Republished on Wednesday, 15th February, 2023: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of February 2023's PS Plus Extra and Premium lineup. The original text follows.
Whether it likes it or not, Supermassive Games will always have its titles compared to Until Dawn. The British developer has been trying to top the 2015 hit for seven years now, and after a disappointing PlayStation VR project in The Inpatient and the inconsistent Dark Pictures Anthology, its next attempt is The Quarry. Completely detached from previous work and with a new publisher in the bag, it looked like the team had all the right ingredients for a proper return to form. However, it might be time to accept Until Dawn as just a happy accident.
The Quarry is neither good nor particularly bad — it comfortably occupies the space reviewers hate where a game is just fine. Ignore some impressive character models and the title has little to shout about. Ignore some incredibly frustrating camera work and there's not too much else to screw your nose up at. Perhaps its worst sin, then, is that after a very slow start, the game never truly picks up the pace. It plods along, revealing its secrets all too slowly.

Those who've played any one of Supermassive Games' past efforts, though, will find some of those mysteries to be common knowledge. Traditional gameplay takes a back seat as your dialogue choices and decisions dramatically affect the story, leading to different endings, relationships, and dictating who gets to survive the night.
If anything, interaction here is actually even less involved than usual as quick-time events are based on very simple directional thumbstick pushes and spamming the X button. A weapon can be aimed and fired here and there, but then the minigame tasking you with holding your breath has removed its gyro-based requirements. Besides these relatively simple inputs, you'll be scanning the environment for ways of progressing the story as well as hunting down clues, pieces of evidence, and Tarot Cards.
The narrative is what you're playing for, however, and it's an eight-hour adventure that definitely takes its time setting the scene. Seven teens want their time at summer camp to go out with a bang on the final night, so with the Hackett's Quarry owner forced to leave as the sun starts to go down, the only natural course of action is to throw a drunken party. What actually follows is a night of terror and possible death, but it takes a few too many hours to get there.

A lot of time is spent setting the scene and introducing the relationships between the characters. We have Emma and Jacob, who agreed their summer fling wouldn't get serious. Nick and Abigail secretly have the hots for one another but are too nervous to admit it, Ryan is the awkward loner, Kaitlyn is everyone's friend, and then Dylan puts on a cool act to hide his insecurities.
It's a fairly fun cast, but so much time is spent introducing them and carrying out menial tasks that you could already be starting to tire by the time everything goes tits up. We're talking hours of setup that can feel like a real slog to get through. And despite the story being interesting enough once it starts to reveal itself in the later chapters, our ending wasn't in the least bit satisfying. Maybe there are better conclusions out there, but The Quarry has the potential to both start and end poorly.
These extremes carry over into other aspects of the game — most notably the camera work. When control is taken away from you, The Quarry sets up some fantastically shot scenes, incorporating atmospheric and moody lighting as well as the time of day to cast shadows and light up the character's faces for close-ups.

In contrast, the camera can then become an annoyance when you're actually playing the game. Particularly during scenes set in smaller rooms and tight corridors, the camera sits far too close to the teen you're playing as, making it much harder to see where you're going and thus explore the location. With missable collectibles in every chapter, it can be all too easy to skip one if you weren't able to pan the camera around the room enough.
The visuals hit and miss just as much. When The Quarry puts in the effort, it looks really good. Supermassive Games has always been known for impressive character models, and the exact same can be said for its latest project; some spectacular-looking faces accurately convey emotion with their expressions. The aforementioned lighting helps here too: there are some visually gorgeous scenes in amongst the more intense sequences that are genuinely jaw-dropping.
Again, however, it's these sorts of spectacles that make the times the game doesn't look so hot all the more apparent. It seems to really struggle with fire; the flames from fire pits don't always load in correctly, making them resemble something out of the 16-bit era. Then there's a small bit of texture pop-in too.

It all comes together to create such an uneven game. There is a good amount of fun to be had in The Quarry — especially if you're playing with friends — but you're never too far away from something going wrong. Whether that be the camera getting in the way, a visual glitch ruining the immersion, or the story snagging and losing your interest. Without too much in the way of gameplay and interaction, the worst thing about these sorts of games is when they're just kind of boring. The Quarry unfortunately is.
For everything The Quarry does right, it has just as many glaring issues or niggling problems to bring it right back down to Earth. Supermassive Games has been trying to better Until Dawn for seven years now, and at this point, it looks like it's never, ever going to happen. The Quarry is just a bit dull, and that's the exact opposite of what these types of titles strive to be.
Comments 142
Have to competely disagree with this one. It may not be quite as good as Until Dawn but it’s still a blast. 8/10 for me. And once again, Push Square is way lower than the average (82 on OpenCritic) so be sure read other perspectives!
This game is way better then metal gear survive.which got a 8 from pushsquare wtf 🤔.haha.until dawn is really good.word up son
PushSquare loves their low review scores.
@jFug Low? A 5/10 is bang in the middle!
@playstation1995 Never gonna let that one go huh 😹👍
@LiamCroft Yeah, very low when compared to the average of 82 on OpenCritic.
I actually don’t think there are any scores as low as yours on this one that I’ve seen. Even your sister site, Pure Xbox, gave it an 8.
After a disappointing PlayStation VR project in Bravo Team.
Until Dawn was better, but 5/10? I heavily disagree, this was something like an 8 for me.
After watching some gameplay on YouTube I'd have to agree that this is a 6/10 at most.
The dark pictures anthology was/is better
Until Dawn was a Sony exclusive right? Quarry is not?
That’s lost it three points.
It's very disappointing imo. Nowhere near as good as Until Dawn and the more I think about it the more annoyed I am that I spent 8 hours and £50 playing it
I played through this over the weekend, and it feels exactly like Until Dawn for better or worse. They simplified the gameplay, but the story beats feel very similar. I would not recommend until it's $30-40 but I enjoyed my playthrough.
Still a better horror game than The Medium.
@Amusei. Nope.because that horrible game metal gear survive got a 8 from pushsquare.same score as the game of the year .and one of the best games ever in sekiro shadows die twice.😀😊.haha.word up son
I must be quite easily pleased. I really enjoyed it. I agree with the points of a slow start though.
Sorry but i dont think the characters were that likable. The instragramer being the most cringe.
The thing that annoyed me was the fortune teller making you choose a vision instead of just giving you both. The visions were also very vague and messed up my initial run.
Have to say a waste of talent tho. Lance and Lin were waaaaay underused and justice smiths voice threw me off for ages. The voice doesnt fit the body XD i know thats what hes like irl but such a change from detective pikachu lol
@LiamCroft As much as I hate scores, the IGN 1-10 has always seemed pretty fair with 5 meaning mediocre.
Often mediocre means to avoid it.
Thats likely why people are calling it a low score.
Haven’t started this yet but the trophy list looks quite complicated.
I read that the game only lets you keep one active save, so you can’t use chapter select to jump back and forth between chapters (to clean up collectibles). So say you complete the game, then replay chapter 2, you have to complete the entire game again to unlock chapter select (again).
You can probably get around this by saving your completed save file to the cloud and turning off auto-sync, then keep reloading your completed save to replay chapters…. but it’s a bit of a faff. I don’t remember it being like this in the Dark Pictures games? But I could be wrong.
I’m probably just going to play it once and not bother with the trophies.
Come off it its much better than a 5! Awful review & much later than others
Have to completely disagree with this score. I've been playing all weekend and it's an absolute blast.
@awp69 agreed. This is nowhere near a 5/10 game at all. I was hooked from the opening, playing on ps5 with headphones and 3d audio is a real treat.
@playstation1995 Never forget damn that review still pisses me off.
Agree or disagree (haven't played it yet), I really, really respect that Pushsquare are willing to go against the grain and give a genuinely honest opinion on games. So few (if any!!) other reviewers are willing to do that nowadays.
Also - disagreeing with a review score doesn't mean the review itself is bad. I think Liam's review here is really good. His opinion is clearly well-formed and thought-out.
A 5/10 (on a 10 point scale) is by definition, bang average. Many reviewing sites don't stick to this, but I love that Pushsquare stick to a scale that actually makes sense, like Games TM back in the day!
I actually like this over until dawn lol
@Jacko11 Its still the guy that gave that mess of a game MGS survive a 8 so i cant take any of his reviews serious anymore. 🤪
@Stocksy Read more reviews and you know that claim is total bull.
@OptionalStealth Thanks for your thoughts, appreciated!
The game has a ton of issues, and I know it has them! But like I said on my instagram review, despite the flaws I still had fun and I think this game is better than all of the Dark Anthology games. So I gave it an 8.
But I can 100% understand how opinion might vary so much!
The camera is a big problem sometimes. The water effects are terrible, etc etc...
And despite the safe story, I think it's a great experience!
But I loved reading your different review!
anything lower than a 7 is pretty bad .
5=50%…couldn’t even be over half as good
@LiamCroft I'd rather have an honest review that I don't necessarily agree with than a shill review that copies the masses. Keep up the good work 👍❤️
I've been playing it for a bit and I can agree it does start off slow. I would wait for a sale because I can't see how this type of game is worth $60-$70. If not for Gamefly I wouldn't be playing it until it's on sale in a few months.
@Stocksy ahahahahhahahahahhahahaha
@AFCC plug your instagram
It's no good trying to use "objective" reasoning like "5 is average on a 1-10 scale" when you also say "reviews are subjective".
Subjectively, everybody reads "5" as bad.
Yeah I can’t agree with this review like at all and it’s so far below the average that it’s actually ridiculous
Oh the score doesn’t matter. It’s always bs one way or another. What I don’t get is the con seen similar to until dawn. I was always planning to wait for a pre owned though.
@Flaming_Kaiser. Definitely.haha😄 i agree.word up son
Seems like a mistake to remove the more skill-based QTEs from the game. They were one of the few moments in Until Dawn where I felt engaged as a gamer. I'll never forget the moment I missed a QTE while a character was climbing for their life, only to watch them fall to their brutal death because I didn't hit SQUARE in time. So good!
Why is this reviewed by person who only loves stupid japanese games with charatcters who have spiky hair?!
Watching a good deal of this game; I'm baffled as to why anyone would want to pay money to literally do nothing but watch scripted events based on stupid click decisions you make that bring forth the next scripted event. That's not game play and these are not games.
This one in particular looked so borning I can't even imagine someone looking forward to it.
Great and honest review
@KundaliniRising333 true .
Oh, I’m not surprised by such a score and the conclusion. Supermassive has always been able to create a strong narrative, portray some interesting heroes, but gameplay of its games… was always average.
It’s true even if we are talking about Until Dawn. There was entertainment plot, interesting heroes, but gameplay and camera — both of them might have been better.
@KundaliniRising333 I think lots of games are awful but like this. Everyone is different
@Amusei why you sucking up? Its a really good game definitely not a 5
Im happy to wait for a sale, Im still catching up with the backlog
I can't say too much yet as I've only played three chapters but apart from the slow start and camera angles which I agree with in this review im having a ton of fun playing this game!
Love the characters and the banter between them and although I really can't see this game reaching Until Dawns heights i think a 5/10 is well below what id give it.
@Ryany It’s “late” because the publisher only offered to provide us with PC code, so we actually bought a PS5 copy at launch and Liam worked really hard over the weekend to publish a timely review.
You can disagree with the review, of course, but it’s important to us to run a review on the platform our readers are playing on.
5 is too low. It’s a solid 7. Not done with it obviously but so far giving this a 5 is just not warranted. If I change my mind by the end, I will come back and say so.
On a personal level, I was a bit disappointed by The Quarry. I was expecting a little bit more and no, I don't mean on a "super hyped level" or whatever. Not at all. They scaled back the level of interactivity so damn much, it really is a movie on rails with a few decisions in-between and way too easy gameplay elements. There are also a good bunch of really illogical elements in there that harm the immersion (collectables and hints, especially their placement). And again on a personal level, not ever spooky or thrilling.
I enjoyed playing it and is not a bad game at all! I had a fun weekend with it. But I think a 5 or 6 out of 10 is more than fair and in the right direction. There was a lot left to be desired and that even without putting the price tag in context to it.
@IronMike This comment has given me a good laugh because it’s so wildly inaccurate. 😂
@Ryany There's thing called a subjective opinion. Someone's 10/10 can be someone's 0/10. But feel free to argue over review scores lol.
I’m enjoying it tbh but not enough gameplay. Think the previous game was better
@jcboyer515 if only that were the case. A review can sway a lot of people's opinion and it can affect sales, especially with how metacritic works. So, it's not just another person's opinion. It carries more weight than that.
Does that mean that every reviewer should stick to the early consensus? Obviously not. They should express their opinion and we can disagree with it. Personally, I haven't played it yet, so I have no idea how good or bad it is.
"the publisher only offered to provide us with PC code, so we actually bought a PS5 copy at launch and Liam worked really hard over the weekend to publish a timely review."
I can imagine how this could turn a 6 into a 5.
Imo: Better than all the Dark Pictures games, not as good as Until Dawn.
@Amusei this is a professional games website it's not a 5 out of 10 all the other scores I have seen are good its much better than the previous games
You guys are definitely the new GameSpot. Even GameSpot gave this a 9 and they stopped giving such low reviews to awesome games.
Fair enough if some people liked or even loved the game but a lot of people are complaining about a review here while they clearly haven't played said game
@Ryany A professional games website? 😹 Ok bro, I give it up, you have converted me to your cause with that comment.
Literally everywhere else has given this 9/10. You won't allow originality, unless it's Fifa or GTaV you give a crap score. Once again im throwing this so called review in the bin.
@jcboyer515 To get clicks?
I wish MS would get with the times so gyro controls don’t have to be removed from multiplatform games. But they are all about “play anywhere” without unique hardware, so…
@get2sammyb well that explains the review then. Might as well have had your man take his time with it instead.
@theMEGAniggle hey, it's afccgaming if you wanna check it out! I appreciate anyone that reads my stuff and just wants to talk about games in a laid back way
i gave this is 8/10 due to collecticles won't be carry over second playthrough depend on which end you choose : best or bad ending like best ending is all survivors stay alive, bad ending is all survivors die if you miss any collecticles in first playthrough
@AFCC you got a new follower !
Shots fired! Shots fired! And some of the utter crap I've seen on here get a 6 or a 7, wow, this must be really, really, bad.
My sister's played it & says it's great so I'm still going to give it a go
@IronMike "Why is this reviewed by person who only loves stupid japanese games with charatcters who have spiky hair?!"
Yeaah I think you got Liam confused with ShogunRok 😂 although there's nothing wrong with liking what you like!
Good review. If you thought it was average, 5 it is. I have played loads of games other people liked that I thought were average.
I love it when people try to argue about how a score is wrong because they desperately need somebody on the internet that they don't know to like a thing the same amount that they do but they can't say that because it sounds silly lol so they come up with conspiracy theories. It's fine everyone. You're still allowed to like it.
I’ll wait to judge until it’s heavily discounted and patched up. It’s sad that I have that philosophy with most games. But I am interested in this one and believe it’ll be a better product months down the line with fixes
When I used to review games for a site when I was an Xbox gamer, devs used to do it all the time. Once I switched to PS they started always sending Xbox codes. I think Dev admins can be dumb sometimes.
Part of me is glad this stress is out of my life for now lol.
Terrible game. The 5 is a perfect score. Stop treating incompetent devs like babies and they will stop producing so much mediocrity.
@johncalmc Face it, you’re just chuffed Liam’s taken the heat off your Alan Wake review 😂
Remember peeps, it’s just the reviewers opinion. If you think you’ll like the game give it a shot. I certainly will be.
@nessisonett the way I remember it I think everyone thought that was a pretty cool review which raised valid points and then I think everyone thanked me for pointing out that the game they like isn't very good
@nessisonett I may not agree with this review, but it’s certainly leagues better than the Alan Wake review this website published.
@LiamCroft You seem to have drawn too much comparisons between this and Until Dawn which I feel has impacted your review rather than just reviewing The Quarry on its own merits. Also 5/10 while everywhere else has been scoring higher? I respect people have their own opinions but I really hope your not click baiting as you lot are much better than that.
Seeing as @get2sammyb reviewed Until Dawn and gave it an 8, it would be interesting to know if he agrees with Liam’s review and score.
Have to agree. Until Dawn was a superior experience and made more so because you actually had control of the game alot. In my first five or six hours with the quarry I've had controller interaction for about an hour and at £60 that is seriously bad... You are pretty much playing one of those old laser disc games with minimal control and in this aspect it's far worse than Until Dawn. I
I knew what to expect going in but I expected more gameplay and hands on with the controller.
Pissed off a little with this purchase as technically it's a step forward but gameplay and playing the game is a step back.
@SolaceCreed these devs are actually very competent in providing this kind of experience and getting such good graphics out of it.
It’s not as good as until Dawn, but still the best they managed after not being able to rely on a big budget that Until Dawn had thanks to Sony.
Sorry guys fully disagree here, 8/10 from me.
@get2sammyb "so we actually bought a PS5 copy at launch and Liam worked really hard over the weekend to publish a timely review."
Yeah so there's gonna be some anger and annoyance in there, review won't be free and fair from rage.
Well @LiamCroft is a legend on PushSquare, he originally gave Metro Exodus a 6.
To those who feel the whole 1-10 scale should be used just cause. I don't think it's practical. A lot of games these days are pretty good compared to the past, that's why sites like IGN stay around 8-10s. The average person would always see 5/10 not just in games but in any event as a bad score no matter how you look at it.
I haven’t played the game yet, so I cannot comment on the game itself.
Yes, I will admit the review seems rather harsh - but Liam seems to be making valid criticism, and has good reasons for his “average” review. Plus, that’s his job.
I also think that PushSquare reviews are fairly accurate. Otherwise I would not be a regular visitor.
That said, I will probably give this game a go - because I enjoyed Until Dawn so much. That is probably the opinion of most readers here, too.
But, can’t say we were not warned.
Plus, remember Push Square giving Lake 6/10?
I enjoyed Lake, too. Even if that game is a bit shallow.
This is unfortunate! I guess I'll be waiting for it to hit $20 New or cheaper in a few years.
@JaaackTommyyy the review is terrible its a fantastic game
@TheArt it's a bad score
@TheArt There’s no rage at all, we don’t expect anything from publishers. I was just explaining why the review was “late”.
@get2sammyb Not actually the expecting the review code bit, more of the "worked really hard over the weekend" red mist descending into the final score. 😂
When all's said and done 5 would always seem low unless the games industry has a sit-down and we all agree on a rating system.
@playstation1995 wait... They gave Metal Gear Survive an 8?
@ThatMusicFan So you go by a single persons opinion of a game? LMAO! Okayyyyyyyyyyyyy, little buddy. I'd give it an 8 so I guess you should buy it right now. See how that works?
Maybe Until Dawn was a fluke? Maybe your other articles are all flukes, becasue this one is pure garbage.
@KidBoruto Another one too hevily influenced by a single persons opinion. The game is great. PushSquare have given better scores to FAR worse games.
@ThatMusicFan So... "Good to know" what exactly then? In itself, making that statement means you took their opinion as objective.
@SolaceCreed I can imagine!
I’ve never understood games trying to be movies.
@xD34DL1N3Rx Garbage because you disagree with something subjective… gotcha
I am enjoying the game and rate it around a 6.5/7 but agree it is a slow starter, I liked Until Dawn and this is much of the same whilst looking better.
I am only 3 chapters in but can't wait to kill of Dylan, so far he is a douche IMO.
Actually have to agree with this review, Im not sure what 9/10 game the other reviews were playing but it certainly wasn't this! Bought it, played it, felt ripped off by it, and sold it on after I finished.
Its just so clunky, and tedious, even though its quite short, I was just wishing it was over already from about half way through. If you're interested wait till its sub 25ish of your local monies.
@tatsumi You didn't read what I was replying to, clearly.
I wasn't on about their competency with actually making the games themselves.
@viciousarcanum. Oh yeah.they did.word up son
@Flaming_Kaiser ...Also his fifa review never go below 8 ...never ever......and he also will never admit that Fifa is now a slot machine ans unlike all other sites is reluctanct to call out FiFa casino/gambling tacticts unless blasted by fan thats Liam in Nutshell. He never gets this critical about games from publishers or developers he likes............ If this was from EA or CD PR or Rockstar it would get a 9..........he is more of a fanboy than a gaming journalist.....nor a critical journalist......just a fanboy for his favourite publishers and developers..........
Well this is where having a second reviewers opinion would be beneficial to give a balanced perspective. I know it's not always practical with the amount of workload reviewers have to do this on every game. Certainly for the big, full price releases though. Maybe as a suggestion you could have a regular contributors viewpoint?
For me the game is a 7, not without it's flaws but thoroughly enjoyed it with family in couch co-op.
@GREGORIAN He does not like the stuff i like thats for sure. 🤪
@Gooseman42 I had the same issues with the hate campaing against Returnal it was not that is was not worth full price. These things can destroy a game i got a great review but that rubbed me the wrong way.
@GREGORIAN Except I've never reviewed a FIFA game on this site...? I'm not the person you're thinking of.
Removed - harassment; user is banned
Removed - inappropriate formatting; user is banned
@LiamCroft .........Sorry Liam its Sammy anf Robert Ramsey who usualy do FIFA reviews apologies
Some of you need to go out and breathe some fresh air. Its a game, people will like/dislike it
This score is flawed. Until Dawn got 8, Little Hope 7, Man of Medan 5. So, basically, Push Square are saying The Quarry is most similar to Man of Medan than any other Supernassive game? Cmon..
For me, Until Dawn was 10/10, Man of Medan 5 and Little Hope 6
You’re totally wrong!!! Of course we all have our own Opinions. That’s why we have different countries, different governments, different religions and different views on video games. I have really enjoyed this game! No foot in the grave, no sitting on the tombstone, this is a fun game to play if you like this kind of genre!
Totally disagree with this score. Currently playing it on the PS5 and really enjoying is so far. Yes their are a few glitches in the game but as I'm typing this now I'm waiting for the new update to be downloaded.
I think it's a great review! I haven't played this one yet, but... in my humble opinion, Supermassive has been losing steam recently. The Dark Pictures Anthology was good (my favorite is Little Hope, btw) - but I sense a lack of progression among the three titles. That's why I'm not overexcited to play this.
Anyway, maybe I'll give this one a go when it's on sale.
People are getting WILD about the score.
It's just a game review, no need to get upset because the man on the internet didn't like it.
Go and buy it, enjoy it and live a little
I think that 5 doesn't seem like an average score because of the fact that virtually no games ever get a 1, 2 or 3, making those scores irrelevant. When I see a game get a 4, in my mind that isn't slightly below average, it's poor.
However, everyone needs to calm down and stop being so angry. If you like the game then play and enjoy it.
@playstation1995 yikes
Nonsense, my partner says its a solid 8/10 so put that in your pipe and smoke it
@Flaming_Kaiser Stop reading his reviews then? What's the point if you're just going to piss and moan about some ancient review on every article? Have you considered getting a life?
@dark_knightmare2 "I get upset when everyone doesn't have the same opinion!"
This comment section proving why no one should trust the opinion of the average gamer, they'd just Google other people's opinions and then slap an 8 onto it. If these people had their way, the lowest rating any game would get would be a 7.
Thanks for this review, think I'll give it a miss until it's much, much cheaper.
@guntam instead of white knighting how about you actually contribute something to the conversation because nowhere do I say I was upset and my comment def can’t be read like that. I just stated I disagreed with the review which is completely normal so yeah relax guy.
@guntam The last time i checked i have a right to have a opinion im not in China or Russia. If i dont agree then thats my issue. And im certain they can handle it as long as im not abusive.
@__jamiie Thats one thing i agree with a game gets a 10 but has dissapointing controls the grades are to high and that makes decent games look bad.
@dark_knightmare2 You called it "ridiculous" lmao - that's perfectly normal? Calling a review "ridiculous" because it doesn't share your opinion? Nah, think I'd prefer to white knight, thanks.
@Flaming_Kaiser You mean in Russia and China, they don't have manchildren holding grudges over online video game reviews that literally don't affect them? Sign me up bro!
Westerners championing the "right" to waste your life like this makes me laugh.
@guntam you’re clown shoes dude and it’s not my fault you read way more into my using ridiculous when imo it is ridiculous to score the game a 5 but continue to white knight for strangers on the internet if it gives your life purpose
Wtf is this nonsense review? Game is fantastic.
@guntam I know they will lock you up if you have a different opinion about but we better stop this conversation here because i think you have a bigger issue with my opinion then i have with the review.
I think the Liam who reviewed the game can take it or even better he doesnt care and thats his right. Just as its my right to have a opinion. Better use your time for stuff thats usefull instead of some guy who makes fun of a reviewer.
Do i affect your life with my opinion stop being the White Knight and try to hide your hate towards the West a little better. The West is far from perfect but atleast i can express myself like i see fit as long as i dont harm or make up slander without backing it up.
@dark_knightmare2 It's ridiculous to give a game a 5? Do you know how stupid you sound? No one is white knighting dude, I'm just reminding you that no one cares what you think. People who define their existence via gaming often forget that, it's good to be put in your place every now and then
@Flaming_Kaiser Oh no, I'm sorry, I must have given you the impression that I care about your opinion. I apologize, I don't.
If it's your right to post pointless garbage on the internet, surely it's my right to reply to it? Funny how you people are all for "freedom" until it gets turned against you.
Mate, guaranteed you've never been to China or Russia but your type (basicass propagandized Americans) doesn't ever STFU about it, so I'll say whatever I want about westerners, thanks - "free speech" and all.
@guntam no ***** my opinion in the grand scheme of things doesn’t matter never said it did but a forum is for sharing opinions and you trying to put people “in their place” is comical like you’re a nobody who are you tell people what words they can or cannot say lol. You need to step outside and get off the internet for awhile because it sounds like you have some problems and need help.
@dark_knightmare2 Hilariously hypocritical mate, who are you to tell people what scores they can or cannot give?
You're too stupid to understand how a game gets a score of 5, so I think I'll pass on your cliche psychological analysis LMAO
@guntam bro I didn’t say they couldn’t give it a 5 I just thought it deserved better so didn’t agree with the score or review. You’ve proven throughout this comment section with me and other people that you’re clown shoes and have something going on to get so bent out of shape about other peoples opinions so take a breath go outside and touch grass it’s not that serious.
I'm still interested in this game, but I really respect when reviewers explore the scale a bit. 5/10 does mean average.
Thought this was a solid 7. Slow start but worked out pretty cool. Could've been more interactive, brighter and with less terrible motion blur but all in all a fun game for the weekend and perfectly fine for black fridays 25€ price..
Kinda prefer this one over Until Dawn personally.
@zupertramp Both are bottom of the barrel when it comes to writing
A GOD DAMN 5?!?!?
@Stocksy Multiplatform will take away from the quality that's a given. If you play a game tailored towards a platform it will run better. Why do you think the PS Exclusive games look that fantastic.
@DarkestHour yeah, they aren't exactly A24 high brow horror but definitely fun with friends and family. Also I was really torn up when I got Brenda Song killed. Stayed with me for days lol.
Okay just replayed it and yeah it's still an 8/10.
Nowhere near as bad as the review makes out.
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