Unpacking’s title marvellously — and succinctly — informs you of what to expect. You inhabit the life of a young woman across a number of years, living in her shoes solely through unboxing her worldly possessions. One year you might be decorating your college dorm room, the next moving back home to live with your parents, and later a picturesque home as you welcome a new child. Seeing which possessions stay with you every step of the way, and which items vanish never to be seen again, makes for a surprisingly robust environmental storytelling experience. And best of all? Playing Unpacking is just really relaxing.
On a surface level, the title is a puzzle game, but that does a disservice to what the experience is really about. As you open boxes, there are very loosely-defined spots you have to place certain objects. You can’t leave a toaster in the bathroom for instance — though there is a menu option to disable such restrictions — but beyond that, the game lets you kowtow to your obsessive-compulsive heart’s desire.
Do you have to organise every book or garment of clothing by colour to beat the level? No, but it sure is satisfying to do it. The game provides these big empty rooms, and then pushes you out of the nest, letting you populate them in whichever manner you see fit. The majority of the game’s eight levels are relatively simple, only providing a few rooms to juggle, which contributes to the calming atmosphere. Items in boxes rarely belong in different rooms from where you’re unpacking as well, further easing the challenge. The only level that really feels complex is the final one, as you are given an entire multi-storey house to populate.
The music contributes to this relaxing atmosphere, with a whimsical chiptune / acoustic guitar soundtrack that perfectly floats through the background of the experience without drawing any untoward attention its way. The delightful pixelated art style works in sync with the sound, providing a bright, vibrant realm to inhabit and lose yourself in.
The game nails absolutely everything it sets out to accomplish, with the exception of maybe the controls. While the cursor system functions adequately on a controller, the title is definitely better suited to a mouse and keyboard. Additionally, placing items behind other objects or trying to tuck them into corners will very often be uncooperative. But these are minor obstacles on the way to enjoying such a uniquely wonderful game.
Comments 31
Really nice review, Graham. I haven't played this yet but am so looking forward to it. Such a creative use of the medium to tell a story through an interaction we've never really considered before.
I love it.
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
I'm tempted. Might pick it up over the weekend
Truly loved this game. Played it on Game Pass Day One when reviews were scarce as a bit of a joke but was blown away. Considering buying it on PS5 to support the devs. Simple yet ground-breaking at the same time. Though probably not for everyone.
Great game with a unique narrative delivery. So happy this got ported to playstation.
Amazing game. Can’t recommend it enough.
Played through multiple times on the Xbox and Switch. Bought the physical PS5 and Switch games from Limited Run and like @themightyant I bought it digitally on PlayStation the second it was live on the store to support the devs.
Think I’ve finished this game about 20 times now. It’s just a really chilled out game.
For the trophy hunters, it’s cross buy, so it’s 2 very easy and very enjoyable platinums.
@SoulChimera I was tempted to scoop up the Physical PS5 one, but I waited too long to decide, and then the pre-order window closed. I shoulda done it! Hopefully, it'll get distributed again at some point, so I can rectify my mistake haha
Glad to see it getting all this love in the comments so far too! It's such a great game
@gbanas92 It’s Limited Run so there is a good chance it will be available on every store shelf next week. Hahahaha. I promised myself I wouldn’t buy from there again but when I saw Unpacking, I just had to.
It definitely deserves all the love. It was in my top 3 games of last year. Thanks for the review.
Nice review, I’ve downloaded this and looking forward to giving it a bash at some point this weekend.
Unrelated to the actual review, but can we stop calling these “mini reviews”? If you play the whole game and write about it, and it just doesn’t happen to be a big game then it’s still just a review. I dunno, it just always annoys me - as if some games are more worthy of a proper review than others.
Excellent GamePass game. Very happy to get it on PS5 with trophies!
@frabbit it's mini because it's a couple of paragraphs long, not because the game is small.
@kyleforrester87 why is the review short though?
@frabbit because reviews are a lot of effort versus the amount of people who actually read them.
@kyleforrester87 Wait… what… ?!? We are supposed to read these things? Me like number. Big number good.
It's a cracking little experience, if anyone played Florence it definitely has some of that energy. The sound design is pretty amazing, anything you drop will have a different sound depending on the surface you drop it in. The pixel art is great, though it can be hard to make out some items and decide where they go.
Decided to pick this up, and I'm probably about half-way through. Wholeheartedly agree with the review, what a lovely little game.
OMG pushsquare, that's a disturbing sub-title.
Great review - thanks!
Your subtitle had me giggling all morning..... me and my wife use that quote from 'seven' all the time
My living room is dominated by a huge telly. A load of weights and a bench and a few shelves of action figures. 😙👌
It appears this is no longer available on limited runs games
I really wanted a physical edition, don't normally buy digital but I am really tempted especially considering the comments here. As others have said, supporting the smaller studios & devs is important when they knock out gems like this.
Will definitely play this on PS+ Premium.
Thank you for this review. I think games like this are why I struggle with assigning point values to game reviews. For example, this week you gave Eiyuden Chronicles a 6, which I am loving for its similarly relaxing nature after 100 hours with Elden Ring, but this seemingly distraction of a game scores 33% higher at an 8. This isn't an attack on your system, just a random musing. I appreciate the content!
After more than 100 hours on AC Valhalla, think I´m in the mood for a little puzzle game, but still undecided between this game or LEGO Builders.
@TeapotBuddha The narrative delivery method is amazing! Actually reminds me of the creative way my fav game (Kentucky Route Zero) did character development. Even dialogue options you don't pick in that game help to inform who the characters represent in that game, and getting to see items come with you year to year gave me similar vibes!
@Titntin @L_Bosch I couldn't resist!
@R1spam Florence is excellent! One of my fav mobile games!
@SoulChimera They've started distributing some titles through Amazon I know, so who knows, it might wind up there eventually! I haven't bought anything from them for a while either though. I think Transistor on PS4 might've been the last one? That or Thumper
@Gbarsotini Oh hey, I reviewed Lego Builders too actually haha. They're both excellent! Can't really go wrong with either one!
@slips666 Yeah the number system can get reallllly complicated honestly haha. Cuz one game compared to one wildly different game could make the scores look completely ridiculous, whereas comparing it to a similar style game might not look right. And that's to say nothing of the individual experience of the reviewer too. Just an eye-watering number of variables haha
@Mostik That's what I was saying with @SoulChimera too! They had an open pre-order for a bit that just ended recently. It seems to be popular enough that it might get another physical release at some point though!
@gbanas92 Fingers crossed buddy!
@Mostik Hopping back in here quick to say that Limited Run's doing an Amazon distribution on this as predicted! We have a shot at grabbing it again! Definitely gonna be getting it this time!
@gbanas92 Thank you for this, really appreciate it. I have been on Limited Run and it says sold out do you have a link to Amazon? If I search it I just get the soundtrack coming up!
@Mostik Here's the link I used, although fair warning, I'm in the States, so that could be the issue? I didn't see it on their website, it was in one of their e-mails, I almost missed it too!
@gbanas92 Legend, and they will deliver to the UK for only £8 - bargain, nice one buddy. Really grateful and impressed you remembered me 👍
@Mostik Haha, the exchange just stuck with me or something! Glad you got a copy now though! We finally got it!
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