Tag: Atelier Yumia
News Try Highly Recommended JRPG Atelier Yumia for Free on PS5, PS4 Next Week
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Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land may be a bit of a mouthful, but the game is great. As we concluded in our PS5 review earlier today: “It's a fantastic jumping in point to the franchise for new players, and has enough tweaks to the established formula to provide a breath of fresh air...
Atelier what I want what I really really want
While the Atelier series has been steadily evolving and tweaking its winning JRPG/craft-'em-up formula across 30 years and 20-plus games, Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land perhaps represents the most radical shift yet. But that doesn't mean existing fans should be...
Suits you
Atelier Yumia looks great, but we’re still not a fan of the protagonist’s default costume. What’s it supposed to be? A shirt? A blazer? A corset? All three at the same time? Who knows?! Fans will, at the very least, be able to pick a more fetching outfit at launch courtesy of free DLC inspired by Asbel from Bandai Namco game,...