Tag: Dragon Quest
News Dragon Quest 12 Still in Development, Dev Reassures
Team is "working hard" on it
Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii has reassured fans that the next mainline entry in the RPG series, Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate, is still very much in development. Almost four years on from its original announcement, fans have just a logo to fuel their excitement for the follow-up to Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an...
News Shocking: Square Enix Says Dragon Quest 3 Remake Sales Actually Exceeded Expectations
No, really
Square Enix, a publisher notorious for stating that its games underperform in terms of sales, has actually bucked the trend in its most recent financial report. In an utterly shocking twist, Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake sold better than expected — and the company has seen fit to highlight that fact. Are we living in some kind of...
News Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Ships 2 Million Worldwide, Japan Accounts for at Least Half
Holding out for a hero
Square Enix has revealed that Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake has shipped and digitally sold more than 2 million copies worldwide. As regular readers will know, Square Enix doesn't share official sales figures very often — much to the frustration of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth enthusiasts — so this remake must have done pretty...
News Outstanding PS2 RPG Dragon Quest 8 Is Now 20 Years Old
Remaster, anyone?
At the time of writing this article, it just turned 12am in Japan — and that means Dragon Quest 8 is officially 20 years old. The PS2 RPG first launched on the 27th November, 2004 — but the West didn't get to experience this franchise-defining adventure until later. Dragon Quest 8 dropped the following year in the US, but us...
News Final Fantasy 6 Remake Mentioned Again, A Dream Project for Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Producer
Return of the Returners
Widely regarded as one of the greatest Final Fantasy games, talk of a Final Fantasy 6 remake has been floating around for years. In particular, the epic RPG is an obvious candidate for Square Enix's trademark 'HD-2D' overhaul, given its 16-bit origins. And guess what? Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake producer Masaaki Hayasaka...
News Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake's Brutal Difficulty Spikes Are Shocking New Players
Feel the burn
We're now a few days removed from the release of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake, and so players have had time to formulate some initial thoughts on the RPG. And perhaps surprisingly, the title's difficulty seems to be the biggest talking point at this early stage. Generally speaking, a lot of new players are quickly discovering that...
News Unwind with Almost 10 Minutes of PS5's Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
Quest fallen
Sony’s got dibs on almost 10 minutes of PS5 footage from the upcoming Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. To be fair, for those of you who’ve been following the game, there’ll be few surprises here: it’s the NES original, presented in the Japanese publisher’s stunning new engine. You get a tasty mix of high-resolution sprites and...
News Dragon Quest Veterans on Dealing with 'Ridiculous Country' USA Amid Censorship Row
"Who's even complaining about this?"
Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii and former Shonen Jump editor Kazuhiko Torishima – who played a pivotal role in the franchise’s inception with the late Akira Toriyama – have spoken candidly at the Tokyo Game Show about censorship to the upcoming Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake. Earlier
News Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Looks Absolutely Stunning in Latest Gameplay Trailer
Wrangling monsters
Square Enix's Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake might be a bit of a mouthful, but it just looks better and better each time we see it. A brand new trailer has been released, providing an overview of how the game plays as we approach its 14th November launch date. The PS5 title looks beautiful, combining old with new to achieve that...
News Dragon Quest Creator Says Silent Protagonists Look Like Idiots
The silent treatment
We don't see silent protagonists very often these days, and that's probably because, in this age of excellent voice acting and high-fidelity graphics, they look a little bit silly in comparison. That's according to a guy extremely familiar with the subject. Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii was speaking to Persona series director...
News Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Sure Is Pretty in Extended 4K Gameplay
Famitsu has all the fun
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake arrives on PS5 in November, providing players who missed this classic JRPG with the perfect excuse to check it out. Storied Japanese outlet Famitsu got to take an extensive look at the game and was even kind enough to upload 30 minutes of 4K gameplay for the rest of us to gawk at. Writing...
The quest continues
While it's clear that Square Enix isn't making any dramatic changes to Dragon Quest 3 for its HD-2D Remake — outside of the obvious graphical glow-up — it is pushing a handful of smaller improvements and adjustments. This includes a modernised user interface, and the ability to speed up combat — the kind of little things...
News Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Is a Full $60 Release on PS5
Jesus Quest!
It looked fantastic in its new release date trailer, but we're sure that some of the excitement surrounding Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake will be dampened when people realise how much it's going to cost. As per the PS Store, the upcoming remake is priced at a rather eye-watering $60 / £60 on PS5. We've grown used to remakes of classic...
News Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Gets November PS5 Release, Dragon Quest 1 and 2 Remakes Coming 2025
Shadow of the Erdrick
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake finally has a release date. The classic RPG is being reborn on the 14th November, and it's been confirmed for PS5. You can get an updated glimpse of the game via the above trailer, and it's fair to say that the whole thing still looks lovely. The title's official press release reveals that the...
News Three Years Later, Dragon Quest 12 Is Still Nowhere to Be Seen on Dragon Quest Day
Yuji Horii provides a tiny update
We're now three years on from the announcement of Dragon Quest 12: The Flames of Fate, and we still haven't seen anything of the game beyond its logo. There were whispers that the anticipated RPG would finally surface for this year's Dragon Quest Day — the 27th May — but it ain't happening. Instead, all we've...
News Dragon Quest 3's HD-2D Remake Re-Emerges for PS5
Could it be a trilogy?
After eons in the wilderness, Square Enix appears ready to re-acknowledge the existence of Dragon Quest 3’s anticipated HD-2D remake – and could there be more to it? A new trailer to celebrate Dragon Quest Day says that “the legacy begins”, but there’s no mention of Dragon Quest 3 specifically, leading some to...
News Dragon Quest 12 Still MIA as Series Producer Is Reassigned at Square Enix
The clock strikes 12
So, what's happening with Dragon Quest 12? The next, long-awaited instalment in the classic RPG franchise was announced back in 2021, but we've seen absolutely nothing of the title since (and even back then, all we got was a logo). With that in mind, it's a little concerning that Square Enix is now replacing series producer Yu...
News Dragon Quest 3 Remake Development Is Still Ticking Along as Word of Playtesting Spreads
Give us the goods, Square
It feels like Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake was announced an eternity ago, doesn't it? The reworked classic was first announced in 2021, and we've seen nothing of the promising project since. Thankfully, Square Enix has been providing development updates here and there, reassuring fans that it's still happening. And now...
Rumour There's a Chance Dragon Quest X Offline Could Be Coming West
Maybe, just maybe
Ah, Dragon Quest X. Originally an MMO for the Nintendo Wii (eye-opening, in hindsight), the game never made it west despite years and years of rumours and 'insider' whispers. However, in 2021, Square Enix announced Dragon Quest X Offline — a reimagined, entirely offline version of the game, as the name suggests. It released in...
News Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Still a No-Show Over Two Years Later, But Development Is Steady
The quest continues
Announced back in May 2021, Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake has been missing in action ever since. December 2022 was the last time it popped up in the news cycle, with series creator Yuji Horii saying news was potentially coming "soon". We're now closing in on the one-year anniversary of that comment, and obviously, the update never...
News Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai Overview Has Everything You Need to Know
Action RPG reveals all
A new overview trailer for Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai (we still can't believe how bad that name is) may just be exactly what you need to watch if you're even the least bit interested in the upcoming action RPG. The video covers the title's characters, combat system, and gameplay structure — and it's...
News Infinity Strash: Dragon's Quest Characters Detailed Along with 16 Minutes of Gameplay
Strash bash
The name seems to get longer every time we see it, but we don't begrudge Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventures of Dai a thing. Square Enix has published a bunch of new information concerning the combat styles of our core cast of characters. In addition, Japanese media has shared a total of 16 minutes of new gameplay (thanks,...
News Action RPG Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest Adventures to PS5, PS4 in September
Worldwide release date confirmed
The shockingly named Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai now has a release date. It launches worldwide for PS5 and PS4 on the 28th September, and it's nice to see Square Enix committing to releasing new Dragon Quest titles on the same day all over the globe. We're sure Dragon Quest XII and Dragon Quest...
Time to Dai
Dreadfully named action RPG spinoff Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai will release worldwide this autumn / fall, Square Enix has announced. We've been waiting on this one for a while; it was confirmed for a Western launch last September, but we've had no additional information until now. Anyway, if you don't know what...
News Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake News Could Be Coming 'Soon'
The awkwardly named Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake was announced back in May 2021 at a dedicated Dragon Quest event, and we've seen absolutely nothing of the project since. Its reveal trailer looked fantastic, with the reworked visuals breathing a whole new kind of life into the classic RPG, and so we've been patiently waiting on more news...
News Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest Eschews Traditional Turn-Based Combat in Favor of Action
Sharpen your reflexes
Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is an upcoming Dragon Quest spinoff that, aside from having one of the most awkward names ever, looks pretty great. We got a peak at some gameplay during Tokyo Game Show 2022, which debuted at the Dragon Quest stage event. Infinity Strash is actually an action RPG, breaking...
News Awkwardly Named Action RPG Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest Travels West on PS5, PS4
Getting a global release
Infinity Strash — not Infinity's Trash — is getting a global release. Full (and very awkward) title Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is a Dragon Quest spinoff, based on The Adventure of Dai manga, which was first published in 1989. It was later revived as an anime series in 2020. One of the first...
News PlayStation Japan to Host Elden Ring, Dragon Quest X Offline, Horizon Showcase
Play! Play! Play!
Cast your mind back a year or so and you may remember Japanese streamers and YouTubers being some of the first in the world to see the PlayStation 5 console and selection of launch games in the flesh, and then post hands on videos about them. It was a fun little way of showing the system off, and now Sony is doing a similar sort of...
News Dragon Quest X Offline Hits Japan Next Year on PS5, PS4, But Still No Word on a Western Release
X marks the spot
Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Offline is exactly what it says on the box — it's an offline version of Dragon Quest X, the online MMO that first launched for the Nintendo Wii (!) back in 2012. Despite the game's success in Japan (it was ported to the Wii U, PC, and 3DS) it never actually made it West — and it's looking...
News Dragon Quest 11 Dev Orca Also Co-Developing Dragon Quest 12
Together again
Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate is starting to sound like quite the undertaking, as another Japanese studio has revealed that it's working on the game alongside Square Enix. Orca is a developer that also helped out with Dragon Quest XI and Dragon Quest XI S, and it's currently hiring all kinds of artists for Dragon Quest XII. If...
News Dragon Quest XII Is Being Developed by Both Square Enix and Japanese Studio HexaDrive
But it's still very early days
Japanese studio HexaDrive has revealed that it'll be co-developing Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate alongside Square Enix. HexaDrive has worked with Square Enix multiple times in the past, the most notable collaboration being Final Fantasy XV. A bit of background: HexaDrive primarily works with other companies on...
News Official Dragon Quest Survey Asks Fans to Help Shape Series' Future
Dragon request
Square Enix has launched a rather in-depth survey regarding Dragon Quest as a franchise. Most notably, the 30-question survey asks fans what they want from the beloved role-playing series going forward, inviting users to write down all of their ideas, hopes, and dreams for future games. While we doubt that Square Enix is going to...
Random Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Music Features in Olympics Opening Ceremony
NieR and Kingdom Hearts too
The Tokyo 2020 Olympics start today with the opening ceremony, which has given way to hundreds upon hundreds of athletes introducing themselves to what is essentially an empty stadium. The coronavirus pandemic means spectators won't be present for any of the competition's events, making for a rather strange atmosphere as...
News Dragon Quest 12 Will Shape the Future of the Series, Says Square Enix Boss
A new kind of quest
We still haven't actually seen Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate in action — all we've got to go on is a logo and Square Enix telling us that it's a more "mature", choice-driven story — but it's clearly building up to be a big deal for the franchise. Dragon Quest has always been huge in Japan, and although it's never...
News Dragon Quest XII Uses Unreal Engine 5, But Still No Platforms Announced
PS5, perhaps?
Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate was officially announced overnight, but the reveal was incredibly light on information. All we got was a very brief teaser trailer (which showed a logo and little else), and a handful of comments from series creator Yuji Horii. One interesting point, however, was only brought up after the Dragon...
News Spinoff RPG Dragon Quest Treasures Announced, Starring Erik from Dragon Quest XI
Like a bandit
Dragon Quest Treasures is a new spinoff RPG starring Erik and his sister Mia — two characters from Dragon Quest XI. Not much information was given on the game, but Square Enix is aiming for a worldwide release on "consoles". The title has a fun look to it in the reveal trailer embedded above, but aside from that, we're going to have...
News Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Is a Gorgeous Reimagining, Gets a Worldwide Release
Coming to "consoles"
Dragon Quest III is being remade for "consoles". Titled Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, this is a gorgeous looking reimagining of the original adventure, which first released in 1988 for the NES. 2D-HD Remake is getting a simultaneous worldwide release — although no dates have been given.
Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate has been announced, and it certainly sounds interesting. It's been described as "Dragon Quest for adults" by series creator Yuji Horii. It'll apparently have player choices that can change the story, and a "new" combat system. Those familiar with Dragon Quest will know that the mainline games have always had...
Live Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Showcase Promises Plenty of Announcements
English subtitles, too
Dragon Quest is having its big 35 Anniversary livestream tonight (or this morning, depending on your time zone). The event has been hyped up by publisher Square Enix, the Dragon Quest team, and just about everyone in between. Even Dragon Quest creator Yujii Hori has been in on the hype, promising "plenty" of announcements, as...
News Dragon Quest Creator Hypes Up This Week's Event, Has 'Plenty' to Announce
Plus "that game"
In case you don't already know, there's a 35th anniversary event for Dragon Quest this week — and it's going to be streamed in English as well as Japanese. Square Enix is making a big deal out of it, having already promised important news with regards to the classic RPG series. And now, Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii is bringing...
News Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Sets Livestream for 26th May
Available in English for the first time
The Dragon Quest series will celebrate its 35th anniversary with a livestream later this month containing "the latest information about what’s going on—and what’s yet to come—in the world of Dragon Quest". Scheduled for 26th/27th May 2021 (dependant on your time zone), the digital showcase will be...
News Square Enix Delists Base Dragon Quest XI After Special Edition Launch
Pulled from the PS Store
The base version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is no longer available for purchase across digital PlayStation storefronts following this week's release of the special edition. The same goes for the PC version over on Steam, where the listing now states: "This version of DRAGON QUEST XI: Echoes of an Elusive...
News Dragon Quest XI S Is Indeed 60FPS on PS4 Pro
Demo confirms it
A playable demo for Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age just launched on PS4, and it confirms that the game runs at a seemingly rock solid 60 frames-per-second on PS4 Pro. When the title was announced for Sony's system earlier this year, there was some slight confusion over how the game would run, seeing as it is...
News Dragon Quest XI S Demo Out Now on PS4, Progress Carries Over to Full Game
Best Quest is back
As was leaked last week, a demo for Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age is available to download now on the PlayStation Store. Any progress that you make in said demo can be carried over to the full game, which launches next month on the 4th December. Completing the demo will also net you three Seed of Skill, which you can...
News Dragon Quest Creator Teases 'All Sorts of Announcements' for 2021
The series' 35th anniversary
2021 will mark the 35th anniversary of Dragon Quest, and it sounds like Square Enix is keen on celebrating. Speaking during the recent Dragon Quest X Fall Festival 2020 — as translated by Gematsu — series creator Yuji Horii teased "all sorts of announcements" for next year. The big one could obviously be D
News Looks Like a Dragon Quest XI S Demo Is Incoming on PS4
Data added to PlayStation Store
Square Enix will soon release a demo for Dragon Quest XI S on PS4, if new PlayStation Store product data is anything to go by (as spotted by Gematsu on Twitter). The enhanced role-playing title — which is set to launch on Sony's system in December — features a fully orchestrated soundtrack alongside an optional 2D...
News Dragon Quest XI S Overview Trailer Shows What's New on PS4
Still due this December
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition (phew!) is coming to PS4 on the 4th December 2020, but what's new in this re-release? The game's latest trailer, fresh from Tokyo Game Show 2020, has everything you need to know. As the name implies, it's set to be the definitive version of Dragon Quest XI — an...
News Dragon Quest XI S Isn't Cross-Platform Between PS4 and Vita, Square Enix Confirms
Shocking news, we know
Update (29/7/20): As expected, the PlayStation Store page was mistaken. Square Enix has confirmed to us that the "Cross-platform" symbol appeared on the game's listing erroneously, and there's no such functionality with Vita. Here's its full statement: There was an error on the PS4 pre-order page which has now been...
News Dragon Quest XI S on PS4 Is a Switch Port, No Upgrade for Existing Dragon Quest XI Players
Official site spills the beans
When Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age was announced for PlayStation 4 earlier today, existing Dragon Quest XI players on Sony's system wondered whether they'd have to buy the game again. S is essentially a definitive edition of the role-playing release. It packs in new story content with additional gameplay...
News The Definitive Edition of Dragon Quest XI Is Coming to PS4 This December
Best Quest is back
Update 2: The game's Japanese website has confirmed that PS4 owners won't be able to upgrade to Dragon Quest XI S. The title is also a port of the Nintendo Switch version. You can read more about all of that through this link. Update: There's no mention of any free update for existing Dragon Quest XI players in the official...