When highly regarded games see a remaster, the quality tends to fluctuate between two extremes. You have the disastrous launches akin to Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition, or you get the lovingly crafted, impressive remasters like we saw with Quake and Quake 2. Aspyr has been working its way through the back catalog of classic Star Wars titles from the IP’s gaming golden age, and the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection is the latest of such releases. And unfortunately, this re-release is more GTA than Quake.
You’ve no doubt seen a litany of articles at this point decrying the deplorable state this collection released in. Regrettably, we can report that there’s not a lot of hyperbole to be found in them.
The Battlefront collection gathers each of the titles developed by Pandemic Studios, alongside some smaller expected changes like a resolution bump. Not everything is insignificant, as previous Xbox exclusive DLC is available across all versions, including a handful of maps, as well as playable heroes Kit Fisto and Asajj Ventress.

The actual offering of content on the surface is truly impressive. Battlefront 1 provides 17 maps alongside Galactic Conquest and two campaigns, while Battlefront 2, including the restored DLC, has nearly 40 maps, though some are space maps locked to the still-incredible Rise of the Empire campaign. Battlefront 2 of course also has Galactic Conquest, as well as the ever-popular Hero Assault, which sees all your favourite notable characters from the movies squaring off. This mode features all 19 heroes, though in the past it was only playable on the Tatooine ground map. With the new collection, Hero Assault is now playable across all of Battlefront 2’s ground maps, a most welcome inclusion.
Additionally, the collection retains 64 player online — if you can find a match. Servers were wholly inaccessible at launch, and while things have gotten better – it’s actually possible to find a game now — there is an almost innumerable number of problems with the title. Indeed, if you do find a match there's no guarantee you'll be able to finish it, as crashes and odd bugs permeate every facet of the experience. Some are purely cosmetic, like for instance, on the tactical map, where the camera is spinning rapidly underneath the overlay.

Less forgivable are problems that impact the gameplay itself, such as aiming. We’re not sure what happened here but aiming feels dreadful across both titles. The campaigns and offline modes don’t feel too bad, as the aim assist feels more or less the way it did when the games originally launched. But the online side of things seems to have aim assist disabled, making the act of lining up a shot on someone a truly herculean task. Forget about a one-on-one gunfight, as you can exploit this lack of aim assist by diving around like mad.
This makes a showdown not just irksome, but barely worth the time to even attempt. You’re better off focusing on people whose attention is elsewhere. This could be mitigated somewhat by the presence of friends, but again the collection fumbles this: there isn’t a party-up system. Instead of being able to invite your friends to a lobby and search for a map, you have to just pick the same server at the same time and hope everything works out. It’s still possible to play together, sure, but all these extra steps are things the gaming industry solved years ago. Why the regression?

While things sound pretty dire, there are a number of positives, though virtually everything good we have to say applies to the titles when they released around the millennium. Outside of a handful of maps, the levels are generally excellent, combining quality design with the opportunity to walk through and experience many of the famed locales from the franchise.
The campaigns — especially the one from Battlefront 2 following the 501st Legion — are pretty excellent, capturing much of the original magic that they did all those years ago. And the voiceover work is phenomenal, be it in-game banter or Temuera Morrison’s great narration for the Battlefront 2 campaign.
But, yet again technical issues rear their ugly head. Cutscenes occasionally won’t trigger, or sputter off right after they begin. Recycled film footage runs at a distractingly low frame rate, and there are some sound issues as well, that we only experienced in the offline modes for whatever reason. Some are minor nitpicks, like slightly altering the map loading audio cues, whereas others had a fundamental impact on how we played the game.

One especially bad audio bug made using headphones impossible, as at random intervals in combat, deafening bleats of audio would assault our ears, akin to a jump scare. It was outrageously loud, and so clearly unintentional that we just had to stick with TV audio whenever we could. It would still happen, but the general decibel level was more palatable.
Aspyr has done a serviceable, even admirable job with its porting of Star Wars titles up to this point, but the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection represents a monumental misstep and a much-deserved blemish on its reputation. These are two beloved games representing some of the very best experiences the Star Wars IP has ever offered. To release these remasters in this state is deeply concerning. Our only solace is the fact that, eventually, most of the problems should be fixable.
Comments 28
Well guys, this has truly been a star war.
Aspyr are pretty s**t at porting jobs which is pretty ironic since that's basically all they do 😅. Really hope classic Star Wars game ports can be given to more competent people in the future because if Aspyr were given a job remastering Dark Forces II and messed it up OOOOOOOOOH I would be SO annoyed 😅
A spectacular balls-up
Honestly have been playing this on my Series X and haven’t had many issues with servers and few bugs. I’d give it a 6/10 or even 7/10 but maybe I’ve just caught it during good hours.
I have been having a blast playing splitscreen, so right now id say it's at least a 7/10 for me
@gbanas92 tremendous write up, thanks for this. It's one thing bashing a bad port (totally deserved), but I really appreciate you laying down all the facts, giving examples, and pointing out positives as well where appropriate. 3/10 game, 10/10 review!
Offline the game is a blast as it always was. Offline multiplayer will always be better than online. We still have Goldeneye parties a couple nights a month. Along with the original Battlefront. Crazy to play the same game for 28 or so years, talking about Goldeneye
This site has an agenda where it tears apart classics like this and LOTR: Gollum
Ooft. There's really no excuse for bad ports or remasters - they already have the template of the successful game to build off and see what it should look like and play like. It just smacks of cash grab.
And just after Aspyr had earned some kudos with the Tomb Raider I-III Collection as well...
I honestly had some fun messing around in the offline modes. The aiming controls are messed up in Battlefront 2 though, so not bothering with online just yet.
I'll just be playing EA's BF2 until Aspyr can fix the Classic Collection ✌🏼😉
I had a good time with some friends online the other night but the online is very rough at the moment overall. Still, I haven't had many problems with offline although to be fair I haven't put in as much time there. Hopefully things get better.
Poor Battlefront. It's such a perfect idea of what a Star Wars shooter can be but it seems like this series just can't catch a break ever since Battlefront 2 originally shipped back in the day.
Battlefront 3 was canceled even though it looked promising. The PSP entries, while not bad, never could live up to the proper console titles. Battlefront EA had nowhere near enough content and questionable design decisions. Battlefront 2 EA was microtransactioned to death at launch. Now the Battlefront collection has major issues at launch. Is it cursed or something?
Oh and somehow it's 63GB, plus you can't invert controls and they stole fan made mods, which they've since tried to patch out. Just a disaster of a game
@carlos82 Jeez, that is shady.
This one really hits close, i love battlefront. Devs should burn on a stake for this.
Battlefront deserved much more than this.
Honestly, I didn't even know these two had online multiplayer until I heard about all the anger online. I always played it solo or local back on the PS2 and when i booted it up over the weekend I did the same and had a blast. One of the most fun experiences I've had this year.
This review is kinda outdated going by the patch notes for todays update as it seems most of the issues have been fixed.
@carlos82 Its 30gb on PS5, i guess that compression tech was put to good use.
@DennisReynolds fair enough, at least they did something half decent on PS5
Gee, the original bits are still great, and everything else is garbage. Who'd have thunk it, huh? The devs and Disney could have had a massive success on their hands here, but lack of care, effort, and allocating it a proper budget has backfired massively. They'll still walk away with a profit, sadly.
I tried to get a refund on this via Playstation Support but its like talking to a wall. As I downloaded the game, it was not refundable unless faulty. I've explained how it is faulty.
"Have you tried deleting it and redownloading it? Have you tried playing it on another console (?!). Have you tried downloading it using a wired connection.".
I've explained its the game being released in a broken state, not the download. "Sorry but I have to answer these questions".
@TimeDelayedGamer The amount of good work they did with the Tomb Raider remasters makes it even more baffling! They did a great job with that collection!
@DrClayman Happy to be of assistance!
@awp69 In the very beginning when I first started on the review the time of day I tried to play had a major impact on if I could get in, but now you should be able to play pretty much whenever!
@Keyblade-Dan Hopefully it's an old enough game with simple enough systems that it doesn't get mucked up too bad. I imagine they'll port it eventually since we just got Dark Forces 1 last month! But I'm with ya there I LOVE Dark Forces 2 so much, I really don't wanna see it get butchered!
@linkandnavi Ouch! Hopefully you end up getting in touch with someone who actually gets what the problem is eventually!
@Golem25 They probably already have profited given how many people were trying to play on launch day!
@DennisReynolds Honestly, that's great haha. The less time it has to remain in the condition it was in during the review process, the better!
@LazyLombax Nah not strange. The positives are all things present in the original versions of the games (with a couple exceptions I highlight in the review), but the review is predominantly about the port of the games, and most everything that pertained specifically to these versions of the games was less than ideal. So it skews the score more heavily in favor of negativity. Most everything good about this collection would still have been true 20 years ago with the original releases, plus I explicitly mentioned that most everything should be fixable! Given how much attention has been drawn to how rough this launch was, they basically have to fix it at this point too!
@gbanas92 Yeah to be fair you're right to call it out in the review. Its just a problem nowadays where reviews can highlight issues only for said issues to be fixed a few days later making the review dated, its worse with digital only releases as the patched version is the only version to exist.
@DennisReynolds Then give a decent review copy it's total nonsense thats something so old needs to be patched cant they release a playable game anymore on day one.
HA! You clearly didn't see the mess that were the KOTOR 1 and 2 ports on the switch and the whole lie about the restored dlc for 2.
Aspyr is a mess. Tomb raider seems to have been ok. Different teams i suppose.
Apparently inverted controls are being patched in on the new update out pronto, so at least that's something.
What a terrible launch this is.
Well, the real Star Wars were the friends we made along the way...
@Nem I was so excited about all the restored content for II getting officially implemented into the game! And of course, silence for a while and then canceled.
@DennisReynolds Especially games as a service! Take Rainbow Six: Siege, that game on day 1 versus now is almost completely unrecognizable!
On the bright side in a situation like this, the only way to outdate the review is to fix the game! haha. Nowhere to go but up!
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