The 7th Guest VR is a virtual reality reimagining of 1993's puzzle title of the same name. Mysterious recluse and toy maker, Henry Stauf, has invited six guests to his gothic, puzzle-filled mansion for a party, offering a large sum of prize money. Taking on the role of an unidentified guest, you'll be exploring Stauf's premises, solving puzzles to unravel the mysteries within. What does Henry want from these people? Who is the seventh guest? And who will survive to tell the tale?
In this concise six-hour campaign, a blue butterfly leads you through the mansion, from the depths of the basement to the heights of the attic. You'll learn the backstories of each guest and their motives to attend this eerie place through a bunch of narrated, interactive documents and pre-recorded, green-screened videos that play over the environment around you. It's a unique idea that, unfortunately, rather ruins the VR immersion with the green glow given off by each character.
Equipped with a magical lantern that can peer into the past and even return objects to their original states, you'll be solving a wide variety of puzzles. With solutions based around shining your lantern and picking up and placing different objects, it can be enjoyably interactive, repairing broken bridges and mirrors, uncovering past versions of paintings, and revealing solutions scrawled across the walls. The conundrums get progressively more challenging, though never feel unsolvable due to the handy addition of hints. There are two free hints per puzzle, and if that doesn't get the cogs turning, an autocomplete option is also available by spending a collectable coin.
Sadly, we found many visual, audio, and puzzle bugs throughout our playthrough. Rooms take a little while to load when opening a door, often leaving you faced with a black screen on entry. Audio can often get out of sync with the video, or several voice lines will play over each other if you continue to explore while listening. Lastly, a couple of the puzzles failed to unlock for us, preventing progression without spending our collectable coins.
The 7th Guest VR's intriguing story and great variety of enjoyable conundrums make it a competent VR reimagining of a classic 90s gothic puzzler. With visual, audio and puzzle bugs aplenty, it's a shame Stauf's mansion isn't just riddled with cockroaches.
Comments 16
One for a sale, when it is hopefully patched up a bit.
I had this on the Philips cdi 😂
So wait a couple of weeks for the bugs to be ironed out. Got it! Thanks. Ironic how one of the few games you guys review releases in a poor state. But definitely give red matter 1 and Ghost Signal a go. Great games with no need for patches.
Played this on C64 or my first PC, was 30 years ago so I don’t remember. It was part of the many puzzle games that came out like Phantasmagoria, Blown Away, to name a few. Such insidious puzzles with no internet to look up hints, fun times.
It sounds like it'll be good after some patches. That statement is too common, but we once did just have to deal with bugs like this forever, so it's a double edged sword.
This has been #1 on my VR "To Get" list since its original announcement, so obviously hearing about these bugs is a huge disappointment. Folks, there is no sane reality where it's acceptable that you would have to skip puzzles in a game to progress due to bugs.
As a hobbyist it angers me that this has become a "norm" to release games in unfinished, glitchy states thanks to A) online connectivity, B) the eradication of consumer rights (digital media, no refunds, and EULAs), and C) corporate greed and laziness. This console generation, in my memory, has released more garbage and less overall content and value per dollar than any before it, and yes that includes multiple "AAA" titles. The industry is capable of doing better, both by their products as well as by us as consumers. And we should hold them to the higher standard they once had by voting with our wallets and refusing to buy any game that isn't PROPERLY finished and COMPLETE.
Thank you for your honest review. We’re happy to note that all of the bugs here have been fixed in our release version!
- hand jitter
- rooms black when entering
- audio out of sync
- puzzles failing to unlock
We can’t wait for everyone to experience it for themselves.
Hi There! We’re happy to note that all of the bugs here have been fixed in our release version.
- hand jitter
- rooms black when entering
- audio out of sync
- puzzles failing to unlock
We can’t wait for everyone to experience it for themselves.
@thefourfoldroot1 Bugs are all ironed out now ready for release!
@RachaelWest Thanks for reaching out. I'll be definitely getting this one, as it scratches a very nostalgic itch. I still remember how big of a deal the original was back in 1993.
@RachaelWest Thanks for the response! Why not get those out before reviews and have better reviews as a first impression?
Great, thanks for the update. Definitely planning on getting your game. Although these days I usually wait a bit anyway until I’m sure the trophies all work. Been burnt too many times, especially with VR games, when such things aren’t prioritised. Are all your trophy challenges working? Often reviews don’t mention, I presume because they are normally not live on the servers when reviewers get an early release.
@thefourfoldroot1 To be honest, I just ignore Pushsquare when it comes to VR now. There are so many better informed reviewers on YouTube - PSVR2 without parole, polish paul, gamertagvr; beardo benjo, etc.
I like this site for its articles and flat game reviews but their coverage of vr is so patchy and their views are often so out of date.
@RachaelWest Thanks so much for the personal response, Rachael. Everything you said comes as an immense relief, so please pass my thanks along to the team for ironing out the kinks before release. I very much look forward to playing the game!
@thefourfoldroot1 agreed Ghost Signal is amazing.
Love this game so far. Puzzles can range from decent to ingenious. Playing it on PC and not noticed any bugs at all after couple hours. The production values are really high with great translucent, ghostly characters. Really wish The Invisible Hours looked as good as this. 6 feels a bit low. I came to this for a little creepy experience to get lost in for a few hours and its delivered ... pretty much exactly what I was after.
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