Synth Riders was a highlight of PSVR: we loved it back when it launched in mid-2021. For a more explicit explanation, you can check out our original review, but know that this is a rhythm title played on a “note highway” and it’s excellent.
One of the strengths of the game the first time through was its exceptional soundtrack, and that remains the case here. Whether you go for the base version of the game or not, you’ll be coming away with a lot of content. Buying just the standard release will net you 58 songs, with an additional 52 available as DLC. And if you bought any DLC for the first version of the title, it carries over. Which is good, because this updated version of Synth Riders is better in just about every way.
Tracking, though not problematic on PSVR, had its hiccups. This is no longer the case, as the PSVR2 Sense Controllers are reflected flawlessly, and the improved haptics bring a lot to the table when it comes to keeping the rhythm.
The improved tracking actually improves the gameplay, like when you're tasked with sustaining notes: think of it as moving your arms along a rail like you were skateboarding. It should be stressed, however, that notes where you have to hold your hands together are more awkward with the new motion controllers, due to their orb-like shape. But that's the only real drawback.
Fortunately, the visual upgrade is absolutely staggering. Synth Riders wasn’t a bad-looking game on the PS4 by any stretch, but the level of detail in the environments is a marked improvement here. Likewise, the 'Experiences' – basically interactive music videos – look better than ever, providing some of the best rhythm gaming experiences we’ve ever had. It’s a shame that all the experiences are tucked away in the DLC, but they are very much worth the price of entry.
This goes for the soundtrack in general, which remains as varied and unique as ever. The choice to emphasise genres such as electro-swing and synthwave still allows developer Kluge Interactive to carve out it’s own niche, an area no other games have really encroached on. As such, Synth Riders remains as unique a rhythmic experience as it was two years ago.
What you walk away with is a unique and wonderful rhythm title that’s been improved in nearly every way.
Comments 20
Next time it goes on sale I'll get it with the Gorillaz and Muse packs.
I love that Muse artwork cover. Used to be my cover pic on accounts. I may revert back 😁
Done ...invincible 😁
For my money, Synth Riders is what I wanted Beat Saber to be. The gameplay isn't as immediately fun as BS, but the music choices are, imo, infinitely better.
Too much to play currently, but I’ll get the full bundled edition when it’s on sale.
Music is what makes or breaks a rhythm game and this music is my favourite
Love the Muse songs in this game! The experiences just make it better
Oh wait...I never knew about the experiences! What's the pack to buy for that?
I had in mind to buy Pistol Whip and Beat Saber when it’s available, but I’m starting to wonder if Synth Rider wouldn’t be better?
Brought a Quest 2 purely for custom beat saber songs but snapped up synth riders on a whim (along with audica...though I already had audica on PSVR)
I still play Synth riders and Audica (2 years later) but I cant even remember when I last booted beatsaber.
Synth riders just feels more natural to me whilst Audica is where the challenge is best found (I come from a history of spending almost £1000 just for a controller to play beatmania)
The developers were super helpful on discord when I was having issues. And despite not all song packs appealing to me Ive continued to support them buying ones that do. (Muse,caravan,electro swing packs along with individual songs across the different pac)
Thats despite Custom songs still get regularly released for it.
I was worried about the controllers clashing for PSVR 2. On the Quest I stick my hands in the rings and I still clash them from time to time.
I have nothing against beat saber but Id recommend synth riders over it any day........unless your the type to feel a bit foolish when you start dancing on your own whith a vr headset on (You just wont be able to stop yourself "getting into a groove")
yeah, I should definitely get this
Synth Rider is really good. I'd been eyeing it for a while on PSVR, but finally tried it on PSVR2. Been having an amazing time with it!
@AFCC Alright experiences!
-Legends Never Die (League of Legends Pack)
-Underground (Lindsey Stirling Pack)
-Starlight (Muse Pack)
-Wonderland (Caravan Palace Pack)
-Come Out And Play (Adrenaline Essentials Pack)
-Algorithm (Synthwave Essentials Vol. 2)
I'm pretty sure that's all of them!
@RunGMhx My vote would be....All 3! For me, those 3 are the best VR rhythm games you can get haha. They all offer different things too. They're all super fun in both similar and different ways. I'd say look at the soundtracks available in each and see which you like most and start there because all 3 games are masterpieces!
@get2sammyb It's so great! One of the VR games I installed on my PlayStation and never uninstalled again!
@Burntbreadman I boot up Synth Riders fairly regularly as well. Pistol Whip and Beat Saber too!
Agreed on the dancing element too haha. The note tracks on Synth Riders are arranged in a way that makes it feel like you're actually dancing in a way most other rhythm games don't!
@riceNpea A classic single cover. I love it so much!
@JP80 @GeneJacket Wholeheartedly agreed!
@RunGMhx Synth Riders is my fav rhythm game by far. The sense of movement of your body with the music in the game is unmatched for me. While I went and purchased the Muse music pack first, it’s the Electro Swing stuff and Palace Caravan that really works best in this game. Not music I would have on my Spotify, but it feels sooo good to play in Synth Riders. Go for it! I just wanted to add, you get a lot of music in the base game, you don’t have to rush and buy music packs.
Brilliant gorgeous gameplay
This should and could easily be the showcase for PSVR2. Rhythm games work so well and Underground by Lindsey Sterling was a mind blowing experience. I would have thought Muses Starlight would have done it but it got real rough right in the crescendo and frame rate issues became awful.
Most of this isn't music I'd listen to elsewhere but in this context, it's epic.
I'm usually really good at rhythm games and stuff like Ragnarock really was enjoyable but I capped real quickly. I'm barely able to do Hard on this and I'm already reaching flow state and it's so amazing. I'm not even a super fit dude. But this may be my way of working out and finally getting back into shape
@gbanas92 oh nice. I have the League of Legends pack so I will try it this weekend
@AFCC Yeah there's a ton of them, and they're all so cool! If you don't have any of the other packs, and you're looking to grab new DLC for the game, anything with an experience in it, I 100% recommend starting with!
@Jayvir This, Pistol Whip and Beat Saber are the games I like to use for exercise haha. Good combination of breaking a sweat and being really fun!
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