Tag: Ccp Games

  • Review Sparc (PS4)


    Sparc is a virtual reality version of Pong with Tron-like visuals. In a way, it's very similar to PlayStation VR Worlds' Danger Ball. You face off against an opponent, each standing at opposite ends of a long empty corridor, and you must throw a ball at your opponent in order to score points. That's the basic...

  • News EVE: Valkyrie's Biggest Update Yet Removes VR Requirement

    Cross-reality dogfighting goes cross-platform

    EVE: Valkyrie is pretty impressive with a PlayStation VR headset strapped to your noggin, but starting 26th September you won’t need virtual reality to play the game. CCP is plotting a massive upgrade for the dogfighting sim named Warzone, and in addition to adding tons of new features and...

  • News Virtual Reality Sport Sparc Enters Play on 29th August

    Speed ball

    CCP Games’ energetic PlayStation VR future sport Sparc will enter the field of play on 29th August, the developer has announced. The title – which sees you wielding two PlayStation Move controllers to throw and bat away balls in virtual reality arenas – was a big draw at E3 2017, and aims to do for Sony’s headset what Rocket...

  • E3 2017 Virtual Reality Sport Sparc Coming to PS4

    Ball's in your court

    CCP Games’ competitive sports game Sparc is coming to PlayStation VR later this year. The game takes place in a virtual court, where you must defend the goal behind you by using a shield. Your objective is to throw as many projectiles beyond your opponent as you can – it’s basically Windjammers with a Tron-inspired art...

  • Review EVE: Gunjack (PS4)


    One of the games that drew a lot of attention at the launch of PlayStation VR was EVE: Valkyrie. A space dog-fighting virtual reality game is an idea to excite just about anyone. But what you may not have known is that Crowd Control Productions – usually referred to as CCP – has actually releasing a second VR game at launch. This is...

  • Review EVE: Valkyrie (PS4)

    It's a virtual EVE-olution

    Cold. Disorientated. You awake in a clone tank. No, it's not the aftermath of a Push Square office party, this is the future and you're already dead. EVE: Valkyrie is a strong space dogfighting sim that got quite a lot of love when it launched on the Oculus Rift, and now it deserves to get more love as it hits PlayStation...

  • News No Doubt Dusty Shooter DUST 514 Turns to Dust in May


    Hey, who remembers DUST 514? The massively multiplayer online PlayStation 3 shooter was meant to be a pretty big deal back before it launched in 2013, but the free-to-play title never really found its wings. The game ties into popular PC release EVE Online, with its ground battles having an impact on the intergalactic adventure with which is...

  • News Free-to-Play Shooter DUST 514 Officially Deploys on 14th May

    CCP Games shares the good news

    Who doesn’t love gimmicky dates? CCP Games has confirmed that its ambitious free-to-play shooter DUST 514 will officially launch on 14th May. That’s 5/14 if you want to adopt North American formatting. We suspect that the title will release on 15th May in Europe, which doesn’t have quite the same impact. The...

  • News CCP Games Deploys DUST 514 Open Beta on 22nd January

    Just the beginning

    CCP Games’ ambitious free-to-play first-person shooter DUST 514 will fire into open beta on 22nd January, the developer has announced. The news comes just weeks after the PlayStation 3 exclusive merged servers with its companion PC MMO, Eve Online. It’s all rather exciting stuff. "The launch of the Dust 514 open beta is...

  • News DUST 514 Staying in Closed Beta Until 2013

    Fermenting like a fine wine

    Jack Tretton must have got his dates muddled up. CCP Games’ ambitious free-to-play first-person shooter DUST 514 will not launch later this month like the executive stated in an interview in September – instead it will stay in closed beta throughout the rest of 2012. "We'll be in closed beta for the rest of the...

  • News Follow the Way of the Mercenary with DUST 514

    Complex combat

    Free-to-play might mean “social games” to some developers – but not CCP Games. The upcoming DUST 514 is easily one of the most complex releases in the pipeline for PlayStation 3, and it won’t cost you a penny to play. This brand new trailer talks you through the process of getting set-up and prepared for battle. The level of...

  • Interview CCP Discusses PS3's Biggest Shooter DUST 514

    Sky's the limit

    DUST 514 is easily the most ambitious title in the pipeline for the PlayStation 3. It takes the grandeur of MAG’s sandbox first-person battles, and merges them in real-time with the corporate politics of popular PC MMO EVE Online. After an impressive showing at the Eurogamer Expo in London last week, we felt it was an appropriate...

  • News CCP Games: DUST 514 Took Guts on Sony's Part

    Uncharted territory

    Few titles are as ambitious as CCP Games’ upcoming DUST 514. The PlayStation 3 exclusive intends to merge the universe between two disparate games – a feat which the Icelandic developer believes took real “guts on Sony’s part”. Asked what drew the studio to the PS3 in the first place, CCP’s Jon Lander told us: “It...

  • News DUST 514 Deploying Next Month According to Sony Executive


    CCP Games’ ambitious free-to-play PS3 shooter DUST 514 is almost ready to emerge from its year-long multiplayer beta. According to SCEA president Jack Tretton, the ambitious title is set to attack the PlayStation Store next month. The executive was speaking on FOX Business as part of an interview about Sony’s PS3 and Vita strategy...

  • News Pledge Your Corporate Allegiance in DUST 514

    Social politics

    DUST 514 is supposed to offer an easy entry point for those intimidated by sister experience EVE Online – but we’ve got to be honest, we’re not sure it’s going to achieve its aims. We’ve sat pondering this article for over an hour, and we're still struggling to find an easy way to summarise the PS3 exclusive's next big...

  • News EU PlayStation Plus Subscribers Invited to DUST 514 Beta

    Extraction point

    Those of you yet to get a private invitation to the DUST 514 beta will be given the opportunity to go hands-on tomorrow, when developer CCP Games opens up the multiplayer test to European PlayStation Plus subscribers. Premium members will also get the chance to purchase the recently released Mercenary Pack at a discounted price...

  • News DUST 514: Neocom Details Enter the Atmosphere

    Never stop playing

    DUST 514: Neocom is not a PlayStation Vita version of CCP Games’ upcoming free-to-play shooter – but it is an interesting idea nonetheless. The application will allow you to interact with various elements of the PS3 game, including load-outs, messages and more. While the download won’t necessarily feature any gameplay, it...

  • News DUST 514 Beta Clashes with Eve Online This Month


    CCP Games will be hoping nothing explodes when it moves the DUST 514 beta onto a standalone test server with hardcore PC MMO EVE Online later this month. The move – pencilled in for 21st August – will coincide with the beta’s latest update, allowing players of both games to communicate in real-time and exchange messages with each other...

  • News DUST 514's Mercenary Pack Guarantees Early Beta Access

    Pay to play

    If you simply can’t wait to get your hands on CCP’s upcoming free-to-play PSN shooter DUST 514, then the Icelandic developer has a rather tantalising proposition for you. Stump up the cash for the title’s impending Mercenary Pack and you’ll be guaranteed early access to the game’s closed beta. You’ll also score a wealth of...

  • News CCP Giving Away 10,000 Beta Keys for DUST 514

    No place like Home

    Those of you that are eager to check out CCP Games' upcoming PS3 exclusive DUST 514 might want to boot up PlayStation Home at some point soon. To celebrate the launch of its brand new hub within Sony's virtual world, CCP is handing out “All Access” beta passes to the first 10,000 users who visit the space. Meanwhile, the...

  • News DUST 514 Diary Details Cross-Platform Compatibility

    Breaking barriers

    DUST 514 is probably the most ambitious game announced for PlayStation 3 right now. The free-to-play title – which ties directly into hardcore PC MMO EVE Online – sees you forming allegiances with other players and fighting over meaningful locations in the game's universe. The title's ambition is so great that it’s hard to...

  • News CCP Opens Beta Registrations for DUST 514

    Can you Adam and Eve it?

    CCP Games has kicked off the beta registration process for its upcoming PS3 exclusive DUST 514. The title – which ambitiously ties into PC MMO Eve Online – is set to get a free PSN release this summer, but the developer needs help finalising its code. Eve Online members will be given first priority, followed by attendees...

  • News Eve Online FanFest Attendees to Scoop DUST 514 Beta Access

    Front of the queue

    Those that attended the recent Eve Online FanFest event in Iceland will be amongst the first external players to get beta access to CCP’s uber-ambitious free-to-play downloadable shooter DUST 514. Currently the only people with access to the title are internal Sony testers. FanFest attendees are set to be invited soon, with an...

  • News CCP Teases Vita Controller Support for DUST 514

    Wii too

    CCP’s free-to-play PSN exclusive DUST 514 is already aiming to reinvent cross-platform compatibility with its hooks into PC MMO Eve Online, but it appears its list of innovative features will not end there. Chatting on the latest episode of the PlayStation Blogcast, CCP’s David Reid teased that the game may take advantage of the Vita as...

  • News Feast Your Eyes on 30 Minutes of DUST 514

    The future

    Developer CCP debuted 30 minutes of DUST 514 footage as part of a keynote at its EVE Fanfest event last night. The footage shows off everything from the game’s lobby system right through to its interaction with PC MMO Eve Online. While the gunplay looks decent, it’s the cross-platform integration that’s really the star of the...

  • News Dust 514 on PS Vita to be a "Companion App"

    Not an online first-person shooter

    Dust 514’s scrapped its $20 price-tag in favour of a much more accessible $0. Developer CCP confused gamers last year when it confirmed that the PSN title – which was originally announced as a free game – would carry a price point of $20. At the time, CCP intended to reimburse players with $20 worth of...

  • News Dust 514 Includes Mouse and Keyboard Support


    Seeing as CCP Games’ upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive, Dust 514, is closely associated with PC MMO, Eve Online, it makes sense for the game to take advantage of one of the PS3’s most under-utilised features: mouse and keyboard support. It’s great news for elitists that claim first-person shooters are unplayable with a controller, although...

  • News Sony Considering Microtransactions, Item Trading For DUST 514

    CCP Games' upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive shooter, DUST 514, is so ambitious that nobody really knows how to promote it

    The freemium EVE Online crossover sounds amazing in theory, but we're worried it's going to take a college course on the subject to communicate just why the shooter is so special. It's unsurprising, then, that developer CCP Games...

  • News CCP Opens Closed Beta Registrations For DUST 514

    CCP's announced that it has opened closed beta sign-ups for its upcoming, uber-ambitious PlayStation 3 exclusive persistent shooter MMO, DUST 514

    Current registrations are exclusive to subscribers of the developer's PC MMO, Eve Online — which makes sense given the two title's promised interoperability. If you are an Eve Online subscriber though,...

  • News DUST 514 Trailer Emerges into Clear View

    Shooting for the stars

    DUST 514 was briefly shown during Sony's 2011 E3 presentation and has since all but fallen off the radar. Offering up a healthy mix of FPS and MMO action that’s deeply integrated into the EVE Online servers, DUST 514 easily sets itself apart from the other shooters on the way to Vita. Like a desert nomad wandering through a...

  • News New DUST 514 Trailer Emerges

    Move’s first MMO is coming

    DUST 514 was briefly shown during Sony’s 2011 E3 presentation and has been on our radar every sicne. Serving up a healthy mix of Move-enabled FPS action and MMO gameplay that’s deeply integrated into the EVE Online servers; DUST 514 easily sets itself apart from all of the other shooters that currently flood the...

  • News CCP Scales Back To Focus Development On EVE Online And Dust 514

    Would you Adam and EVE it

    The developer of upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive DUST 514 has admitted to making "mistakes" and taking on more than it can handle, prompting a major shake-up within the company and resulting in the redundancies of around 20 percent of its current workforce. "We have come to the conclusion that we are attempting too many...

  • News DUST 514 Ready to Change the Online Shooter Forever

    Will it succeed?

    DUST 514 isn't your average run-and-gun online shooter: set in the persistent world of EVE Online, it's as much about economics as it is headshots, and the official PlayStation Blogs have carried an interview with the game's executive producer Brandon Laurino. The interview details the game's exceptionally ambitious concept — a...

  • News DUST 514 Promises To Change The Console Shooter Forever

    It's been a while since we heard anything of CCP Games' ambitious PS3 exclusive MMO shooter, DUST 514

    But speaking in a candid interview on the PlayStation Blog, executive producer Brandon Laurino has promised the title will change the console shooter genre forever. DUST 514 hooks into CCP's most recognisable project, Eve Online, giving players the...

  • News How Microtransactions Will Work In PS3 Exclusive Dust 514

    CCP Games' upcoming PS3 exclusive, Dust 514, is so ambitious that we're not quite sure we understand the value proposition just yet

    The developer clearly has its work cut-out explaining to average users just how the game's constant interaction with PC MMO Eve Online will actually work. But before it can do that, the developer also needs to...

  • News Dust 514 Won't Be Entirely Free After All

    Want in? Cough up.

    Innovative Move shooter Dust 514 takes place in the world of EVE Online, and although the game is free to play you'll still have to pay to download it. Developer CCP confirmed you'll have to pay a "cover charge" to get in, which will be refunded to you as in-game credits. In the beginning you have to pre-buy credits, so...

  • News Dust 514 Is Free-To-Play, Except Not

    Despite CCP insisting Dust 514 will be free-to-play, it's actually not

    Well it is, but it isn't. Contradictions? We'll let CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson explain. “In the beginning you have to pre-buy credits, so you pay something like $10-$20 to enter the game and you get the equivalent number of credits in the game once you do that. We call this...

  • E3 2011 DUST 514 Is A PlayStation 3 Exclusive, Will Feature PlayStation Move Support

    As previously rumoured, CCP Games has confirmed that DUST 514 will be a console exclusive on PlayStation 3

    The EVE Online spin-off will feature cross-connectivity with the PC/Mac versions, directly influencing your experience on PlayStation 3. Furthermore, Sony will be extending the DUST universe across PlayStation platforms, including PlayStation...

  • Rumour DUST 514 To Be A PlayStation 3 Exclusive?

    DUST 514, the first-person shooter console companion to CCP's sci-fi MMO Eve online, could be a PlayStation 3 exclusive according to information fashioned out of the game's official teaser website

    Kotaku reports that one fan went digging through the countdown page's source code, only to happen upon a set of new screenshots for the game with...