Tag: Godfall

  • News Godfall Update Adds VRR Support for PS5, Missing Cosmetic Items to PS4 Version

    Style over substance

    Is anyone still playing Godfall? The Gearbox developed PlayStation console exclusive has just received a significant update that, amongst a load of fixes and quality of life improvements, adds Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) support to the PS5 version of the game. There is also a fix for a nasty bug that has been affecting PS4...

  • News Godfall's PlayStation Console Exclusivity Ends in April

    Godfall Ultimate Edition comes to Xbox

    Godfall, the loot-heavy action RPG that was first announced and billed as a key PlayStation 5 launch title, is heading to Xbox 16 months after its debut — which means that it'll no longer be a PlayStation console exclusive. As a PlayStation-specific website, this Xbox announcement obviously doesn't mean much...

  • News Godfall's PS Plus Version Is All Endgame Content, No Story Campaign

    A new challenger

    Godfall is one of December's PlayStation Plus games, except it technically isn't. The Godfall that you get to download with your PS Plus subscription on the 7th December is a new version called Godfall: Challenger Edition, which is designed to get you straight into the title's endgame content. "Godfall: Challenger Edition allows...

  • Review Godfall (PS5) - Good Combat Means It's Not Godawful

    Falling into mediocrity

    Republished on Wednesday, 1st December, 2021: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of December 2021's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. Since earning the title of the first-ever game to be announced for PlayStation 5 last year, it feels like Godfall has been stuck...

  • News PS5 Console Exclusive Godfall Is, Er, Coming to PS4


    Look, it’s easy to poke fun, but there are a lot of people still playing on PlayStation 4 and… Aw, who are we kidding, this is pretty funny. PS5 console exclusive Godfall is coming to PS4 on 10th August, in a bizarre example of a game effectively getting a downgrade rather than an upgrade. If you do choose to play on Sony’s last-gen...

  • News Next-Gen Showcase Godfall Seems Poised for PS4

    Generational divides

    Love it or loathe it, Godfall was definitely billed as a PlayStation 5 showcase. As a result, the title attracted some unfortunate expectations: it was clearly developed by a smaller team on a restricted budget, but was meant to demonstrate the capabilities of Sony’s next-gen console. Unfortunately, it never quite lived up to...

  • News Godfall Primal Update Out Now on PS5, Adds New Endgame Content, Loot, and More

    It's a big one

    We weren't especially keen on Godfall when we reviewed it just after the PS5's launch, but the game's received a number of updates and improvements since then. Just released on Sony's system, the title's big 'Primal Update' promises new endgame content, new loot, and various other enhancements. The official bullet points for the...

  • Deal PS5 Looter Slasher Godfall Drops to Lowest Price Yet

    Goes cheap for the US

    Did Santa Claus not bring you Godfall on PlayStation 5 last month, despite including it on your Christmas list? Well, you're in luck if you reside in the USA as Amazon has dropped the price of the looter slasher to just $39.99. After being one of the infamous PS5 titles to originally retail at $70, this represents a significant...

  • News Godfall PS5 Patch 1.04 Out Now, Fixes a Load of Issues


    Godfall, the self-proclaimed looter-slasher and PS5 launch title, has a new update on Sony's latest system. Patch 1.04 (for short) seeks to fix a whole laundry list of smaller issues. It's available to download now at around 650MB. Developer Counterplay Games says that a lot of these fixes are based on community feedback, so it's nice to...

  • Round Up Godfall PS5 Reviews Have Mixed Feelings on Looter Slasher Launch Title

    God awful?

    The review embargo has lifted on another of PlayStation 5's launch titles, and this time it's the turn of Godfall. We've known about this game for a long time, and now we will finally learn if it's something worth your launch day pennies. Unfortunately, early reviews for Godfall are a little underwhelming. While critics feel the game...

  • News Watch the Opening 10 Minutes of Godfall in New PS5 Gameplay Video

    Time to get slashy

    Godfall was the first PlayStation 5 game to be announced, and now it's just a day away. The self-titled looter slasher has steadily grown more promising over the months leading up to PS5's launch, and it looks pretty darn solid in this latest gameplay video. Courtesy of GameSpot, check out the first 10 or so minutes of gameplay...

  • News The Godfall PS5 Trophy List Is the Stuff of Nightmares

    Tedium defined

    Over the PlayStation 4 generation, it really feels like Sony's first-party studios have mastered the art of a Trophy list. They need to be comprehensive, but also fairly realistic to provide you with enough incentive to go for the Platinum Trophy. We were hoping this would extend to third-party studios, but it doesn't look like...

  • News Godfall Is Apparently a Timed PS5 Console Exclusive for Six Months

    Another Sony deal

    Here's a detail that you may have missed from Godfall's recently released launch trailer. At the end of the video, Sony reiterates that the game's a PS5 console exclusive. In other words, it won't be available on Xbox — just PS5 and PC. However, an all-important asterisk leads to further clarification. A note at the bottom of...

  • News Godfall Loots a Hype Launch Trailer Ahead of PS5 Release

    Good God

    Godfall has left its best trailer for the last, as the self-titled looter-slasher delivers some pre-launch hype ahead of the PS5's release next week. It's quite short, but it manages to pack in a whole lot of action, all to the beat of a stirring orchestral tune. If Godfall's combat system holds up and there's enough content to keep us...

  • Interview Godfall Composer Talks Elements, Inspirations, and Identity

    By their powers combined

    Recently, we had the absolute pleasure of chatting with composer Ben MacDougall about his work on one of PlayStation 5's most publicised launch titles: Godfall. Join us on this adventure as we chat about the inspirations for the sound of the game, what the hell a Swamp Koto is, and how the player influences the sound of the...

  • News Thanks to PS5, Godfall Has Near Instant Restarts if You Die

    Back to the fight

    Losing in a game is bad enough, but it's even worse when you know that you've got to sit and look at a loading screen for the next 30 seconds. Fortunately, as we all know, the PS5 is looking to eliminate long load times with its super fast custom SSD — and launch title Godfall is taking full advantage. Writing on the PlayStation...

  • News Godfall's Loot and Upgrade Systems Detailed with New Video

    The tinkerer's dream

    If you like your games to keep you hooked with the promise of bigger and better loot, Godfall could well be the PlayStation 5 launch title for you. Developer Counterplay Games has shared some new details on the game's loot and upgrade systems, and you can see some of it in action with this new video from IGN. As a self-titled...

  • News Here Is the First Ever PS5 Game, Hot Off the Press

    Boxed and sealed

    Here’s a photograph of Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford holding the first ever PlayStation 5 game, straight from the Blu-ray manufacturing plant. According to the executive, this copy of Godfall is the “first next-gen retail game in the world”, which is pretty cool to be fair. He’s even photographed the packaging from a variety...

  • News PS5 Console Exclusive Godfall Requires an Internet Connection

    But developer insists it's not a service game

    You’ll need to be connected to the Internet to enjoy PlayStation 5 console exclusive Godfall when it launches on 12th November, and that’s despite the developer’s insistence that it’s not a “service game”. Confirmation comes courtesy of the release’s Twitter account, after fans spotted an...

  • News Godfall's Cinematic Opening Is Way More Hype Than We Expected

    Good god

    PS5 launch title Godfall got one of its best gameplay showings just a few weeks back, and now it's here with a cinematic opening that lasts two and a half minutes. Honestly, we didn't have any expectations for this video, but bloody hell, it's actually really good. While we're not always keen on CG trailers, there are certainly times when...

  • News Godfall Ascended Edition Reveals First PS5 Expansion for 2021

    Plus pre-order bonuses

    You didn't think Counterplay Games would release Godfall as part of the PlayStation 5 launch and then call it a day, did you? Of course not! A more expensive version of the game, titled the Ascended Edition, has revealed it will receive at least one piece of DLC in 2021 that will expand the experience with new content. What's...

  • News PS5 Console Exclusive Godfall Goes Gold Ahead of Launch

    Fall gods

    Counterplay Games has concluded development on PlayStation 5 console exclusive Godfall, ahead of its release on 12th November in the United States and select other territories; the melee based looter will launch on 19th November in other regions. Gearbox, who’s publishing the game, has promised more information on PS5 pre-orders in the...

  • News Godfall Gets Its Best PS5 Trailer Yet

    If at first you don't succeed

    We’ve been watching Godfall trailers to the point of frustration since the title was announced as the first ever PlayStation 5 game last year, but this is a small developer that’s been handed a huge opportunity, so let’s cut it some slack. To be fair, this is by far the best promo video that’s been released for...

  • News Godfall Is Making the Most of PS5's Unique Controller Features


    Following the title's in-depth gameplay showing during Sony's latest State of Play livestream, Godfall developer Counterplay Games has taken to the PlayStation Blog in order to explain how the action RPG "feels". The PS5's DualSense controller is being taken into consideration here, and it sounds like Godfall is going to take full advantage...

  • News Godfall Finally Gets In-Depth PS5 Gameplay

    Thank Godfall for that

    It feels like we've been waiting an age to see some proper Godfall action, and the latest State of Play livestream finally delivered. The self-titled 'looter-slasher' shows real promise in this new gameplay video, as footage highlights combat against a range of different enemies. Equipped with a very God of War shield and a...

  • News PS5's Godfall Won't Have Microtransactions

    And it's not a service game

    Ever since it was announced, PlayStation 5 console exclusive Godfall has been described as a melee-themed Destiny. According to a new interview with technical producer Richard Heyne, however, that’s not the case. Speaking with Arekkz Gaming, he explained that the next-gen release will not adopt the divisive “games as...

  • News How PS5 Launch Game Godfall Makes Full Use of the DualSense Controller

    Vibrations mimic surfaces

    Did you really think we'd pass on the opportunity to talk about the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller just a little bit more? Of course we wouldn't, and that's because one of the launch titles for Sony's next-gen machine will be making full use of its features. Not only will Godfall take advantage of the PS5 SSD, it also...

  • News Godfall Cover Art Released Following PS5 Box Reveal

    Lookin' good

    Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales was the first PlayStation 5 game to show off its official box art, and now we have a second. Joining the Insomniac Games superhero adventure at the PS5's launch will be Godfall from Gearbox Publishing. The looter slasher has just had its cover art unveiled, and here it is: We think this actual

  • News Here's Even More Godfall Gameplay Detailing Combat

    It's actually Unreal Engine 4

    Update: D'oh! It looks like the PC Gaming Show got this one wrong. The official Godfall Twitter account has now stated that the PS5 game is actually running on Unreal Engine 4. Original story: After wowing us last month with its stunning visuals and impressive technology, it has been confirmed that PlayStation 5...

  • News Godfall Gets a PS5 Gameplay Trailer

    Lookin' God

    Some of us were expecting a Godfall gameplay blowout during Sony's PS5 reveal event, but all we actually got was the brief trailer that we've embedded above. Still, the glimpse of gameplay that we do have looks very promising, as player characters hack, slash, and dodge their way through some cool looking enemies. The combat looks...

  • News PS5 Looter-Slasher Godfall Gets Silvermane Teaser Trailer Ahead of Sony Event

    More incoming?

    Godfall, the action RPG that's bound for PlayStation 5 at launch, seems to be kicking into gear. Just days ahead of Sony's PS5 games reveal event, we've been presented this brief 'Silvermane' teaser trailer. It's reasonable to assume that Godfall will be a part of the aforementioned event. After all, developer

  • News PS5 Exclusive Godfall Is Being Tailored to Run Only on Sony's Next-Gen Console

    Inspired by Monster Hunter and Dark Souls

    There’ll be no PlayStation 4 version holding Godfall back, as the game is being “tailored to run only on Sony’s new console”. This means that developer Counterplay Games is promising an experience that will “feel and play” unlike anything available anywhere else, thanks in part to the PlayStation...

  • News Godfall PS5 News Coming 'Really, Really Soon'

    But how soon?

    Gearbox has just wrapped up its panel at PAX East, and perhaps surprisingly, PlayStation 5 title Godfall put in an appearance. The audience was treated to the same announcement trailer from the game's reveal at The Game Awards, but what was most interesting is what Counterplay Games had to say after the fact. According to the team, it...

  • News Sony's Latest Wave of Godfall Marketing Begins, PS5 Event Speculation Grows

    For Godfall's sake

    Godfall was announced back at the Video Game Awards last December, and hype for the so-called 'looter-slasher' has been bubbling away based on the fact that it's the first confirmed PlayStation 5 title that we've seen. And if rumours are to be believed regarding a big PS5 reveal event in February, an extended look at Godfall seems...

  • News Godfall Dev on Leaked Trailer: It's a Year Old and Not the PS5 Build

    Internal PC footage

    There's been a buzz surrounding Godfall since it was revealed last year. It is, after all, the first confirmed PlayStation 5 title that we've seen. A leaked trailer has only added to the hype, showing off some cool looking hack and slash action -- but now the developer has warned against paying too much attention to the...

  • News Check Out a Leaked Gameplay Trailer for Godfall on PS5

    Looter slasher

    Update (21/1/20): The full version of the Godfall PS5 trailer has now been leaked on Reddit from the same user. To reiterate, this is allegedly a gameplay trailer from early last year, only meant for internal use. This could mean the footage is quite outdated, but it's still our best look yet at the next-gen action game. Check it out...

  • News No, That Definitely Isn't the PS5's Logo in the Godfall Trailer

    Calm down

    Not only did Geoff Keighley somehow secure dibs to the Xbox Series X unveiling during his annual The Game Awards shindig last night, but he was also able to reveal the first PlayStation 5 game live on stage. Godfall, which is coming to the PC as well as Sony’s next-gen console, promises a “slasher-looter” experience

  • News Godfall Is the First Game Officially Announced for PS5

    Arrives at launch

    The first PlayStation 5 game has been officially announced. It's called Godfall, and it comes from Gearbox Publishing and Counterplay Games. Godfall is described as a looter-slasher, so you can bet your bottom dollar you'll be chasing a variety of gear in this melee combat game. You'll be able to play in up to three-player co-op...