Reynatis is an action RPG set in the vibrant ward of Shibuya, Tokyo, but it’s a very different place to the one we know. In this version, magic is real, very dangerous, and feared by the non-magical population. Magic users either hide their abilities or join a government organisation called M.E.A. to hunt down rogue witches and wizards.
The story follows two sets of characters, the first led by Sari, a member of the M.E.A. trying to track down the source of an addictive drug which can turn its users into monsters; and the second led by Marin, a rogue wizard who wants to become stronger and free himself from government oppression. The chapters alternate between them until their stories eventually intertwine. There’s some really interesting world-building going on here, but unfortunately the gameplay is fairly bland.
You spend your time running back and forth across Shibuya, occasionally delving into dungeons and battling anything that crosses your path. Your characters have two stances, Liberated and Suppressed. While Liberated, you can attack using your magic but can’t defend as well. Once you run out of magic you automatically switch to a Suppressed stance, where you can dodge attacks and absorb magic. You can switch between characters and, as they have different weapon types, they feel different to control. In battle you’ll be constantly changing between characters and stances in order to manage your magic levels.
While the combat initially seems quite flashy and fun, it doesn’t really evolve at any point and quickly becomes dull. It doesn’t help that most of the enemies you fight are colour-swapped versions of things you’ve battled before, and the same dungeon designs are used over and over again.
There are plenty of side quests, but most don’t really add anything to the story. They do have an interesting impact on Shibuya, though. Finishing them reduces the area’s ‘malice’; the lower this is the more magical graffiti, called Whizart, appears across town. Finding them gives you new combat abilities or grants you additional cash and experience. They also make the already beautiful Shibuya look even cooler, but do unfortunately disappear once you view them.
The story and world-building are definitely the most interesting things about Reynatis but it’s a shame everything else feels so half-baked and repetitive. It’s hard to get invested in the characters when the dull combat makes you want to get through the adventure as quickly as possible.
Comments 23
Just pre-ordered it after the review. Been wanting to pick something up that is not persona or Final Fantasy.
Did see the trailer, but didn’t feel captivated by it due to slight genre fatigue. Guess I wasn’t missing out!
Not even a single mention of Yoko Shimomura's music?
Anyway, it's my most anticipated game if the year after Stellar Blade, loved the demo.
Listened to a podcast last week where some guy was playing an advanced copy and he was having a great time with this. So, while a 5 wouldn’t normally interest me… I will look into this one.
I'm still too busy playing The first Descendant, you know the game you gave 3/10 for....
@Dalamar The reviewer probably never heard Yoko Shimomura works.
From the demo i played, i feel like at least a 7/10 especially with the beautiful Yoko Shimomura music. I also found the story looks pretty interesting, which wrote by Kazushige Nojima btw.
But i found the "dungeon design is repetitive" cons kinda funny. I mean, i've played many JRPG where the dungeons design is repetitive. Persona 3 for example, pretty much Tartarus has one of the most repetitive dungeon design i ever see in JRPG with just a couple of different pattern and colors for like what every 10 floors? But i don't find it as a major cons but again that's just me.
Oh well, this low score makes me more interested to get the game. It reminds me of Nier back in PS3 where the majority of reviewers gave it low score because the combat is basic, dungeon is repetitive, and lack of enemy variety. But turns out it's one of the best JRPG i ever played 😁
Tried the demo and immediately dropped it after the tutorial, that graphic was rough. Was this game originally pitched for PS2 or something and they just got the funding now?
Glad I canceled my pre-order with all the other games coming out this fall. The question is, how long until the 8k 120 fps remaster?
I mean, reviews are some guy's opinion. So, it's not like he's telling you to buy or not buy. He's just saying what he thinks. So if he gives it a 5, you take it as what you will. And I'm sure we've all played 9s or 10s that we've hated and some 5s and 6s that we've love. I know I have.
It's Furyu, expect jank.
@AndyKazama I'll take Furyu over Square Enix any day.
I was interested in this, but the demo turned me off. Might Be something I pick up when it's on sale for under £15.
@Dalamar there is an undeniable charm to them. Hope they hit the heights of Crystar again
@AndyKazama Crystar should've been a visual novel. Battle system and locations were as basic as humanly possible, but the story was great.
@Oram77 That and the 7/10 for Concorde really looked bad at the time and even worse in retrospect. Reviews on this site used to have a reputation of tough (at least in comparison to sister sites) but fair. Lately they seem to have taken their finger off the pulse of what potentially interests players and constitutes a fun game.
Nice review. Will pick this up on sale.
An addictive drug that can turn its users into monsters... Now WHERE have I heard this before...? (People that played the Crossbell games will know!)
@Maubari also vape in Calvard
That review was bizarre, did they not pay enough to even delve into the mechanics of the game properly?
It read like homework that had been done the night before it needed to be handed in.
Thank you for the review, it seems they just needed a little bit more budget and time. The premise and base mechanic are intriguing
I watched a YouTube video of this game and while the World the game is set in looks really nice the combat looked too basic for my liking then you have the rather bizarre camera too.
This being said I'll probably buy this later on down the road when I don't have much to play.
I agree 100% with the review. I played it for a while on Switch and quit due to boredom.
Honestly, I love action JRPGs that shake things up with interesting combat. Tales and Star Ocean are my favorites, especially because it requires more than mostly mashing buttons. This game really has the potential with its combat to do something interesting. I would really like the devs to get an opportunity at a sequel.
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