No good can come from going in the sea. Even just dipping your toes runs the risk of crabs and other weird creatures rubbing up against your feet, but the further you get in the worse it gets. Sharks, jellyfish, the Kraken — it's bleak in there.
Under the Waves is set almost entirely underwater, and while it's not a horror game, it is deeply unsettling at times. The ocean makes an excellent setting thanks to its inherent vastness, and how wildly alien it is for us land-dwellers. There's an incredible atmosphere to this game, a sort of constant sense of impending doom coupled with occasional, odd moments of beauty.
The story revolves around Stan, who goes on a one-man mission deep underwater at the behest of an almost-certainly terrible corporation. He's glad of the opportunity because his personal life is in turmoil, and the ocean floor seems like a good place for him to get away from it all. Over the course of his time there, we find out more about him, why he's there, and what it is that's eating away at him.
Even though Stan is in frequent conversation with a colleague on the surface, this is a tremendously lonely game. There's a lot of swimming in dark areas, keeping an eye on the comically inadequate oxygen tank to make sure we don't drown, occasionally eyeing a fish or a seal or something more sinister, and then heading back to home base to sit, alone, looking depressed.
Under the Waves falters frequently on the technical side, and even though you can complete it in less than 10 hours, we came across numerous ugly glitches. One time our quest markers disappeared, so we couldn't finish a quest and had to restart. Another time we got an error message every time the game auto-saved, and we experienced numerous crashes, too.
But the soundtrack is excellent and perfectly complements your lonely swimming, the atmosphere is thick, and the occasionally wondrous moments are suitably awesome, in the literal sense. While you spend most of your time swimming alone in the grim dark of the sea, the moments where you find a sunken wreck or a friendly octopus act as a kind of catharsis, and always feel special.
Comments 16
Exceptional tagline
I don't think I've ever liked a Quantic Dream game - they are free PSN fodder for me, I'm afraid.
Also... eh... the timing on this game so soon after the sub disaster? I'm not saying that they should cancel it but a trigger warning may be in order here.
Thanks for this review! Its on my wishlist for if I ever get time, so many good games out!
Im a sucker for underwater games and it sounds like this will deliver the kinda vibe I enjoy! I'll put up with some quirks and naff vioce acting to get my underwater fix...
@LifeGirl Good grief.. no there does not need to be a trigger warning! As dreadful as the incident was, the only people it affects are the families of those involved and nobody else, and im fairly confident the last thing on their minds is a low budget indie game that involves a submarine.
I’d really like to try this one. It just released before the… wave… er… flood… water puns, I know… of big games this year. I’d like to play it though in a slower season, even with some quirks.
Really want to play this but i shell wait for a sale.
Almost sounds like it's got some Firewatch vibes.
@johncalmc thanks for the review, I'm still interested down the line if they can patch up some of the technical hiccups. With regards to the voice acting, how bad is questionable?? Really bad VO can be a bit of a sticking point for me, I remember giving up on road 96 as some of the VO sounded like local am dram society 😬 is that the vibe here?
Finding Emo is incredible! Hats off!
@R1spam Definitely minor. Or it was a minor issue for me. It's more just a few irksome barks and some weird phrasing which might be down to translation. It's not PS1 Resident Evil, put it that way.
@get2sammyb @ShogunRok Man, if you like that tagline you should see the one I've got coming on Monday.
@johncalmc Already hyped, John!
@LifeGirl don't be daft
Was honestly shocked this was a Quantic Dream game. Il be picking it up down the line, the trailers really sold me
I almost spit out my drink when I read that sub heading. That is genius.
@LifeGirl you mean that incident where hubris got everyone killed?
The world has moved on, perhaps you should too.
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