We find the mighty pirate Guybrush Threepwood sitting on a park bench, a bit older but not necessarily wiser. He is relaying the tale of a quest from The Secret of Monkey Island to a familiar youngster. The story that plays out is essentially the greatest hits of his first two adventures, with a sprinkling of elements from Curse, Escape, and Tales. Guybrush is searching Melee Island for clues at the same time as his nemesis, the ghost pirate Le Chuck. He enlists the help of familiar faces, like his lover Elaine and slippery used boat salesman Stan. There's also some welcome and charming new companions, like the cynical Locke Smith, whose name is about as on the nose as the comedy gets here.
It’s difficult to describe just how satisfying Return is to play for a long-time adventure game fan. Evolved from director Ron Gilbert's Thimbleweed Park engine, the contextual interaction, dialogue, and puzzling is refined to a point of feeling brand new. Tiresome mechanics like backtracking between familiar locations and sifting through conversations are gone. Rather than robotically traveling from screen to screen, it feels like you’re always where you need to be. The puzzles themselves are no longer absurd exercises in item combination, here everything has a surface logic. And thanks to the richly detailed art style, there isn't even any pixel hunting to speak of.
There’s a hint book available in the inventory from the start, which contains several levels of clues, that range from gentle nudges to a detailed description of the solution.
To cap off the quality of life improvements, there are two difficulty modes: Hard mode (described as The Full Monkey) is really just normal, where series and genre aficionados should go. Casual mode truncates the puzzle chains, meaning that a multi-location effort to find an item becomes a simple case of picking it up from the floor.
The dev team has made extra efforts to make the game feel smooth with a controller and it really shows. As anyone that played point-and-click adventures on PS1 can attest, moving that cursor around is slow and frustrating. The controls here are intuitive and set a standard for adventures that usually feel more at home on PC.
Ultimately, with Return to Monkey Island, original creators Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman have not only crafted a loving throwback to a genre they helped popularise, they've also reinvigorated it.
Comments 20
I absolutely can't wait to play this! Great review, Ken!
Great review! Bought it on release on Switch and absolutely loved it. Glad to see this version is just as good, and now more people can enjoy it.
While I absolutely adore point and click adventures (Broken Sword is probably my favorite series ever), I tend do dislike the ones set in a fantasy setting due to the absurd moon logic puzzles. I like the more grounded ones such as Broken Sword, Syberia, Secret Files etc. because of it. That said, the fantasy ones usually have incredible humor with Monkey Island being the most prominent example. I will most likely pick this up.
This month the new Syberia releases on PS5 for anyone interested in the genre but doesn't want those head scratching puzzles. The game is insanely atmospheric.
Look behind you a three headed monkey! (quickly changes score to a 10)
Great review. I still can't believe this got made. I wasn't a gamer in my childhood but I absolutely loved the Monkey Island series growing up.
I was actually put off this because i haven't really played the previous entries mainly due to getting into gaming at the ps1 era and not having a pc back in the day. Maybe il give it a look if I wont be absolutely lost plotwise XD
I really did not like the switch to this art style back in the day. Don’t suppose you can press a button to got back to classic graphics
this is GP day1.
Sony need a new day1 release like stray
@Danloaded the first two are available to stream on PSplus.
Even though I can appreciate Rex's artwork, I really dislike it.
I think it worked great in Tearaway but I kinda wish this game looked a lot more like Curse of Monkey Island.
Thanks for the review - this is definitely on my “get” list.
The only con listed was that it’s a bit short - how long is it exactly? It doesn’t say in the review I don’t think
@Hamst88 PS5 says my playtime is 15hrs and that’s two playthroughs. Although second doesn’t really count as a) I knew the solution to the puzzles and b) the puzzles are easier! Didn’t find all the trivia cards though…
Just finished this on Switch, great return for the series.
Would like to play this but must be due to all the ray-tracing and 120fps gameplay that it can't be done for the PS4.
Wait, it's on the SWITCH?
@SystemAddict Ah yes, back in the day... April 2022... the good ol' days!
@mrraditch halycon
I have this, Sonic Frontiers and God of War Ragnarok all installed on my PS5 right now. It’s a good week for gaming!
<— isn’t this guy just the greatest? Enjoy it all! Played it immediately on release on the Switch and it was an absolute joy.
@SystemAddict @sanderson72 Yep,it'd be nice if games media outlets asked the normally vocal Devolver Digital PR/Socials why they're so silent on the subject of PS4,(& XB one to be fair),versions for a game that obviously was designed to be Switch Friendly by Terrible Toybox...they're a small team,so if they need to do versions separately fine,but they've absolutely ghosted any posts on twitter even confirming if a ps4 version is planned!🤔
@SystemAddict Yep,loved that option in the MI Special Editions! Shame they never got ported to ps4...oh well,at least the GOG versions usually go on sale & can run on old PC'S like I did have up until recently. Not to mention my older CD copies I converted to play on ScummVM!
I got this day #1 on Switch, and really enjoyed it!
I'm by no means an expert at these games, nor am I overly fluent in the 'Point-and-Click' genre, but my playthrough was about 11hrs.
I managed to complete this without using the in-game hint system... until the very last puzzle! I felt up until the final puzzle, all other challenges were relatively logical and not nearly as obtuse as some of the puzzles in earlier entries (IIRC, only play MI1 as a kid...)
But this game is a good time for sure, and would probably serve as an ideal 'side-companion' to something like GoW
I'm still waiting for proper ports of the older games, zero interest in streaming them.
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