Tag: Amd

  • News AMD Hypes Up PS6 Collaboration, FSR 4 Upscaling Tech

    The origins of a new generation

    In December, PlayStation architect Mark Cerny essentially confirmed the PS6 when he revealed Sony would be partnering with Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) on Project Amethyst. This initiative will see the two tech companies collaborate to achieve various mutually beneficial outcomes involving machine learning. Today is...

  • News New Chinese Game Console Rivals the Power of the PS4 Pro

    Power trip

    A brand new machine is entering the console arms race -- in China, at least. AMD, the electronics company who produces the PS4's Jaguar CPU, has partnered with Zhongshan Subor to build a console for the Chinese market, and the details released so far put it on a level with the PS4 Pro, possibly even surpassing it. All the information...