If we're being brutally honest, Resident Evil Village puts Resident Evil 7: Biohazard to shame. That's not to say we've soured on Ethan Winters in the four years since his introduction, but rather what Capcom has done next goes way above and beyond the events of the Baker incident. Resident Evil Village is incredible. By borrowing the best bits from its predecessor and combining them with DNA strands from a certain Spanish settlement, we finally have a proper rival to the great Resident Evil 4.
It's no coincidence either that the first mainline entry to be directly inspired by the 2005 classic can consider itself up there with the very best — such is the everlasting quality of Las Plagas. The gothic horror setting is back, inventory management emulates Tetris once more, a Merchant takes cash for supplies and weaponry, and there are no undead hordes to be seen for miles. With the first-person perspective and general combat mechanics of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard retained, this really is the best of both worlds.

Protagonist Ethan Winters could probably even consider himself to be in the very same position. Three years after Chris Redfield rescued him and wife Mia from the clutches of Eveline, the twosome are living happily with a daughter named Rose in Europe. That is until the boulder-punching star breaks into their house one night and murders Mia, kidnapping baby Rose in the process. The next time Winters wakes up, he finds himself in a remote village packed full of werewolves and other monstrosities.
Ethan uses this as a chance to search for answers — so do we since Capcom still refuses to properly reveal the man’s face — and it's here where he bumps into the stars of the show. The dwelling is owned and operated by five important figures, all of which you'll meet and interact with over the course of the 12-hour campaign. They each have a section of a village to call their own, which leads to a series of vastly different environments despite the usual trappings of the snowy setting. And yes, one of those high-ranking members is indeed the woman of the moment Lady Dimitrescu.
The 2.9 metres tall monster of a female stalks many of your moves in Castle Dimitrescu — the location that houses the perfect blend of classic Resident Evil gameplay. Combat feels weighty with weapons that take their time to reload and blast enemies to smithereens while puzzles remain interesting and engaging throughout. There are keys to discover, intricate brain teasers to solve, and upgrades to be bought from the Duke. It's all so, so much more satisfying than any other recent instalments have had to offer.

You just have to keep an eye out for Lady Dimitrescu at every turn. She'll follow you about and make her presence known in the same way Mr X did in Resident Evil 2, attacking you when she gets chance and keeping you on edge whenever some downtime has to be taken in order to solve a puzzle. Some corners of the internet will be disappointed that she doesn't actually feature as much in the game as pre-release marketing has led us to believe, but when Lady Dimitrescu is on the prowl, the castle owner is a force to be reckoned with. At least her transformation is something to behold. Let your imagination run wild, and then Lady Dimitrescu goes one step further.
However, dare we say that despite her sass and villainy, she's actually the least interesting member of the group? We really do think Capcom has buried the lede here (potentially on purpose) because what Heisenberg, Donna Beneviento, Salvatore Moreau, and overall leader Mother Miranda bring to the table is nothing short of staggering. As previously mentioned, they have all taken a piece of the village for themselves, allowing each one to shape those areas however they see fit. Heisenberg has used the opportunity to construct a huge factory churning out his own set of physical horrors and Salvatore Moreau takes charge of the lake, swamp, and what lurks beneath.
But then there’s Donna Beneviento. We're sworn to secrecy and won't be able to reveal what that creepy doll and its owner have been up to, but then we wouldn't want to spoil the sequence anyway. Seriously, that's a very, very special one-hour stretch. You'll be discussing it with your friends long after the credits roll.
It's the highlight of what Capcom is going for with Resident Evil Village, but there are so many more moments that will stick with fans for a long time. The prolific Japanese developer goes places with this one. Boss fights that wouldn’t look out of place in The Evil Within, surprises and stretches of gameplay you wouldn't expect from the series, and awesome callbacks to previous titles. It even avoids the franchise's usual trope of a poor final act. The game has it all — the less we say the better if anything. Resident Evil Village is something you need to experience for yourself.

What brings it back to some basis of reality is the village itself, located in the centre of the four extremes the leaders have put together for themselves. The way it opens up as you progress is satisfying while scribbled notes that litter the ramshackle houses create immediate empathy for those killed by the Lycans that have taken over. You really get the sense this is a place on the edge — those still left are just barely clinging on. But despite that hostility, it's the only place you could even begin to call home from start to finish. Small-scale puzzles bolster your inventory and livestock can be slaughtered to turn into permanent upgrades whenever you encounter the Duke — it's worth investing time into the location, especially as it grows in both size and emotional weight the more you progress.
There's just a sense of constant dread fuelling the game, accentuated by a haunting soundtrack and a purposefully uneasy atmosphere. It's something that gets under your skin to create fear and tension as you explore each room and stumble upon new areas. Jump scares are very rarely utilised, allowing the fearful ambience of the village to consume you.
Perhaps our only real criticism then is that enemy variety isn't quite up to par. The Lycan horde is bolstered by variations on their own species as well as more adventurous foes in the late game, but some locations don't have quite enough to call their own in order to always keep you guessing what's around the next corner. There's much more variation than what the Molded had to offer in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, but you'll have to rely on boss fights for some truly unique encounters.

No matter what monstrosity you're up against though, you can rest assured the entire fight will look good. Demon's Souls now has a competitor for the best looking game on PlayStation 5 — what Capcom has achieved so early in the generation is very impressive. Don't worry about Resident Evil Village being a cross-gen game because with HDR and Ray-Tracing enabled, character models come to life and lighting illuminates rooms and hallways like never before. You really notice the difference when it's not there. The trade-off here is a frame rate hovering somewhere between 45 and 60. It's an odd window to target, especially for console gaming, and we'll admit it takes a second or two to get used to. It gradually becomes second nature the more you play, but with minor frame rate drops when the action gets intense, it's not always smooth sailing.
The other option is the rock-solid 60 frames-per-second mode, although you'll lose all the benefits of Ray-Tracing. And they, simply put, are a game-changer on PS5. Resident Evil Village is far and away the best example of how much an impact the feature can have on a lit environment. Sticking with the default option is our strong recommendation.
The PS5 SSD also justifies itself with load times that come and go inside three seconds. Select your save and you won't encounter a single load screen outside of the immediate one to get you back in the action. Throw in excellent use of the PS5 DualSense controller's Adaptive Triggers and Capcom has put in work to make sure Sony's latest console is firing on all cylinders. Much like Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, each weapon comes with different tensions on the triggers. It's much harder to accurately fire a sniper rifle than a handgun, for example. Long may this sort of fantastic implementation continue.

Rounding out the package is the return of The Mercenaries mode, a round-based undertaking where you fight for high scores by taking down enemies and racking up combos. It's a fun and meaty addition split across multiple stages that are sure to lengthen your overall playtime. The mode won't change anyone's mind if they're not into this sort of stuff, but fans will welcome its homecoming with open arms.
While the Resident Evil series has been on a high for a number of years now, Resident Evil Village sets an entirely new standard. Its cast of villains is up there with the very best, memorable sequences and gameplay sections beg to be played over and over again, and a sense of constant dread created by the atmosphere and soundtrack keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even the combat is solid this time around and the lengths Capcom has gone to take advantage of the PS5 pays off with impressive Ray-Tracing. Does it better Resident Evil 4? Maybe not, but it's damn close. Real damn close. Resident Evil Village is an essential playthrough for anyone with even a passing interest in the franchise.
Comments 150
Hello! I absolutely love Resident Evil Village, so if you have any questions, feel free to copy me in.
Wow that first sentence got me interested.
I can't read all for now but I've preordered the game, I've lost myself to the hype.
So anyway, my question: If I'm a p***y and I barely can end Resi 7, will I be super scared with this one? lol
12 hours? Is that the expected average length or just how long it took you? Did you rush through the game or take your time? Also, do you know how it plays on PS4?
I'm definitely going to play this game at some point but no clue when. Sounds like a lot of fun.
Nice review! The wait for a PS5 gets ever more painful. Congrats to Capcom for keeping this series’ rancid heart beating.
Isn't the idiom "IN 16 years"?, not "for 16 years?". The latter means it will be the best game for the next 16 years. Is the idiom different in the UK than North America?
Just placed a preorder! Glad you guys like it som much. Other reviews are quite mixed so far. Many complaints about the boss battles being anti climatic and some complaints about it not being scary enough. But I’m hyped
The last RE game I played was RE5 and that wasn't that good really Then I played the RE6 demo and that WAS DREADFUL :-/ I use to love RE games in the PS1/2 days. Might try this one day tho(but i am to scared to anyway)
Can’t wait . Great time to be a gamer
Great to hear the positive reviews around this but:
“ If we're being brutally honest, Resident Evil Village puts Resident Evil 7: Biohazard to shame. “
Hmm, I don’t know if you played it in VR, but I do not see how it’s possible for 8 to elicit the same dread, fear, terror, as 7 in VR.
I love horror games but am also a massive wimp, so this should be an interesting one lmao
Great review Liam!
@LiamCroft YES LIAM!!!! I'll be honest i haven't read the review (yet - i will, promise), but i'm so excited. My copy just shipped, so i hope so much it gets to me by Friday. Can. Not. Wait. Feels like that time i rushed to the store to buy a playstation 1 on Resi 2 launch day all over again. Can't help but get psyched for this series.
So happy its good. 😁
Edit: just read the review. Great work, it sounds brilliant. Im concerned by the mention of a creepy doll though. Most terrifying thing there is in the horror genre!
@Col_McCafferty I completed a comprehensive playthrough, including side content, in 12 hours. I took my time with it. My second playthrough was then roughly seven to eight hours.
@thefourfoldroot That sentence is referring to more than just horror elements.
No matter how good people say RE7 and 8 are, I still can't bring myself to play a FPS Resident Evil. Just feels wrong to me.
@liamCroft Does the game make use of haptic feedback?
Can't wait to dive into this at the weekend!
I'm at the edge of my seat. I am very excited to lose sleep this weekend from terror and intrigue.
Interesting that RT is considered a game-changer here as Digital Foundry says the exact opposite. Just something to consider especially since with RT off it's supposedly a steady 60fps.
Man I really need to finish returnal quickly and play this 😃
@thefourfoldroot Agree that VR made 7 the scariest game I've ever played and I doubt 8 would get close without being in VR.
Read the PureXbox review first and felt deflated due to their disappointment , while reading PushSquare review afterwards has left me back to excited again! Good job
@LiamCroft Do you know where my car keys are ?
@liamCroft how's the audio; good use of 3D Audio?
worth playing with headphones on?
@Rob_230 Great to hear you'll be playing, Rob! I recommend getting started as soon as possible, there's some stuff you'll really want to see for yourself instead of getting spoiled.
@YETi Unfortunately not. It's just the Adaptive Triggers.
@LiamCroft If it doesn't spoil too much, is their any choice involved with your Mercenaries avatar?
@Carl-G I highly recommend the Revelations games as well, if you want another means to dip your toes in. It takes the action from 5 but environments are more narrow (more akin to the older games).
@StonyKL Village VR would have been a day 1 purchase so I'm going to wait. Hopefully one day we will see a Resident Evil Village VR when PSVR2 is released.
Is it as good as RE7 ?
To be honest I'm a bit disappointed in this review. You covered all the boring stuff like the game and that, but all anyone really cares about is whether or not the merchant sounds piratey and says stuff like, "What're ya buyin'?"
@LiamCroft Is it still survival horror, or is it an action movie like RE4?
Wow bring on Friday, this was the big game I was looking forward to this year and it sounds like it won't disappoint and clever of Capcom to hide even more interesting villains behind a certain tall lady
I didn’t say it did. But as a horror game (in the first half anyway, and by tradition) that is one of the main things on which I rate a Resi game. That and survival elements.
@hypnotoad You left them in the fruit bowl.
@Ash_uk1 I used the PS5 3D Pulse Headset for large stretches of the game and I can't say I really noticed much 3D Audio use.
@Broosh I haven't played enough of The Mercenaries mode to confidently say either way. Sorry!
Hmm…debating on whether I want the Dual Sense support or VRR on Series X. That 45 to 60 FPS makes me wonder if VRR would be a more solid option.
@LiamCroft We ain't got a fruit bowl.
We're not posh like Geordies.
A 9 is really impressive. Personally, I was disappointed with the demo so I'll wait for a hefty discount on this one.
@LiamCroft Is there a lot of gore? As with suspense/horror films, I prefer atmosphere and tension to blood and guts.
@awp69 Well it got a 7 from PureXbox and a 9 from PushSquare so I'd go with PS5
I'll be choosing based on the controller I prefer seeing as though the performance is pretty much the same between the two by the sounds of things (or not noticeable unless you are a robot) so I'd recommend either that - or whichever you can get cheaper I guess!
@-Juice- It has a good balance between classic survival horror and action. I think any Resident Evil fan will be satisfied by this game.
@hobbes242 The gore is about on par with other Resident Evil games. I can't really think of any scene that really stood out to me because of its gore alone.
@StonyKL That rating is interesting because it seems like it’s most definitely an outlier in scores. Doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the Xbox build. What’s up with your sister site hating on this game? Lol
Sounds like a top game but why not max the res at 1440p or similar to stop the frame rate drops. It makes sense no sense at all, hopefully they'll patch it.
Fantastic review 👍
Can’t wait, so many good games in a row.
Oh hell yes. Let's gooooooooooo!
Pre-ordering when pre download opens. Im looking forward to playing this in the dark with my headset on.
@LiamCroft Hi Liam, thanks for the review. Do you know if you can transfer the save from PS4 to 5? Ie can I start on PS4 then move over to the PS5 version if I actually manage to snag a console? Or would I have to keep playing the PS4 version via back compat?
How long is the game? Thought 7 was way to short even if it was great, I still want my games long
@LiamCroft how many hours did you completed it ?
@Subsided some people got it early. completed it in 13-14 hours depend on difficulty they choose
Oh look let's compare every single re game that comes out to trashy re4. How about let's not do that and just judge the game for its own standards.
Really can't wait for this one, the enviroments and atmosphere look incredible. Gave the demo a miss so everything will be fresh going into it. Would have loved to have played this on a cold Decembers night for the first playthrough to add to the atmosphere but there's no way I am waiting that long. An excuse for a 2nd playthrough perhaps.
@MichaelHawj that sounds pretty decent
@LiamCroft is Lady D as irritating as Mr X. I thought Mr X was a little too relentless in the RE2 remake which got annoying after a while.
Also can you change difficulty mid game if needed
Resident evil village does looks amazing.its nice that the dualsence controller has been put through good use.like everyone expected.its a excellent game.word up son
Ah you can't praise a game that much and not give it a 10/10. The negative don't seem enough to bring down a point.
"Jump scares are very rarely utilised, allowing the fearful ambience of the village to consume you."
Yes. Capcom utilized what made Silent Hill's horror so effective; allowing the set pieces, music, ambience to just gnaw at the back of your mind, always keeping you on edge and uncomfortable.
Shame about Lady Dimitrescu not being so prominent. And no, I don't mean the crazy thirst but simply having a powerful and iconic female villain in the game.
@Carl-G Play 7, it will cost less and you'll be able to see if you like the new style. It is brilliant though (I am also a big scaredy cat and I managed to get through it).
Great review. 12 hrs sounds woefully short though, but being a whimp I'll probably only manage 30min bursts at a time so will no doubt seem longer.
Hats off to capcom, sounds like they've really worked hard getting this optimised across different formats and still taking time to add elements just for ps5.
@greenwichlee I'm afraid I don't know the answer to this. I was having trouble downloading the PS4 version of the game, so I would have tried to get an answer for you. This should be answered once the game is out though.
@Rob_230 I didn't have much trouble avoiding Lady Dimitrescu, I'd say she's probably easier than Mr X. I don't believe you can change the difficulty mid-game.
I still need to finish 7. It didn't seem to hook me like previous games did. I'll get this eventually.
I already have Biomutant and Mass Effect on pre-order for this month, but this is very very tempting as well. 🙈
Astrobot showed what can be done with haptic feedback and a shame that developers aren't really taking advantage of it for Ps5 releases:( I feared this would happen.
I'd like to get through Resi 7 before jumping into this one but it's nice to hear it's great. Not the biggest fan of FPS Resi but I'll give it a shot.
@LiamCroft This looks amazing. I also watched the IGN review who seemed to say exactly the opposite of everything you said. I've got it on preorder and i know i will love it. I've also noticed my preorder timer says 19 hours, which is tomorrow, that can't be right?
I don't get why RE4 is held in such high regard. I had it at launch on Gamecube and even there I got tired before the end with all the shooting.
I feel both remakes supassed RE4 for me, I'd certainly rather play them again at this point.
The combat in the Villiage demo didn't feel good to me either, I felt the enemies were just absorbing the shots. I think I'll watch some more gameplay before I decide on this one initially, though as a series fan since the PS1 / Saturn, will want to play it at some point.
I’m concerned about this as I never considered 4 a horror game, 7 felt like the best resi since 2 and 4 was a bad turn towards action. So these comparisons bother me.
Sold. Picking this up Friday
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L There are two Trophies tied to The Mercenaries, one of which requires you to get an S rank on all stages. Getting the Platinum Trophy in this one is going to be quite hard.
Can’t wait for this game. There’s a few varied reviews out there but all mostly positive. Can’t wait to play this and see how good the ray tracing is on Friday! I hope it’s actually scary and tense, resi 7 was tense for a couple of hours then I didn’t find it scary really after jack
I received my bulk order of adult nappies today. Disappointed to here that this will be less scary than 7.
@thefourfoldroot Agreed, RE7 in VR had me screaming like Scooby Doo and Shaggy,
Can you jump straight in without playing Resident Evil 7?
Surprisingly, I think this may be the very first time I ever cancel a pre order.
With the more objective reviews that actual take into account (in their verdict), the problems with the game design from a series perspective; I just don't see paying full price for an 7-12 hour game with these issues. I'll play it when the price matches the content.
@shonenjump86 No, the story of Resident Evil 7 is very, very important to Resident Evil Village.
@deathaxe not a bad idea. Ty!
So it's good then?
Yay. Love the series so would've probably picked it up regardless but now super hyped.
This may be the reason I decide to track down a PS5.
Thanks for the review
Same here.
Got both on order from Base.
Just shy of £96 for a PS5 and PS4 game.
Not too bad a price methinks.
Paying £55+ per is not for me.
Even Amazon seem to be selling at 'full' price.🤦
I'm preloaded and ready to go... can't wait!!
@Ristar24 I've always felt that resident evil 4 was the downfall of the series. The RE2 remake did a good job balancing the action with the survival horror.
@Goodguyjusty Yep, I agree. By the time in RE4 I was fighting a monster with a mini gun with waves of enemies (towards the end), it just didn't feel like Resident Evil anymore to me. I like the RE3 remake too, as although had more action than 2, it still encouraged you to dodge and save ammo.
@LiamCroft great review, super stoked for this!! Have they done anything to fix the baffling implementation of motion aiming that was in the demo?
@Throb my online receipt says tomorrow as well...
@LiamCroft Do You Get An Explanation For What Chris Is Doing There? Nod Once For No And Twice For Yes.
@LiamCroft ah, I’m gonna have to get on 7 then. Thanks.
@Areus Nods twice
Resident Evil 4 is still my favourite however after reading this that could all change. Bit disappointed with the length though but like the saying goes quality over quantity and I never judge a book but its cover either.
I've tried the demo on PC and the atmosphere reminds me of Resi 4. The estimated gameplay time is around 10 hours but it could take more than than for completion. The enemies are more combative and it's better to run than take them head on. it's easier to avoid the enemies because they won't follow you in certain areas. The main selling point for me is the setting and Halloween folklore in the game. I will probably buy this on Steam post-launch after it's patch for bugs or errors.
This was a great read! I'm reading more and more that this isn't as scary as 7 which in some way is better for me but at the same time it leaves me with a bit of sadness lol
I love and hate being scared in movies and games...
I'm excited to play it
My copy is coming ... I have the feel that this game will be defining for the series in the future!
First Person again? I’ll pass
So I'm assuming Capcom didn't add gyro aiming to the PS4/PS5 versions? Such a shame if not.
Anyway I pre ordered the deluxe edition for PS5 which shipped out today, so it should be here by Friday.
I've been play Resident Evil 7 all week in preparation for RE 8. Working on beating Madhouse difficulty which is fun but definitely challenging. Friday can't come soon enough.
🥵 take: Village doesn’t have a hope at coming close to the RE1-2 Remakes. RE4 was never all that. But I still got Village preordered and am looking forward to it. Glad to see it get such a good review.
Haven't played a FPS in awhile this going to be my first play of RE in series but watched family member complete all RE games as a kid
@LiamCroft whats the save system. Is there auto save check points? Or you have to find the typewriters.
@brendon987 Both. It regularly auto-saves and there are typewriters for manual saves.
Excellent review, @LiamCroft! A couple questions for you:
1. Do we have enough bullets to face all the enemies or do we have to rely on the knife?
2. Is the story better tied to the series than RE7?
@RenanKJ 1. I only ever used the knife to open boxes. Never needed it to actually kill enemies.
2. There are more callbacks to previous games than Resident Evil 7, but the story of Village is heavily, heavily linked to 7.
Just pre-ordered it. Base.com are selling it for £47 with DLC.
@AFCC apparently they dialed down this one. Not happy about that.
@djape yeah I read so too but since I'm an anxiety full wreck, this might actually be the horror game I finish lol
“She'll follow you about and make her presence known in the same way Mr X did in Resident Evil 2.”
Reading this just sent my excitement levels spiralling downward into oblivion.
Why??? I suppose we can expect this annoying feature in every RE game going forward 🙄
Well, at least you seemed to have picked a reviewer that likes these type of games as opposed to IGN 's draw a name out of a hat method.
I love that RE constantly reinvents itself and most of the time succeeds. Risks are a good thing.
It would suck if they just took the COD route and made the same game 100 times.
@AFCC yeah for sure you will finish it... I'm getting this game in about 10hrs
Pre order cancelled. Definitely going to play this, but it being that short, and considering my backlog right now, I wouldn't even get to playing this game in a timeframe that would justify full price for it at that size.
Game looks great though.
“She'll follow you about and make her presence known in the same way Mr X did in Resident Evil 2.”
"I suppose we can expect this annoying feature in every RE game going forward"
Eh? It's been in Resident Evil games since the beginning.
Mr X in RE2.
Nemesis in RE3.
Tyrant/T-078 in RE: Code Veronica X.
Mendez in RE4.
Jack in RE7
Lady Dimitrescu in RE8
So this is not a new "annoying feature" as you can see, and if they are utilising this "in every RE game going forward" they'd only be following the established template
@NeonPizza completely agree. I have replayed Remake, 4, 5, 6 (ew) in the last 6 months to varying degrees of success even though I pumped hundreds of hours into those games in their heyday (except 6). They are more often than not very clunky and dated.
Reintroduction of something as archaic as fixed camera angles only panders to people who can’t adapt or look to the future.
In 2021 I want the creature comforts of modern games with modern, sensible quality of life additions.
Purists are very boring people in my experience. Whether it be music, film or video games. There are people in this thread who are so narrow minded they won’t even consider playing an RE game in first person. I hope I never become like that.
@LiamCroft - "Resident Evil Village (PS5) - Capcom's Best Horror Game for 16 Years"
"...we finally have a proper rival to the great Resident Evil 4."
Is this including or excluding Resi 2 Remake?
Also, how indicative would you say the two demoes (Village and Castle) are of the overall game experience?
@Arnna sometimes it's not necessarily about being narrow minded, but rather not enjoying something. I've tried a ton of first person games over the decades and I've enjoyed zero so far (excluding VR games).
@FullMetalWesker Yes, that includes the Resident Evil 2 remake. And the two demos are pretty indicative of the final game.
puts Resi 7 to shame? that's a big statement as I thought that game was damn near perfect. Interesting.
@Profondo I’ll give you Nemesis in the original RE3 (that’s why I never really loved that game) but Mr X in the original RE2 was only in the B playthrough (which I never played). Tyrant in CVX and Mendez in RE4 were just extended boss fights weren’t they? They didn’t stalk you relentlessly for huge portions of the game did they? I can’t really remember?
Lol, thanks but I'm good! Really not a fan of first person perspective.
My copy just arrived in the post.
Thinking about taking an early lunch and firing it up...
@Shepherd_Tallon enjoy if you do!
RE7 had its moments but I honestly preferred the remakes. I'll most likely pick Village up in a future sale.
@jdv95 Thanks!
Alas, my boss called. I'll be giving it a go now though.
How gory is it? I started playing biohazard and got to a certain scene and couldn’t take it any more. Is it as gory? Specifically what makes my stomach turn is torture gore. Any of that? I like a good horror game like dead space and such - but sitting and watching people cut off limbs and eat them… nope.
Was already hyped but even more so after reading this review. RE VII: biohazard is one of my top 5 favorite games last-gen and one of my top 3 in the series. My copy should be here Friday, can't wait to see for myself if it lives up to expectations.
@Shepherd_Tallon mine has arrived too. As soon as kids are in bed i'll be firing it up. Wonder if i can push bedtime to 3pm 😂
@LiamCroft Big question has to be whether there will be an accompanying candle this time around to complete the experience:
@Rob_230 Oh nice nice! 😂 I was thinking about pulling a late one tonight, but I might finish up work early tomorrow and sink in to the couch for the weekend...
Actually feck it. I'll do both. 😎
Hopefully they will patch in a third person perspective. I don’t play first person games often as a prefer the older style. Game looks good but will never play in its current state.
@Culjoseth putting in third person would not be a patch they would have to completely redesign major portions of the game that will not happen
@LiamCroft Thanks for the review, 2 questions:
1. what upgrades do you get from the duke? I image he has weapon upgrades and upgrades for backpack size (like RE4), anything else?
2. are there (mini?) boss fights apart from the big 4+1 ?
@Tencho2010 1. You can upgrade all of your weapons' stats and buy inventory expansions from the Duke as well as attachments that make your guns better.
2. There is one more mainline boss fight beside the main five, and then one other optional one.
@LiamCroft My goodness this game is incredible. I have just reached the castle and what a ride its been so far. Your score so far is fully justified and then some.
@Rob_230 Glad to hear you’re loving it! And you’ve seen nothing yet 😉
@Logonogo Depends on how the game was made. They could have it already in there for a change later down the road. It is doubtful since RE7 never flipped to the better perspective. But here’s hoping!
Uff.. given RE4 is the one i liked the least until RE7 and the lack of third person option, i think this one isn't for me.
I'll be waiting for a remake of Code Veronica.
@NeonPizza Yeah i think its coming. From what i've played so far there are some very fast paced sections that would be very difficult to run on the original PSVR headset without severe performance issues. Newer hardware should make it possible though. I've been playing with an eye on VR and some scenes look like they have been made with VR in mind. I'd be amazed if support isnt patched in next year.
Not sure i would play it though. RE7 freaked me out in VR and i had to give up around the time you fight the early boss woth the chainsaw 😂 and i dont see this game being any different
@Col_McCafferty I actually am beginning to like games in smaller hour doses, these 160 hour games just are becoming too much. One literally has to have no life, no job, no responsibilities in order to fully play these AAA games now a days.. 12 hours is just fine by me...
@MakersMark Sure I get that but it's not as if all AAA games take over a hundred hours to finish. Something closer to 20 hours or so would be fine for a Resi game but nowhere near long enough for say Horizon Forbidden West.
It took me around 15 hours or so to complete my first run in Resi 2 and a couple of hours less in the second run. Still, that's close to 30 hours of entertainment. I'll still end up playing this game but £55 for a game you can finish within a few day to a week seems a bit of a rip-off to me.
I am 40 mins into the game on PS4 Pro and it looks gorgeous!
The console gets a little loud but this is a mid gen game after all!
Seeing as I doubt I'll be getting a PS5 any time soon, is the PS4 version worth picking up? Is it a noticeable downgrade from the PS5 version? I don't care about a 60fps framerate or Ray Tracing, I just want to be able to play the game without feeling like it's being powered by a hamster in a wheel.
Sounds great but i always will be a 3rd person Resident Evil fan. Not that im not going to play it but 3rd person is the way to go for me i played the series from the first one and 6 is the only one i dis not want to finish.
@NeonPizza I could see why you’d say that RE1 Remake hasn’t aged well because of the fixed camera angle and controls mainly. But even considering that, I don’t see how Village is even in the same class.
RE2 Remake, while it does have minor flaws, is one of the greatest survival horror games that Capcom likely won’t top anytime soon, certainly not with Village.
Granted I’ve only finished the Village demos, not the full game. My copy arrives today so I’ll see if Village blindsides me as the best RE of the past 16 years. So far it’s greatly lacking in the scares department.
currently on offer at tesco with clubcard for £40
@AFCC This one isn't scary at all, its pretty good but I think 7 is superior!!
@NeonPizza don't worry, in about 3 weeks the game will have burned through every YT, TWITCH and other streamer's channel.. Everyone will know all of the secrets, and all of the spoilers and hundreds of people will have paid someone to watch them play a game, full run, without ever touching the game themselves.. This is what gaming has evolved into... yeah, I go into my games, green, blind and ignorant of everything.. The experience is MINES and only mines.. I call whats going on now "GAMER PORN", people getting off on watching others doing what they love to do......
@NeonPizza I hear you, I’m steering clear of YT for now too ever since I saw a spoiler thumbnail. I’m about 2 hours into Village on PS5, in my opinion I agree that it’s worth waiting until you get a PS5.
We definitely have differing preferences but I hope you have as much enjoyment with RE3make as I had. Knowing how it’s shorter with cut content, et cetera, what’s there is great. Not flawless but overall a really good time and I appreciate that it was made at all. It’s probably in my top 5 for RE.
You have a point that REmake HD remaster’s 3D assets don’t blend with the pre-rendered images like they did on GameCube. On GC it blended so well and the lighting was more fitting. I couldn’t get into new controls, too disorienting. I think my occasional replays of Silent Hill 2 keep my tank control muscle memory intact so the clunk doesn’t bother me, it just seems fitting. Funny enough it’s RE4’s special style of tank + aiming that’s always gotten me crossed me up. I could never get very far in 4.
RE0’s HD remaster is a stunner by comparison. Zero has such a strong opening IMO, I wish it didn’t fall off the rails with story and the zapping system but that’s just part of Capcom’s “live and learn”. If Capcom were to ever completely redo 0 (different story + RE2make treatment) they could have something special on their hands by telling the story of the Bravo team.
@BloodEagle it has some scary moments but it has got too much action
@Boxmonkey More of a lord of the Rings vide than horror, still a good game though.
@davesmith01 Its really enjoyable.
@Saucymonk That's a shame, were you able to get a refund?
Jokes aside, I hope you do enjoy the game if you decide to play it.
@bloodeagle I made a deal with myself that I won’t buy it until I finally finish Resident Evil 7, so started that again this morning!
@KidBoruto I'll be playing it at some point but at the moment I'm caught up in subnautica and rocket league.
@zupertramp - yep. And I’ll go with a steady 60fps every single time. Otherwise ain’t even an option in 2021. It’s a basic minimum standard
@davesmith01 - me too! Started it last night! My Apple Watch has now taken on a new, eerie significance…
@LiamCroft Hi Liam. I own both a PS5 and Series X. I was all set to purchase Village on the PS5, after playing all the demos, when I noticed something was off with the dualsense when using the shotgun. I was getting a very tight tension on the L2 adaptive trigger and nothing much on the R2 trigger that would feel like a solid blast. I then loaded up both versions of the demo. Series X and PS5 to do some comparisons. The Xbox RT fire button felt the same as the PS5, but the LT obviously wasn't tight. I also compared graphics, frame rate and 3D audio and it was identical. Now I'm leaning towards the Series x version. This game is definitely more action based and unless the haptics are really amazing and the triggers are better with other weapons, I'm probably going to go Series X. I also always buy physical so this will be nice to be able to still play Returnal on the PS5 to alternate games. I would like your thoughts. Besides faster loading, will I be missing out on anything going with Series X? Thanks!
@everygrainofsand I know exactly what you mean. The sense of relief that finding a safe room after being on edge the whole time waiting for something horrific to happen is something else. Really pleased I’ve given this another go.
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