After the Fall is a co-op multiplayer, post-apocalyptic, first-person shooter from the developers of Arizona Sunshine, Vertigo Games. Decades after the 1980s apocalypse turned Los Angeles into a frozen wasteland, you join a group of underground survivors becoming what’s known as a Harvest Runner. Tasked with expanding your group’s hold on the city, you must clear vast areas of the undead while also collecting the required resources to provide your base, The Line, with the bare necessities to survive another day in this brutal world.
The Line is where you'll begin every play session, and it's a bustling multiplayer hub of activity with up to 32 other players present. With After the Fall being cross-play with PCVR platforms, this hub is the perfect place to chat to other more experienced players, edit your loadout, and find a squad if you happen to be playing alone.
There is a solid, one to four player campaign on offer in After the Fall, that’ll take three to five hours to see through, consisting of four main levels to try on varying difficulties, from Easy all the way up to Nightmare. Each will see you slaying hordes upon hordes of the undead as they run, crawl, or stumble towards you while you explore your surroundings. Throughout these levels, you'll also have to keep an eye out for any floppy discs that may be hidden in lockers, drawers, or just lying on shelves. Putting these into your wrist inventory slot can be cumbersome due to the PSVR2 Sense Controllers sometimes knocking into each other, but it's not a major issue. Taking these to the safe house at the end of the level will reward you with a range of new weapons, attachments, skins, consumables, and throwables, which also vary in statistics and rarity. It is a super rewarding loot system that encourages you to replay to unlock the rarest of equipment.
There's a great variety of zombies for you to blast to dust: Husks, Eaters, Brutes, Juggernauts, Smashers, and Skimmers. All of these have varying abilities: some will crawl their way to you via the ceiling, some will explode blinding you with gunk, and others will even pick you up, activating the headset haptic feedback. If the campaign alone wasn’t enough, there's also a Horde mode with endless waves to survive and a PvP mode with both Team Deathmatch and Free for All, should that take your fancy.
After the Fall is a standout co-op apocalypse shooter with a lot of similarities to Left 4 Dead. It has a plethora of content that's entertaining and thrilling to play both solo and as a squad. If you’re an FPS fan or are just looking for some multiplayer entertainment, we’d highly recommend you give this title a shot.
Comments 12
So many great review scores, and we haven’t even had the GT7 review yet.
Unfortunately for me I have zero interest in multiplayer gaming online. I want a single player adventure like this.
@BeerIsAwesome featuring music from The Fall
What's the gunplay and gun mechanics like, please? The Pavlov review spoke well on the subject but there's barely anything here apart form what's in the negative column. It's a pretty important feature that should be a priority for a review.
@thefourfoldroot1 can any of it be done in single player,not really much into multiplayer either I'd rather have a competent ai team instead
@riceNpea The gunplay is honestly very solid with a good variety of weapons to choose from, pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, sub machine guns, etc. As for reloading the game gives you the option for a manual reload that allows you to remove and replace individual clips into your guns or the alternative is auto reload where you tap the X button to release the empty clip and then tap the gun against your ammo bag which is around your waist. As for the feel of the guns, each one has a very different weight and feel to shooting them since both the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers are in use here. Hope this helps.
@JP80 you can play solo however the empty slots in your squad will auto fill with AI, that happen to be very competent and useful, especially when you need reviving.
@thefourfoldroot1 you can play with AI on all missions, their competent enough, thats how i been playing unless ive got a buddy to join, i havent played with randoms at all.
@Simon_Fitzgerald thank you. Maybe the review could add your input as it's quite an important detail.
I was told that the later missions are impossible with AI though.
Yes, but I’m told late game is incredibly difficult with ai. Can’t guarantee that’s true.
This is why these reviews are so helpful. I instantly turn away from anything “co-op multiplayer”, but seeing that its from the developer of Arizona Sunshine has made it worth a second look to me.
@thefourfoldroot1 its possible, i only did the first 2 solo, played later missions with a buddy and 2 AIs and did fine on medium. Its a risk i suppose, it is designed to be enjoyed best in co op, but solo is an option.
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