet13 It's not really a spoiler I don't think as they've alluded heavily to this being an alternate universe. You'll see what I mean when you play it. My lips are sealed! 🤐
@render yeah man, I'd go Demon's Souls for longevity. I too have it waiting in the wings for when I'm done with Returnal and I'm ready to put my big boy pants on! Only 5 Ciphers and 1 subborn Scout Log to go! Grats on the plat!
Got to love how UK players have to pay more then those in the US.
@Jeevz Cheers for the advice, I think I will be doing just that. Good luck on the last of those last ciphers and scout log. They will turn up eventually and at least you'll have fun finding them!
I’m curious as to why you’ve marked it down for being a little easy?
It’s been advertised that it has four difficulty modes (which is more than ever before)
What difficulty did you play it on?
The problem with that way of thinking, is that the two metrics are calculated differently.
For example, a test score of 50/100 is not average, it's a failure. On the other hand, a 5/10 on a review scale is intended to be about average, nothing terrible wrong with it, but nothing special either.
Some reviews recognize this and give realistic scores, but others just cave to the inflation demanded by readers which makes the first half of the scale nearly meaningless, and loses all distinction at the top half.
@getsammyb I really wish reviewers would quit talking about the length of a game unless that length hurts the game in some way (wether too short or too long). If it’s a compelling game, the time it takes to beat it doesn’t matter. Don’t get me wrong, I would be pissed if it clocked it at around 6 hrs but 12 -16+ to 100% it, I’m good with that. Now as far as the too easy, I’m with u there. Unless I missed it, I didn’t see what difficulty u played on?? So, I’m assuming normal. All that means is ratchet it up….. (see what I did there) on the difficulty and then u don't have that problem. 8 is great but I was expecting a somewhat amazing or beyond that score out of this. Anyway can’t wait to play this for myself and decide where it ranks. Thanks for the info.
Good review sir. Appreciate the opinions. All the criticism you see here is why some sites have stopped giving scores. Glad you guys still do.
Anyways, the length of the game, the fact that there isn't a lot of new things, solidified it for me that it's not worth 70 dollars. I'll get it when it's 50-60.
@get2sammyb Check the below link. This sums up the mindset of most people here who are not satisfied with your score ....
@thedevilsjester I agree, as mentioned in my comment. But I do agree that the 8/10 has a different meaning/feel to it than the written review of a "great game." These things are mostly meaningless, but fun to discuss.
@get2sammyb Thanks for the great review! If this would have scored a ten I would have been slightly sceptic as this is a playstation dedicated site... cough, cough... death stranding... Eight on the other hand is reasonable and enough to get me excited for this!
This isn't a shot at you guys at Pushsquare, just a general critique about review scores in general.
But this is what is wrong with professional review scoring systems. When 7 and below is consider bad, and 9 is considered great, everything gets an 8.
What good is a score when games like Biomutant and Cyberpunk can get 9s and 4s no problem, and a good score like 8 is still questioned?.
I think it would be best for all critics to drop the scoring systems all together.
@Loftimus Not really cos unlike arcades I don't have to pay again to access the game.
@themightyant If your a casual gamer who only plays a few games a year then sure, your probably looking at long titles like the Assassin's creeds etc. I know no one likes pay rises but I'd wager that a fair number of us in the comments are around the over 30 age group who really should remember that games were sold at the £60-70 range back in the 90's and back then most games were a few hours long with very high difficulty to pad out the length.
Yeah the price has gone but I feel the value proposition has gone up exponentially too.
Look, it's fairly simple, though I presume people like discussions, but if you're a fan of the series, it's a pretty great game. If you're new, play the older cheaper games, to figure out if you want it, by then a discount might be available. For the ones with no interest, well, continue on with your day. That is the gist of what I've taken from the review and the comments section.
@get2sammyb Your cons seem unnecessary "A little too easy" - well the game has been made to be accessible to all, if you found it too easy you could very well have chosen the two harder settings. As others have said a ridiculous reason to mark it down!
"Hacking minigame is disorientating" - It's meant to be!
And in your review you mention "SSD set-pieces are primarily gimmicks"? And then say it's "not a negative". How so?
noun [ C ] mainly disapproving
1."Something that is not serious or of real value that is used to attract people's attention or interest temporarily, especially to make them buy something"
2."A concealed, usually devious aspect or feature of something, as a plan or deal"
3.Verb (used with object)
"To equip or embellish with unnecessary features, especially in order to increase salability, acceptance, etc"
The definitions of gimmick certainly sound pretty negative to me!
According to Digital Foundry the SSD is a "game changer", they also said "There are no tricks here, nothing like this could be achieved on last-gen hardware: it's both a physically striking feature and one that is instrumental to the way Rift Apart plays" - so you think it's a "gimmick" and Digital Foundry (whose breakdowns I trust implicitly) think it's a "physically striking game changer and feature" and certainly nothing resembling a gimmick...
Anyhoo the game looks stunning (I'd advise you guys to have a look at the Digital Foundry tech review) and I can't wait to play it though I'll have to wait despite having it on pre-order as I sold my 2 dualsense controllers and pre-ordered the new black ones (which will go lovely with my black PS5 faceplates)...
@solocapers just go to metacritic, open the critic reviews, and control F the word bugs or crash.
As far as stating you don't trust a given outlet mentioning the bugs, that's absurd. There is no incentive to state there are bugs if there aren't any. In fact, what should be more concerning is the many glowing reviews that don't mention them, or the crashes, with this game or others, when they are clearly present. There is absolutely incentive to lie by overstating the quality of a game...
I have found 4 reviews thus far mentioning it to be a decent game overall, but much of the same with no real innovation, and the more of just a visual spectacle on rails, but has bugs and crashes that need to be addressed.
@Profondo absolutely makes sense to suggest they are gimmicks if only used during on rail / chase sequences designed to be set piece like visual spectacles; rather than warping in and out of areas on foot and have freedom to explore the areas.
Cmon now, think about it.
Great review, thanks!
Middle of a heat wave. Sitting in my AC with some Icetea and an amazing game is going to be great... can't wait for the weekend!
@thedevilsjester There's more issues with that. Let's say amongst all games that's true. How much of our time do we spend playing 5's and 6's? Very little, we keep to 7/10 and above for the most part. The simple fact is even reviewing thigs properly, there's enough choice out there that 7/10 is more representative of what we spend our time on, there are enough above average games that above average, is, on average, what we spend our time on, making it a new average.
@render yeah dude, it's been a super fun ride. One of the best games I've played in a long, long, time. Looking forward to Returnal getting it's "cult classic" status.
I use a scale thats more-or-less like this:
1: Garbage
2: Terrible
3: Awful
4: Bad
5: Average/Mediocre
6: Good
7: Great
8: Excellent
9: Amazing
10: (I don't know of a game that honestly belongs here)
It seems like most readers demand:
1-6: Garbage
7: Average
8: Good
9: Excellent
10: Amazing
Which makes the first half of the scale mostly meaningless.
@Jaz007 You are absolutely right; however the problem is that a game that should be a 5/10 we now call a 7/10 so that it can fit in that mindset, which means most games will flood the 7/10 category.
Jeeeeeezzz... Maybe gaming websites should drop point scales and just go with 'good' or 'bad'. Then you can work out your own damn scores.
Ratchet and Bland.
Honestly this is the first PS5 game I’m truly excited to play. Returnal isn’t my type of game. I’m looking forward to seeing and experiencing this one.
@Profondo Crying because it didn't get a 10? Weird.
Have some cheese with your whine and keep telling yourself that it's 10/10.
That's disappointing that it's such a short game. R&C has a lot of replay value, but for such a major game to weigh in at such a brief trek, it's definitely a downer. It still remains my most wanted PS5 game of all we know of, but that deflates the hype slightly. I was probably going to hold onto it for Fall/Christmas since it missed my "Spring" game target, so maybe by then I can get it at a lower price. A 12h game was a little wasteful for $60, but at $70, while I'd still pay it for one of my favorite series, it gives me pause.
My UK digital Pre-order says I can play it at midday on Thursday, is that correct?
Sorry if this has already been covered
I don't know why people are getting upset at the score, when reviews are based on the reviewers experience and opinion about the game.
Anyway, when I saw the trailer. I already knew that I wanted to play Rift Apart but $70 is a steep price for a 12-hour game, when every other new game releases are price lower for a standard edition.
@Sanctanox I'll live with the pain I guess
Best entry since Crack in Time?!?
The Reboot on PS4 was outstanding and i guess, this will be as well.
I'm pretty sure, there will be a new game + and harder difficulty. So I don't get these Cons
@The_New_Butler I understand your stance, and to some degree I think that certainly contributes; but having been a gamer back on the good o'l days when the score inflation started happening and early game magazines would get torn a new one when they reviewed an average game at 5/10 (which is average on a 10 point scale) I tend to think that there is more inflation than less.
That being said, I tend to ignore the scores. I have seen games get a 9 or 9.5 that I would give a 4 or 5; and instead just do my own research on a game before I buy it.
@GhostInAJar I play plenty but if a game I was on the fence about is reviewing as I expected, why would I change my mind? To be clear I'd rather play a competent 6/10 game that does something new and different than a 10/10 game that does everything I've already seen perfectly.
They’ve never been long games. I beat the 2016 one twice in one week.
Thanks for all your questions! I will try to reply to more later on!
@hi_drnick I thought the same thing. I was expecting at least a 9 if not a 10. There were 3 minor complaints and everything else was just oozing with compliments and praise. I feel like the $70 price-tag for a 12 hour game is what made the score lower.
Hilarious how people are still complaining about the extra $10 for games like you didn’t spend a whole $500 on a console. This was announced weeks before next gen consoles were released and yet still complain about waiting for a sale.
Generally I use a the items they bring up in the review, or the bullet points, to determine if the game is one I would enjoy; and often I ignore which side the bullet point is on (pro or con) because, like game length; what is a pro for one is a con for another.
Unfortunately, I find, like many review sites do; that when I give an opinion that doesn't follow the popular narrative; it must be because I am trolling or have some other motive; it can't be because I have a different opinion.
@get2sammyb I have only two questions...are there any difficulty mode trophies, and does the game have a Challenge Mode/New Game Plus where you can unlock stronger weapons?
I’m finding that Push Square in general scores lower than most. Biomutant got a 4 here and the average on Open Critic is 67 (and I’m closer to 7/10 on that one myself). I read this site more for information lately than the reviews. When it comes down to it, it’s all just one person’s opinion. That said I don’t think 8/10 sounds bad at all.
@The_New_Butler Well people want to feel justified in their opinion, and if you don't share their opinion, they lose the ability to gauge whether or not they were "right". So it's not you thinking for yourself, thats you directly attacking theirs.
How about you buy the game, play it and make up your own damn mind.
I don't understand why so many people are obsessed with scores and think anything below an 8 or 4 stars isn't worth playing or watching. Sometimes critics don't get it right or at least they approach a piece of 'art' from a different point of view from the public.
The game sounds like a lot of fun and definitely worth playing on PS5. If you're worried that you'll finish too soon try playing another game or two alongside it or maybe on certain days or take a break once you've reached completed a mission or two.
Don't get this idea that one can only play one game at a go and can't play anything else until they've finished it. I played the 2016 game last summer at the same time as I was playing both Death Stranding and The Last of Us Part II. I enjoyed it for its own merits but also for the fact that it wasn't as weighty as the other two game and thus more frivolous and, yes, fun.
The price is immaterial. If it was £60 some people would still complain, heck they'd complain if it was £50. We're always looking for a bargain at the end of the day.
@get2sammyb I'll try it otherway, can you tell us what are those 2 points down from score? Put aside longevity, because it cannot be comparable. For example Assassin's creed's 120 hours cannot be compared to average Mortal Kombat's 15 minutes average tower. Both are (different but) same fun. And AC is not any better than MK only because it is longer. So why those missing 2 points? For me it was quite shocking eight, because based on reading review article I was expecting at least 9. Lot's of other games were in review more "butchered" and surprisingly got also 8. And now in a world of uncompleted or unfinished releases should, those who made fantastic work, be praised more at least to show others "you are doing something wrong." That's my personal opinion.
Otherway, yesterday I was at our warehouse and saw around 10 big boxes fulfilled with PS5 versions of this game. Beautifull view. I'm so excited and cannot wait to serve them to customers. 🙂
For people clamoring for a 10/10, I think you have to remember there are gamers like me that find Ratchet and Klank boring af. If Sammy gave it 10/10 it might pique my interest, but by giving it 8/10 I can see it’s great within it’s class, but not for me.
@Col_McCafferty Unfortunately more than quarter of customers pick up phone, check score (sometimes also gameplay trailer) and say "It has a good score, I'll buy it.". Sometimes they reply "I don't care what game it is, I play anything, but it must have good score." Cruel reality my friend...
I can't wait to jump into Ratchet and Clank!...Into the Nexus since I don't have a PS5😅.
Would love this to reduce in price in time for my birthday, but ain't gonna happen, even if they released Final Fantasy VI HD remake tomorrow I wouldn't pay £70....
...well actually I would, but it would take that for me to actually pay that much for a game.😁
Easy and Short? Just what I'm after tbh 😆
@thedevilsjester @The_New_Butler has it mostly right. There's a lot of dross out there and it simply doesn't get reviewed at all except for comedic value. There's limited time in a critic's day and oh so many games that exist. Naturally only the ones that really rate on the interest-o-meter will float to the top of the pile, and rarely will those end up worse than a 6 or 7, otherwise they wouldn't have drawn that interest to begin with. So it looks like "all games are a 7 or better" in reviews, but in reality it's because reviewers will rarely waste time reviewing a game that doesn't appear at a glance to be at least in that range, because that's time that could have been spent on something that was, and naturally something rating in that range will have a lot more reader interest going into it. That's why review scores themselves are kind of a relic. The review is valuable in identifying the strong and weak points about a game, confirming or dispelling preconceptions, hype, etc, and explaining a bit about what to expect or not expect in a game. But the numeric score really only reflects it's relative position to other games worthy of even making it up to review standards. To make it to review at all it kind of had to clear that "this looks like a 5 just looking at it" threshold. Can't speak for every publication, obviously, but that's generally going to be how it works most places. An 8 makes sense as "very good, but doesn't live up to what it maybe could have or was believed to have lived up to, or doesn't represent as strong a total package as other titles reviewed by the same reviewer." A much bigger game could have gained that point or two, I'm sure. A 12 hour game in 2021 is a definitely a smaller game than I think most of us would have expected from it. The deduction makes sense. Though the PS4 game is still one of the absolute most fun games of the generation IMO, so it should be a great 12 hours if it's at least as fun.
@Col_McCafferty On that, we have a rare moment of total agreement.
@djlard Sad but true. All to many people (not just games, but food and music and everything) have no patience, acumen, or interest in forming their own opinions. They want others to tell them what their opinion should be. Why do the work of forming your own opinions when a numeric result can be provided to you? The answer to life, the universe and everything is 42.
@Steel76 agreed, but the problem lies then with the price point. the value isn't there for most people at a full $70USD. sony should have priced this at $50USD then. i know value is subjective, but i'm seeing many people concerned with the higher price point and low playtime of this game, and rightfully so. people will either purchase a different game that gives them more "value" and wait for sales... some will lose interest and forget about the game entirely. some will buy it at full price and be disappointed with the length...etc, etc... hard to win with such an unbalanced price to value ratio.
@get2sammyb @godofwarj5 @JapaneseSonic Thanks for the advice, it's appreciated
@AdamNovice agreed, if you re-read the comment that is the point I was making quality > quantity
This is the first Ratchet and Clank game I am considering buying. I'm not really a fan of the series at all, so I'll wait a while for a sale. No biggie. Probably won't even want to play it by then tbh
Can not wait to play this game.
@Porco naw, Sony is genius pricing it at $70. You get extra dosh from everyone willing to pay extra, then you discount it to $60 in a few months to take in all the money from the remaining early adopters who don't want to pay the $10 price hike.
@themightyant Oh I know I was just putting a bit more context into my point
Friday is going to be jolly fun. playstation is checking all the boxes for me
@get2sammyb to be fair that review while I was reading it def sounded like it was going to be a 9 possibly even a 10
@KundaliniRising333 yet it’s got an 89 metacritic and open critic score so I don’t know what these four reviews you read are but everybody is seeming to love the game
@dark_knightmare2 Even the 4 reviews I mention are part of that 89. It's not that they didn't like the game.
For me, their concerns and the lack of much in the way of change in the ratchet and clank formula stated by pretty much ALL reviews, coupled with the excessive on rail moments, child targeted difficulty and story (understandable as it's rated for 7 years olds), and game length, are all indicators that its a hard pass for me at full price. To me, if the industry is willing to raise prices on these games, and progress toward far less transparency in pre game information and hands on previews, they better damn sure make a game that is worth these changes. One that at least tells an unforgettable story, has AMAZING gameplay, creates immersion, and/or has incentivization for replay-ability, etc. This game just doesn't tick enough of those boxes for me to pick this up full price.
As much as I would love to play a graphical showcase for this machine I bought based on flimsy and deceptive marketing promises, the game still has to be appealing for me and something I'm willing to invest my time and 70 bones for.
This game just doesn't spark the interest to do so for me. I'm glad many like it, and wish you well playing it.
@Porco exactly, an well summed up
"Crying because it didn't get a 10? Weird.
Have some cheese with your whine and keep telling yourself that it's 10/10".
No I'm actually contributing to the discussion which you seem to lack the IQ to be able to do so in a mature manner. It's not bright nor clever to insult strangers on the Internet (which you seem fond of in your short time here), as it just betrays you as an immature, inconsequential little boy. Now off you pop petal and give your head a wobble.
@KundaliniRising333 Sorry but you can warp into areas on foot, you can warp across areas on the map to give you a battle advantage, and you can also walk into rifts between completely different areas with seamless transitions. So there isn't just on-rails sequences where the feature is used, it's throughout the game. So as I said, NO gimmick and to suggest it was/is is hardly complimentary!
Has anyone heard confirmation on the resolution when the game is on performance and performance with RT? I just watched a video review that stated the NON RT performance mode is 1080p just to get it to the 60 fps and dips even lower for the performance with RT,.... Is that true? That is shocking to me.
I figured a difference in dynamic scaling ranges would be taking place to achieve 60 fps, but to go back to base ps4 resolution to achieve this on a next gen machine is disappointing if true.
I am starting to think something is up because nearly all reviews thus far avoid stating anything about the technical details of the non fidelity modes, even the one that was available pre patch
@Col_McCafferty Sure, let’s buy very game in existence, play it, then say if it’s good or bad. My time and money are limited. I need to be selective. I never understood this line of thought as it pretends time and money are non-issues.
@KundaliniRising333 DF is gonna release a videoo soon dedicated to the different performance modes but I highly doubt the 60fps mode runs in 1080 if the 30 fps RT mode runs betwzen 1800 and 2160p
@KundaliniRising333 Which review claims that out of curiosity? NXGamer’s tech analysis on IGN measured the Performance RT mode at 1440p 60fps, upscaled to 4k using temporal injection. I imagine the performance mode with no RT will be even higher base resolution.
I'll put my 2c here but guys don't shoot on the reviewers for scores. The issue is having scores to start with.
I'm going to be a bit sarcastic here but you could tell the difference between hardcore reviewers at PushSquare lowering a score because a game is too easy vs Jeff Grubbs for instance who gave Returnal a bad score but a 10 to R&C haha
Joking aside they all just fail to get out of their ego and see the readers perspective who are, of course, very diverse.
@thedevilsjester Alanah Pearce had a really good video discussing review scores (linked below) and explains WHY so many games are often rated 5-10, rarely less. (As well as many of the other things, like why scores aren't dropped altogether)
The truth is there ARE plenty of games that could be reviewed at 1-4 but most review outlets just don't review these lower quality games very often. Most reviewed games come from decent studios and have a certain amount of quality, that even if a game is highly derivative and offers nothing new, there's still enough that shines through and enough will enjoy it to warrant a 5+.
As a result you could argue that perhaps they should change their review scale to make the current 5-10 cover a wider range . But then how do you highlight the real stinkers like The Quiet Man and differentiate them from games with promise that don't quite hit home but will still appeal to someone? (to be fair Push Square seems to do this with some noticeable low scores of late)
Ultimately review scores are always subjective, a 6/10 in a genre you like could be far more enjoyable to you than a game with 9/10s across the board.
I think it's always useful to try and find a reviewer, or friend, who you seem to agree with a lot and give their reviews more weight.
There is a tried and true technique for me when it comes to getting a "true" video game review score. Go to Metacritic or Gamerankings, find out what the aggregate score is (this game sits at 89/100 currently), then read 3-4 reviews that fall in that range. Easy!
Metacritic shouldn't be relied on too heavily, but it can guide you to the actual median review score, if arbitrary review scores are your jam.
Pushsquare graded it a bit below the average, but in my opinion this site tends to utilize more of the actual 1-10 score range for games, with 5 being average. Pushsquare is in general a bit more "harsh" with its scores in that sense but I think it's just working off a different scale than most sites.
Most sites default to a 7/10 score and grade it up or down from there, whereas this site starts off at 5/10 it seems. It skews the review scores lower but makes those 9/10 and 10/10 scores more meaningful.
Or alternatively, ignore the scores and just enjoy the game!
Man I really want to play this but I just cannot justify spending £70 on it, especially when it's only around 12 hours.
@rjejr What, you don't have a PS5 yet? You know the PS5 Mini is still quite a ways off.
Humans are such a conundrum. An 8 and they’re all like “I’m so disappointed...” But a 9 and they’re like “Day 1 buy!” And I’m not mocking anyone. Just puzzling they way the human mind works.
As a kid I thought this franchise was a 10/10 but , two years ago when I replayed it in my 20's , I wasn't feeling it like I used to . I played the collection on PS3 - beat the first game , but couldn't make it far into the second or third & just stopped playing . The R&C franchise is definitely not bad games though ; its just that the 8/10 score is actually reasonable .
Oh , dang , I almost forgot - I played the reboot two years ago too , and that game was probably a 7/10 . So yeah , R&C is one of those games you can't really go wrong with , if you can't find any other game worth your time .
Definitely shouldn't have ever costed more than $50 though .
@Ryno Waiting on the "New PS5 Mini Pro DM" just to be sure.
DM stands for "directly into the mind". 😉
This is why the numbered system should go away. Great game, great review, people hung up on the number.
I much prefer the education grading system A/B/C/D/F which correlates nicely to other outlets "essential" "recommend" "not recommended" etc..."F" or "bad" would rarely ever be used and you would essentially just use 3 grades for most games.
@DeepSpace5D It was a youtuber, ACG I think, yeah actually I'm pretty positive it was that one. He is thorough in his reviews but often clearly motivated to give positive reviews based on influence. I was simply scouring all manner of reviews as I was initially really torn as to whether I wanted to pay full price for this game.
I am likely going to wait to get user perspectives, as with it being so short and basically an on rails game, I want to know from others, if the hardest difficulty makes it worthy enough to even play. I have no interest in playing an interactive pixar movie with no real challenge or meaningful platforming.
@KundaliniRising333 I don’t think it was ACG, I watched his interview and the only thing he said was the Performance RT does have dynamic resolution and you can notice some dips in the resolution if you are sensitive to that stuff, but he didn’t say anything like it starts off at 1080p and dips lower than that. NXGamer, Digital Foundry and VGTech are going to be your best sources for hard details when it comes to resolution and framerate.
I’m not sure if you played a Ratchet and Clank before, but these are not on-rails games. There are parts where you are literally grinding on a rail, but the majority of the game is an action platformer where you have independent control over Ratchet (or in this case Rivet as well) to jump, dash, melee, shoot weapons, explore planets, etc. You have full control of the character’s movements when on foot. They’re not open-world games, but oftentimes they have pretty large maps to explore for some of the planets.
As far as difficulty goes, these are usually pretty easy games, but you can crank up the difficulty to max and get a decent challenge out of them. ACG says in that same review that the later difficulties “crank up the aggression of the enemies to the max” and says they will rush you and flank you as well as do more damage and have more health. So you can probably get a fair bit of challenge from it if you want to turn the difficulty up.
@DeepSpace5D the 4:44 mark of the ACG review he says 60 fps performance mode at 1080p, he then goes on to describe the rt performance mode but doesn't list a resolution saying it dips lower as its dynamic scaling, which I assumed meant it could go even lower than 1080p. Maybe he misspoke? that seems crazy that the non RT mode would be so low right?
But yah, I think you are right on waiting for the tech specific analyses. It is curious that no one is really stating outright exactly what the performance sacrifices are for these modes pre-release..... its a bit of a red flag on that aspect for sure.
Especially since foundry specifically mentioned that the performance RT mode can be engaged pre patch by changing the ps5 settings. But yah, I definitely want to give it a go, its just a tough sell at full price for me. I definitely think teen-ager me of yesteryear would have enjoyed this game, but current me, possibly on sale for mindless fun.
ACG, who I actually do not at all like, even mentions its like a cartoon version of uncharted, and for me uncharted is ok for a while but feels like its on rails in the sense of just set piece moments guiding you to the next room full of easily killable enemies. If only there was more focus one exploration and combat with way more depth; only then would those games would be more deserving of their praise, in my opinion.
Thanks for the info though.
@Pete_Stooge I agree. There are so many "8/10" games that it becomes a medium score these days. The game is a technical marvel and a showcase title. SammyB's point about the fact that R&C games don't deviate much from other games, well.. many games do though don't they? Nintendo often comes to mind.
The score is not representative of the quality and consistency of the title. A "middling" score of an 8 is a sub-par score for such a title. I mean I looked at a couple recent reviews - "Tango" was a 'flawed but fun' game at a 7 and the old Mass Effect re-do was a 9.
I can see why some sites get away from numbers, because this is the problem it creates - but from everything I've seen, including the positive comments in Sammy's own review - 8 seems pretty much a "meh" score for this title.
@KundaliniRising333 Ya I saw that part at 4:44 now. It’s curious that he calls it 1080p, I’d like to know where he got his numbers from because NXGamer said it was 1440p. But all 3 of the modes use that temporal injection anti-aliasing technique to get a more crisp upscale that’s close to 4k, so I think the image will look pretty good regardless.
But I hear you on the set piece moments in games like Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank games. They are linear experiences at the end of the day where you can really only go one way towards the end of the level. They certainly aren’t open-world experiences. You can expect to be done with Rift Apart in about 12 hours if you arent going for all the collectibles and upgrades, so mileage may vary at $70 for sure.
@NEStalgia Example from today. My boss said "We will order us some pizza. Choose pizzeria, but at least 4 star rating."
@djlard hell yah, nobody wants a garbage pizza.
@djlard If your company analyzes food quality risk via Yelp, you may want to quit before finding out how that analyze other risks and qualities 😂
@Party_Cannon It's not a "meh" score at all. It's a great game, hence it's an 8/10. There are so many different factors — including different authors — that you have to take into account when reviewing a game, so you can't do like-for-like.
Tango, for example, is a co-op game made by an indie developer being flogged at a fraction of the price of Ratchet; Mass Effect is a remaster compilation featuring three different games.
Games don't exist in a vacuum, there's a wider context that you have to consider when scoring as well.
But again, it's a great game with a great score.
@get2sammyb Sorry if it’s been addressed, but, New Game+?
8/10 is a meh score for such an awesome game. Pushsquare does not need clickbait scores to get attention and hits. I know it is the opinion of the one person who reviewed this but god what an awful opinion.
Great review, don't understand why people are bashing an 8/10 score. Nothing is perfect, nothing.
@RustyBullet Yeah I'm confused as hell about this as well.
Probably the most used score I give games is 7/10 but there are some games that scrape into the 7's and others not far off from obtaining an 8.
An example would be AC Origins which I had some issues with but overall it had enough good points to get a 7 whereas I have Detroit Become Human a 7 as well. It's a better game overall but I just think it loses its way in the final third or quarter and that's why I couldn't give it an 8.
If being accurate Origins would be a 7.1/10 and Detroit 7.7/10 but I prefer to keep things simple.
an 8?? so we are basing reviews off of how long it is and how easy it is? hmmmm not sure about that. I thought this would be a 9 at least. harsh score tbh.
Sounds like a fantastic start for genuine PS5 exclusives. I'm still just salty that Horizon and GoW won't be PS5 exclusives too as I believe they could have pushed those games way further than PS4 can handle.
@Hopewell I am with you there sir!
@NEStalgia There is no Yelp in our country, but I catched your meaning.
Thought some might appreciate knowing that if you're playing in Performance Mode and noticing that the color palette looks kinda washed out it's because HDR has been turned off (in favor of 120fps I think). By going into Video Output in the PS5's settings and turning off 120Hz it should display much richer colors.
Not sure if this is only happening to certain OLED TV's or what.
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