There's a moment in all 11 of Rollerdrome's levels where everything just clicks. Runs rewarding grades unfit for college graduation are the norm in the latest game from OlliOlli World developer Roll7, but practise makes perfect, and this futuristic Tony Hawk's Pro Skater game knows how to make top marks feel good. The Birdman makes it look easy, and you will too having flirted with death enough times. Rollerdrome is a game all about movement, speed, and style. It feels extraordinary once you've mastered it.
What sets the game apart from the Activision classics of old, though, is your life's on the line. Rollerdrome shares its name with a blood sport for the paying masses that combines cool tricks with modish slaughter, and you've entered the preliminary round of the tournament. To come away still breathing, triumphing in the final is the only option.

The game's structure is therefore set: work your way through each stage and claim first place at the end of it all. A few first-person scenes break up the action and introduce a bit of narrative outside the contest itself, but they're forgettable. You're here to kick some arse and look cool while doing so, so Roll7 keeps them brief and skippable.
Action does most of the talking anyway, with rollerblades strapped to your feet and weapons clenched in your fists. For each and every stage, the goal is to kill all the enemies in the arena. You'll do so by combining tricks with bullets; each system lends a helping hand to the other. A limited pool of ammo is refilled by performing flips and grinds, and eliminating bad guys makes it easier to successfully pull them off. Therefore, the trick is to find a flow that allows you to smoothly transition between shooting and point scoring. You'll use up some shotgun shells to obliterate a few challengers, retreat to a half-pipe to get your ammunition back, and then return with a fully loaded grenade launcher to cause mayhem with.
This creates an incredibly fast-paced gameplay loop where you'll need to be thinking on the fly about the next target, judging what the right gun would be and whether you have enough rounds in the chamber to take them down. Different enemies demand distinct approaches too: a sniper will always be on your case as its sight line tracks you about the skate park. Meanwhile, bigger brutes will shoot land mines and projectiles to make navigating the field much more difficult. You'll quickly learn what to hunt first — if it's making your life a misery, take it down next.

The rush once you come out the other side unscathed, though, is exhilarating. It's the feeling that'll have you replaying levels simply for the fun of it and working through the list of optional challenges to better your score. It's a more approachable game than a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater too: you needn't worry about bailing when you don't line up your landing correctly and the timer counts up rather than down. Taking too long negatively affects your score, but with core progression purely tied to killing enemies, completing objectives within a set time limit isn't a concern. It turns the title into one just as approachable as it is enjoyable.
And boy is it enjoyable. Rollerdrome is one of those games that's tougher to convey because so much of its quality is wrapped up in game feel — you really need to play it for yourself to understand what's special about it. The rush of excitement as you flip through the air, slow down time and unload into an enemy, to then land safely on your feet and line up another target feels magnificent. Added depth is then sourced from Super Reflex moves, increasing your firepower and sending the swagger barometer into overdrive. You're very unlikely to play a cooler PS5 game this year.
Three hours of play will be roughly enough to roll credits on the main campaign, but with bonus objectives tied to every level, there's reason to return beyond the leaderboards that compare your score to friends and the rest of the world. Furthermore, a second game mode is unlocked upon completion of the base experience named Out for Blood, which allows you to play through the tournament again with increased enemy density and overall difficulty. While it may be more for the masochists among you, the mode is another way of extending your playtime and putting your skills to the ultimate test.
That is if the difficulty spike in the base campaign didn't already defeat you. There comes a point in the latter stages of Rollerdrome where the general difficulty may seem insurmountable as it throws so many enemies at you that it feels like a test of endurance rather than one of skill.
An example of this would be the par time, which almost doubles between stages as you progress from the quarter to the semi-finals. Beating the clock improves your score, and while you don't need to do so to progress through the competition, it's an illustration of how the game kicks into overdrive all of a sudden. Forcing you to survive for so much longer against significantly tougher enemies, it may come as a shock after breezing through the earlier rounds.

Although, if you do hit a brick wall, some accessibility options (invincibility, infinite ammo etc.) can be switched on in the pause menu. Your score won't be uploaded to the leaderboards, but you will make it through to the end of the Rollerdrome tournament.
At least replaying those later levels gives you another chance to appreciate the gorgeous art style featuring vibrant colouring, bold tones to boost locations, and detailed brush strokes upon the ramps of each and every skate park. It all looks beautiful in motion, especially when you're racing past with a guaranteed speeding ticket and rockets on your tail. Said to be inspired by comic books of the 1970s, it looks a bit like SEGA Dreamcast heavyweight Jet Set Radio, except Rollerdrome's cel-shaded look feels a bit bolder and in your face.
The only problem is there aren't enough environments in the game to add variety and really do the art style justice. The stages generally all fall into one of three categories: a standard skate park, a shopping centre, or an outdoor area that's either freezing cold or baking in the heat. It's fairly disappointing to reach the final stages of the competition, only to encounter what is essentially the exact same place from a few levels ago. Luckily, the white-knuckle action only allows you so much time to take in your surroundings before an enemy has a headshot lined up in their scope.

Without any graphical modes to speak of, the game locks you to a smooth and blistering 60 frames-per-second without even a hint of a drop. Roll7 has done superb work to ensure Rollerdrome keeps up with its high-octane combat; it feels great no matter what speed you're travelling at. If anything, it's actually refreshing to not have to tinker about with visual settings. We don't have to compromise the stunning graphics and the frame rate locks to 60 no matter what — great stuff.
The PS5's DualSense controller is also supported, but it's a really basic implementation. You may pick up on some slight differences in the feel of each weapon through the pad's triggers and haptic feedback makes itself known near bombs and missiles. However, it isn't anything to shout home about. It feels like the support is just there to tick a box rather than really go above and beyond to make the PS5 version distinct.
If there's an award for game feel, Rollerdrome wins it by a country mile. Roll7 has crafted a short but supremely sweet experience that feels incredible to engage with. No matter whether you're performing tricks or blasting enemies, its addictive loop will have you coming back for more. Complemented by a phenomenal, colourful art style and a real sense of speed, flow, and motion, Rollerdrome rivals the very best Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games.
Comments 55
Looks good and nice to see a new concept in a game pay off.
Looks really fun, I've been looking forward to this game! Can't wait to try it with the Game Trial included with PS+.
If I like it then I'm definitely going to buy it. It's discounted pretty big for a new game right now for PS+ members.
This looks like it could be a blast and it's less than 20 dollars if you have Ps Plus. I'll jump on as soon as I'm done replaying RE8.
Loved the game, great review! Reviewed the game myself and used the same sub-heading
jeez, am I the only one who is sick and tired of all these "stylised" games which look like they could be run on a Gamecube? They were cute, twenty years ago...but that's what I've still got my Gamecube for, I own a PS5 because I want something that will actually test the hardware and test it HARD.
This looks awesome! I haven’t played Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1&2 yet but I will, what with it being on PS+. If I enjoy it, I’ll be picking this up straight after!
Edit. Actually… forget that, it’s on sale now. Yoink!
@shadow2k they have to cater for all tastes. The PS5 won’t be pushed for several years to come until devs choose to ignore base 120M PS4 customers.
I can see PS4 games being made well past 2030.
@shadow2k If you think this would run on a GameCube then I suggest you replay any GameCube game.
@shadow2k Not really no, i put gameplay before graphics.
@shadow2k I feel the same about NES looking games. I get that their budget is small, but still.
N.i.c.e. it's like tony hawk.jet set radio and max payne.and the graphics its like a good mix of amazing games.word up son
@naruball omg yes. You have all this power, all this 3D hardware, we've had all this progress in the last 30-40 years....and we're still making NES-style 2D platformers? I mean keep doing that, but the Switch and mobile phones are thataway....
I like the graphical style. 🤷♀️
@nessisonett sure. I said looks like, not will. The art style makes it look like a game you'd get on the Gamecube, because they had to design them that way to mask "oh the hardware isn't powerful enough yet" with "but it looks pretty for the time". That's what's annoying me, that we have so much more power than a glut of stylised, cel-shaded Dreamcast-Gamecube-era looking games which just happen to run at 1080p.
@shadow2k it feels a bit like making a black and white movie in this time and age.
Huh, for some reason I thought this was some online multiplayer arena-type game all this time.
Had no idea this had a regular campaign with levels. Made my interest go up signifcantly.
@get2sammyb Yep, it looks great. It aims for a specific aesthetic and nails it.
@get2sammyb Gotta agree, i guess some people maybe havent seen Rollerball. I hope stylistic art is never brushed aside for the sake of a bit ray traced 3d.
It looks like a lot of fun! I'm in the camp that thinks the art style looks awesome. Available for £16.50 with plus seems like a great deal. Pretty tempted!
@bpomber Does it have a trial then? I thought the trial system was for new games which are more pricey (£35+?) which are also a lot longer than this
Here we go with an art style/graphics debate. Just because there's some Snickers on the shelves doesn't mean that Mars is going away...I wonder how you folk are like in real life, but at the same time better not 😂
So you want every game to have the exact same realistic artstyle? Sounds pretty boring to me. I'm not interested in this game, but the artstyle definitely makes it stand out.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@RicebinBernacky No, not every game; but there's very much a glut of games like this with stylised graphics and for once it'd be nice for something on the other end. What I'm getting fed up with is the constant barrage of games that don't push the system.
That's just unrealistic. Only a tiny percentage of studios have the budget needed to push the system.
@RicebinBernacky ...what, unrealistic to have even one game a year look like it's actually using the hardware? That's just sad.
Yeah but Tony Hawk is free this month so I’ll pass for now.
that's... not at all what I said, but ok
Really good review. Feel like Roll7 are consistently good with these sort of games. May pick this up this weekend!
@razorhanzo it has a trial. I'm not sure how Sony decides what games get trials and what games don't.
Rollerdome is only a 1 hour trial, but for a game like this I feel like 1 hour is enough to really get the feel of the game.
@RicebinBernacky "but there's very much a glut of games like this with stylised graphics and for once it'd be nice for something on the other end." "that's just unrealistic" no that's pretty much exactly what you said; I wasn't saying ALL GAMES SHOULD BE PRETTY (feat: literally "no, not every game"), I said for once (key words!) it would be nice if something was. You told me that was unrealistic.
@bpomber it’s not even an hour trial - it’s 35 mins! Quite enjoyed it, not sure if I’ll buy the main game though.
@shadow2k by this reasoning all traditional animation studios, stop motion animation, and Japanese anime studio should all switch to Pixar style CG animation. Moron comment.
@Nightcrawler71 oh wow that's short! I haven't tried it yet but I will tonight. PS Store says 1 hour so that's weird it's actually shorter than that.
@shadow2k your comments combined with your profile pic are drenched in all kinds of irony.
@shadow2k Dude that's a dead attitude to have. What you're asking for is another big Triple A title backed heavily by a big publisher - GTA, CoD, God of War, Gran Turismo etc. We get these big hitters every year. Games like Rollerdrome are cheaper to make so they don't come with the $70 price tag and offer a more organic experience than something that looks real because it took 5,000 employees working on it over a 5 year period with a budget of $200+ million to make it look real. But because of that you end up paying $70 for half a game that gets patched over time with the best content hidden behind a paywall called "DLC" released months after the games initial release.
Rollerdrome looks fun enough and cheap enough to be worth a try and if it gets enough sales then maybe there will be a sequel out in the next 2 years.
I think this discussion on visuals is getting slightly too off-topic. Let's return to talking about Rollerdrome. Thanks!
@LiamCroft agreed i played the trial on ps5 said an 1hr but only gave 35mins but was plenty to make my mind up its a brilliant mindless jet set radio/max Payne style game with a really nice art style. nice easy controls some nice dualsense support also which is always a plus imo. grabbed it on Steam highly recommend it
Just bought this, absolutely fantastic, the theme,visuals,everything. I wish more devs had the balls to do stuff like this. Olli world and then Rollerdrome, these guys are brilliant
Looks like the gameplay loop can get quite repetitive.
I've played the trial and I liked it but I can already sense that I will be overwhelmed rather sooner than later. I feel like it will get frustrating for me really quickly.
Removed - off-topic
@Smiffy01 is it like Ollie Ollie, because I didn't enjoy that one all that much.
@naruball Not really as this is 3d as oppiised to Olli 2d.
Seems like Jet Set Radio is a more worthy comparison.
The trial system is still a joke. 35 mins, really?!
@Realist In terms of art style, sure. That's mentioned in the review. It plays like a Tony Hawk game, though.
Played and deleted. Not my cuppa tea but I’m sure for people who’ve not played Tony Hawk or Jet Set Radio it’ll be a blast!
I'm going to give it a real good go with the trial. Oh wait, no I'm not because the trial is only 35 minutes long (which is essentially enough time to sit through some exposition and the tutorial). Oh well, I'll wait until it's on Plus or £3.99 in a sale instead!
Trial was long enough for me to get past the first shotgun level, and I'm not very fast with it so I think 35 mins was more then long enough to make up my mind.
Plus 33% off for PS+ subbers puts it right in my budget. SOLD!
Looks great but not a game I'd personally pay for
From a guy who didn’t like the game stray he thinks this game is good. I fell asleep during the demo I just don’t get it. By the way they’re on rollerskates not rollerblades. Big difference because I am a roller skater. But everybody has an opinion and opinions are like butt holes and they all stink!
I’m loving this game. I’m just about in the Finals, and it’s hard as hell!
@tomassi The 35 minute trail got me through the tutorials and the first few stages….and then I bought it because I was hooked. Believe me, 35 minutes is enough of a taste.
@naruball In the sense that you will spend a lot of time checking goals off of a list in both games, yes they’re kind of similar.
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