Tag: Defiant Development
Dealer's choice
A mysterious dealer sits in a rickety wagon, casting your fate across the table in an ominous game of cards. He offers cryptic insight into the game itself while dictating your destiny as if it were preordained. This is the basic premise of Hand Of Fate, Defiant Development’s brawler cum tabletop RPG. The dealer presents your...
Review Hand of Fate (PlayStation 4)
Just short of a full deck
Hand of Fate is the pen and paper RPG that you'll need neither a pen nor paper for (or friends, for that matter). The Kickstarter-funded title combines collectable card game with elements of third-person action and classic choose your own adventure tropes, to create a blend that surprisingly delivers a punishing, rewarding...
News Roguelike Card Game Hand of Fate Draws Up Its Hand on PS4 and Vita
Believe in the heart of the cards
Indie studio Defiant Development has recently announced on the PlayStation Blog that its fantasy card game Hand of Fate will be making its way onto the PlayStation 4 and Vita. Originally funded on Kickstarter, the title is described by its creator's as a "tabletop roguelike deck builder" that blends "tabletop card...