The Last of Us: Part I feels like how you remember Naughty Dog’s critically acclaimed 2013 survival horror, which is both a blessing and a bit of a curse. In many ways, this PS5 re-release blurs the lines between remake and remaster, overhauling the original in almost all areas, without tinkering with what made it so great. It means that not all of the improvements will be immediately obvious to the casual observer, but compared side-by-side with the PS3 edition and its PS4 remaster, this is undoubtedly the best version of a contemporary classic.

The Californian studio says the 15-hour campaign and its heart-warming Left Behind expansion have been rebuilt from the ground-up, but it’s important to contextualise what this means. The level design, save for a few minor alterations, is identical. Some interiors have been redesigned and collectibles repositioned to add more logic to the world building, but by-and-large this is an indistinguishable adventure – even down to the placement of enemies and the numbers in their ranks.
This doesn’t mean Naughty Dog is lying, however. The gameplay is vastly superior to the original release, with much of the motion-matching technology introduced in The Last of Us 2 integrated here. It means that there’s more freedom overall, as protagonist Joel will seamlessly transition between animations rather than stopping-and-starting like he did in the original: throwing a bottle, sprinting forward for a melee attack, and then popping off a shot looks flawless now.
Despite this, the combat does not hit the same heights as its successor. Rather than redesign gauntlets, the developer has decided to keep combat encounters the same, meaning the dodge and prone mechanics that made the skirmishes so pulsating in the sequel are missing. Fights also feel much “smaller” in scope, owing to the limitations enforced by the original PS3 design, and therefore The Last of Us 2 is still very much the pinnacle of third-person shooters as far as we’re concerned.

These same constraints apply to the level design, which feels restricted a decade later. While the game certainly has its moments of freedom, the sequel was a much larger endeavour overall, allowing you to explore off the beaten path. The Last of Us: Part I’s reduced scope feels dated in comparison, with piles of debris and conveniently placed fences inexplicably locking you to a set path. It’s clear this is not how the game would be designed today.
But the artificial intelligence is much smarter at least. You’ll no longer brush against immersion breaking scenarios, like Ellie running directly in front of the line of sight of enemies, as everyone is much brighter overall. Aggressors will collaborate and communicate, calling out your position and working to find flanking positions – even on lower difficulties. It makes the combat that much more gratifying, and comparing it to the original is eye-opening to say the least.
The same is true of the extraordinary art direction overhauls. Naughty Dog has made the game less grim than its muddy and macabre predecessor, and some locations like The Capitol Building are unrecognisable in a good way. The sheer amount of detail invested into every single frame is phenomenal, comfortably putting the remake among the best-looking PS5 titles to date. All of the locations feel lived in; there’s clear thought been put into how assets are organised, meaning the environments themselves have their own stories to tell.

Special mention must also be attributed to the sound, which leverages the PS5’s nifty Tempest chip to create some of the best 3D audio to date. Sony’s first-party releases tend to have tremendous mixing across the board, but The Last of Us 2 was a watershed moment for the platform holder in terms of sound design, and this remake matches up. With a quality pair of cans, you can pinpoint the position of enemies purely from their footsteps, and we actually found we didn’t need to rely on the title’s detective vision-style Listen mode anywhere near as much as in previous versions.
And that’s without even speaking of the animations, which have been dramatically reworked. Cutscenes now run in realtime on the PS5, and are not pre-rendered like they were originally. This means that the transitions between gameplay and cinematics are less abrupt, and more importantly there’s a consistency to the character models throughout. Many of the most important scenes, like the heart-breaking prologue, have an intensity that simply didn’t exist in the original.
Naughty Dog’s efforts with the DualSense should not go unnoticed either. The developer has created unique textures for almost every scenario in the game, meaning you’ll feel the rattle of shrapnel as you craft a Nail Bomb or the pitter-patter of rain as you work your way through the drizzly outskirts of Boston. It’s some of the best use of the pad’s innovative features since Astro’s Playroom, and it adds to the overall immersion of both sedate and high-intensity moments.

In fact, the developer’s also found ways to innovate on its award-winning accessibility with the pad’s unique features. One specific addition allows you to “feel” speech through haptic feedback, which in conjunction with the subtitles will allow deaf players to physically appreciate the way lines are delivered. There’s also full audio commentary for every cinematic in the game, taking the outfit’s commitment to accessibility to an unprecedented level.
And for returning players, there’s a lot of bonus content to unlock and explore. There are artwork galleries for both the original release and its remake, and a wealth of new skins for Joel and Ellie have been added, many of which are inspired by popular PlayStation properties. For those looking for some replay value, there’s a new speedrun mode, which has been integrated into the PS5’s Activity Cards, and you can even sort through your records and best times on a chapter-by-chapter basis.
That said, the original’s unexpectedly popular multiplayer mode has been cut, and this isn’t a cheap proposition overall. Even with all of the improvements outlined above, £69.99/$69.99 is a tough to pill to swallow at launch, and while it’s clear an impressive amount of work has been invested into this remake, we’re yet to be convinced it justifies its eye-watering release day price point. Make no mistake, though, the campaign stands up to modern scrutiny.
Without reference to the original, it’s not always easy to appreciate The Last of Us: Part I’s impressive improvements. This is a much better game than the original, though, with stronger art direction, smoother gameplay, and much more emotional cinematics. Naughty Dog has done justice to the original by improving on it in almost every regard, but it remains the game you remember from 2013. At a more competitive price point, it’d be essential – as it is, it’s a pricey upgrade on a bona fide classic.
Comments 227
I've spent a lot of time on The Last of Us: Part I this week, so any questions please feel free to ask. I'll do my best to answer them all over the coming days leading up to launch!
The first couple of paragraphs told me everything I needed to know and as suspected it's technically the best version of the game without really being any different. Something I may pick up down the line in a sale as I've effectively already played this several times. For anyone new to it, this sounds like the way to play it and to anyone else picking it up I hope you enjoy it
Sounds like pretty much what I thought it would be. It's a shame they didn't recreate combat encounters to modernise the whole thing. I'll probably skip this one for now.
@get2sammyb I'll go first. As a PS+ subscriber I already have access to the remastered version. I have never played the game before so is this new one worth shelling out for or do I stick with the copy I already have?
Will probably grab it a few years down the line if they ever heavily discount it, but at £70 it's a hard no.
Or not. I might try this game again sometime in the future. 5$ sounds right.
@Ooccoo_Jr Play the one you already have, or wait it out until this new one is on a deep sale (could take a while). Paying full price for this is just ridiculous, unless your budget allows it and you simply want the best experience available.
@Ooccoo_Jr Very, very difficult question. But if you can afford it — and that is a big if obviously — I'd recommend getting this version, as it's absolutely the best way to play the game.
If you're on a tight budget, though, the original will suffice.
Will be a 20-25 quid buy for me.
@carlos82 exactly. No. Matter how it is sugar coated or how one gushes nostalgically about how good the game is, it's still by and large the same game, same framework not rebuilt; merely improved cosmetically along with what they call AI improvements. Gorgeous ps4 graphics, but dated gameplay re-released for a third time for full price is a solid pass.
I'll replay it again when it's price reflects what it's worth to me. 15 or less or free on ps plus
All things considered I think this is probably the best we could have hoped for. It's just let down by the price really
I wonder if there be a psplus trial? Definitely not going buy the game 3 times at full price. Either going to wait for a massive price drop or it to be added to psplus. Really loved the game, but can't justify pay 70
As someone who has platinumed the game on PS3, PS4 and beaten the game over 10 times and still plays factions online to this day.
Would you say I would discover anything new in this playthrough?
For comparison, Push Square (Sammy every time) scored it:
PS3: 10/10
PS4: 10/10
PS5: 8/10
So it would seem PS4 is actually the best version (unless you need new features like accessibility).
If Factions was there day one full price. Otherwise I’ll wait for a sub $40 sale.
@Netret0120 No, you won't discover much new.
That's good enough for me. I'm just waiting on the firefly edition restock...
No Factions multiplayer, shudder.
Not for me at anything close to RRP I'm afraid.
How is it a better remake when the ps4. Remastered version got a 10 out of 10🤔.anyways the last of us remake is still one of the best games ever made.word up son
@Milktastrophe which makes no sense. I would think the multilayer not added because of factions 2.
@Milktastrophe You have to account for time and context, though. Those PS3 and PS4 reviews were written in 2013 and 2014 respectively, and it's now 2022.
Expectations change over time. The game is still just as good as it ever was (better, in fact), but it no longer impresses to quite the same level it did eight years ago. Hence the score differences.
Ive never thought twice about buying my favourite movies multiple times in slightly better formats. Must have bought the original star wars films 5 times.
TLOU is one of the best games ive ever played in a long life where playing and making games have been at the centre of what I do and enjoy.
This is not a slight res increase, this looks amazing and conveys acting naunces we couldnt even see before.
As a huge fan of this title, buying this definitive version is an absolute given and I feel no worse for doing it than I felt upgrading my film collection to 4k.
I bet many of those soapboxing in here bought upgrades of their early dvds and never said a word. Their loss.
@get2sammyb what about for someone brand new to the game coming here after the show?
So they didn't add any of the clicker vs human vs Ellie combat situations Left Behind had in the original game. Is that correct?
It sounds exactly like what everyone expected it to be. For better or worse depending on your situation.
@STOBO It's absolutely fantastic for people who've never played it. The original has aged quite a bit now (surprisingly so), and this new version brings it right in line with TLoU2 in many ways.
@get2sammyb true, but these are the high level numbers people are going to see if they go back to the older reviews to try to compare to decide which version to get (unless you're planning to do an updated review by today's standards, not sure how often if ever push square does that).
Sounds like they've put a lot of effort into this, and maybe if you'd never played it before it would be a good pick up. But for me (as others have said) it's just too expensive.
Half the price and I would have picked it up day one. Sony baffles me sometimes.
Is the left behind dlc seperate or have they slotted in-between autumn and winter in the campaign?
@Milktastrophe I'd like to assume people realise a 10/10 in 2013 does not mean the same as a 10/10 in 2022. Times change.
@Danloaded It's still separate on the main menu. You can play it whenever you like, but they do recommend you finish the main story first.
I can't say whether the new one is worth it or not, but I played the PS4 remaster last year and found the first third of the game awfully clunky due to the rough controls. I found it very stiff, and just not a modern style of third person control; it's not quite tank controls, but close. After a while it clicks, and I eventually fell in love with the game anyway, but I think a remake would probably really improve on that aspect. Also, the graphics in the remaster were OK, but you never forgot you were playing a slightly higher-res PS3 game. It looks like the visual redesign would be a huge improvement in that regard, too.
£70!!!! Are Tories running Sony these days ?
The Last of Us Remastered alongside Unchartered 4 on PS4 were the first two video games that I played after a 10 year video game hiatus (2008-2018 just board games).
I was BLOWN AWAY by The Last of Us.
I LOVED the second game too.
I am glad this version exists. This is one of the few games I will likely come back to again throughout my life to revisit those memories of awe from the first play through.
Like my favourite board games that get remade or updated (Through the Ages, Terra Mystica, Eclipse, Agricola, Netrunner, Summoner Wars), The Last of Us is a masterpiece and deserves the same treatment.
It is Bottled Lightning that should continue to be updated as each Sony Console releases.
I thought that was a very good and fair review given the circumstances of this release.
@get2sammyb fair enough. Wouldve thought they would put it in the main game this time as it does explain how they get from the end of autumn to winters location alot better (trying not to spoil and make sense XD).
@get2sammyb Off topic but I noticed the upcoming events tab on the homepage has the wrong date for the Disney and Marvel Showcase. It's September 9th, not September 15th.
If this included their new, expanded Factions mode in place of the old multiplayer (like hot GTAV includes access to GTAO), this would justify its price, imo.
Otherwise, no thanks. I already own 2 versions of this. I don't need to spend another $70 on it.
@Titntin Easier to part with £20 for a movie in a new format than it is £70 though right? The bigger the price of anything the greater the pause of thought - you can understand that.
And then you take into account for the same price you could get the new god of war this year…and this has missing content…
Personally, this is one of my favourite games ever…I rate it way above the second, I’m gonna wait for a sale.
I really think Sony should have ‘sacrificed’ this to premium day 1 and tested how many new subscriptions they get off the back of it.
So as expected its a fancy remaster sold at £70 the same price God of War Ragnarok an actual new game is. I shell wait till Xmas where its 50% off. Sadly this will sell well and just encourage more from Sony.
I will look forward to picking this up on PC when it's heavily discounted!
I will play it when it eventually comes to PS Plus Extra.
@get2sammyb I’ve a question, how’s the crafting? Is it more like Last of us 2, or like the original?…do shivs break etc?
@Titntin My Blu Ray upgrades didn't cost me £70 to upgrade, when a Blu Ray remaster sells at full price it usually adds a ton of special features, new features and maybe different cuts. This version of TLoU is just a texture update with some improved AI.
Far too expensive to buy at launch for a repeat play, but will no doubt have a run through in future.
It's a shame they've not expanded the levels or encounters at all. There's so many buildings and "streets behind the barriers" they could've made explorable. A mode to shuffle the enemy locations would have been a nice addition too.
@MFTWrecks i was expecting that (stupidly) before it got announced and was only rumoured.
I would have also gladly taken a new story thrown in on the scale of left behind, Nintendo has done this with many of its rereleases (mario 3d world, Xeno 1, mario kart 8 etc.) and I think that would have been awesome here.
I don't normally read every word in a review. I sometimes, if not always just read the conclusion. Because it's such a beloved game to me, I read every word this time. I think I'm where everyone else is; I think it's worthwhile but only at €20.
The original PS4 remastered version is €20 and even can be got for half that in sale. The original is perfect and that's this versions problem.
A way better looking version of a game that was awarded 10/10 scores an 8/10?
I think the price has effected this review score, which shouldn't be a factor in a games review
@UltimateOtaku91 where's the line drawn though for price in a review.
Take Journey, one of the best PS games ever. What if that was £70. Should it then get 10/10 reviews still.
Price is definitely a subjective issue but it's not something that can be removed wholesale.
Great review, Sammy.
I didn't get very far on the PS3 version of the game, and never touched it on PS4 so I'll gladly plonk the money down for this.
@get2sammyb How do you like your cheeseburgers
@WallyWest No its not
People who wish to complain this too expensive have a valid point.
But its a point thats completely undone when people like you simply spout nonsense trying to pretend you know what you are looking at.
This is not just a texture and ai update, and stating that just made you look like someone who has no idea what hes talking about.
Theres plenty of cogent arguments that could make your point. You'd have been better picking one rather than just making sh*t up...
@UltimateOtaku91 as @get2sammyb has pointed out, those scores were awarded the best part of a decade ago and gaming moves on
Very high launch price should be a negative in every PS5 review.
It’s the price. That’s my only problem with it.
@pip_muzz so why don't pre order bonuses or expensive dlc, or a games cover art all effect review scores as well.
Yeah the games overpriced, but reviews should just focus on the game itself, people reading the reviews already know what the price is, a games worth is purely subjective.
@UltimateOtaku91 price should ABSOLUTELY be factored into it.
Especially considering this game has been already remastered. The price alongside it not really being rebuilt at all, .... how can one simply give it the same review over the span of a decade when only visuals have been brought up to late in the ps4 generation, yet the gameplay is now dated? Yet they are charging full PS5 retail price.
I'd say the reviewer pretty clearly cites much more than just price in why it is scored lower. In fact, it closes explaining it.
For many of us this score is way too generous, and we'd be scoring it a 7 at best.
@UltimateOtaku91 because pre-order bonuses are an addition not found in all versions of the game, DLC isn't available at launch and is genuinely reviewed separately when released. As for cover art, games are digital these days as much as physical.
It's clear you're grasping as straws simply because you don't like the fact that this game didn't get 10/10 due to the pricing.
All reviews are entirely subjective by the way. If you don't want to hear someone else's opinion on a game, don't read their review.
@KundaliniRising333 the remastered version on ps4 was also full price at the time and barely any visual improvement yet this site still awarded it 10/10
I'll just call these games (and the PS5 price hike) the 'Sony tax' from now on. Gotta make back all that money they spent on acquisitions and exclusivity contracts somehow ...Better push it onto their consumers.
@UltimateOtaku91 that was 8 years ago man. he explained that.
The span of time between the ps3 original and the remaster was just over a year. The span of time between the remaster and this second remaster cash grab: 8 years ....
An average 89 review score on Metacritic out 51 reviews is really good. Plenty Xbox fanboys who have never even owned a PS console to play this on will no doubt review bomb it with plenty of zeros in a few days. And of course those who also have a PS5 but don't care for this game will also review bomb it with zeros. Pretending it's the worst game ever calling it janky and old without ever playing it in 2013, 2014 or 2022
@pip_muzz I wouldn't award the game 10/10 either just due to the fact it's missing the multiplayer opponent.
As I mentioned above the remastered ps4 version was barely an upgrade but got 10/10, but a remaster with complete re done visuals scores 8/10 but the rest is the same game same story etc hence why I said the price effected its score.
Also some games have dlc day one like atelier games which have £70 season passes but that didn't effect the review this site gave it, or games that are riddle with microtransactions, they also don't have their review scores impacted. Especially not mentioned in the con's section.
@Beerheadgamer82 lol, so you think all review bombing is just unjustified nonsense? cmon man, you know damn well it will be review bombed more than from either of those excuses mentioned by valid PS5 players, because of its PRICE
@UltimateOtaku91 You make a very valid point, and many review sites and reviewers who I trust over any push square review are still happy to give it 10, as you can see from other scores.
Push square though, have cultivated a following of bitter and entitled people who seem to prefer bitching over playing, and having cultivated such an audience (no doubt hits bring revenue), now have to write and score with this audience in mind. Of course this is one point more than saints row push square, of course.
@KundaliniRising333 yh I knew it would be happening especially with this one. I'll be ignoring the Metacritic scores on the right and be taking in the review scores on the left from reviewers who do this for a living
@Titntin I just call things how I see them, although I am impressed you think there's a more coordinated strategy at play.
@Beerheadgamer82 that's why user scores on metacritic mean nothing, people only care about the critics score
@Titntin The mods for Skyrim on PS4/PS5 do more then what ND have done for this release.
@get2sammyb I clearly think there is, though Id never expect you to state it! 😂
That being said, everyone is entitled to an opinion and yours is obviously solid and im sure its heartfelt, and no doubt better informed than my own. But I do wander what you think when you read the comment sections here, the level of bitterness and entitlement here is very high even for the net. I would have thought deep down youd prefer to hear from people who are still enthused and enjoy their hobby rather than armchair md's?
You dont appear to have taken offence, which is good as none was intended, and I appreciate the work that must go into running such a site.
I'm not going to comment on the "worth the price or not" thing (decide yourself, waiting for sale or PS Plus is always an option) but if anyone's still in the "not actually a remake" camp, I encourage you to watch the Digital Foundry video on it.
The difference is significant.
@KundaliniRising333 reviewing a game on just it's price alone makes no sense whatsoever. Nobody likes paying full price 60 or 70 for a game full stop these days anyway and reviewing a game with just that in mind, again makes no sense whatsoever
That's exactly what I expected and ND never lied about the scope of this remake. I will gladly lose myself again in this world of misery in its most beautiful form. Can't wait till it unlocks.
Looking at the Cons, shouldn't the "Multiplayer mode is missing" bit be in the Pros section? 🤔
@UltimateOtaku91 yh I pretty much ignore Metacritic user scores these days, although sometimes they can both be pretty evenly scored when it's a 3rd party game released on almost everything
Multiplayer mode missing being a con is subjective. I don't care at all.
I picked up TLOUR on the cheap, purely so I could play Left Behind and segue neatly into TLOU2. I have no real desire to play the original again any time soon, but if I were to I'd likely play that version.
@get2sammyb I have to ask: is Left Behind still relegated to the menu, or has it been worked into the main story?
Very disappointing that they were not able to redesign combat encounters and include the dodge and prone mechanics, as those were absolute game changers.
Well my copy has been dispatched this morning so hopefully will be playing it tomorrow evening. Cant wait 😀
@Beerheadgamer82 I have to agree. And it's fine if someone reads the review and realizes that it got an 8 partly because of the price (so it's really a 9), but the average person will simply look at the meta score. So, I strongly disagree with the deducting points for the initial price. Not unless you want to keep updating your review.
@KundaliniRising333 you can't justify a zero score for such a game no matter what. It could have cost 1000 USD and it's still deserve higher than a 0.
My copy shipped out today! I'm so excited to revisit this over the weekend! Any word on gyro aiming option avaliable?
But it also ran dramatically better than the PS3 version.
The PS3 version struggled to maintain 25 FPS and the resolution was pretty low. It hampered the game’s potential.
The PS4 version was what the game was really supposed to be, running at a locked 60fps and at full speed and 1080P resolution. It fixed the two biggest flaws with the PS3 version while maintaining all of its positives and including the DLC as well as the multiplayer that also ran at a higher framerate than the original PS3 edition.
With that said, having watched DF’s review, the game is massively improved visually in a good number of areas. The animation is significantly improved. And the environments are much more lush.
Had they incorporated TLOU2’s gunplay and redesigned the combat encounters to accommodate it, it would be a perfect ten in my opinion. And even worth the price.
But they didn’t. So a 7 or an 8 sounds fair to me. I’d give it a 9 had they released it at the proper price of 40-50 dollars.
Removed - unconstructive feedback; user is banned
@naruball never said a zero was justified, 6 or 7 at that price and for the false advertised "rebuilt for the ground up."
For me it's absolutely not worth the price and absolutely NOT a remake. It's a second remaster of a dated in gameplay game from 2013, bringing visuals alone up to late PS4 level, yet asking current PS5 retail price.
Just not worth more than 15-20 bucks for me tops.
Bottom line though, this repackage and resell is merely not worth the asking price for some and is for others. Both have the right to their opinion in a forum meant to share their opinions on the given subject matter.
The $70 would have been easier to swallow IF it included the excellent multiplayer which to many people including me was half the game, actually I sunk more hours into Factions then the actual single player.
It could have also been bundled with Part II but whatever I'll get it on a deep discount like many others have said.
@Beerheadgamer82 why does it always have to be Xbox fans? Have people like you ever considered that not everyone, including PlayStation fans, is going to take Sony’s *****?
I'll be playing TSW 3 so won't have time for this
Good review, except for the score. I mean I'm glad it's not "10/10 GOAT WOOOO!!", but, the review is pretty honest and straight forward and confirmed really what was known, so good job on the body, and I know "visual overhaul of not that old game that everyone loves" is a hard review to pin a score on, which is part of why scores are a bad idea, but, really, it's hard to come away from a review that pretty much says it's what it says it is, a visual upgrade, with better animation, and an AI patch, missing a major mode and land on an 8. The review is generally a good, honest, review, though it sugar coats things a bit too much at times.
It saddens me that this will probably sell very well and encourage more nickel and dime bare minimum overhauls in the future. It's not that improvements like this may not be welcome for favorite games and keeping them fresh, but not at new game prices, or anywhere close, nor with the amount of deceit they misled about this title. There's a place for a new "Updated Greatest Hits" collection, but at new game prices sold as "it's basically a new game, honest!", is a blow to everyone should it become standard, though it'll also backfire in time. There's only so long people will keep rebuying things.
Did you even read his post? He clearly stated it would also be from sony players not being happy, thus making your post irrelevent?
I play on all platforms and from everything I can see theres no one company got the monopoly on stupid 'fans'....
The Color Brown: The Game
Thanks Sammy. Its what i expected and wanted from the game. Definitely will be waiting till it hits the 30-45 mark though.
Its difficult to justify full price when i have been able to pre-order ragnorak for a couple of pounds cheaper, and where i was able to upgrade uncharted 4/lost legacy for a tenner (with a cinema ticket chucked in for good measure). It just doesnt feel as good value to me, even if it has ironed out some of the kinks that impacted my original playthrough of the otiginal on PS3 (Ellie walking out in front of enemies constantly, who didnt bat an eyelid to her presence)
Already purchased and preloaded so it's ready to play on Friday.
Regarding the price, I think $ony are bang out of order charging £70 for any game, never mind this one but we are where we are. I decided to purchase an £80 top up card from CD Keys for £68.99 and bought the digital deluxe edition so I feel that Jim Ryan only managed to bend me over the table about 3/4 of the way. In any event, I love this game so much, I just couldn't not buy it at launch but, that's just me and each to their own. I won't be getting GoW Ragnarok at launch because I'm one of the minority that wasn't blown away with the first game. I know that I personally will get loads of replay value out of TLoU P1 and that's where I feel I'll get the value out of it. Whether that value is worth £70 is subjective.
@NEStalgia "nickel and dime bare minimum overhauls in the future."
Views are one thing, but peddling obvious mistruths to support your view means ill never trust your opinion again. Lesson learnt.
should have been a day one release on ps plus
For the nay sayers, watch digital foundry's 50 minute video. End of story.
I am so looking forward to replaying this masterpiece. If only to wash away the bad taste that the sequel left. The first game was so good.
@WallyWest "£70 the same price God of War Ragnarok an actual new game"
That's the thing GOW is not too far off. Why would I pay the same price for technically a PS3 game in it's third release over a brand new game with actual new everything?!
And that's a nope.
This game would have been received way better if it had been offeree as part of PS+ premium, just saying
The score seems fair. Years down the line it will be worth playing if you liked the original.
I just don’t like what this game represents. These PlayStation studios are just not taking any risks, other than the odd eclectic Kojima release.
@Akurusu are you sure you read my first comment properly, cause I clearly mentioned others besides just Xbox fanboys. It's comment number 70. Each comment is numbered on the top right of each comment so you can find it better
@KundaliniRising333 review bombing refers to 0s, not 6s and 7s.
@Juanalf Exactly and the same applies to most games coming out in the coming months. Bayonetta 3 is out soon at £50 so why should i pay £70 for a remaster of a remaster? If this was Demons Souls levels of remake then sure i could bite but its not.
So it's still a great game and a technical improvement over the PS3/PS4 versions with less content at an unlikable price.
I feel like I'm having déjà vu.
Hopefully we can stop talking about this game now.
It can't be for nothing. It has to cost seventy quid.
Do one.
Delighted with this review pushsquare. And also thanks you’ve included my main criticism for this game - the price! So I purchased the original remake on PS4 and I just think it’s an absolute joke that this game isn’t given to those who have the PS4 version a little discount, ok not free, nothing free in this life particularly when it comes gaming but still. It’s the same game but with PS5 graphics, yippee, oh flip we now need to recoup the millions we’ve just put into it by charging £70 and £80 for it. Shame on you naughty dog. Classic memorable game that isn’t given the respect it deserves for those trusted gamers out there.
@Johnnycide really? I do not justify the launch price at all. Unforgivable. It’s the third version of a game that started life on the PS3 for goodness sake.
@Titntin It's a graphics overhaul. Pretending it's anything other than a graphics overhaul is the mistruth. It's fine to think a graphics overhaul warrants new games pricing because you love the game, but that's a terrible take.
Can't wait for people to stop talking about this game. Buy it or don't buy or wait.
@Nutstool Games are cheaper today then they were 20-30 years ago.
I didn't even like the original that much. Played it for free and it was alright.
70 for this one? No thank you.
But cool for the people who can and want to pay for it. Your money, your games.
@WillMerfi so what happens when the price inevitably goes down? We're not talking about Ninty first party games.
Watch them somehow steal game of the year award with this..
@NEStalgia so all the accessibility options are part of the graphics overhaul? Interesting.
@kcarnes9051 That's not entirely correct. I'm 46 years old and have been gaming since the early 1980s, starting with the ZX Spectrum before moving on to consoles in the late eighties, and the most expensive games, other than Neo Geo AES carts which were 200 quid, were usually the Street Fighter II cartridges which at launch were £64.99 here in the UK. The reason games were expensive back then was mainly because of the cost of cartridge manufacturing. Games got cheaper when companies began using CD as a format e.g. PS1 games were typically around £39.99 in the mid to late 1990s.
@Nutstool you may wanna factor in inflation. Pretty sure almost everything has gotten more expensive.
Can an 8 still be considered a masterpiece?
@naruball Inflation was not mentioned in his statement as a factor in how he arrived at that conclusion. He merely stated games were more expensive, and £ for £ they were not. In actual fact, the difference is marginal when adjusting for inflation anyway as games back then would be around £70 in today's money. However, if you factor in the vast increase in gamers, which results in greater volumes sold comparatively and thus greater profits, inflation still does not justify the £70 Sony are charging for their first party titles. They are making billions after all. There is no reason, for example, that the PS5 version of GoW Ragnarok should be priced differently than the PS4 version and if Sony was using inflation as their excuse, which they have not, then they'd be selling the PS4 version for £70 as well. This is simply Sony trying to push the gaming sector as a whole to move to the £70 price point out of sheer greed.
@naruball So if we take, say, Elden Ring in a couple years, redo the graphics so it doesn't have that rough Fromsoft look/performance, remove the invasion/coop mode, and add accessibility options, same game, same levels, same overall strengths and flaws, same gameplay, it's now another new $70 game without hesitation or pushback?
@naruball I don't think the logic of rereviewing a game, or not lowering a score because of price, holds up due to the fact that that is the game's price at launch.
Plenty of games get updated to be better than they were at launch, and they don't get rereviewed, and that isnt taken into consideration at launch.
Maybe it should be though, and I can see how revisting a title after a price drop or few updates can better inform.
However the fact is, in @get2sammyb 's subjective opinion as a critic, the price point is steep for what is on offer here. I think that is useful to know as a consumer, as it tells me that I might have a better experience paying less down the line, and that I'm not really missing anything too substantial if I have access to the original or the remaster.
@Akurusu giving a game zero on Metacritic regardless of what team you bat for is not smart, funny or clever. It's nothing other than fanboying stupidity nonsense and makes zero sense. This ain't no Diablo Immortal whatever its called
Well balanced review, thanks! It looks and sounds awesome, all be it while probably staying a bit too true to the original. In that sense I get the feeling ‘fans’ would moan if they changed any more, but newcomers and those taking the improvements as they come would feel more immersed in gameplay. It’s a hard line to balance with such a beloved game! Either way, it looks great. I might not pay full price for it personally - I rarely pay full price for anything - but I’ll certainly get it when / if ever getting a PS5.
I wish it had the dodge and maybe a couple more chapters just thrown in there: 1 combat & 1 stealth. Not story-focused chapters because it’s already fleshed out well enough. I don’t want the story changing. Just more action and suspense would’ve been sweet for a tiny bit of a fresher experience. Hopefully this is discounted by Black Friday but I really doubt it’d be major.
Reading the comments, I know that reviewing (and scoring) this game would be a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" case.
So, with that in mind, thank you for an honest review @get2sammyb!
@get2sammyb Sammy, mate, I can't believe you didn't talk about the most important (and honestly only thing that matters) thing in the's the Plat trophy? Do you still have to play through all the difficulty modes?
@Titntin Still, whenever a PlayStation game gets any sort of criticism the first thing people will say is “it’s Xbox fans”. Or just bring up Xbox for no reason.
@Nutstool Adjust for inflation. I admittedly don't know exactly how inflation has gone down in the UK but I can imagine it's not wholly different. $40 USD in the 1980s would be like $140 today. And, yet, games for years remained at $60 and only recently went up to $70. $140 is double what games actually cost. Even adjusting for cost of living and cartridge and CD manufacturing, games are still quite cheap when inflation is taken into account. The inflation calculator I'm looking at says that 40 pounds in 1980 is 138 pounds today. I'm 39 so I'm not exactly a newb either.
It's sad that the franchise has kind of become the Star Wars of video games. Who likes it is dumb and who doesn't is a hater.
And reading some reviews, it looks like this is going the Sony/PlayStation side as well with some almost saying it's a crime for Sony to charge what they want for this game and that's clear that Sony only cares about money now.
As much as I love the franchise (1 and Part 2 are some of my favorite games), Naughty Dog needs to leave the IP for other media for a while after Factions release (which for sure will generate a whole new discussion) and focus on new things.
But there's no denying that it's funny that this only happens with video games. It would be interesting to see people complaining that they should pay less when a movie is re-released in theaters or when it goes from one format to another (DVD to Bluray, for example)
Criticism from anyone for any game regardless of the platform its on is perfectly fine. However giving a game zero on Metacritic or in any other review shows just how stupid that individual is. And we all know who the majority of those individuals are (yes not all) pretending like they're not Xbox fanboys when they've never owned a PS console yet alone actually played the said game they're giving zero. Unfortunately this happens on all sides which is why taking many user scores on Metacritic seriously becomes a joke more than a reality
@kcarnes9051 20 to 30 years ago gives a range of 1992 to 2002, which was the time frame given by the commenter who put the statement to me in the first place. I therefore did a calculation of inflation on the price of 40 quid for PS1 game in 1995. I've made my point, backed it up and it therefore stands. I'm off to play some games now. Have a nice evening.
I remember pre ordering on PS3, the game at the time I thought was outstanding. I played it properly once though, as felt almost like a film, a proper narrative journey which integrated gameplay in a way that was probably more successfully than I'd seen in a video game before. It does seem a bit odd that Naughty Dog are still remaking the same game, its not something I'd seek out a PS5 for at this point, though I can appreciate the work that's gone into it. I didn't really like the look of the sequel, just seemed so bleak, so I gave it a miss.
@Ooccoo_Jr i would save 70 dollars unless you need some of the accessibility options or only care about graphics.
@Nutstool God Of War was released in 2018 for $60. Adjusted for inflation that $60 is worth $70 in 2022 money. So God Of War Ragnorak is essentially the same price as God Of War. Lol.
'This is a much better game than the original' come on push square it's the same game & you know it
@Nutstool You're being obtuse and intellectually dishonest if you don't account for inflation when stating whether something is more or less expensive with decades in between.
@Nutstool In 1995, the average game price in the states was $50. Adjusted for inflation that's $97.00 today. I'm betting UK prices tracked somewhat similarly.
@Vix exactly their acquisition of bungie won't benefit me as a consumer in any way they'll just want to make those billions back by increasing prices & pushing out live service crap that exploits people with no self control with micro transactions
@kcarnes9051 in 1995 gaming wasn't nearly as profitable as it is today
Gave destroy all humans a 4 for being 1:1 remake but gave this an 8 for the same thing
@Would_you_kindly As demand goes up pricing goes up. Supply has tracked with demand keeping gaming prices stable for decades. Profitability is irrelevant. Nobody owes you a cheap game.
@UltimateOtaku91 and there is no multiplayer that came with the original and 1st remaster.
I was passing on this already because it's technically not what they led us to believe it would be. I know this is beating a dead horse, but combined with the price and other games coming shortly after, it's an easy pass for me.
I may get it sometime down the road for a price that is more reasonable given it's not a true remake, or use my Sony Rewards points and get it for free. The latter would be the only way I could justify getting it right now. Not knocking people who are still genuinely excited for it's release in 2 days, but while I was looking forward to this even more than God of War Ragnarok, that ship sailed the moment it was revealed that the gameplay isn't truly modernized.
@kcarnes9051 Fortunately, we have a product for people who can't afford the new Sony products, it's called the Xbox Series S and literally any other game.
@Richnj That's awesome and the gaming market at work. Sony still commands more than enough demand to justify their prices, which are in line with historical norms. Xbox is losing money through GamePass. So it's not exactly comparable.
@Titntin that's a great point. I'm sure a lot of the people complaining about the price would happily spend that amount or much more on a few rounds of drinks at the pub but for some reason feel aggrieved to pay $70 on something that 1000s of people spent 1000s of hours making.
In summary if you have not played tlou before and don't mind the heavy asking price then this is for you, if you have played this before and have no urgency to replay it a third (6+ if you went for Platinums) then wait for it to come down in price 👍
I like this review, it has honesty and did not overestimate the game. I agree with most of the exposed and it confirms my expectations. I'll just play my PS4 version and wait for a big discount or a reduction in the price to pick up this one.
@MatthewJP Thanks for reading, I appreciate that comment!
@Blackmagehobbit Thank you for the kind comment, I'm glad you found the review useful.
I see all your comments by the way, it's just been a busy day. Will try to respond to as many of you as possible soon!
@Grumblevolcano Thanks, I've fixed that.
@Bleachedsmiles It's basically the same. Shivs break, yes.
@Titntin Haha, it's all good. Comments are comments, there'll always be a spectrum of opinion. Sometimes I agree with users, sometimes I disagree. I know some may think differently, but I generally think we have a very positive community here, especially considering how active it is. Even this thread there's a variety of different opinions, but no one is really being disrespectful.
@TechaNinja Weirdly, I like those cheeseburgers that have a griddled pineapple ring in them. My absolute favourite.
@Deadlyblack Great, thanks for reading.
@Kidfried A lot I suspect. I did think when writing the review that the phrase has been used a lot, but it was so perfect here, I just went with it in the end.
@Would_you_kindly Yes and no. It really does play better. I spent review time going back to the original while I had this remake fresh in my mind, and while I was able to adjust to the PS4 version, Part I really does feel more "modern".
It's up to you to decide if it's worth it to you, of course.
@AFCC I've already got the Platinum and it's MUCH easier. You can play on any difficulty now.
Didn’t get a score as high as the Remastered from PS4. IJS
@get2sammyb "I know some may think differently, but I generally think we have a very positive community here, especially considering how active it is."
This is called burying your head in the sand. This site has one of the most negative comment sections I've experienced when it comes to gaming, and it's your journalism in particular, especially over the last couple of years, that's helped nurture that.
@Intr1n5ic good call. Things have definitely gotten worse here over the years.
One more sleep for me... And i will sleep soundly, knowing i have supported one of my favourite developers, in exchange for the definitive version of tlou.
In a way, their next project will be, in part, thanks to me...
You're welcome!
So it doesn't have the mechanical improvements of last of us 2?
Also Cost $10 more than the original.
Also Has no multiplayer.
Was there a review embargo for any score below an 8? I must know.
This wont be £70 on PC , be cheaper and the best version.
I will wait till the PS6 version at full price.
@sonicmeerkat Games journalism is driven by access. Cant give a bad review or you risk the developer revoking access to review copies of games, pre-release footage, conferences, etc. This qualm has been openly admitted to skewing review scores more positively by several game journos.
It may be expensive but what's stopping people buying it then selling it and it'll cost £10 total at an absolute max
If it was a reasonable price (£30) I would this will have to just be a rent
@Constable_What Yes, I get what you're saying. I still find it silly because it's something that will inevitably change. Bugs may never be fixed, but the (absurd) price most certainly will go down. It's not a matter of if, but when.
Wait till you find out about the multiplayer!
@TrickyDicky99 Did you even read my comment fully? Evidently not because if you had you would know that I was not advocating for PS4 games to be £70.
@NEStalgia No. Who said that? Strawman at its finest.
I specifically argued against your factually incorrect statement ("It's a graphics overhaul. Pretending it's anything other than a graphics overhaul is the mistruth."). Then instead of admitting you were wrong, you resorted to a strawman, because those internet points are important.
For the record, I never believed the price was justified in the slightest.
@naruball Understandable and fair point. I like that the price is mentioned, it's a point of contention for sure and at launch this is most certainly an issue, but once the game goes down in price that con will go away so the review will date itself which can seem a bit silly.
But for the few people that read the review now, see that the price isn't justified, and decide to wait on it, I think it's worth mentioning.
Maybe stop filling up backlogs and actually play the games, then you might afford the extra 10. lol
As I've already said in a million different articles, will be waiting for this version to drop below $20 in a few years.
My backlog is too large for me to justify paying $70 for a game I've already between twice now.
@get2sammyb amen, brother! Good to know! But I still don't think I will waste so much money on the game...I will wait for half the price sale
@johncalmc This would have been ND's swan song to add more content to the game, and give people something "additional" the fans would have eaten it up like candy. ANOTHER MISSED opportunity from this company, to redeem themselves AGAIN.. Someone in those meetings isnt hearing ANYTHING us fans are saying. I almost feel like its blowback from how TLOU 2 was received. I played TLOU 2 i loved it, but the story just didnt grab me and pull my heart strings. ND could have added extra "PS5 only "content, new chapters etc and it would have appeased most if not all of the disgruntled fans. I really have nothing to say at this point. Im sure the sales numbers wont be off the charts, Imean "WHAT GAMER who owns a PS3/4 HASN'T played TLOU/ TLOU REMASTER ps4)?" I mean WHO is this demographic they are pushing this game to? Just a bunch of wasted plastic and BLU RAY discs for an already over plasticated globe.. soo unecessary
@get2sammyb. Did you get all this from playing the latest iteration or was it supplemented by ND material? What I'm getting at is: With absolute certainty, will any of us who deign to throw money at a game we've already played remember enough of our initial run through, or throughs, to actually notice and say to ourselves, "Damn, this is a totally fresh and new experience worth every one of my hard won pennies"?
A fair sounding review.
I just wish that ND and Sony had used the same method they did with the Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection where owners of the PS4 game could upgrade to this for a smaller fee. They must not have made enough profit from those Uncharted PS5 upgrades.
"One specific addition allows you to “feel” speech through haptic feedback, which in conjunction with the subtitles will allow visually impaired players to physically appreciate the way lines are delivered."
Surely you mean "deaf players"?
this same logic applies to almost anything, after a while after the third time experiencing something the "taste is not the same"
@Loftimus Thank you!
Although, I’m surprised you’re still supporting and playing on PlayStation, tbh
No thank you. Already have it on PS3 and PS4. Buying this just encourages continuing milking like GTA V
@willi3su its called "PISS US OFF YOU'LL GET LEFT OUT!" its really called "gaming abuse" in layman's terms, and it really is disgusting. NO reputable site will give this game anything lower than an 8/10 for risk of "pissing daddy Neil off!'
"we smell you!!"...
@naruball For some reason you're trying to say it's not just a graphics overhaul based on the fact that it added some minor DLC/free update grade baubles, while omitting that it also removed a major mode from the original, which ends in either a wash for features, or ends in a feature debt depending on perspective. My example may not be flawless, but it's no strawman.
I know you don't support the price either which makes your lopsided defense of it even more puzzling, though. It's a graphics overhaul. Take or leave the price, but even the review is pretty clear about that.
@MakersMark It doesn't need to sell millions to a huge audience to make big money considering it a, must not have cost much to make compared to new games and b, mostly exists as r&d costs to release it on PC and any money picked up from PS owners is just free cash. It's a PC port with a marketing stopover in PS-land for any market willing to throw cash their way as pure bonus money. And plenty enough will to make it a massive profitable success even if in raw numbers it doesn't compare to an HFW level release let alone Uncharted.
The argument they're trying to reach new generation gamers just getting a PS for the first time never holds though. The game was literally free on entry for those players to entice them in. What's most depressing though is how much the media just rides the marketing and doesn't really highlight that. Push has been fairly good at calling it out (or stirring the pot for clicks however you view it), but nobody's been that direct about it.
@NEStalgia "It's a graphics overhaul"
Doesnt matter how many times you repeat an untruth, or how many self satisfied walls of text you write to try and convince people you have insight.
Anyone prepared to be fair and actually look at the work flow that went into this will see you are absolutely full of it.
Doesnt mean its worth full price, but your spurious bs to try and support your cynacism reveals a man with no insight who will say anything to try and win an online debate... Smh
@hi_drnick Yes mate. Doesnt mean its not expensive, and given the times, that means many gamers need to choose how they spend more carefully of course, I do get that.
Ive just watched skillups review on YouTube and he made the same point, in his case hed just spent $100 on yet another version of his fave film, so said 'if this is your fave game, of course youll spend for the very best version'. Thats exactly where I am with this title.
For many its not worth, for many it is. Why this leads to the kind of accusations we get in these comments is beyond me.
@Akurusu "Still, whenever a PlayStation game gets any sort of criticism the first thing people will say is “it’s Xbox fans”. Or just bring up Xbox for no reason."
Your not wrong. Its a sad indicment of the human condition that we are all tribal and "the other side" have to be our enemy.
Difficult for those of us that just support gaming and want to game everywhere, your just treated with suspicion by all.
Having worked for all the big corps and most of the major publishers I can guarentee you they are all the same, they are not your friend and simply want to make money.
@Titntin I honestly have no idea what you're going on about. How is this not a graphics overhaul? You're declaring a statement of the obvious to be a mistruth. At least @naruball tried to at least offer that adding accessibility options somehow makes a jump into something more substantial than being a graphics overhaul, which also doesn't make much sense in context, but it's at least more than your counterpont offers.
@Constable_What I see what you're saying but for me a review is supposed to tell you something you don't already know to help you decide if the game is worth your money and time. But doesn't everyone know how much the game costs already? Even if someone doesn't know that, they will find out when they want to purchase it.
How is updated ai a graphics overhaul?
How is implimenting haptic feedback a graphics overhaul?
I would also argue that introducing the new seemless animation system is not simply a graphic overhaul either, but I suspect someone like you would not agree.
The world class accesability features are also not a graphics overhaul.
Speedrun and permadeath modes are not a graphic overhaul.
Even the new photomode, visual filters and unlockable cosmetics go beyond a simple texture and res glow up.
So Ive listed several things new to this game that cannot be catorgrised as a graphics overhaul. Your statement that this is just a graphics overhaul is a definitive cast iron lie.
Now what value you place in the above is obviously open to debate, and many might not place any value in them. But the update being just graphics is demonstrably wrong. You choose to peddle it because you can never admit your wrong.
You would have more credibility if you just held your hand up and say 'theres a few other things ill admit, but I dont put any value in them'.
@Titntin At least you've added some context to your claim. But there's also this chasm between views on this thing. The core of it is a graphics overhaul. Keep in mind this isn't RockPaperShotgun, this is the consumer perspective here, and "seamless animation" is "graphics" in the consumer space. And realistically the "improved AI" is "graphics" perception too (characters stay where they should and don't shoot through walls, etc, etc.) In consumer space, that's just "graphics". I know, you're in dev mode, but you really have to step back to the consumer perspective for this. The work into it doesn't matter, only the perceived output.
Ok, so some mod-grade features were added. Permadeath, speedrun, photo mode, "unlockable cosmetics", ok. So we're up to some Digital Deluxe Edition bonus content here.... plus accessibility options, which, while great.....if the goal is extending the ability to play the game to people that already couldn't play it, could certainly have been added to the existing game, even as paid DLC, rather than selling it new.
And all of that was added at the expense of the original MP mode, so the changes aren't all additive.
On a technical, pedantic level, yes, you're right there are changes other than graphics, and changes other than the changes that from the consumer perspective are still "graphics." But there's also a stretch to say "it's not just about graphics, it added a few mod modes and accessibility, it's soooo a new game!"
From the consumer perspective, what's on offer here is a graphics update. There are a few other niceties, yes. Then there's a big negative (MP) removed.
Using accessibility options as a selling/justification point is a slippery slope that I'm hoping they are not trying to do and it's just an internet argument. The idea that accessibility is a premium product justifying higher pricing/re-releasing things is pretty gross. Imagine a movie re-release for more money advertising "But it has subtitles in more languages!" as a main feature to justify it.
@naruball I think it's safe to assume that someone will know how much the game is (price is on the box, or near it, after all), but I don't think as many people would know if the game is worth the price unless they've been following the game like we have.
This review for me, doesn't have anything I don't already know because I've been following it, and because I've essentially played this game twice before already. Aside from the graphics overhaul, the AI, a few ancilliary mechanics from TLOU2, some slightly tweaked encounters, some cosmetic items, accessibility options, haptics, it's a lot of new features sure, but their subtle enough that the difference they provide to most people who have played the remaster will not notice them.
And of course the factions mode is missing.
I don't think as many people as we'd like to think realize that, so I think seeing the price be a con might make some people who only look at scores think twice before impulsively buying a game they may have played before, but at a ludicrous price.
The marketing of the game is a little misleading as well. TLOU built from the ground up, right? I mean yeah it is, I guess, but it's rebuilt almost the exact same way. At least with Demons Souls the original lacked enough features that made the remake more than worth that price (omnidirectional rolling, instant respawn, revitalized online community, more tutorials for newcomers, a massive boost to performance and fidelity, Remastered audio).
I don't think there's a better way to illustrate how bad the price of the game is, especially for people that just read the small synopsis at the bottom. I think the fact that this review has nothing we don't already know speaks to the price being a con. I think the marketing is just misleading enough to fool people into thinking the price is in anyway justified.
@UltimateOtaku91 it definitely needs to be a factor. There are different expectations from a 29.99 game than from a 69.99 one
Got it Turkey. Played Tonight. Amazing. Playing in performance mode as not much in it with grain slightly reduced. Loving it
@TrickyDicky99 oh, I get where you're coming from now. You're a fanboy that thinks Sony's anti-consumer actions are perfectly acceptable. You think it's perfectly acceptable for PS5 owners to pay a premium, per game, for the greater fidelity their console is capable of, simply because Sony says that's the way it should be. Sad sad times when individuals would blindly defend the greed of multi billion dollar corporations than their fellow man. Sad times indeed.
@pacrifice You can't craft arrows, it's the same as the first game. I'm fairly sure you can toggle the film grain — at least you can in photo mode anyway.
@Darylb88 Man I can't wait for Train Sim World 3 either!
@Ristar24 The sequel's amazing. I think if you like the original you'll like the sequel.
@Nutstool I think this game is too expensive but to be fair these games are getting EXTREMELY expensive to make now. The quality of the art assets on display here is kinda insane.
@hi_drnick @Intr1n5ic I think you need to visit more sites if you think it's bad here.
Obviously there's always room for improvement, and you can't please everyone all the time, but by and large I think the posters are great here.
@nathanSF I'm not entirely sure what you're asking to be honest. I played through the remake, then went back to the original for a bit, then played some more of the remake.
The improvements are massive, but you can adjust to the original. That said, the remake is vastly superior to the original — it's just not up for debate.
Whether you think it's worth the high launch day price is, of course, another question.
@StrickenBiged I don't know how none of us picked up on that during proofing! I'll edit! Thank you for pointing that out!
People who ate the semantics about numerical review scores are aggressively stupid and pathetic.
I snagged my firefly edition!
I cannot wait to play this again I have preordered so should be here today I get the pricing of this game but if you play it multiple times the value is great, games cost money to make that is a fact review score is irrelevant to me but I still read it and watched the video and I am still very happy with my decision (have to have less thatchers for a few weeks 🤪 )
"It wasn't for nothing"
It was for SEVENTY dollars, nothing else.
@NEStalgia "On a technical, pedantic level, yes, you're right there are changes other than graphics"
At last you acknowledge. I'm stating the truth and you've spent the entire thread peddling a lie. No matter how hard you squirm, you know I'm right.
"But there's also a stretch to say "it's not just about graphics, it added a few mod modes and accessibility, it's soooo a new game!"
I've never said or even implied this. You've stated it in your answer to me, simply to try and throw shade or justify an oppositional view. You are transparent.
Your attempted argument that everything is graphics cant even make any sense to you, its so incoherent. A consumer only ever consumes graphics and audio as an output, so using your barmy logic all of game development is graphics or sound. Even re-writing the story just changes the graphics and sound eh?
That you are keen to debate issues, answer replies and become involved here as much as you do ,speaks very highly of you and I thought I would become a fan of your posts.
But its become very clear lately that you often completely mis represent or mis state facts to try and 'win' whatever discussion your having. This completely undermines the thought that you have given to these issues and means most people who have seen this mannerism will not place much faith in any conclusions you reach, which is a shame.
Well the launch price is fair for the game (unless you’ve played it before, in which case don’t buy it), so that’s no issues for me, and I’m happy there is no multiplayer (and associated trophies). Perhaps I’ll give it another go as I haven’t played it since it’s PS3 release.
Pointless playing it if you've already played and finished the original but if you’ve never played it then it would be worth it
For a full priced game I expect maybe a little more. It's a full game, yes. But they didn't have to create a story, design the levels, etc. Much of that is the same. I would've liked it they added all the gameplay upgrades from 2, along with expanded levels. More rooms/buildings to explore, just to give the game a bigger scope and so that it doesn't feel like an upgraded PS3 game. I think that for full price that's definitely fair to ask of them. I'll probably get it one day, but I will wait for a price drop
Yes it does seem like a great remake on the ps5,I've played the ps3 and ps4 remaster ,so while I sit on the fence for a little while with whether I buy this or not,only because of the 70 quid price tag ,although to be fair on it's just under 60 but with postage and packing it'll send it up to nearly 70 anyway,and as a lot of other gamers have said,defo worth it if you've not played it before or possibly wait for price drop etc if you have played it already,I can see that using ps5 haptics ,3d sound, faster loading etc etc would make this remake seem worth it,I'll wait alittle longer for price drop ,having said that apart of me is tempted to pick this up quick quickly as gaming tech does move fast and for alot of gamers who have already played this remake may be wondering if they could ever go back to play ps3,ps4 versions ever again ,I have yet to find out and I may be missing out on a quite an amazing remake decisions decisions lol
I to also wish they had Introduced new areas to explore etc etc but then I suppose it could've ruined the iconic feel of the original version but what do I know ,hope the gamers that are playing it are really enjoying it though
@TrickyDicky99 Again, you completely failed to comprehend what I said.
@get2sammyb again, head in the sand.
@Titntin You're turning a microscopic view of itemized change logs as a contrast to the more general view that graphics is what's on offer (plus, yes, adding some modes, removing some modes) into a personal attack. That is out of line.
I haven't said anything particularly revolutionary. Yes, animation is "better graphics" to the player. AI that's not visibly broken is "it looks better" to the player. That always has been, and always will be. Yes those token added features exist, are things PC modders would add in a week, and came at the cost of a whole mode, and is being sold for a higher price than the same studio sold a trilogy of remasters together. None of this is outlandish, original, or unique in view or unworthy of criticism. It's simply a statement of how things are. Nor is it condemning of the game, it's simply what is. The price, is worth condemning however, and that's been, and always has been the crux of the entire argument. If this were some $45-55 "Greatest Hits Remade" series, I don't think there would be backlash.
Nor was my post arguing any of that, it was dismay over the fact I believe it will sell well and thus encourage more of that pricing behavior for graphics updates. Yes, for graphics updates. Nobody's going to pay $70 for a 9 year old game because it has speedrun and permadeath mods added. They're doing it for the graphics if they're doing it. Including animation graphics. Accessibility, that's a different conversation, I know cost went into it, but that's a very slippery slope to include in the price discussion and it's best not done.
Just take a step back, separate from viewing it from a dev perspective, and/or emotional attachment to the game or studio. Your argument is to rail on about how animation updates aren't part of graphics updates and how anyone saying it's a graphics update is a big fat liar because it has speed run mode and permadeath now too (and glossing over the removal of MP mode), turned that into a personal attack against someone calling them a liar as though there's some sort of campaign to create false information about the game, ignoring the view from the peanut gallery, and acting fairly trollish. We disagree on points, we've disagreed on points in other things such as E3, etc. However when the debate shifts from debating those POINTS, even if common ground isn't found, into attacking the PERSON for making the points, something is very wrong.
@NEStalgia exactly the kind of nonsence essay I would expect in reply, sigh. I dont like peoole peddling lies and I can see im not the only one.
I'll leave you to your dellusions, as we've taken half the comment section to get this far, and im sure you will continue to deliberately mis-represent regardless.
@Titntin Again, I have explained my position and view, at length. There are no "lies" and "delusions", and the accusation of such is not appreciated or a civil tone. If you don't have the same view, great! Want to debate the points? Great! Don't want to? Great! But accusations of "lies" and "deliberate mis-representation" are not accurate or appropriate.
@get2sammyb I did at the time, but by the time the sequel came out, and when it came out, it just looked too harrowing thematically for me. I've kind of gone back to enjoying retro and arcade style video games since, not to diminish this series achievements, but it's just not for me these days!
Uncharted Drake's Fortune deserved the remake treatment well before Last of Us. There... I said it.
I will never buy a PS5. I refuse to pay the extra money only so that Sony can maintain the lower original price in the US. The only market Sony is interested in. I was more then ready to buy this game and the PS5. I am going to skip this generation and hope with the next generation Sony will again respect customers from other regions. And hopefully there will be a new remake or remaster of this game at the time.
The invisible walls and convenient fences left everywhere are in sequel as well. I don't know why reviewers love the gameplay so much. It's a hand held restrictive adventure game with outdated shallow combat that funnels you down narrow paths and slightly opens up now and then but even then is still restrictive.
Sure story and graphics are great, but the game play is stuck in PS3 era and why is this good enough to get 10/10 in modern times then? Fanboism is not journalism.
I honestly feel that this is a lazy remaster. They've actively removed trophies like completing the game on Grounded which makes no sense at all and eliminates some of the replay value. I would still recommend the PS4 version of TLOU. More content overall, and the graphics still hold up remarkably well. TLOU is a 10/10 but as a remaster this version is pretty lazy and barebones.
Wasn't going to shell out for this any time soon, but the TV series had me yearning for another go, and well, this is the best version of it.
Fired up the PS4 remaster for a comparison, and against even that, the PS5 remake really is a stunning upgrade. The lighting is gorgeous throughout, the cinematics are quite incredible now, and the violence feels even more visceral and shocking. Things like the snow and water effects must be some of the best out there.
I would have liked more of a remix of item locations, and some additional content; maybe bigger levels, open up some of those fenced off streets and buildings, shake up the plank and pallet puzzles a bit with some head scratchers, give the enemies some new skills and vehicles...
But all things considered, it's still an all time great of a game, and hits hard every time you revisit it.
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