Tag: Brutal Legend
News Playstation 3 Getting Free Brutal Legend DLC
Tim Schafer's heavy-metal romp, Brutal Legend, is getting DLC this November 5th on Playstation 3
And if you download it within the first two weeks it hits the Playstation Store, you'll get it absolutely free. Why? "We love the PS3," EA's Brent Dady told the PlayStation Blog. The DLC is entitled "Tears Of Hextadon" and features...
Back of the net
Before the babies come and bombard the site with tales of how Playstation 3 software doesn't sell and the exclusives suck, let's have a moment of clarification: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, one of the best games of the year, has debuted at number two in the British sales charts — one spot behind Fifa 10, a game that was able to...
News Activision Settles Lawsuit With Double Fine, Brutal Legend Unscathed
Associated Press are reporting Activision and Double Fine have settled outside of court regarding Brutal Legend, on the day they were supposed to present their arguments
Activision were hoping to delay the game but a tentative judge ruling suggested he was "not inclined" to do so. He also had some damning words for Activision's case. The...
News Legal Battles Will Not Delay The Launch Of Brutal Legend
Brutal Legend is involved in one mighty legal battle
On one hand Activision want to delay the game and sue Double Fine, on the other Double Fine want to sue Activision. It's all very messy. Still, good news for Double Fine, a tentative ruling in LA has denied the movement to stop the release of Brutal Legend. The legal dispute will take place on...
To be honest, we have no interest in law or the issues of copyright
However, following Activision's lawsuit against Double Fine regarding Brutal Legend comes an interesting snippet of information. Namely that according to DF Activision dropped the game because they wouldn't agree to it becoming a Guitar Hero sequel. Ooft. Anyway, apparently Double...
News Uncharted 2: Among Thieves & Brutal Legend Top Out The Best Of E3 Listings
The best of E3 2009 game listings are in - with Sony's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and EA's Brutal Legend topping out the tallies with 4 nominations each; including the Best Of Show nominee
They face up against Modern Warfare 2, Mass Effect 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction for the coveted award; while the PSP Go faces competition from Microsoft's Natal...
News Download Festival Fans Smash Air Guitar World Record
Good grief, this is why we're not excited over Brutal Legend
We hate metal, we hate Jack Black and we don't have a strange affinity Tim Schafer like everyone else seems to. Thus there's not much going for Brutal Legend in our opinion. Alas, different strokes for different folks and all, so we'll grit our teeth and write this piece about the pompous...
News Activision Suing Double Fine Over Brutal Legend
Yahoo are reporting that Brutal Legend developer Double Fine have received a lawsuit from Activision to "stop the release" of the game
Activision claim they have invested "roughly $15 million" into the game's development and that "it still has a valid contract to release the game". Double Fine transferred to Electronic Arts late...
E3 2009 Ozzy Osbourne Will Cameo In Brutal Legend As Himself
What do you need to make your heavy metal video game even better? A better initial idea? Well, yes, that - or the Prince Of Darkness himself Ozzy Osbourne
Ozzy Osbourne will be playing an unnamed character in Brutal Legend who looks a lot like Ozzy Osbourne. Funny that. We hope he can manage to read his script ok.
News Brutal Legend Starts A Revolution, We Still Think It's Going To Be The Worst Thing Ever
After seeing this trailer, everyone is going Brutal Legend crazy
Except us. Here in the PushSquare offices we watched gormlessly as we saw our worst nightmares unfold in front of us. A God Of War clone, starring Jack Black, designed around the symbolism found on heavy metal record covers. Good grief. We've decided to sleep through the entirety of...
News Brutal Legend Release Date: 13th (US) / 16th (Eu) Of Rocktober
EA have just announced that Tim Schafer's upcoming rock video game Brutal Legend will be available this coming October, which from this point forward will be dubbed Rocktober
Get it? Europeans will get the game on the 16th with the US getting it 3 days earlier on the 13th. We're still not convinced; we hate rock/heavy metal.