Tag: Capcom
News Monster Hunter Wilds' Campaign Has an Impressive 73% Completion Rate on PS5
High Rank awaits
Around three quarters of Monster Hunter Wilds players have pushed through the game's main story campaign on PS5. That's according to Trophy data, which has the silver 'Bringer of Harmony' trinket marked as "common" at 73.1%. Wilds has been out for just under a month, which makes this a fairly impressive completion rate when...
News Capcom Celebrates Dragon's Dogma 2's 1st Anniversary, But There's Still No Sign of an Expansion
End the cycle
Dragon's Dogma 2 launched one year ago today, on the 22nd March 2024. And while Capcom has acknowledged the one-year anniversary, there's still no sign of an expansion. In truth, it's been a fairly frustrating 12 months for fans of the open world RPG. While its core gameplay is, in our humble opinion, something really special, the...
News Monster Hunter Wilds Player Shows Off Extent of Its Massive Open World
One loading screen in nine long minutes
Monster Hunter Wilds is a big game, packed to the brim with all sorts of nightmares of evolution to hunt down and slay to harvest their valuable hides and innards. One player has documented an impressive nine-minute-long jaunt across its vast, connected zones from the back of a Seikret. BrotherPig posted...
News Latest Monster Hunter Wilds PS5 Update Makes Dozens of Fixes, Here Are the Patch Notes
A beastly patch
Capcom has released a new patch for its big new action RPG, Monster Hunter Wilds. Available to download and install now on PS5, the update focuses on fixing numerous issues, including those that were preventing progress through the game. Here's the list of issues addressed in this update, per Capcom's support site: The “Grill a...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give Monster Hunter Wilds?
Apex predator
Monster Hunter Wilds has been out for about a week now, giving you plenty of time to break Hunter Rank 100 and then complain that the game simply isn't long enough. And you know what that means! As always, we want your review scores, which will factor into the game's user rating all across Push Square. Wilds has done extremely well...
Random Monster Hunter Wilds Fans Impressed by Capcom's Collection of Blades
You call that a knife?
Monster Hunter Wilds features a wide assortment of majestic creatures to ruthlessly hunt down for their resources, and not a few nightmarish abominations that simply cannot be suffered to live. Of course, you'll need your trusty carving knife to reap the rewards, and fans have been impressed to find the wide range of blades on...
Poll So, Is Monster Hunter Wilds 'Too Easy'?
Authorised by the Guild
Before Monster Hunter Wilds actually released, you may recall that there were heated debates surrounding the game's overall difficulty. Of course, no one but reviewers had actually played Capcom's latest at that point, but that didn't stop hardcore fans from fretting over the title's supposed lack of challenge. In various...
News Monster Hunter Wilds Will Cycle Weekly Event Quests with In-Game Rewards on PS5
The hunt never ends
Monster Hunter Wilds launched at the tail end of last week, and it's been a monumental success already, having sold 8 million copies in just three days. While there's plenty of content in the game for players to chew on, Capcom has now kickstarted a weekly schedule of Event Quests, introducing fresh missions to complete that'll...
Random There's a Run on Cheese Naan in Japan, and Monster Hunter Wilds Is to Blame
We'll take two
Mmmm, cheese naan. It’s comforting, filling, and outrageously delicious. It’s also selling out at Japanese restaurants right now, and Monster Hunter Wilds is to blame. Automaton reports that fans of the hit PS5 game have been storming Nepalese restaurants right around the country after seeing a cutscene in the game which depicts...
Random Capcom Survey Site Crushed by Monster Hunter Wilds' Massive Audience
Trampled underfoot
After hunting down a stunning eight million players in just three days, it seems Capcom's newfound mega-popularity isn't all upside: a survey the company is asking players to fill out with feedback has been hit with so many respondents that the site crashed due to "heavy traffic".
News Monster Hunter Wilds Patch 1.000.004 Out Now, Fixes Game-Breaking Bug, Crashes
The hunt continues
An update for Monster Hunter Wilds will be deployed on the 4th March, but it won't be the performance-enhancing patch that many players are waiting for. Over the weekend following Wilds' release, there were numerous reports of a game-breaking bug that occurs during Chapter 5 of the main story. Basically, there's a quest where...
News Monster Hunter Wilds Sells 8 Million Units in Three Days, Capcom's Fastest Selling Game Ever
Sales monster
Monster Hunter Wilds’ unstoppable success has earned it over eight million sales in just three days, making it the fastest-selling game in publisher Capcom’s history. The publisher failed to provide any additional information about the game’s performance in its press release, so we’ll need to await further announcements to...
News Monster Hunter Series Producer Just Got a Big Promotion at Capcom
Ryozo Tsujimoto moving up in the world
Ryozo Tsujimoto, a key producer at Capcom responsible for the Monster Hunter series, has received a big promotion after the company announced a personnel reshuffling. From 1st April, Tsujimoto, who currently serves as "deputy in charge of development divisions", will assume the Chief Product Officer position in...
News Street Fighter 6's Ridiculous New Music Video Is Pure 90s Nostalgia
Sing along
Capcom has released a new Street Fighter 6 music video for a song that can be unlocked in World Tour mode – but only if you have God given fighting game chops. The music video is based on classic 90s karaoke videos, and shows a man dressed in Ryu’s gi playing on an old CRT screen and eating various different foods. These are...
News No Objections to Street Fighter 6's Surreal Ace Attorney Crossover on PS5, PS4
The Steel Samurai sentences you to a smackdown
In one of the stranger, but nevertheless appealing crossovers we've seen in recent days, Street Fighter 6 players had better prepare their defenses, legal or otherwise, as a crossover with Capcom's long-running, often ludicrous court-room brawler, the Ace Attorney series, is set for a showdown. The...
Capcom makes damn good video games, but for years now, the publisher's peddled dodgy microtransactions — often to the detriment of the titles that they're attached to. And the newly-released Monster Hunter Wilds is no different. Just like in 2018's Monster Hunter World, players need to pay up with real money if they want to make cosmetic...
Poll Are You Playing Monster Hunter Wilds?
Going Wilds
Say goodbye to your free time over the next few weeks, because there's a new Monster Hunter in town. Capcom's oversized weapon simulator is back with Monster Hunter Wilds, and we want to know if you're jumping in. Monster Hunter World was obviously an unprecedented hit for the company, having been crowned Capcom's best selling title of...
News Monster Hunter Wilds Eclipses All Expectations on Launch Day
Truly wild
Monster Hunter Wilds looks like it’s going to have a crack at being the biggest game of the year. Within hours of releasing, the latest in Capcom’s uber-popular property attracted almost one million concurrent players on Steam. That’s the eighth highest concurrent count in the PC storefront’s history, with the title guaranteed to...
Video Monster Hunter Wilds Graphics Compared on PS5 and PS5 Pro
We look at all three settings
By now, you may have heard that Monster Hunter Wilds has... issues on PS5, and even PS5 Pro. Capcom's action RPG can struggle in terms of both visual quality and performance, often resulting in a disappointingly uneven experience. It's certainly not unplayable, but we were all hoping for better. So, in order to take a...
News Monster Hunter Wilds' Big April Update Adds Harder Enemies as Difficulty Discourse Continues
Temper yourself
Capcom has detailed the first big 'Title Update' for Monster Hunter Wilds, which will drop at some point in April. The idea is that by this time, most players who snagged the game at launch will have played through the main campaign — as well as the High Rank stuff — and will be looking to sink their teeth into something new...
News Capcom Reveals Monster Hunter Wilds Global Release Times
The anticipation of the hunt
Monster Hunter Wilds is almost upon us. It will be released on PS5 tomorrow, February 28th. Series fanatics will likely want to start playing the second servers go live. Capcom understands this all too well and has confirmed the precise global release times so that prospective hunters can immediately get to hunting...
News PS5 Pro Is By Far the Best Way to Play Monster Hunter Wilds on Console
When it comes to playing the imminent Monster Hunter Wilds on a console, your best bet — by some distance — is the PS5 Pro. This is what Digital Foundry's latest analysis boils down to, with the team having now examined the action RPG across all available hardware. We did our own performance analysis of Wilds earlier this we
News Some Monster Hunter Wilds Fans Are Losing Their Minds Over the Game Being 'Too Easy'
Easy does it
Monster Hunter Wilds is just days away from release at the time of writing this article, but early press and content creator reviews have managed to whip up a storm within the community. Currently, potential players are embroiled in a debate surrounding the game's difficulty. You see, several reviewers have pointed out that Wilds is...
Hands On Monster Hunter Wilds Performance Certainly Isn't Perfect on PS5, PS5 Pro
Monster mashed
How well does Monster Hunter Wilds run on PS5 and PS5 Pro? Having now played Capcom's action RPG for close to 100 hours, we wanted to give you an overview of how the game performs on Sony's system — especially since last year's poorly optimised beta sparked a lot of scepticism with regards to frame rates and resolutions. The good...
Review Monster Hunter Wilds (PS5) - A Timeless Formula Refined to Near Perfection
Wilds thing, I think I love you
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne introduced the Guiding Lands — a dynamic, borderline sandbox map that had monsters of all shapes and sizes come and go as players investigated its more open environments. Monster Hunter Wilds is essentially the Guiding Lands, but spread across an entire Monster Hunter title. And as a...
News Monster Hunter Wilds Isn't Out on PS5 Yet, But Capcom's Already Revealed Its First Free Updates
Lots to look forward to
Monster Hunter Wilds is going to be monstrous on PS5 this month, but even once you’ve worked through the presumably massive amounts of day one content, there’s more to look forward to. As part of yesterday’s State of Play, publisher Capcom confirmed the game’s first free post-release updates. “In the week after...
News Capcom Confirms Onimusha 2 PS4 Remaster Will Launch in May
Better graphics and modern controls
Announced just recently in the Capcom Spotlight showcase, the Japanese publisher has now revealed its PS4 remaster of Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny will launch on 23rd May 2025. This will be a PS4 version, but it can be played on PS5 via backwards compatibility. Check out the new trailer above. The remastered...
News PS5's Onimusha: Way of the Sword Looks Outstanding in New Gameplay Trailer
Starring Miyamoto Musashi
Capcom has given us our first real look at Onimusha: Way of the Sword — and it looks superb. This new trailer shows off some in-game combat footage, and much like the developers have said previously, there's a clear focus on sword-based action, with thoughtful movement, parries, and killer finishers all playing a role...
News The Hype for Monster Hunter Wilds Is Real as World Sales Erupt Seven Years After Release
World's world
Monster Hunter World has become a seemingly eternal money-spinner for Capcom, as the action RPG continues to post impressive sales numbers seven whole years after its release. The impending launch of Monster Hunter Wilds has no doubt sparked this latest sales bump, with IGN Japan reporting that World somehow managed to shift 1 million...
News Looks Like Resident Evil 5 Is Getting a PS5 Port Too
Seemingly joining Resident Evil 6 on PS5
Along with Resident Evil 6, it seems Resident Evil 5 will also soon receive a native PS5 version. Just like the generally detested sixth instalment, an age rating for an Xbox Series X|S version of Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar's excursion to Africa has appeared on the ESRB website. The chances of this port...
News Here's When Monster Hunter Wilds' Extended PS5 Beta Will End
More details to follow
One of the biggest downsides to this weekend’s PSN outage was that the much-anticipated Monster Hunter Wilds beta had been scheduled to take place. Obviously, it’s up and running now, but fans lost a full day of play, which isn’t ideal. Capcom, eager to make good on the situation, has promised that it’ll offer a...
News Monster Hunter Wilds Lowers PC Requirements, Probably a Good Thing for PS5 Performance
Capcom makes optimisations
Capcom has revealed updated PC requirements for Monster Hunter Wilds, ahead of its release later in the month — and they may just point towards good news for PS5 players. Basically, the developer's managed to make some pretty significant optimisations to the imminent action RPG, reducing the technical heft that's needed...
News Capcom to Pull the Plug on Rubbish Resident Evil Multiplayer Spin-Off
"The game has served its purpose admirably"
Capcom has had multiple attempts at trying to get a multiplayer version of Resident Evil to stick, but they’ve pretty much all come up short, and Resident Evil Re:Verse is no different. You may recall this game was included with purchases of Resident Evil Village, although it faced a hearty delay, and...
Rumour Devil May Cry Remake Supposedly Outed by Vergil Voice Actor
But the evidence is shaky
Rumours of a Devil May Cry remake have just been given a significant boost, thanks to comments made by Vergil voice actor Daniel Southworth. Southworth was part of a Devil May Cry anniversary panel at Power Morphicon 2024, which took place in August of last year. However, as spearheaded by The Nerd Stash, the footage is...
News Creepy Beasties Abound in Monster Hunter Wilds' Iceshard Cliffs Trailer
Nope, no, absolutely not
Monster Hunter Wilds is preparing for the hunt, which begins 28th February on PS5. In a new trailer that activated our unfortunately ironic (for an Australian) arachnophobia, we glimpse the kinds of scuttling, chitinous abominations that are generally contained within our nightmares. Thankfully, we get to see more...
News Mai Oh Mai! Street Fighter 6's New Challenger Is Out Now on PS5, PS4
Ready, fight
After an extended build up, buxom Fatal Fury babe Mai is available now in Street Fighter 6. As with all DLC characters, she comes with her own World Tour quests, arcade ladder, customisable content, and more. She’s also joined by a fresh Fighting Pass, which features Mai-themed content. You can learn more about that, and impending...
News New Onimusha Isn't an 'Impossibly Difficult Game', Capcom Just Wants Sick Sword Fights
Live by the blade
In news that'll no doubt come as a relief to many, it sounds like Capcom isn't going down the old (and increasingly tired) Soulslike route with the Onimusha: Way of the Sword. During the latest Capcom showcase, director Satoru Nihei delivered some new info on the still in-development title, making some interesting comments on its...
News Onimusha 2 Remaster Announced for PS4, Coming This Year
Relive the Samurai's Destiny
Capcom has revealed it's releasing a remaster of PS2 classic Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny later this year for PS4. As it prepares for new mainline game Onimusha: Way of the Sword, the firm is returning to its remastering efforts, which it began six years ago with an updated Onimusha: Warlords release. As the footage in...
News Capcom Fighting Collection 2 Brings Rival Schools 2, Power Stone, and More Back in May
Round 2
Capcom's put a release date on Capcom Fighting Collection 2. The compilation's now set for the 16th May. For those who haven't been keeping up, this looks to be one heck of a bundle. It includes classic PS1 brawler Rival Schools 2 (known as Project Justice here), alongside arena fighters Power Stone and Power Stone 2. This is some serious...
Live Watch the Capcom Spotlight Showcase Right Here
Onimusha! Monster Hunter! Street Fighter!
Capcom is combining its Spotlight livestream and Monster Hunter Wilds showcase into one bumper digital event today, with news expected for the latter title as well as other games the publisher has in the works. Lasting 35 minutes, you'll get to see the newly announced Onimusha: Way of the Sword, Capcom...
News What Time Is Capcom's Spotlight Livestream?
Onimusha! Monster Hunter! More
A big Capcom Spotlight livestream followed immediately by a Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase should get PS5 fans in the mood for 2025. The broadcast, scheduled for 2PM PT on 4th February, will run around 35 minutes in its entirety, and promises back-to-back Capcom goodness. Here’s when you can expect to the episode to...
News Street Fighter 6's Crummy PS5, PS4 Battle Passes to Get Better in the Future
Capcom has reassessed their contents
Capcom has addressed the feedback to Street Fighter 6’s crappy Fighting Passes, which are short-lived Battle Passes available periodically in the game. <related ids="171421"> In a statement, the celebrated publisher first promised that more outfits are on the way for its various cast of characters, but...
News Capcom Wants Players to Go Wild Together in Monster Hunter Wilds
Hit up the old group chat
Monster Hunter Wilds is out in a month, launching 28th February on PS5, an excellent excuse to get your old gaming gang back together, especially if it happens less and less as the years continue to roll past. In a live-action trailer that glamourises that usually mundane act, Capcom isn't making the waiting any easier...
News We're Already Big Fans of Street Fighter 6's Mai, Launching As DLC Next Week on PS5, PS4
Modern controls were made for this
Is it fair to say Mai Shiranui is the most anticipated Street Fighter 6 addition to date? The buxom Fatal Fury heroine is certainly up there, right? Capcom has released a six-minute gameplay guide trailer which shows off all the ways you can use the new character, and she looks like a ton of fun. <related...
News Capcom Seems Sold on Using AI to Help Out with Game Development
Conceptually speaking
Capcom appears to be pushing forward with plans to implement AI in its game development process. As per a recent interview with Google Cloud Japan (as translated by Automaton), Capcom technical director Kazuki Abe seems pretty positive on the use of AI programs — especially during th
News Monster Hunter Wilds Is Making Changes to Your Favourite Weapon
All of them, actually
Monster Hunter Wilds continues to stealthily pad through the underbrush, creeping up on a 28th February release date on PS5. IGN's ongoing coverage of the upcoming game has yielded a surprisingly granular interview and the news that Capcom is making fairly sweeping changes to the established Monster Hunter order. Wilds'...
News Critically Maligned 90s Street Fighter Animated Series to Make Shock Blu-ray Comeback
Darkstalkers adaptation, too
Capcom’s crappy 90s Street Fighter animated series is making a surprise comeback, courtesy of boutique Blu-ray publisher Discotek. The re-release, which will feature all 26 original episodes, will be preserved using a format the publisher is dubbing SD-BD. This basically means that the content will be presented in its...
News Resident Evil 6 Appears Set for a PS5 Port
New age rating spotted
Capcom is preparing a native PS5 version of Resident Evil 6 if new ESRB age ratings are to be believed. The outlet has a new listing for an "Xbox Series" version of the game (spotted by VGC), suggesting current-gen ports are on the way, with a PS5 port almost certainly included. Following efforts in recent years, much of the...
News Fatal Fury's Mai Makes the Jump Over to Street Fighter 6 Next Month
Out on 5th February
Capcom has revealed by way of a new gameplay trailer that the second crossover character in Street Fighter history will be available from 5th February 2025. Mai from the Fatal Fury series is joining Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6, and you can catch a glimpse of how she plays in the trailer above. Mai utilises a mixture of...
News Monster Hunter Wilds Sings in Twin 9-Minute Gameplay Trailers
Rompopolo, we're ready to go
The Monster Hunter Wilds hype machine is beginning to spin up ahead of the game's full release at the end of February (Capcom is holding two open "beta" sessions in the coming weeks, as well). While we patiently wait, courtesy of IGN's First initiative, we've got not one but two nine-minu