Tag: Alien Isolation
News Alien Isolation Fans, This Is the Documentary For You
Noclip reveals all
Alien: Isolation was one of the best PlayStation 4 games of 2014 and, to this day, still deserves a sequel. That's unlikely to ever happen at this point, but fans can still revel in the special experience we got six years ago. And thanks to Noclip, run by Danny O'Dwyer, the team at Creative Assembly has revealed what development...
News Everyone Is Talking About Alien Isolation 2
And how it does or doesn't exist
There's a column in Official PlayStation Magazine called Rumour Machine, and we always thought it was common knowledge that its contents were either completely fabricated or based upon Internet speculation. But in the latest issue it hinted that Creative Assembly is working on Alien Isolation 2, which resulted in a...
News Alien: Isolation's Problematic PS4 Patch Hides in a Nearby Vent
Bug hunt
SEGA has pulled Alien: Isolation’s problematic PlayStation 4 patch, following reports that it rendered the release, well, unplayable. Writing on the title’s official forum, a representative for The Creative Assembly explained that it’s working with Sony on an updated version, and will issu
News Forget Assassin's Creed, Alien: Isolation's Recent Patch Causes Game Breaking Bugs
Oh dear
When it comes to video game glitches, it never rains, but it pours. No doubt you've already seen the David Lynch-inspired monstrosities pouring out of the recently released bug-fest Assassin's Creed: Unity. Well, now reports are emerging that the PlayStation 4 version of Alien: Isolation is experiencing some glitches of its own – albeit of...
Guide How to Stay Alive in Alien: Isolation on PS4
Sevastopol survivor
As anyone that’s been chased by an eight foot alien will attest, stayin’ alive ain’t as easy as the Bee Gees once made it sound. However, we’ve been sharpening up our stealth skills in Alien: Isolation on the PlayStation 4 of late, and we’ve got some tips to help you to stay safe on the abandoned Sevastopol space...