Tag: Beam Team Games
News Stranded Deep PS4 Update Inadvertently Causes Platinum Trophy Domino Effect
Not like this!
Stranded Deep is a survival crafting game that takes place in that most horrific of all locales: the desert island. You wouldn't expect such a remote setting to be fertile soil for Trophy farmers, and yet the game's latest update makes it just that, thanks to what appears to be a viral bug. The story begins, as so many worth telling...
News Survive a Hostile, Tropical Island in Stranded Deep, Out Tomorrow on PS4
Fans of TV show Lost should be all over this one. Stranded Deep is a first-person survival simulator which tasks you with surviving on a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean and eventually escaping it as you hunt for food and shelter. We don't think it will delve into the supernatural quite as much as the plights of Jack Shephard, but still,...
News Desert Island Survival Game Stranded Deep Revived for Release on PS4
Choppy tides
Stranded Deep has been in early access on PC for years and years. It's a game about being marooned on an island with nothing but the sea in all directions, and it's up to you to gather materials in order to survive. If it sounds at all familiar, that's because a PlayStation 4 port was announced back in 2018 before things went quiet...