Pinball Heroes feels like a strange snapshot of time, and we mean that in the best possible way. Originally released for the PSP in 2009 as eight digitally downloadable tables, it launched just prior to PlayStation rediscovering its mojo. The context is key here: the PS3 was getting its butt stomped by the Xbox 360, and PS Studios was nowhere near the powerhouse it is today. Franchises like MotorStorm, and not The Last of Us or Ghost of Tsushima, were genuinely the Japanese giant’s pillars.
Revisiting this collection of top-down pinball tables over ten years later is downright strange, then. The adaptation of short-lived series like High Velocity Bowling – a kind of 50s-themed arcade bowling game, which you played using the SIXAXIS motion controller – feels weird in a fascinating way; PAIN, a game which Sony used to test the waters of the PS Store, will elicit strong nostalgia among the hundreds who actually remember it.
As such, for those of you who lived through the PS3’s growing pains, there’s a je ne sais quoi here. The pinball itself isn’t great; it plays a little like a 16-bit pinball game, with some scruffy physics and a lack of depth to the designs. But there are some good ideas: for example, in the Everybody’s Golf table you’ll need to hit drives to reach the green, before entering a mini putting range in the middle to sink your shot. Get a par – or, even better, a birdie – and you’ll be richly rewarded with points.
Other tables include the likes of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, WipEout HD Fury, and ModNation Racers (the inferior PSP version, no less) – real time capsule stuff. Fat Princess is a bit of a doozy: it sees you collecting materials, upgrading minions, and stealing royalty from your rival – just like in the game. Not all of the mechanics work: we like scoring strikes in High Velocity Bowling, but MotorStorm’s route selection rails are a bit of head-scratcher. But there’s a thoughtfulness to all of the tables that’s easy to appreciate – especially if you’re fond of this very specific era of PlayStation’s first-party games.
Comments 18
That thumbnail made me realize how much I miss Fat Princess. That was such a fun little game back in the day.
I still have these on a memory stick somewhere tucked away with my other PSP goodies. I’m excited to play them again for the hit of nostalgia alone. Also, I wouldn’t say no to an updated High Velocity Bowling release. Lots of fun and quite a bit of swearing while getting the spin on the ball just right.
No nostalgia factor for me...not for the pinball game, at least. All the mentions of Motorstorm make me want a PS5 reboot of the series, though - imagine what they could do with that today!
You forget just how dire early PS3 was on the first party front. Thank god for Bethesda and Rockstar!
I forgot about high velocity bowling lol
@RobN hopefully we get one, had a blast with the original.
The slowness of the ball allowed my potato brain to finally grasp the concept of the tilt mechanic 👍
I had so much fun with PAIN.
Dont forget a platinum within the hour
At least the majority of Sonys first party games are getting trophy support. Don't think will ever see any of these lazy third party devs ever care that much unfortunately.
Uncharted and Motorstorm were my first 2 PS3 games, and we spent many hours on Pain and High Velocity Bowling back in the day. Love these tables!
@Korgon If you still have your PS3, you can still play FP. I played it a month or so ago. The online multiplayer seemed to be still working, unless I was mistaking players for bots. Same went for Battlefield 1943.
Really? That's pretty cool that it might still have a community playing it. I might just do that.
Doing the double platinum of this when not so busy. I had no idea The Artful Escape was on PlayStation (till watching a youtubers stream last night on youtube) nevermind being on PS Plus Extra which also has a double platinum too sweet. Yh they're easy to get plats but at least theyre much more a real fun video game than those touching a food item on a table nonsense
with the rewind feature, getting those high scores for the plat was breeze! good fun hour or two
I look forward to trying this later
Motorstorm, what a game! I still have my PS3 plugged in just to play that ( and guitar Hero) and it holds up well even by todays standards
@Titntin Motorstorm Pacific Rift is still one of the best racing games of all time. Still play it on the PS3 Slim (as well as Worms Armageddon and Sonic All Stars Racing).
Such a shame dumb Sony decided to close down Evolution - same thing applies for Studio Liverpool.
@sanderson72 yea mate those games are still very hard to beat!
I was part of psygnosis camden, then we moved to a hanger lane studio before Sony shut us down. It was par for the course back then, only 50% chance of your game ever being released 😂
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