Sonic Superstars arrives as the iconic SEGA mascot is on an upswing. This brand new side-scrolling platformer follows Sonic Mania, a great throwback adventure that mixes old and new, and Sonic Frontiers, the best 3D entry in the series in a long time. The less said about Sonic Forces, the better. The point is, the character has had a pretty good run of form, and by and large, Superstars keeps that trend going — albeit with a large caveat.
Let's start at the start, though. This is a 2D Sonic title that carries over the classic, momentum-based gameplay fans know and love, and pairs it with a vibrant new art style. The result is that it feels great to play, with the characters all behaving just as you'd expect, but the use of 3D models and attractive, colourful environments gives it a very fresh look. The image quality is crystal clear and it runs like a 60 frames-per-second dream on PS5, save for short, juddery loading screens between bonus stages, or if you die.

The main story can be played alone or with up to three others in co-op. We spent the majority of our time playing it solo, and in that format, Superstars is a perfectly pleasant Sonic game. Every zone is new and they're mostly all very nicely designed. Bridge Island is a Green Hill analogue, and it's an early advertisement for the game's 3D models with curved walls to run up and loops that carry you to an alternate path further "into" the screen. Other highlights include Speed Jungle and its vines to grind on, Press Factory with its unique level-shaking gimmick, and the bright lights of Pinball Carnival.
Although the theming is quite familiar throughout the zones, Superstars does a good job bringing in new ideas while incorporating elements from the past. Lagoon City borrows the slides from Hydrocity, but it also has jets of water to propel you through the level and fountains you can bounce from. Each zone has features like this that prevent the game from feeling like a retread. The structure of a zone has also been toyed with; most of the 11 zones have two acts with an optional third, while others comprise just one large act, such as Sky Temple.
It should also be noted that all levels are quite large, with lots of paths you can take. We imagine the stages are big to account for when you're playing co-op, but it also means that you can take very different routes depending on which character you're using. Sonic is as he always is, including the relatively new drop dash, while Tails can fly, Knuckles can glide and climb walls, and Amy can double jump and attack with her hammer. Utilising all these different abilities means you can find various ways to the end goal, providing a fair amount of replay value.
Affecting every stage is the new utility for chaos emeralds. Hopping through large hidden rings takes you to a special 3D stage in which you need to chase an emerald down. When you collect one, it provides you with a special ability you can use from then on, recharging uses at checkpoints. One summons a bunch of clones that collect rings and attack enemies onscreen, another grows a large vine you can climb, and one reveals hidden platforms or rings to collect. Honestly, we forgot about them for most of the game. You're prompted to use them when they may come in handy; for instance, Superstars will remind you of the water power-up whenever you pass a waterfall, which you can climb if you activate the ability. It was only at these moments we ever really felt the need to use the powers. If you're struggling with a boss, however, the clone ability can be a huge help.

Speaking of bosses, we enjoyed almost all the end-of-act encounters. While they don't all have super memorable designs, the fights are engaging and all have some unique twist, like running up the nose of Speed Jungle's mosquito robot to hit it, or turning Pinball Carnival's clown upside-down by flipping all the icons. There are absolutely one or two difficulty spikes, with the final boss proving to be the most egregious, but most others are decent.
Overall, then, Superstars is a really solid 2D Sonic game with strong, varied level design. That large caveat we mentioned, though? The co-op is botched. A big back-of-the-box bullet point for this game is its four-player co-op, and while we could only play with two, that was more than enough to see its weaknesses.
The game just moves too quickly for co-op. One player will run ahead of the other basically every few seconds, and anyone finding themselves off-screen will have to hit X to respawn on whichever character the game has decided to focus on. And it won't be long before you have to do it again. Playing in two-player, there were moments where we were in-sync and running along together, which felt good, but all it takes is a divergent path, an enemy, accidentally jumping into a bonus stage, or falling to a lower path, and it descends into a scramble.

Exacerbating the problem are, funnily enough, some of the game's strengths in single-player. The open, multi-path design is fun to explore alone, but you and your teammates will almost certainly diverge, interrupting all but one of you. On top of that, each character's unique abilities provide multiple ways to tackle a stage. Again, fun on your own, but in co-op, Sonic can't follow Tails, for example, leading once more to that problem of going separate ways. For us, co-op just doesn't work here.
The battle mode is at least a fun distraction. Using customisable robots, you and three mates compete for points in various minigames, such as a race through a stage or surviving the longest on collapsing platforms. There's nothing mind-blowing about this mode, but it's a better multiplayer experience than playing the story in co-op.
We're a bit at odds with ourselves on Sonic Superstars. Fundamentally it's a really enjoyable side-scrolling Sonic title, but the two big ticket features — chaos emerald powers and co-op — are arguably the worst parts of it. While the emerald abilities have their uses, co-op just doesn't mesh with this gameplay at all. We can absolutely recommend this as a solo experience, as there's a lot to like about the fresh art style, largely great soundtrack, and multi-layered level design. Throw in a friend or two, though, and it quickly gets messy.
Comments 62
Oh well... at least what matters is there.
I am still not a fan of these 2.5D graphics.
I am ok with low review scores. Price will come down quicker and i can get it on sale. The solo mode seems fun.
I wish they had just made Mania 2 instead though.
Was expecting a 7 or 8 from the review. Dodgy multiplayer aside it read really positively. Will wait for a sale.
About what I expected. Only one AAA 2D platformer was ever gonna come out on top ...and it was never gonna be Sonic when you've got Mario turning into an elephant.
Well that answers that. I was curious how multiplayer would work in a frantically fast game like this; turns out it doesn't. I'll still be looking to buy a copy either later this year or early next year (the backlog is already insurmountable 🥲💀).
I didn't really plan on playing it in co-op so that's a non-issue for me.. Honestly 2D platformers are rarely fun in co-op from my experience. The only one I've enjoyed with a friend are the DKC Returns games.
Game sounds like a good time so I'm in!
A 6 feels a little harsh is single player is that great?
I hate how sonic games nowadays just can’t be great. There’s always a bunch of caveats that hurt a fundamentally good game. They’ve had like 30 years to figure it out, but the most we can get is a great foundation that has non-insignificant issues in its execution. I’m just gonna play Sonic Mania and play Mario Wonder when it comes up.
6 sounds a bit harsh after reading the review.
Read like a 7.5
That MP does not work well in a Sonic game was already clear in Sonic 2 since 1992 lol
“The game just moves too quickly for co-op.”
My family - wife, 2 kids and I - enjoy playing games together when we can and that was the very first thing I said when I saw the 4 player co-op in this game. It’s too bad they couldn’t figure out a way to do it, either in split screen or zooming in and out, to make sure everyone is on screen at the same time, but we’ll be skipping this one. Mario Wonder was preordered months ago anyway.
I never intended to play this coop anyway, 2D platformers have rarely been a good fit for such a thing and Sonic certainly never will be.
The review sounds much better than a 6 though, particularly if you're playing solo like the vast majority will be. I'm looking forward to playing both this and the new Mario game
The review reads more like a 7 or 8 so I'll take it. I do realise these things are subjective.
For me, I have no real interest in Multiplayer other than trying it out with my kids. I'll mostly play it as a regular 2D Sonic game which is exactly what I want.
I like that you can play as Amy.
But I'll likely pick this up in the future on sale. It feels right at a cheaper price for an afternoon playthrough.
Eh, I personally not someone who plays lots of Co-Op games so I won't probably be bothered much by the problems it has, so this probably just means that we got another really solid 2d Sonic. Still got a big backlog of games I gotta get through so I won't be picking this up right away but I will definitely check it out later, probably on sale
whole reason i was interested was because of the multiplayer, damn
I guess all aspects of the game need to be considered when giving a review score, but if the single player is great, but the coop sucks, then I guess a 7 or 8 would be the appropriate score for a single player only gamer?
Just let Sonic go already. After four, five, six attempts, it must be clear at this point that it's a franchise that simply doesn't work in tandem with modern gaming sensibilities.
Too bad about the multiplayer, but it definitely sounds like a solid single player experience. Still getting this.
@Skeletor85 This is precisely it. I was hoping to hear that each player got their own screen (split screen in one room). That way you can go wherever you want. When this review mentions how large the levels are, it sounds as though it was designed to function like this.
But yeah - as soon as they mentioned 4-Player Co-op as a feature for this game, my first thought was of Sonic 2 and how it never functioned. A game built on speed and momentum can’t be kept up with if the screen is moving at a different speed than you.
This reads like 7 but my lunch was an 15, so this should get at least a 12. If Elden Ring was a platformer but better, it would be Sonic Superheroes Stars.
@PlayStationGamer3919 I agree. I’ve long been critical of Push Square’s rating system as they make their criteria public, but they frequently rate games below the category. To strike a game because the reviewer didn’t enjoy the co-op feels short sighted, particularly since this is how Sonic games have always handled co-op. Perhaps a 7, but a 6 implies that the flaws distracted from the overall experience.
This review is missing that second opinion that other recent reviews had. Having both critics play the co-op together, would make for an interesting read from both players perspectives!
@axelhander good point , im gonna give it a shot i love me some sonic either way
@Wilforce But a number will always be an internalized metric to some degree. Maybe the reviewer thought the game was below another platformer they gave a 7 to or it was below the designation of “Good”, which is what a 7 means on this site. “Not Bad” means this game is fine but the things that are unique about it aren’t necessarily well executed. The reviewer has justified that perspective in the written portion of the review.
@MightyDemon82 Second opinions depend on us getting more than one copy of the game, which is far from guaranteed unfortunately
Doesn't seem like a 6 from that, but whatevs, I'll get it at some point (on Switch, obvs).
6 silly score, 8 or above I think. Obviously the co-op was tacked on to keep the usual crowd happy. This is the trouble nowadays every game wants to incorporate everything and ruins it.
typical. i guess sega will never reach sonic generations or sonic mania levels again. why are they so unable to figure it out?
@Wilforce But if the reviewer didn’t enjoy the co-op then it did detract from the overall experience for him.
I don’t think the score here matters too much. If you’re a fan of Sonic’s 2D outings then you know what to expect going in and you know if you’re going to enjoy it or not.
Sonic fans really don’t like a low score huh. It’s not even like this is a low score as most places have it between 6-8 anyway
A Sonic game is average? SHOCKER!
@Quintumply Sorry I thought it was couch co-op.
@Bentleyma If we follow that logic then every recent 2D Mario game should be a 6/10 because the co-op is cramped, limited, and chaotic. Mario Maker 2 is the most egregious, featuring a convoluted local co-op mode while favoring the online play. Part of the fun in co-op games like this though is just how chaotic they can be. I think the co-op aspects are weighing too heavily on this score. Taken at its word, this review should be a 7 because the grievance toward co-op is minor at best.
@NotTelevision Hookshot Media have a scoring guide that is used by all of their outlets. A 7 is classified as “a good game with more positives than negatives, these titles are not average in our eyes.“ While there is an editorial aspect to the reviews, I don’t believe they’ve done a good job justifying the score granted… Tough bosses and multiplayer didn’t meet the reviewer’s needs? The criticism is fair, but weighs too heavily on the overall score.
This review reads like a 7/10 or maybe an 8/10. The 6/10 seems to come out of nowhere.
I'm genuinely shocked people still play these games, especially considering the fact that they have reused levels in many of them over the course of tons of games, let alone the simplistic mechanics derived from a game now decades old.
Yet I suppose it isn't much different than every Fromsoft soulslike game I love using the same buggy old engine, tired and dated UI, and reskinned enemies and animations for over a decade now. So i get it and am guilty of it too.
So, i suppose it's really not different other than preferred taste lol
Is this Sonic game a full priced game though? because that would be straight BS
@KundaliniRising333 its more to do with the characters and world of sonic more-so than his game that people keep playing, & playing as sonic is always fun despite the quality of the games. but i have to agree about reusing old things, unfortunately nostalgia sells despite how shallow a game could be - see sonic generations.
@KundaliniRising333 I've seen it going for under £40, so that's not bad. I'll probably play it at somepoint as I've been a fan of Sonic since the age of 10.
Playing Sonic co-op is like playing 2 player Micro Machines on a Gameboy.
You've either got the skills to do it... or you're like this reviewer, and don't have the skills.
@Quintumply that is a odd review score though considering it was mostly positive
@Mythologue Simply not the case. SONIC frontiers was the best selling title in the series. Sonic Mania was also a sales darling.
2D Sonic is great but they don't like that fans do it better than them. So, instead of Mania 2 or some HD 2D, they deliver this ugly looking 2.5D.
Picking it up on Xbox Series X. Reviews are mixed, but they were also mixed for Generations back in 2011 and that's one of my favorite Sonic games ever.
Really surprised to see a Sonic game come out to receive a big "meh".
Because Sonic Team is generally a mess.
Granted they are better than they were back in 2006 (Lest we forget the nightmare that was Sonic 06) but they are still a rarely functioning studio.
And really the problem is just Sonic itself as a franchise. It’s tired and played out. Sonic is good when he is in a Genesis game. Which is why Mania was so good because Whitehead and the crew simply designed a Genesis game and released it in the modern era which took advantage of how Sonic was always meant to be presented and played.
Sega really should have used the Mania engine for this game. It would have helped it presentation massively.
I am a bit perplexed by the boss complaint. Sonic bosses, minus a few notable exceptions, are usually way too easy. Do they take away your rings or something’s? Because that’s the only time a Sonic 2D boss is truly hard. Even the infamous Death Egg Robot from Sonic 2 is only hard because you have no rings in Death Egg zone. Seriously turn on debug and give yourself one ring. He’s really easy with any amount of rings.
Some Sonic bosses can be annoying. Like in SA1 the final Eggman fight in Sonic’s story is annoying as hell because the camera in that game doesn’t work your view of Sonic is constantly being shoved into the nearest wall so you end up making jump mistakes and kill yourself. But if not for that it would be an easy fight.
Sonic fans are into being tortured. It’s normal for hedgehog maniacs.
I was done with the franchise after Sonic 06. I did play Generations on PS3 and thought it was decent. But my emotional attachment to the franchise died with Sonic 06’s bugs, non-functioning camera system (it was worse than SA1’s camera, and that’s actually an accomplishment because SA1’s camera just shoved itself into the nearest wall texture; they didn’t have a high hill to better it), and it’s utterly insane story that was stupid even by Sonic 3D standards.
SA2 will always be the true end of the franchise for me. That game fixed most of SA1’s mistakes and its plot was actually somewhat sensible.
It also doesn’t hurt that SA2 has literally one of gaming’s best soundtracks. I still blast the SA2 OST in my Civic Si all the time.
@Nem We'll probably never get Sonic Mania 2 ever, Christian Whitehead already move on after Sega turn them down.
Split screen would have solved the multiplayer problem.
@OrtadragoonX wait a minute, there were some good games after sa2 - you didnt like heroes?!?
Originally I was gonna grab it day 1
Cause the damn hedgehog always will have a gripe on me but imo its way to expensive in my country
Its almost the same price as frontiers and even with all the new zones, that seems a bit hefty.
6 is complete bs though, a 7 at least cause its still well made I'm many areas from what I've seen.
Not that much to be honest.
The last great Sonic game was Adventure on Dreamcast IMHO.
Sonic multiplayer needs to be done with split screen. It's really the only way it can work in any meaningful way. The way games like Sonic 2 handled it was a fine diversion back in the day, but it never feels like true multiplayer Sonic. Just barely feeling more substantial than something like Super Mario Galaxy multiplayer with the other playing using the point to aid the "main" player.
Definitely what I expected. A fun game but not at full price.
@Mauzuri a person of culture i see!
@Mauzuri exactly ! i have a lot of controversial opinions too! see i knew you were a person of culture ! i feel the same way about any sonic game after generations with the exception of mania
anyway , you’re welcome
The good thing about this is that there is only one co-op trophy overall
This looks really fun.
@OrtadragoonX absoutely. i hope they will make a true sequel to sonic mania, sprite based graphics and all. all sega needs to do is: stay the hell away from christian and his team and let him make another classic without any interference.
the sad reality of all this is the fact sega never really figured out how to place sonic in a world with polygons. it is that simple. people (mostly hardcore sonic fans) may defend various entries in the 3d space, but if we are being truly honest, essentially all of them are medicore and never quite managed to adapt sonic's mechanics well enough. i enjoyed sonic generations, but it was more so for the side scrolling levels (rendered in 3d). some of the fully 3d levels were passable and had moments of fun, but they all suffered from faults in one way or another (floaty jumps, loss of momentum, framerate hitches, poor auto targeting system etc). sonic superstars was supposed to be sonic generations but with just the side scrolling levels... idea sounds good on paper but i guess it lacks any sense of inspiration to elevate it beyond "meh ok" territory.
what i find most amusing is regardless of how medicore sonic games have been (generally) over the past few decades, whenever a new sonic game is announced or teased, people go gaga in hype and anticipation haha... now that is something i will never quite understand
@Quintumply Well, imagine that. You're giving yet another Sega game a low score. Do you hate SEGA? Do you hate games in general? It seems all scores for this site tend to be lower than everywhere else.
This review score has shaken my faith in Push Square. 6? Really? Shame you on you Stephen T… Why does all the media hate the Sonic franchise? Or is it Sega? I hope that the deliberate down scoring of this hugely entertaining fun game doesn’t put gamers of playing it.
I found Mania boring I really tried it I guess im not a Sonic fan. This looks fun though but I know i won't like it that much in the end its just Sonic.
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