Tag: Dead Space
News EA Shot Down Creators' Dead Space 4 Pitch in 2024
Sequel to established franchise considered too risky
Dead Space is undoubtedly one of the best horror franchises in gaming, with an excellent remake of the original reminding us of that fact in 2023. In a highly telling reveal, however, original creators Christopher Stone, Bret Robbins, and Glen Schofield (recently of Striking
News Dead Space PS5 the Focus of Surprise Battlefield 2042 Mode
New game mode called Outbreak
EA DICE has announced a new limited-time event for Battlefield 2042 that's themed entirely around 2023's PS5 remake of Dead Space. Available from Tuesday next week until 16th July 2024, a new Outbreak mode will test your teammates' FPS skills and "human resilience and resourcefulness against a new and relentless enemy...
News Confusion as Duelling Reports Confirm/Deny Existence of Dead Space 2 Remake
Update: Bloomberg says a new title was touted before series was shelved
Update: Further reporting from reliable Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier reveals the Dead Space franchise is "officially on hold". While there's much discussion about whether a Dead Space 2 remake was considered or not, Schreier's sources claim that ideas were conceived for a...
Soapbox Dead Space Is This Year's (Almost) Forgotten Horror Delight
An underrated thriller
If you watched The Game Awards at the start of December (and, lord knows, many of us did), you’d be forgiven for thinking that there was only one stellar horror remake this year: Resident Evil 4. Don’t get me wrong — the Resi remake is a stunner, a fantastic thrill ride that pares away some of the campier moments from...
News Play Dead Space, Wild Hearts for Just $1 Using New EA Play Trial
Get one month of access until Friday
EA is offering a great way to catch up on much of its 2023 games catalogue — outside of the sports titles — by way of a new EA Play trial that grants you one month of access for just 79p / $0.99. Open to brand-new members and returning subscribers, the offer will be live until this Friday, and grants you 30...
News Given a Chance, Dead Space 3 Producer 'Would Redo It Almost Completely'
“We weren’t allowed to make a horror game from the beginning”
Dead Space 3 is the black sheep of the storied survival horror franchise, mainly because it instead focused on being a cooperative third-person shooter. It was scary for mostly unintended reasons, but in a revealing interview, and with the context of the successful Dead Space remake...
News PS5's Dead Space Remake Floats onto EA Play Later This Month
No extra cost to (dis)members
One of 2023's earliest successes was Dead Space, a remake of the beloved PS3 survival horror game. Launching at the end of January, it's a super faithful retelling of Isaac Clarke's terrifying escapades aboard the USG Ishimura, with an expanded story and some new areas to boot. Soon, you'll be able to check it out at no...
Random Revel in the Polygonal Glory of This Fan-Made Dead Space PS1 Demake
Sharp enough to cut yourself on
The original Dead Space had a profound impact on game design, with its minimalist UI and claustrophobic, oppressive atmosphere, and the remake is a reminder of that feat. But if you've played through both, why not check out this impressive PS1 demake? Available to download for free on PC, creator Fraser Brumley...
News Classic Dead Space Lullaby Trailer Gets PS5 Remake in Pleasingly Symmetrical Move
Ship it
The PS5 remake of Dead Space was a slam dunk and will likely feature high on many GOTY lists once the silly season rolls around again. In a fun and somewhat meta move, developer Motive Studio has given the original game's iconic lullaby trailer a bit of facelift, remaking it for a new generation. You can check out the original below, which...
News Do You Want Dead Space 2 and 3 PS5 Remakes? Time to Tell EA
Rise from your grave
Following the impressive success of Dead Space’s recent remake, EA is eager to know if you’re up for more. As shared on Twitter, the juggernaut publisher is currently conducting market research regarding “similar remakes” for Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3. Both titles originally released on the PS3, in 2011 and 2013...
Interview Dissecting Dead Space Music with Composer Trevor Gureckis
Make us whole-notes again Isaac
Dead Space is one of the best horror games of the PS3 era, and we were lucky enough recently to sit down with Trevor Gureckis, the composer of the excellent remake of the 2008 classic. We got to talk about how to make a horror soundtrack stand out alongside much competition, how to make music more emotionally...
News Original Director Glen Schofield Thanks Motive for Faithful PS5 Dead Space Remake
Taking the high road
Motive's PS5 Dead Space remake has been out for a week now, and we thought it was pretty darn good. The creator of the original Dead Space, Glen Schofield, thinks so too and has congratulated the development team on their efforts. Replying to a post on LinkedIn (thanks
News Dead Space PS5 Is 'Best-in-Class' According to Digital Foundry Analysis
On par with RE2 and RE3
As anyone who picked up the Dead Space remake on PS5 knows, it really is quite beautiful, despite the nightmarish imagery on display. Some 15 years on from the original game's launch, this new and improved take on one of the most important survival horror games ever made is far more than just a simple reskin. The wizards over...
News Dead Space PS5 Patch v1.03 Eradicates Visuals Issues
The horror
Update: A new patch for Dead Space’s PS5 remake is now available to download, and it completely eradicates a bug which was previously affecting the release’s visuals. The game now looks and performs as intended, so if you're playing the sci-fi horror, make sure you get the update downloaded and installed. EA is plotting a patch for...
News Motive Studio Is Keen on 'Exploring Dead Space More'
It looks like we may be made whole, after all
The Dead Space remake on PS5 appears to be a slam dunk, earning high critical praise across the board, and we thought it was pretty great, too. Fans, at least according to our polling, are pretty keen on the whole Necromorph thing, it looks like. So it's awesome to hear that EA's Motive Studio is...
Poll Did You Buy the Dead Space PS5 Remake?
Scream for yourself
Dead Space has returned! The beloved sci-fi horror title, which first released on the PS3 over 14 years ago, has been remade on PS5 from the ground up. It's an incredibly faithful revival, retaining the original game's story, tone, and core gameplay — but that's arguably what fans have been pining for all along. We gave the...
News EA Confirms Dead Space PS5 New Game+ at Launch, Secret Ending
A familiar nightmare
The eagerly anticipated and completely remade Dead Space launches today, meaning faithful survival horror stans can relive the nightmare that is the Ishimura all over again. If that wasn't enough for you, EA has confirmed that the title will ship with New Game Plus for all you completionists out there. Little is known about...
Review Dead Space (PS5) - Faithful Remake Brings Back a Classic
USG Ishi-phwoara
Remakes can be somewhat of a touchy subject nowadays. While many are welcomed with open arms, others can have their very existence called into question. There isn't too much of a middle ground between the two extremes, so EA must have been elated to see Dead Space fans jumping for joy when it announced the 2008 survival horror...
News Dead Space PS5 Uses DualSense to Deliver a New Dimension of Dread
Got a funny feeling about this
Dead Space is imminent, with the remastered survival-horror classic launching tomorrow, on 27th January, for players on PS5. Even if you fought through the original 2008 title, there are fresh spooks to look forward to (not to mention some manner of alternate ending) and new ways to experience them. Over on the...
News Dead Space Protagonist Isaac Clarke Leaps to Fortnite Ahead of PS5 Remake
With functioning HP monitoring Back Bling
Infamous outer-space engineer Isaac Clarke is no stranger to crossover games – he was, after all, a DLC addition to Sony’s forgotten mascot fighter, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Somehow, this cameo feels a trifle more significant, however: the character is coming to Fortnite, as part of the...
News Dead Space Remake to Feature Alternate Ending, Pre-Load Times Revealed
Make us whole
The imminent remake of the original and very excellent Dead Space launches later this week, on 27th January, and fanatical Unitoligists and other fans are no-doubt champing at the bit to start severing some limbs. Good news, then, as we now know when pre-loading this graphical powerhouse can begin; you can prepare for convergence on...
News Dead Space Remake Trophies Demand at Least Two Playthroughs for the Platinum
It's a tough one
The Trophy list for the soon-to-be-released Dead Space remake are live, and let's just say that it won't be an especially easy Platinum. Without spoiling anything, most Trophies are dished out for completing story chapters and besting specific bosses — so they're all basically unmissable. But then you dig a bit deeper, and you're...
News Dead Space Movie Apparently in the Works, But No, John Carpenter Isn't Directing
Could you imagine?
Legendary filmmaker John Carpenter is perhaps best known for iconic horror classics like The Thing and Halloween and for not being able to get the generator started in The Last of Us: Part II. He's a gamer and has played games in the Dead Space series, so it sounds like he would be the perfect pick to head up a film adaptation,...
News Dead Space PS5 Remake Graphics and Performance Options Detailed
Gloriously gory in 4k
The release of EA's ambitious Dead Space remake is right around the corner, with the beleaguered Isaac Clarke set to explore the harrowing halls of the USG Ishimura all over again. As you might have suspected, Dead Space will feature the usual suite of graphical and performance options on PS5, allowing players to better tailor...
News Dead Space PS5 Launch Trailer Marks the Return of Isaac Clarke
Humanity ends here
EA has published the launch trailer for the Dead Space remake earlier than expected, handing us another glimpse of the remodelled survival horror classic right now instead of tomorrow. We get a good look at protagonist Isaac Clarke's new face, but then the famous helmet is put on for some Necromorph encounters. Check the launch...
News Development on Dead Space's PS5 Remake Is Done
Game goes gold
The team at EA Motive has completed development of its Dead Space remake, meaning the survival horror will be ready for its announced 27th January, 2023 release date. The studio gleefully announced today that it has “gone gold”, which in the video game industry means the code has been completed, and will now be printed on Blu-ray...
News Dead Space PS5 Looks Like a Remarkable Remake
First 18 minutes of footage showcased
The first 18 minutes of gameplay have from EA’s upcoming Dead Space remake have been published by IGN, and it’s looking like a remarkable upgrade from the PS3 original. While this opening is largely identical to the 2008 original, there are some minor tweaks that long-time fans will notice. Protagonist...
News Dead Space's Jaw-Dropping PS5 Remake Adds Extra Exploration
Ishimura expands in new-gen transition
EA’s upcoming remake of Dead Space won’t be identical, like the recent The Last of Us: Part I. With its return to the Ishimura, developer Motive has taken the opportunity to revise certain aspects. The most obvious of these is the fact that protagonist Isaac Clarke now talks, although there are other subtle...
News Dead Space Remake Gameplay Blows Necromorph Minds on PS5
Humanity ends here
As teased yesterday, EA Motive has now revealed the first look at gameplay from its Dead Space remake, launching for PS5 on 23rd January 2023. A faithful trip down memory lanes for fans of the original, the trailer features memorable locations, weapons, and abilities. The classic Plasma Cutter is on show for much of the footage,...
News Dead Space Remake Gameplay Drops Tomorrow
Cover art revealed
EA Motive will reveal the first official look at gameplay from its Dead Space remake tomorrow at 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm BST. A 13-second clip uploaded to Twitter teases some of it, featuring a Necromorph and Isaac Clarke. Check it out below. The team has also shared what will be the game's cover art when it releases on 27th...
Gallery Dead Space Remake Looks Stunning in First Official Screenshots
Mostly armless
The remake of the fan-favourite horror title Dead Space is fast approaching. Scheduled for launch in January, the game brings back a much loved classic, and we're slowly starting to see more of it. Just yesterday, developer Motive Studio provided a couple of new details, like how it'll follow in God of War's footsteps with a...
News Dead Space PS5 Remake Will Be One Shot Like God of War
Unless you die, of course
EA Motive has confirmed its upcoming Dead Space PS5 remake won't contain a single load screen — unless you die to the Necromorphs. The original PS3 title came quite close to achieving this, with the camera firmly planted just behind Isaac Clarke's right shoulder for almost the entire time. However, control was taken away...
News Dead Space Remake Welcomes You Back to the USG Ishimura in January 2023
Gameplay reveal reportedly in October
EA will release the PlayStation 5 remake (and Xbox Series X|S and PC) of its survival horror classic Dead Space on 27th January 2023, it has been confirmed. The project takes the 2008 original and brings it into the modern era with better visuals and audio to achieve "a new level of immersion and quality" on the...
News Dead Space PS5 Remake Drifts Towards Early 2023 Release Window
A light in the void
The Dead Space remake — which was announced for PlayStation 5 last year — now has a somewhat vague "Early 2023" release window. It's safe to assume that we'll finally be seeing the game in action at some point over the next few months. Just to recap, this is a full remake of the original Dead Space, which first launched...
News Dead Space PS5 Will Double Down on Dismemberment
Dead Space was, looking back now, one of the most iconic and influential games on the PlayStation 3. Among its many innovations was the way it integrated traditional UI elements into the action itself, like Isaac Clarke’s infamous illuminated spinal cord, which reflected his health status. But perhaps most famous of all is the fact that it...
News Early Look at Dead Space PS5 Pegged for EA Motive Livestream
In space, no one can hear you scream
A “very early look” at EA Motive’s Dead Space reimagining will stream on Twitch tomorrow, 31st August. Scheduled to get underway from 10AM PT / 1PM ET, this is being pegged as a kind of behind-the-scenes, and should provide some insight into the scope and scale of the project. Don’t necessarily anticipate...
News Dead Space PS5 Remake Won't Have Microtransactions
Won't be added after launch either
We can breathe a sigh of relief: the PlayStation 5 remake of Dead Space won't contain microtransactions. The welcome news was confirmed as part of an interview with IGN following the game's reveal at EA Play 2021, with senior producer Phil Ducharme saying: "We're looking at what can be taken and reinjected into the...
News Dead Space Remake Confirmed for PS5 in Super Short Teaser
From EA Motive
After rumours swirled for a number of weeks, EA has confirmed a complete remake of Dead Space is currently in the works for PlayStation 5. It will not release on PS4. A very short teaser trailer confirmed the news at the very end of EA Play 2021 and didn't really show too much. What we do know is that it will feature "improved...
Rumour Future Dead Space Title Actually a Remake with New Content
Likened to Resident Evil 2 remake
Chatty news reporter Jeff Grubb has shed new light on the rumoured Dead Space game set to be announced during EA Play later this month, suggesting the project is actually more of a remake than a reimagining. That was how Gematsu described the currently unannounced title last week, clashing with Grubb's own claims...
Rumour Unannounced Dead Space Game Is a 'Reimagining', Not a Sequel
Will Isaac Clarke star?
It looks like a revival of the Dead Space franchise is definitely on the cards as more sites come forward with information pertaining to the rumoured project. First reported by Games Beat writer Jeff Grubb, Eurogamer corroborated the claim by stating the information lines up with what the outlet has heard. Now,
News Fans Are Praying Dead Space Is on the Cusp of a Comeback
EA rumoured to be reviving established IP
Dead Space was undoubtedly one of the standout series of the PlayStation 3 generation, but it was abandoned when it failed to rake in the kind of cash publisher EA expected at the time. The firm does appear to be softening of late, however: it’s bringing back fan favourites like Skate and EA Sports College...
News Don't Rule Out Dead Space for the PS4 Just Yet
There's always Peng
Dead Space was undoubtedly one of the most promising new properties of the previous generation, but after a spectacular inaugural entry, the survival horror series started to go off the boil. Isaac Clarke's stomp across the Sprawl in sequel Dead Space 2 was fine, but it lacked the claustrophobic feel of its predecessor...
News European PlayStation Store Updates: 24th August 2011
Playable Content Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition (£11
99/14.99) Hamilton's Great Adventure (£7.99/9.99) Backbreaker: Vengeance (£11.99/14.99) Crazy Machines Elements (£7.99/9.99) Disney's Cars 2: The Video Game (£47.99/59.99) Dead Space (£15.99/19.99) Arkedo Series: 01 JUMP! (£1.59/1.99) Baseball Stars 2...
News Dead Space Will Become A Movie, D.J. Caruso To Direct
A live action Dead Space movie is on the horizon according to Variety
They claim that D.J. Caruso (Eagle Eye, Y: The Last Man) has been signed up for directing duties while EA and Temple Hill producers (Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey) search for a writer. It'll be a while before cameras start rolling but it certainly seems like the cogs are in some...
News Visceral "Not Ready" To Reveal Dead Space 2 Just Yet
Visceral Games - formerly known as EA Redwood Shores - have confirmed they are "not ready" to talk about Dead Space 2 at the moment, and are instead focusing their energy on the Wii's Dead Space Extraction and upcoming PS3 action-adventure title Dante's Inferno. "These two games are the games we're really focusing on. One of the reasons we...