Returnal is a much, much bigger game than you think it is. For all the noise surrounding the game's price point, Housemarque has produced its largest, most ambitious project by a country mile. This isn't a small scale title with a premium cost; the studio has made something on a whole new level. There's an awful lot of game here, and if you're a fan of rogue-likes, arcade shooters, or both, this delivers big time.
The game takes place on Atropos, a mysterious, uncharted planet where space scout Selene, the protagonist, finds herself stuck in a never-ending cycle. After a crash landing wrecks her ship, Helios, she begins to explore her surroundings, on the trail of an unknown signal called White Shadow. The trouble is, whenever she dies, she finds herself back at the crash site, and the planet's terrain changes every time.

Indeed, most of your progress is reset when you kick the bucket, and randomly generated environments mean a slightly different experience every time you set off — this is a rogue-lite through and through. Returnal will do little to sway people who dislike this structure, but it's a fantastic example of the genre, and one of the best we've played in a long time. This is partly because the narrative is so closely tied into the game's design; Selene's struggle as she adjusts to her Groundhog Day predicament is something you'll observe as you slowly inch forward through the game's six biomes.
The story actually takes somewhat of a backseat for most of the game. Through audio logs and Xenoglyphs you need to translate, you'll get a little background on Selene and the planet's ancient alien race, but the vast majority of your time will be spent blasting neon nasties — more on that shortly. While we're on the subject of story, we have to mention the House. As you explore, a typical, American country home will appear in the environment from time to time, and you can go inside. As if the presence of the House in this eldritch hellscape isn't eerie enough, the camera pulls in and you explore the space in first person. There's an uneasy atmosphere in the murky corridors, and things only get weirder as you pay return visits. There was a risk that this sudden change in perspective would feel jarring or detached, but the game establishes first person moments from the off, and it's so integral to the story that it feels like it belongs.

So, let's talk about the action. Housemarque is a studio best known for its flashy visual effects and fast-paced shoot-'em-up gameplay, and this might be some of its greatest work to date. Selene is an agile character who can dash through environments with ease, which is ideal, because Atropos is going to throw all kinds of otherworldly opponents at you, each with their own attacks and quirks. In combat areas, the game often has you dealing with multiple threats at once, and they're all very happy to attack you with bullet hell patterns and lasers. The game lights up like a Christmas tree as your screen is filled with vivid, deadly colours. If it wasn't going to kill you, we'd say it's a sight to behold — especially on a 4K display.
You start out with a simple pistol, but it'll handle early enemies pretty well. As you take down baddies, your weapon proficiency level increases, and that means any guns you find will be that much more powerful. New weapons are introduced fairly steadily, and these mostly stick to stereotypes — a machine gun, a shotgun, and so on. However, later weapons get more experimental; the Rotgland Lobber throws out acidic rounds that deal damage over time, while the Electropylon Driver sends out rods that connect with damaging energy, and enemies tethered to them will be continuously weakened. Some weapons feel more useful than others, but powerful Alt-Fire attacks and Weapon Traits are randomly assigned, and can make a huge difference to whichever gun you have equipped.
Fortunately, the combat is electric, whatever the case. Fights are frenetic and seriously intense — you're forced to fight aggressively to thin enemy numbers, but you also have to stay on the move. The rainbow of bullets, shockwaves, and lasers are relentless, and can come from almost any direction. It's no hyperbole to say that the game left us physically shaking at points, particularly some of the boss battles. Not everyone will enjoy the challenge, but this is pure arcade shooting at its finest.
By the way, Returnal really does feel like a game purpose built for PS5. This game has the best haptic feedback since Astro's Playroom, it makes good, functional use of the adaptive triggers, the 3D audio is immersive (and helpful for pinpointing enemies), and load times are almost completely absent. It ticks all the next-gen boxes.
Of course, the game also provides you with a ton of items that can be beneficial or detrimental. As you explore the planet's various environments, you'll find consumables, artefacts, Parasites, and much more that will augment your character in myriad ways. Everything stacks together in fun ways, and it's almost always worth looking into optional side paths, as you may find lots of useful goodies to save your skin.

Inevitably, you will die, and most of your progress is lost. While this can be a touch frustrating if you're a hair's breadth from beating a boss, or you've only just found a new biome, the game does give you permanent upgrades to help you out. An early one is the Atropian Blade, which gives you a strong melee attack that can also cut down red vines, allowing you to find even more items. We'd say the distribution of these is a little inconsistent; permanent equipment comes fairly steadily until the second half, when things drop off for a while. This can make worlds four and five feel particularly tough, but following this, you're rewarded with a couple more upgrades in the sixth biome.
What's odd about the game's overall structure is that you'll play through the first three biomes, and after that, there's a hard checkpoint which means you start your runs on world four instead of world one. For this back half, there's no way to get back to those early stages. You are eventually able to swap between these two sets of biomes, so you can do all six in one run — you just have to work for it.
There are so many little ways the game will hook you back in. Fun Daily Challenges give all players the same loadout to chase scores on a leaderboard, letting you practice or even get a sneak peek at later weaponry. The adrenaline mechanic encourages you to avoid damage, as you'll gain some useful buffs as you kill enemies without dying. And of course, there's the mystery of Selene's story that'll pull you through. It never truly reveals its hand, keeping you guessing for almost the entire game. That can be a long time; we've clocked around 40 hours so far, and there's more to do post-credits.

There are one or two weak spots — the review build is mostly solid, but has some bugs and small performance inconsistencies here and there. A day one patch should mean the experience becomes even smoother, however. While the game generally looks and sounds fantastic, we did notice some low quality textures in places, and the 3D mini map can be hard to read. We're nitpicking, though — Returnal is a joy to play, and had us glued to our screen for hours on end.
Housemarque has delivered the PS5 promise with Returnal. All the console's bells and whistles enhance the experience, making this a real showpiece for the hardware. But more than that, the game is a force to be reckoned with; the breathless combat, super slick gameplay, and the subtle but unsettling story combine for an experience of surprising scale. Rogue-lite aspects mean it won't gel with everyone, but for those looking for a challenging, addictive arcade shooter, this comes highly recommended.
Comments 212
In Housemarque we trust!
Cant wait to get it. 😁👍
Housemarque, the kings of arcade, addictive gameplay. Maybe it's time to put a ring on it Sony.
I think I'm going to get it based on this review. Thanks guys, awesome writeup.
@AdamNovice this sells well and i think it will happen
This game will have to wait for now, got too much else to get through, but sounds great. Looking forward to it!
I guess this will be my first true ps5 games that I buy lol, can't wait to play it 😃
Edit: I just remember I didn't have any storage left on my ps5, I have to move some of my games to external hdd first. I hope ps5 support my hdd using orico enclosure.
Edit.2: After watching/reading the reviews online, now I really want to buy ps5 official headset to hear the 3D audio 😅
Thanks everyone for reading! Please do hit me up if you have any questions.
That is all.
You guys were the ones constantly fuelling the discourse about the games price, shameless
87 on MC
Pretty lengthy game.
Where are all the doubters for its $70 price tag?
Downloading now.
@Quintumply great review Stephen 👏
Definitely going to get this, but i will probably just wait to clear some of my backlog first.
When you talk about challenge, what are we talking here. Is this a souls level difficulty or is there more accessibility here? I dont mind a challenge, but i found demons souls impenetrable
please tell me if this game is brutal challenge or normal challenge ??
I am definitely going to get it. But I just bought DS3 on the ps sale. Not sure if I am ready for another brutally difficult, isolating experience just yet.
This was always gonna be a 9/10. As soon as I find a sodding PS5, this is the first game I’ll get.
how will u compare it to a Souls like games?
The loot
Lvl etc
@theMEGAniggle Did we?
I've played it for an hour so far (another day-early physical arrival!) and it's quite an experience, though I must state....
Prepare to die.
Those who are less familiar with rouge-lites and are perhaps lulled in by the game's marketing as a narrative-driven adventure are in for an arse kicking. It's ducking hard. Like, frustratingly so (but never not satisfying). It's not even an "easy to pick up, hard to master" kind of experience, but those willing to put the effort and time in will be rewarded I think. This is certainly a steep mountain I can't wait to climb more of!
EDIT: and just to chime in here about the price and people defending it saying "see look, look you get 50+ hours of content here how can you not justify the £70!" to that I say, it's not 50+ hours of varied content so much as it is 50+ hours spent doing things over, and over, and over again until you've perfected movement and combat to a point where you can do it blindfolded. For a lot of casual players that is a big ask, and still not 50hrs well spent.
Nice review! The only important question I can think to ask is: After you die, how long does it take to reload? Don't mind dying, DO mind waiting.
@Ridwaano @MichaelHawj @Rob_230 It's tough to talk about challenge because it's different for everyone. Personally, I think the combat is in many ways easier than the Souls games, but the game as a whole is a tough cookie. It asks for good reflexes, and total awareness of your surroundings. It's a hardcore experience.
Sigh. I sort of feel like I'm missing out, but I also know I wouldn't enjoy this. Bullet hell constant frantic dodging and rogue progress resets are absolutely not my cup of tea. Perhaps I'll just seek out some YouTube playthroughs.
@LordSteev So when you die, the game transitions with a few quickfire flashbacks to the crash, and then Selene wakes up and you're back in. You can skip these by holding X. You're back in control within a few seconds, really.
@Quintumply oh ok thank. you died alot or normal ?
I can’t wait to play this tomorrow. Preordered the moment it went up.
Usually not a huge fan of games like this but the glowing reviews have my ready to buy. Plus Housemarque games have always been a great time and seeing as I've gotten all of themfor free thus far, seems like I should throw em a couple bucks this time around lol. Thanks for the review as always guys!
@Quintumply Thanks, that's awesome! Now I'm just a PS5 away from playing this.
Is there autosave or checkpoint in this game ??
From the trailers I expected more of an emphasis on story telling; still excited to play this game, but not as much as I was before the review.
I was expecting biome shortcuts, but that hard checkpoint at world 4 is a good idea. Still won't stop people moaning though. My copy has just arrived, but I must stay focused on my uni work for a little while longer!
Another game I will probably never complete but enjoy trying!
I’m really looking forward to this but I just hope I’m good enough to progress through the game.
I’ve read on various reviews that this is one hard game (makes Demon Souls look like easy etc) and although I enjoy gaming and it’s been a hobby of mine for over 30 years now I’m not that great.
Sounds more frustrating than fun. Eurogamer's review is very enlightening in that aspect.
Pre-ordering stuff, especially at this price, makes zero sense. Reap the whirlwind when you rage quit or give up on this in a few days time. smh.
"Not everyone will enjoy the challenge, but this is pure arcade shooting at its finest."
While I am sure it's a great game, this sentence sealed the "I'll pass" decision from me.
It's not that I don't enjoy a challenge (I have finished all the Soulsbourne games at least once), I am just not a fan of arcade shooters.
I know the writing has been on the wall all along, I was just hoping it would be more like Nier: Automata than a core arcade shooter.
@Kirbyboy92 all the marketing?
@Kirbyboy92 when there's not much food to eat, anything tastes nice
@MichaelHawj I can tell you exactly how many times I've died so far! (You can view overall stats inside the ship) I'm not ashamed to admit I have died 96 times in about 45 hours of play time.
As for checkpoints, not exactly. Once you gain access to a new area, you're able to get to it much more easily, but you still have to get through the first zone. As mentioned in the review, there's a hard checkpoint at the half-way point that means you don't have to deal with biomes 1-3 for a while.
@Revengercm I'm still a doubter but only because I don't typically like Rogue-lites. (and almost universally loathe rogue-likes). I've been burnt before on other universally praised games in the genre so am still not buying at launch. (Though I like the look of everything else in this game)
Ultimately £70 is a large wad of cash for a game I might not enjoy. For this reason I will be waiting for a sale... or a decent demo.
The same will go for any other games i'm not 90% sure i'll enjoy, it's a much harder sell at £70 than the usual £45-£50 I paid for physical on PS4.
@Porkman85 I wasn't frustrated. A shame Eurogamer's reviewer wasn't as into it, but I love the game.
Nice, another banger for the ps stable. I can't wait for it to go on sale.
@Hurblyburbly I'm the same. With my growing old man status, the reactions ain't what they used to be. I'll just play it for the experience.
Sounds great. The PS5 lineup is killing it already. Between this, Demon's Souls, Sackboy, Spider-Man, Astro's Playroom and a bunch of other titles, there's already a strong first party lineup on the system.
@Kirbyboy92 Lots of hype building, I guess! For me, the constant dev updates and reveals have worked really well to raise my interest. Not sure how you missed the many, many articles. 😜
@Quintumply IGN's Mitchell Saltzman's complaint is that the individual runs were too long for a rougelike... but apparently he only died 25 times in his 42 hours
He's a crazy person so I expect my numbers to be closer to yours
@Voltan He's only died 25 times?! What kind of super human is this person?
@Quintumply Thank
@Porkman85 The Eurogamer review makes no mention of the hard checkpoint so I'm wondering how far he was able to make it through the game. Seems there may be a bit of a skill gap between that chap and Mr Tailby. All the hands on I've seen say challenging, but not insane.
I knew this game was gonna be sony buy both bluepoint annd housemarque.ps5 is the best place to play.and could easily pass the ps2.word up son
Had that little post-launch drought (well, not for me because I waited on the PS5 version of Yakuza: Like a Dragon) but now things are about to pick up. This is a great start, will be there as soon as Gamestop opens tomorrow to get my pre-order. Been hyped for this since it's announcement.
Wow, I did not expect such a high score for this game! Awesome! The fact that it uses DualSense well makes me wanna try it. =)
I'm just closing in on the Alienation Platinum! I'm definitely gonna get this, but not till the end of next month.
It’s an odd one. Initially not interested because it was a glorified shooter upper, then there was more of a focus on a story and now reviews saying nope it’s just shoot em up.
I’ll wait till a story driven game comes.
Not one word about difficulty settings, what happends after the end credits...can you go back and farm for more gear etc? Replayability?
@Porkman85 Sure $70 is expensive, but in the end if the game is good, I still want to play and support it. Beside I remember buying mario 64 for $70 or $80 back then, man n64 games sure is expensive lol.
@Kirbyboy92 The game is actually good and nearly all the reviewers from gaming website and youtube like it?
@get2sammyb I don’t know if you’re joking or not but unfortunately yes, not you individually but push square did. Journalists got to journal I guess
@PossibLeigh I think he's avoiding spoilers, mostly. He discusses checkpointing in a purposely obtuse way.
I tend to trust Eurogamer; admittedly they're only confiming my own view on this game so there's selective choice there. Still, I'll stick to all the other Housemarque games I have and love!
I'll pick it up next year for £20 when I can actually get a playstation 5! Don't blame me if you don't get a sequel, blame Sony
I love this studio so much. I'll absolutely buy this at full price to support them. Now can we please get a 4k remake of Outland?
Awesome, looks like all that are left now between me and getting the PS5 will be its official local release here on the 15th and Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart to come out on the 11th of June. This is definitely the strongest launch year for a PlayStation console yet.
Looks awesome, would love to get stuck in but got a 1 month old baby in the house so got to the stick to the Switch for a while. Just got RType Final 2 in the post though so can deal with that!
@Bytemare There are no difficulty settings. I mention it in the review, but there is plenty more to do after the credits. You can only really farm for Ether, but that's possible. I personally think there's lots of replay value — it's a rogue-like after all.
@theMEGAniggle I really don't think that's true. We did an interview with Housemarque and asked them about the price because it was one of the most commonly discussed things in the comments.
Aside from that, I can't really recall a time when we've driven the discussion about the price from an editorial perspective. It's been mostly comments, which we obviously can't control!
That sub header is class!
@Quintumply Can't remember where I heard it but I thought when you beat a boss you could start from the next biome if you died. Did I misunderstand that?
Great review, the gameplay looks tight. I've been a critic of the pricing strategy and hope it doesn't hurt this game. I know I'll be dipping into this down the line and I hope those who get at launch enjoy!
Great Review. I'm even more excited for Returnal now.
@AdamNovice When you defeat a boss, you never have to fight it again. You don't start from the next biome but you can get there much faster.
@Porkman85 Same, I usually trust EG. Maybe, the opposite to you, I'm convincing myself there must be a skill gap and I'll be fine!
I expect this game to thrash me soundly.
Edited to say, I did really enjoy that Eurogamer review. They've got some talented writers.
Installing now and I'd forgotten how loud the PS5 drive gets when copying data!
"Some weapons are just better than others"
I don't get how this is a con, surely this is the same for every single shooting game ever produced? Anyhoo mine's has just arrived, but I have to go out for a while and won't be able to get stuck in until later this evening. Pleased that it seems to be getting favourable reviews all-round. I like a challenge so hopefully this won't faze me (apart from my old bones not being quick enough!)
@AdamNovice What Voltan said! You always start back at the crash site but once you've unlocked an area, it's just a matter of locating the gate.
I know a lot of people trust SkillUp's opinions so here it is:
@Quintumply 2 questions
Have you seen the movie "Boss Level"? A Groundhog Day like but you die every day. It's really good and pretty funny, might be a nice relax after playing this.
Did New Pokemon Snap ever cross your mind while spending the entire first paragraph writing about game length and price since they both release on the same day?
This game is so not for me, but I may watch my son play it some day, when we have a PS5 and it's in PS+, he plays everything on the hardest difficulty option 1st time thru anyway.
@Profondo My point there is that I would always gravitate towards certain weapons, as some of them felt like they were too specialist in a game where you don't know what you'll be up against next. Of course, everyone will have their favourites, but I thought some of the weapons weren't as useful to have as others.
@Voltan Ok so I misunderstood it, thanks for clarifying.
As for the "Push Square keep bringing up up £70" they didn't really. They mentioned it a couple of times but most of it was driven by the comment section cos every Returnal article brought the same "But £70" comment and it got tiring very quickly.
@rjejr I have not seen it, but thanks for the recommendation
As for New Pokemon Snap, it did cross my mind while playing, in that I'm very much looking forward to playing something relaxing
Ordered, pre-loaded and a day off tomorrow to get balls deep into it 🤠
@get2sammyb Yes i totally agree with him on this point.
@Quintumply Thank you for the reply, will really consider this game now that knowing it can be played for 100 hours or so
I hate games which are difficult for the sake of being difficult. I'll buy it at 50% off and I'll likely ditch the game after a few tries. That way I won't have buyer's remorse, at least. Still, it certainly looks interesting and fresh.
@Quintumply Is there a difficulty option? If not, how difficult is it? I don't want to feel like I'm playing Dark Souls lol.
Pardon me for sounding like a pompous rich guy here (because I’m definitely not that) but why is the $10 increase such a bother? Didn’t games go up $10 from PS2 to PS3? Don’t we normally spend cash like that on single, short outings and think nothing of it? At least here we own the thing and can always use it.
Sweet can't wait to play this tomorrow, the counter said available to play at 1pm today, was on at 12.59 ready and waiting, it counted down then went to another countdown saying midnight, might give it a blast at midnight. Super hyped now and prepared to die a lot. Was expecting a 7.5 score but 9 makes me happy.
Can't wait. My copy should arrive every second
Nice review! This reminds me of Bloodborne: an uber challenging wildcard of a game released early in the consoles life cycle that is destined to be a classic. Between Demon’s Souls, Miles Morales, Returnal and Ratchet and Clank, there will be a wonderful cache of games waiting for me when I finally get a PS5.
Unlike me when I'm playing their games, Housemarque dont miss.
@AhmadSumadi don't try to make sense when it comes to game prices. Just express rage and move along. You know, the internet way
If I had a PS5 I'd take a day off work for the first time in a year and a half tomorrow to play it but alas, more desk paperwork for me
I genuinely wish demo's were still a thing. I'm curious about the game but not enough to warrant a day one purchase. A solid demo might have changed my mind.
A £70($98!) rogue-like is still a hard pill to swallow so I'll pass for now with intentions of buying once it's drops to the more reasonable sub £40 mark.
Sony are really at risk of pricing themselves out this gen, for my £70 I chose to get Pokemon Snap and Monster Hunter Rise instead.
It's a shame too cos this looks really good.
@Octane There are no difficulty settings, and it can be very tough. The gameplay is obviously nothing like Souls but it's a challenging game.
Completely agree. And could be a wise move with all the fuss regarding the price. I'd need a PS5 to go along with that demo but that's a separate issue.
Great review. I'll probably purchase the game down the road. Too many other games have my attention right now.
I've a feeling I'm not gonna really enjoy this when it turns up tomorrow but having viewed that SkillUp review, I can't wait to boot it up for the looks and 3D sound alone !
@AhmadSumadi If I was American I legit would not care but cos I'm British that $10 increase is closer to $30 since apparently £70=$70 to SonyUK.
£70=$98 in reality.
We were paying £40-£50 for PS4 games so the new price should be around £55 here for it to be fair.
Push Square and Easy Allies are pretty much the only reviews I go for these days.
9/10 is a good start.
Edit: 8.5/10 from Easy Allies.
Happy times.
I can't read it right now, just want to say that headline is perfect! chef's kiss for Stephen!
Rougelikes are stupid and pointless.
There's no way I'll complete this.
I'd have pissed it 20 years ago...
@Shepherd_Tallon Sorry.
Demos are still very much a thing its just not for most games. Shame because alot of games i have ended up buying strictly after sampling them and coming away impressed. I dont need a demo for this as its Housemarque and i love everything about them.
Apprently it's got a very steep difficulty curve.
The thing I hate most about games.This is why I love Nintendo's own stuff.
I’m waiting for a sale as I am with all new Sony releases. I’ll get it when it drops in price for sure.
@orson yeah. That’s how I feel about turn-based RPGs and FPSs. But that’s an opinion. Some like’em, some don’t. 🤷🏾♂️
@HeeHo exactly the UK hike is a joke.
nope not for me cant stand games that make me repeat stuff wasting my time to make the game longer
@Fenbops hey, I agree. didn’t take the exchange rate into consideration. I’d be pissed at that as well.
Glad to see that Sony's risk with this game managed to pull it off. Definitely will get this game soon. Congratulations to Housemarque!
Gutted that I'll miss out on what looks like an amazing gaming experience. The price combined with the difficulty is enough to stop me buying. Had the same issue with Bloodborne which was very difficult until I 'figured it out' and turned out to be one of my favourite games.
Perhaps one for a future sale then?
Awesome. How is the environmental story telling? I love games where you figure out parts of the lore/story from the environment.
@Quintumply Marketing slogan:
New Pokemon Snap, for when you need to take a break from Returnal. 😂
Me, I'm in that awkward place of 1 being too difficult, 1 too easy, waiting on R&C which I'm sure will be perfect. Playing Trials of Mana now, also more my cup of tea. 😁
@AhmadSumadi Except roguelikes being stupid is cosmic law.
Going to wait for a sale...which will now at best drop it to "normal" price. I'm not that desperate to play something anyways, plenty of games in the backlog to satisfy me. Even if it's pointless and inevitable, I'm still sticking to my guns against the useless price hike. At least I can say it wasn't my fault, I didn't let them walk all over me.
@HeeHo Damn, the retail price is the equivalent of 98 USD? That's insane. Really puts the American outrage over the $10 price hike into perspective.
Getting Soma vibes when the character sticks her hands in that alien tech. Sadly, Rogue-lites are not for me, unless it was co-op orientated like Remnant. I think I would find this frustrating rather than fun, but can appreciate people who like this sort of niche genre. It's one of those games I'd at least like to try, if Sony had a Gamepass-like subscription model.
"Selene die on" lol, good one!😂😂
"Rogue-lite aspects mean it won't gel with everyone" - that would be me, which is too bad because I would have loved to play this game if it wasn't a rogue-lite.
@trev666 same , I love resident evil but I don't like the scenarios approach where you basically do the exact same thing just with a few minor differences
Only thing bad about this is that I have to wait another 13 hours to play it (and have to go to bed shortly after firing it up .. damn work).
I wish this was one of those 8 pm EST the night before release kind of things…
@Quintumply does this game support gyro aiming?
I'm just curious to see if Sony's pushing it for its first party exclusive this gen, it would be super cool 😃
@AhmadSumadi About the £70... honestly it's complicated.
At least here in the UK the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) was previously only £10 less, £60 on PS4 vs £70 for PS5, but the reality was very different. We could buy most PS4 games physically for £40 - £50 at launch (less if you shopped around or were lucky). That is a whopping £10-£20 increase (20%-50% increase) overnight.
Understandably this is unacceptable for many.
I'm on the fence, i've felt games SHOULD have gone up a while ago, but not this much "seemingly" all at once.
EDITED for mathematical error. Should have used a calculator... 80085
@AhmadSumadi @HeeHo is right to a degree that $70 does not equal £70 BUT fails to point out a few things.
1) The US price is BEFORE TAX, whereas the UK Price is AFTER TAX. We have a high rate of tax (20%) here in the UK.
If you take the tax off our price £70 is actually £58.33 which is much closer to the $70 (£50) before tax price in the US.
2) We have many more rights here in the UK (and EU) including longer warranties for purchased goods which pushes the price of items up. On games this is less important but for white goods and other expensive items this can be a good thing.
3) Economies of scale. The US is the largest market and can spread things like advertising, distribution, customer support and other costs more thinly than they can in the UK. Again pushing prices up.
4) When you take into account spending power, the UK price is still relatively mid to low compared to many other countries in the world where games are the equivalent of £100+
Of course i'd like them cheaper, who wouldn't, but i'm realistic.
@themightyant wow, great informative comment mate!
I was aware of a couple of factors you listed but I hadn't thought of the others.
For everyone saying Roguelites are not your jam, I feel you. I was of that opinion but I ended up giving Hades a go on the Switch and that honestly blew me away and completely changed my tune. Never say never! When done well it might just be the game that changes your view. I feel this could be one of those gems that draws you into the genre more than you might have expected. I am so excited for this!
@Quintumply Can you grind runs to build upgrades that make the boss and elite enemies more manageable through powerful weapons?
Edit: More specifically can you farm resources to become over leveled?
Hmmm, by the time I get a ps5, this game will be on sale. Win win.
This looks great. I really want it, a great PS5 exclusive. I can’t justify for the price yet, but hopefully I’ll grab when it goes down.
Arrived this morning, installed and patched ready for a gaming night. Not normally my sort of game but everything I've seen so far has looked quality so wanted to give it a try. Yeah the £70 (I got it for£64) price point is a hard pill to swallow, but I'm glad Sony are taking risks with games like these(contrary to what the Internet keeps telling us). And if I don't like it I can always sell it to certain online traders.
@clvr I don't believe it does support gyro aiming, no.
@Bluetrain7 No, you can't over-level. The only thing you can potentially grind is Ether, which is a persistent resource with various uses, but it doesn't have any effects on your stats.
@themightyant About the difference between RRP and actual prices - it was the same here in Poland, I've always bought PS4 games at least 40 PLN (~9€) below RRP / PSN price at launch (sometimes even cheaper). With the 80€ Sony games, the best I could do was 10 PLN, which makes the price hike even bigger in practice.
I expect the retail prices to go down a little again in a while.
@Quintumply thanks for the quick reply, have a good one!
@clvr Thanks. Honestly there are many more reasons. E.g.
Hence I get a little annoyed when I see $70 != £70 the whole time because it isn't so simple.
Or when people say what games cost in the 80s/90s with inflation... again it's not that simple. Spending power and disposable income are far better metrics to weigh against.
If anyone's planning to check out other reviews and not have the story ruined, avoid Kotaku's review. They have a spoiler heading but I was just scrolling through on my phone for a few bits (ironically to avoid spoilers) and read something they are MAD to put in a review before the game is technically even out.
Still looking forward to getting the game tomorrow though!
@Voltan It was the same here at the very start of the PS4 generation. Games were nearer the RRP of £60 at retail and slowly dropped. I am also hoping the same will happen. It is one reason I currently am being especially picky about what to spend £70 on. If I don't oppose it, by voting with my wallet, then it won't change.
Also the SkillUp review was great (as ever). I always feel he really gets to the core of a game without spoiling it and his passion shows when he loves a game. That said as much as I like his reviews i'm aware we have different tastes, and the things he and others have said about Returnal e.g. 1 hour long rogue-like segments with almost no progression just to be send back are a concern for me.
For all these reasons and more (especially my backlog) I won't be buying Day 1 for £70.
I already went with Resident Evil over Returnal as I prefer deep rich stories over anything else. The game does look great though and I'm glad the Dualsense is being used properly, I wish Housemarque nothing but the best.
@themightyant yeah agreed.
Unfortunately though, our brain is hard wired to whip out logical fallacies and heuristics left and right, hence why greatly appreciate people taking their time to analyze and understand stuff.
It's hard, but super rewarding and basically the only way to better the world.
@DenzelDM yes spot on.
Considering I don't even know what rogue lite/like means, I guess this is not for me.
Push Square continues to be at the top of the sub-header game.
Thanks for saving me $70 dollars. Was on the fence on Returnal but now I'll wait till it is PS Plus or $10 dollars or less.
@get2sammyb you know what, that’s true. All you guys really talked about was how fun it looked. There was that poll that you guys did which IMO fuelled discourse about the price because there was a question about the price point but I can’t be mad about that, it was just a question. Ultimately you people are shameless still, but I can respect the hustle 🤝
Not playing into the $70 price point at a time when game companies are making their highest profits ever and not paying any taxes.
@Ralizah Yeah that's right. I'd love them to be $70 here😂
@deathaxe Sure you can shave a few pounds off if you shop around now, £7 off £70 RRP is 10%. Better than nothing for sure but this is small compared to the savings that could be had during most of the PS4 era.
Through sites like hotukdeals you could find games like God of War for £40 at launch. 33% off!
Uncharted 4 I paid £42 at launch. 30% off!
As I said in a post above this was similar at the start of the PS4 generation, and then retail prices started to come down as the system hit ubiquity. Hopefully the same happens as more and more PS5 users and games come into play.
I love to play Roguelike games once in a while than the usual interactive games of PS exclusives. $70 is a steep price for this game genre. If someone bought this solely for the cinematic experience, then they will be in for a shock because games of this genre can be frustrating to play.
Back in my days, Super Nintendo games cost just as much. I guess prices will always go up and down over the years.
@themightyant The problem is that the price increase isn't based on necessity, but greed. The industry is more profitable than it has ever been, yet they are raising the price even though the already are making money hand over fist with DLC and microtransactions.
This might be controversial, especially given the issue of pricing. I have never bought a Housemarque game at launch, and thus feel responsible for the comment they made a few years ago about arcade games being dead. I have always bought their games when on sale because I am always late to the party, but Housemarque games have never disappointed me. Nex Machina, for example, is an amazing experience and so is Matterfall.
Here is the controversy, i do not own a PS5, but i will buy this game at the asking price, and at launch because I am not that bothered by it, eventhough i understand the concerns about pricing from gamers, but I am also buying it as a way of saying thanks to Housemarque for their past games. They deserve all the support that will be coming their way, and i hope this game can be a great starting point for them as they increase their brand awareness and status within the industry.
Best of luck to them in the future and i hope the people who play this game on the PS5 enjoy it. As for me, it will be in my library until i join the PS5 army.
@Ambassador_Kong I agree. I don't think I have advocated for the sharp price increase here, quite the opposite in fact.
Though playing devils advocate: most Sony 1st party titles don't have DLC or MTX. Just because PlayStation is making money hand over fist from these in other games doesn't mean all their games are as profitable.
If it was all about greed they could just introduce DLC and MTX into most of their own games, all metrics seem to suggest there's MORE money there. Instead they have suggested they will keep making complete games without either but put prices up by £10.
I remember paying £50+ for Starfox and SF2 on SNES nearly 30 years ago... People pay £15 to go to movies for 2 hrs no probs so I don't personally see a problem if I'm gonna get 40-60 hrs worth
@Quintumply Great review, thanks. Between you, SkillUp and ACG others looking for a solid mix of reviews can’t go wrong.
My copy arrived early (and at only £59) and while I’ve only played a couple of hours - I’m hooked.
What’s most impressive is how truly new-gen this feels. I was impressed by Demon’s Souls, Miles Morales and various PS5 versions of cross-gen games... but this is another level.
@Ambassador_Kong It's a simple fact of life that any big software house, be it a games developer or commercial developer, is owned by people who want to make money. The more profit you make your investors the more you get back to spend on staff and development kit and the bigger and riskier your projects can be.
I'm not sure why people complain so much about prices, either pay it or don't. Maybe if nobody paid full-price then prices would drop. Or maybe investors will take their money somewhere more profitable and we lose developers. I suspect the latter is more likely.
Edited: I managed to lose half of what I wanted to post...
Oh, and despite it looking superb I'm not paying £70 for it. Not because I resent paying it but because I suck at these sort of games!
@Marquez Glad you're enjoying it!
No idea if I will suck at this game or not, but who cares? Preordered it and excited to try see how it is. This may be a game where I care to “git gud.” Had a fair amount of fun with Hades, but Returnal looks like it’ll smoke that game.
I, on one hand, applaud Sony for finally doing something different than a 3rd person narrative driven action adventure blockbuster. This is definitely a more "gamey" game and I appreciate that from them, even if it's third party and published, not an internal game.
OTOH, despite the glowing praise, at the end of the day it's still a dynamically generated roguelike arcade type game plastered with the oh so trendy Souls aesthetic and cutscenes to make it seem more narrative. I still don't see this being properly priced as a full price game even at the old $60, let alone $70. Maybe a demo or such could change my mind, but alas, there isn't one, and I doubt there will be one because, in reality "long gameplay" means repeating play in this genre, and a demo would give people enough of a taste to maybe not need the full game. At $70 a pop, a game is going to have to aim straight down the middle of my sweet spot for ultimate hype to get my cash, and this isn't that.
7+ hour wait is killing me
Anyone know how the deluxe items work??
@themightyant @Ralizah The problem with arranging the pricing still remains that there are kind of two markets, and it's hard to price it right for all. I still think the old $60 was too much let alone $70. But it depends if they're trying to get more people to buy more games, or if they're pricing everything for the people that buy few games. The average gamer only buys 2 games a year. An extra $20 a year isn't going to break their walletson gaming (USD), so the price is fair. But it's punishing to the gaming enthusiast that buys one or two games a month (or more) where we're looking at $250+ in increases per year. The only obvious answer is "buy less games." Which is a great result. Be more selective, more choosy, buy only the things at the top of your radar. But what does that do to the industry if people that buy a lot of games start taking less risks and less games?
Could companies like Housemarque keep making more niche games like this? Could this game sell for $70 at launch if it were another year or two into the PS5 lifecycle and the whole platform didn't consist of early adopters lusting for games like a teenager on prom night without suffering in sales when people are going to be "selective" and choose games like GoW and FFXIII instead that are more "sure bets"?
I still see price increases as self-defeating when more companies want more people to try more different games. It incentivizes both devs and consumers to play it safe and bet only on sure bets. And Returnal wouldn't fit that stable were it not an early game on a still barren console. If it came out 3 weeks after R&C, would there even be much discussion about it?
@NEStalgia My solution to games that launched with £90 deluxe editions (and in broken states) wasn't to buy less games, it was just to buy them on sale.
Ironically, I actually buy a lot more now, I might even spend a little more, as an example, rather than £70 of it going to Sony for Returnal at launch, I'll split £100 between Sony and nine other companies for games that have been out for years.
I ain't nobody's whale.
I said I was gonna get it on a sale, but I lied. I pre-ordered it after seeing some more gameplay, and having barely anything to play on PS5 seeing as how my interest in RE Village is, well, no longer interested. Excited to get my hands on it!
@Richnj Yeah, the sales are really the principal solution, but even the sales are getting stingier, and with a price increase that means sale prices increase as well. So the net effect is still a reduction on purchases. I realize as a "whale" I'm not an average spend gamer, and maybe they don't care about that portion of the market (you'd think they would, as we're ultimately much higher margin in the end) but the net result is I do still have less spend into the industry overall. Good for my wallet and other hobbies, bad for them.
Carrot and sticks. If they throw a great sale for $20 a game, I'll end up walking away with those 6 games I was waiting for while they're a bargain....spending $120 into the industry, but getting 6 games. I'll take chances on a few I "might like" because it's cheap. But when I see that $70 price tag on a single game, odds are I'll walk away spending $0 and saving $70 for "that one game" I want more later in the year.
Back on 3DS I'd preorder, basically everything. It was $40.....the price felt right to just impulse buy everything that caught my attention for more than a second. When Switch went up to $60 I was more selective, buying only the bigger hitters, but then would stock up on $200 at a shot on PSN sales (and MS Store) when all those great bargains rolled around, at too frequent an interval. These days, I just buy nothing for months at a time because I know "that thing I REALLY want will come along eventually. Or "those sales will get better later." So while I've reduced my gaming spend, technically considerably by just buying less, scouring sales less, because each unit represents too high a cost, that's certainly lost business into the industry. I'm sure all the FIFA players paying an extra $10 offsets that to a degree. But you would think the industry would want people to be MORE willing to monetize more games from more studios. Not less.
No matter how awesome reviewers will say Returnal is - and maybe it is, if you're into its subgenres, I can't see a large market choosing to spend that much money on it instead of the other much bigger, more hype filled games that will arrive later. From my perspective it's a game benefitting on a high margin price point due to heavy advertising and promotion during a console launch window with a dearth of other exclusives competing for the money, to what is already a spendthrift market of early adopters. It won't get hurt by that reality today. But I don't know it could have pulled that stunt at any other period in a console cycle.
Wow you guys finally have a review that I believe is spot on. After the laughable and irresponsible Oddworld Soulstorm review (a 4 is a joke) or the terrible Little Nightmares 2 review or the Y's 9 review but worst of all was the TLOU 2 10 review, I really didn't have much hope for this review. But you got it right. I find the only one who does good reviews on your staff is Stephen Tailby. So congrats guys!
@get2sammyb Yeah you guys kind of did. Anytime you reported on the game you always mentioned the price, often questioning if it would be worth it. You even asked Housemarque about it.
I am loving feeling the buzz again for an upcoming big release but I can safely say after reading numerous reviews this is not for me and I'm okay with that.
Looks awesome, but I fear it’s above my skill level to really enjoy it. Games like this need an old-person-mode - where things move a little slower, areas aren’t so dark, on-screen text is bigger etc…
Now excuse me whilst I yell at someone to get off my lawn
@SJBUK The publishers aren't reinvesting in the games or their employees, they are pocketing the profits. Here are just a few examples:,based%20on%20total%20shareholder%20returns.
The point is that the companies aren't hurting and they don't need to be raising game prices. The credulous games media has just been repeating their talking points and now gamers believe that the prices need to rise because... reasons.
@Quintumply something i have seen popping up online that i could use clarifying regards the saving situation. As a parent to 2 young children my gaming time has reduced considerably. I may only have 30 minutes to an hour to play in the evening. If i am unable to save my progress, presumably this presents a bit of a problem, given runs could take up to 2 hours, unless i'm missing something?
My type of game but I'll wait for a sale as full price games are just to expensive in general and this isn't high enough on my radar to be one the few that I do buy at launch
Probably should have mentioned the fact that you can't save your game at all (not even a quick save feature like Hades). That way some people might not be taken completely off guard by it, as I'm sure the lack of the feature would turn some people off since not everyone has the time to do a lengthy playthrough in one sitting.
Not trying to start anything, as I'm sure the game is great for people who can enjoy it, but it is pretty disappointing that several playthroughs could essentially be a waste of time if you die, and you're also expected to play it for several hours without any way to stop and go back to it again later unless you leave your system running. The genre isn't my cup of tea, so that's the reason for the first part of that comment, but their excuse for having no save feature is a cop out since Hades has one.
Again, I'm not here to start an argument or anything. Just giving my opinion on how ridiculous the lack of any sort of save feature is and that it should have been mentioned in any review of the game.
Well, at least the PS5 has an exclusive now.
@themightyant this...100%..its funny that in a couple of my previous posts about the pricing of new games somebody took it upon themselves to try and have a go about my moral crusade...nice to see somebody gets it and i noticed he wasnt too quick to attack you..
I think that’s a fair point to raise and definitely should have been raised in the review.
We can only hope they add a quick save feature in at some point as I’ve read many comments saying as much as they like the look of the game that’s a big no no for them due to having young children and other commitments etc and they could never play for such long sessions (2-3 hours apparently).
Ha ha. Good to see more “oldies” on here.
I made that exact point very early in the comments.
It looks great and I can’t wait to give it a try but I’m in my 40’s now and im not as good as I was 20 years ago at games!
Ah well. Like another oldie on here said. Just enjoy the experience and hopefully we can all make some progress with it over time!
@Hurblyburbly I’m in my 50s! How did that happen?!? Gamed on the Atari 2600 as a kid - I kinda miss those one-button-on-a-joystick days…
‘Tis a great hobby at any age. I’m getting my six year old girl into it now (on the Switch).
I’ll probably give Returnal a go, with very little expectation of making much progress
@Hurblyburbly @KilloWertz This is what i asked Stephen this morning. I have two young kids and if i get 30 mins to an hour of gaming a day im lucky. If there is no ability to save, its absolutely unacceptable in my book and sadly will have to see me scratch this off my list as i cant guarantee that i will ever have 2 - 3 hours to complete a run. Its simply too much to expect anyone to be able to commit to.
For those who say just leave your console in rest mode, i dont see this as an acceptable solution. I always fully turn off my console and a game should not force me to change my habits. I dont want the system drawing down power, no matter how small, when not in use.
I read on Reddit last night that people are flooding Housemarque's discord about it so hopefully they listen. All they need is a temporary quick save that deletes when you load up the game, i dont see the problem. Its not like the game is online and open to abuse from players using save states to their advantage
Great review. Convinced me to preorder. Hyped now.
@Porkman85 poor xbots must be starving then, with only having old games to play
Great review but I am not a fan of roguelites and I am just not paying an extra £20 on a new release for no reason. I am glad the title is reviewing well... but yeah, most people seem to forget this.
@Roswell75 agreed. I paid £60 for SF2 turbo on the SNES in the early 90's ... Don't see the issue
@Rob_230 You're right, you can't just save your current progress and quit out. If you quit the game and boot it back up, you'll be back at the crash site. This hasn't ever been an issue for me personally, but I understand how it could be a drawback for some. You can use Rest Mode to suspend your game, but I know you don't want to do that.
At the end of the day, this is a rogue-style game, and runs are mostly pretty disposable. Having said that, if you find permanent upgrades, unlock a new biome, make some story progress, or beat a boss, that stuff will be persistent thereafter. After a certain point, you'll be able to get through earlier areas faster, because you've unlocked the way to the next area, and you don't need to fight a boss after you've beaten it once. Plus, you'll discover that there are one or two ways to cheat death; there are methods to have a second chance in a run.
I'd assume there's no mid-run saving because it prevents people from save scumming their way through the game. However, given the reaction, I could see Housemarque adding a way to preserve a run fairly quickly. We'll have to wait and see I guess!
@Beefy01 I dunno - I paid £49.99 for Ghost of Tsushima on launch day less than a year ago and now i have to pay £69.99 for this game at launch. I don't understand why there is this price hike.
@Northern_munkey I think the more rational fear is that Sony will normalise a $70 base price, which will then see other publishers justify a further increase to their deluxe editions, which will still be crammed full of microtransactions, and which will still be funneling money straight in to their CEO's pockets, all while they scream that "games only cost $70" as if they are losing money while they provide people with entertainment.
And just after the games industry, and Sony especially, just reported their highest earning year ever, it seems a bit off to all of a sudden act like an increase is necessary to continue to make a profit.
Looks promising! Still got PS4Pro and cancelled PS5 preorder, which had zero probability to deliver. But this is starting to be temptating so much I dont know if I can wait for PS5 Slim
@DenzelDM there are still some demos but I mean how they used to have a disc of demo every month that you'd get with playstation magazine. for at least a generation and a half we've had very few demos.
I also haven't played Housemarque games yet so I was hoping a demo could drag me over the line.
I'm rubbish at it but it plays beautifully.
The controller feels like it's alive.
@Rudy_Manchego £70 for any game is a lot given today’s climate.
The last game I paid £70 for was Virtua Racing on Megadrive
@orson Video games are stupid and pointless. What's YOUR point?
Fantastic review, looking forward to playing it. This game won't be for everyone, hence the very diverse comments, but as always that's games. They had a vision and kudos to them for sticking with it, games like souls are very popular and I wouldn't mind betting that this will fall into that category.
Jeez, this game is truly difficult.
Will take me a while to get used to it for sure.
Great review! I was planning to buy this day one but unexpected RL issues came up.
However I'll def check out the game down the line, when it's $35 New or cheaper.
@hypnotoad I’m with you on both fronts.
Woke up for a quick bash (or to get bashed should I say) before work. 2.5 hours and 3 runs later I know that I’m gonna be a glutton for punishment.
Low quality textures? Really??? Totally unacceptable for a £70 PS5 game.
I'll pick this up at some point in the future when it's far cheaper.
@wiiware 3D audio works with most headsets! Saved ya some dosh!
@__jamiie I mean, most of the game looks wonderful. It's not like the whole game is textured poorly, I just noticed one or two places it could be better.
@Ambassador_Kong I'm only going by experience, not saying that some don't take the mickey. But it's nothing new.
Maybe I'm just a bit cranky at the moment but am so bored of endless posts about how expensive things are or what's wrong with them. Lets have some positivity, dammit!
@Quintumply Okay fair enough. Good review BTW. I still don't think I can justify paying £70 for any game. Unless it's a new Uncharted.
@Orochilocka I have bose headphone but while it's great for music listening, it's not too good for action games, the bass isn't that great.
@MichaelHawj Brutal...
Spent a few hours on this today, the health management has kinda ruined it for me, so guns mostly feel weak.
No wonder why game developers are uneducated and unlearnable.
@wiiware you don't need to buy Pulse headset to hear the 3D audio. Any quality headset will do the same job and besides Pulse it's not really comfortable, I've returned it after a day. Got myself used Senheiser GSP 370, 3d audio is great and it's super comfy!
@Yorgen Got it, I think I'll try using my headphone first.
Several hours in now and still getting my arse handed to me, but loving the gameplay and the atmosphere so much. The use of 3D Audio and the DualSense in particular - fantastic.
It's worth mentioning I paid £59 and even that's a stretch in the current economic climate - but I believe it's money well spent already.
As an older gamer I appreciate the live/die/repeat loop of this game, even though that loop is significantly longer than that in other similar games I've played - Dead Cells, Enter the Gungeon, Hades.
The urge to pick it up and start again when you die reminds me of sticking my money in my favourite arcade machines as a kid, making my way as far as I can before digging through the change in my pocket to start from scratch - over and over.
However I'm not that kid gamer anymore and have kids of my own, with restricted time to play and...
I've fallen victim to the lack of checkpoints twice now - once through a hard crash (90 minute run lost) and once because my son woke up this morning and booted up FIFA (over 2 hours lost, I've packed his bags for him). If they can create a checkpoint system that prevents save scumming, they need to introduce it ASAP.
It's not for everyone but @Toypop the idea that it will be instantly forgotten once people get their hands on 15 hours of inventory management, poor weapon handling and being chased by a giant lady vampire is erroneous at best. Sure, some people love that kind of thing... but Returnal's an excellent game from an excellent studio and it has earned its place in Sony's top notch exclusives lineup. It isn't going anywhere.
@Toypop Absolutely re the lost time so far, I’m not sure it took me much longer to platinum The Last Campfire, which is one of my favourite games I’ve played this year.
Still, when Returnal is firing on all cylinders, it is a fantastic experience. Let’s hope they fix this issue so more people dive in.
After putting several hours into Returnal since launch (I don't get a lot of time to play), I will say this: this is the most fun "Rogue-like" game I've played so far. I really stank at Demon Souls to the point that I bailed out of frustration. I'm honestly not THAT good at Returnal, either. I've yet to get to the second section (I got killed by the first boss after getting VERY close to beating him), but I'm having FUN, and that's all I really care about. At least so far, I don't feel like I'm being punished, I feel like I'm learning from my mistakes. This feels more Doom-like than Demon Souls-like, IMO, and that's more up my alley, I suppose. I might get frustrated from time to time, but dying (something like a dozen times now, hahaha) doesn't make me mad because the gameplay is so good. We'll see how I feel when I have to make much longer runs in the future, but for now I'm having a good time, even when I have a misstep and end up getting stomped.
I just beat the first boss. This is a quality game.
Push Square: Returnal is a PS5 must-have.
Me: But what if a PS5 I no have?
Decided to wait for now, I'd rather spend the money for this on Ratchet and Clank, that looks like more fun. I struggled with Demon's Souls but did manage to finish that game, not sure I need those levels of stress again
Ok let's get this right. This type of game is not for everyone. It is a rogue-lite. Not everyone likes rogue-lite the same way many don't like FPS. As far as the difficulty. Seriously, it is not that difficult. In the beginning it is supposed to be difficult as you adjust. The more you play the more familiar you get with the game and controls where it becomes second nature. Again that is what a rogue-lite is.
The Saving: Love the way that they did the saving here. There are permanent things that happen in the game that you will not lose. For instance, when you get your melee weapon. That stays with you. So when you die, you come back with something that you didn't have before making that run feel different and will allow you to do more.
The game is great. Go buy it. A must own. Challenging but the more you play, the more you discover, the further you go
Very happy for rogue-lite lovers but I got enough stress in my life without adding dying in a video game 1000 times before I can move forward. I really like Immortal Fenyx but the vaults almost feel that same way. They are really better after you have improved your stamina to the limit, gain a couple of updates to power, and ability to lift heavy objects but it's extremely easy just to completely miss the next platform when jumping.
@B_Lindz Then this is a can't have.
This game is absolutely incredible. Truly feels next-gen; an indie studio bringing it's amazing game play/feel to a AAA title, actually using the dual sense. Not having a save system is a problem... If you could save this game is honestly a 10/10 for me. With a kid and a job, sitting down for a 3 hour rogue-like session at 10 pm, and not leaving because I can't save, is not conducive to a good next day.
Holy Cow! I cannot wait to play. Have to wait a few more weeks because of work and responsibility :/
But soon Returnal, soon...
Best "only on PS5 true exclusive" title by miles. No competition (well maybe Demon's Souls but that's quite clunky controls wise).
Easily worth the money.
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