Tag: GTA Online
Guide GTA Online: How to Upgrade Cars at Hao's Special Works
Unlock some impressive PS5 tuning improvements
Looking for how to upgrade cars at Hao's Special Works in GTA Online? Hao's Special Works, or HSW, is a new addition to the LS Car Meet which allows you to upgrade select cars with special HSW Tuning Upgrades that are exclusive to the new-gen version of the game, including the PS5. As part of our
Guide GTA Online: All Cars and Vehicles Compatible with Hao's Special Works Tuning Upgrades
Supercharge your fleet with HSW's new-gen upgrades
What are all cars and vehicles compatible with Hao's Special Works tuning upgrades in GTA Online? One of the new features in the PS5 and new-gen version of Rockstar's sandbox is Hao's Special Works, which allows you to add unique tuning upgrades to select vehicles in order to make them perform even...
Not content with selling many millions of copies, Rockstar is looking to wring every last drop of income out of the decade-old GTA 5 and its popular multiplayer mode GTA Online. A new feature, added to the game today as part of the Bottom Dollar Bounties update, locks some crucial quality of life features behind the release’s monthly GTA+...
Guide GTA Online: Best Bail Office to Buy and How to Make Money with Bounties
Bounty huntin'
Looking for the best Bail Office to buy and how to make money with bounties in GTA Online? The Bail Office is a new business added to Los Santos as part of the Bottom Dollar Bounties expansion. This add-on will see you working alongside Maude Eccles and her progeny Jenette, as you work to track and take down degenerates, with dollar...
Guide GTA Online: How to Start Bottom Dollar Bounties
Maude would like a word
Looking for how to start Bottom Dollar Bounties in GTA Online? Bottom Dollar Bounties is the latest expansion to Rockstar's gargantuan multiplayer sandbox game. The free add-on allows you to purchase a Bail Office, which you can then use to take down targets in collaboration with Maude Eccles and progeny, Jenette. On this...
News GTA 6 Is Still At Least a Year Away, But GTA Online's New Free PS5, PS4 Update Looks Decent
Bounty huntin'
The wait for GTA 6 rumbles on and on, but Rockstar will keep you occupied with yet another major GTA Online update. This is a big’un, bringing another new business to the shadowy backdrop of Los Santos. You’ll be teaming up once more with Maude Eccles, as she looks for a new recruit to take command of her Bottom Dollar Bail...
News GTA Online PS5, PS4 Is Never Going to Stop Getting Bigger and Better
Another huge new update announced
The world is waiting not-so patiently for GTA 6, but with the game not due out for at least another year, Rockstar has once again committed to the continued evolution of GTA Online. For those out of the loop, that’s the multiplayer component for GTA 5, the game which first released on the PS3 (!!!) all the way...
Guide GTA Online Weekly Update: 23rd May, 2024
All the latest offers and additions in Los Santos
What are the GTA Online Weekly Bonuses? Every week, Rockstar Games rolls out an update for its online sandbox, adding new activities and content for Los Santos. These events typically include GTA$ and RP multipliers for select modes, as well as discounts on vehicles and clothes. There are also...
Guide GTA Online: How to Start the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid
Don't be chicken
Looking for how to start the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid in GTA Online? The Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid is a type of Contact Mission or Job in Rockstar's multiplayer sandbox featuring Vincent Effenburger, who now works at the Vespucci Police Station. Once you've updated your game, he'll contact you about a new opportunity, which will start...
Guide GTA Online Guide: Your Ultimate Wiki and Walkthrough Resource
Everything you need to know about GTA 5's multiplayer mode
Welcome to our GTA Online guide, your ultimate wiki and walkthrough resource for Rockstar's enormous open world multiplayer game. In our GTA 5 PS5 review, we awarded the release an 8/10 and concluded there's "nothing quite like the crime caper". In this guide, we'll help you get your Los...
News GTA 6 Is Coming, But GTA Online Is Getting Another Massive Update on PS5, PS4
Cluckin' bell
You could forgive Rockstar for focusing its full attention on the upcoming GTA 6, but that’s not the case. Starting from 7th March, it’ll be launching another major content update for its existing sandbox, with GTA Online adding the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid. Only chickens would shy away from this new multi-stage mission, eh?...
Guide GTA Online: Best Salvage Yard to Buy and How to Make Money with the Chop Shop
Get rich with robberies
What's the best Salvage Yard to buy in GTA Online? Salvage Yards are part of Chop Shop update, and will become available from Foreclosures Maze Bank once you've received a call from Yusuf Amir. Once you own a Salvage Yard, you'll be able to participate in robberies. As part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to introduce...
News As GTA 6 Enthusiasm Mounts, GTA Online Is Getting a New Business
A large part of GTA Online’s ongoing fun is its inclusion of various illicit businesses you can run in order to earn money to fuel your Los Santos lifestyle. But while all eyes will be fixed on the announcement of GTA 6 this month, Rockstar isn’t planning to neglect its decade old sandbox – in fact, it’s plotting a new update this...
News GTA Online's 10th Anniversary Recognised with Free GTA 5 Threads
Main character energy
GTA Online, the never-ending multiplayer success story from Rockstar, will celebrate its tenth anniversary this weekend. And in order to commemorate that milestone, the developer is giving away a trio of outfits inspired by the protagonists of GTA 5 – Michael, Franklin, and, of course, Trevor. All you need to do is login by...
Guide GTA Online: How to Work As a Taxi Driver
Crazy taxi
Looking for how to work as a taxi driver in GTA Online? Fans of the main GTA 5 game will be familiar with the Downtown Cab Co, but may not have realised you can work as a taxi driver in the multiplayer mode as well. On this page, as part of our GTA Online guide, we'll explain how to work as a taxi driver. GTA Online: How to Work As a...
Guide GTA Online: Fastest Cars
Speed demon
What are the fastest cars in GTA Online? If you want to navigate Los Santos at speed or compete in races, then you're going to want to invest in the fastest cars. We've already introduced the Best Cars and Vehicles to Buy and Own, but in this GTA Online guide we're focusing purely on acceleration and
Guide GTA Online: Best Hangar to Buy and How to Get Rich from Smuggling
Aerial operations
What's the best Hangar to buy and how do you get rich from Smuggling in GTA Online? Hangars have two primary purposes in Los Santos: they provide a place for you to store your Personal Aircrafts and also allow you to launch the Free Trade Shipping Co app, which enables you to get rich from Smuggling. In this GTA Online guide, we're...
Guide GTA Online: How to Start the Los Santos Drug Wars and Access The Freakshop
And how to get the Acid Lab
Looking for how to start the Los Santos Drug Wars and access The Freakshop in GTA Online? The latest update for Rockstar's ever-expanding online multiplayer experience features a fresh storyline featuring Ron Jakowski from the single player campaign. But are you wondering how to start the Los Santos Drug Wars and access...
Guide GTA Online: How to Make Money Fast
Get rich quick
Looking for how to make money fast in GTA Online? While there's more to Los Santos than the size of your bank balance, Rockstar's crime sandbox is infinitely more enjoyable when you can fund the kind of lifestyle you want. Whether it's deciding upon the Best Cars and Vehicles to Buy and Own or purchasing the Best Guns and Weapons to...
Guide GTA Online: How to Unlock GTA Protagonist Outfits
Look the part
Looking for how to unlock GTA protagonist outfits in GTA Online? As part of the San Andreas Mercenaries update, it's now possible to dress as classic characters from the GTA franchise, including Claude and Niko Bellic. On this page, as part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to explain how to unlock GTA protagonist outfits. GTA...
Guide GTA Online: Vinewood Car Club Explained
Location and all information
Looking for Vinewood Car Club explained in GTA Online? Vinewood Car Club is a new addition to Los Santos, and a perk for GTA+ subscribers. It includes a rotating fleet of free cars which you can test drive and purchase at a discounted rate. On this page, as part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to tell you everything...
Guide GTA Online: How to Replenish Health with Snacks
Life-saving Sprunk
Looking for how to replenish health with snacks in GTA Online? There's a good chance you're going to come underfire while you're out and about in Los Santos, so you're going to need to eat plenty of snacks to replenish your health. On this page, as part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to explain how to replenish health with...
Guide GTA Online: How to Equip Body Armor
Bullet proof
Looking for how to equip body armor in GTA Online? Body armor is an essential item if you're hoping to survive the harsh streets of Los Santos. Bulletproof vests will protect you from gunfire, thus invaluably extending your lifespan. On this page, as part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to explain how to equip body armor. GTA...
Guide GTA Online: How to Start San Andreas Mercenaries
Take on Merryweather in Project Overthrow
Looking for how to start San Andreas Mercenaries in GTA Online? This Contact Mission chain sees you contacted by hot-shot mercenary Charlie Reed as part of a new storyline involving Merryweather named Project Overthrow. On this page, as part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to explain how to start San...
Guide GTA Online: How to Change the Sprint Controls
Run before you can walk
Looking for how to change the sprint controls in GTA Online? If you're tired of mashing the X button to reach top speed in Los Santos, then Rockstar has finally implemented a solution. As part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to explain how to change the sprint controls. GTA Online: How to Change the Sprint Controls:...
News GTA Online Update Will Enable You to Track Your Criminal Rise Through the Ranks on PS5
Part of Rockstar's effort to tidy up multiplayer hit
There’s so much to do in GTA Online these days that it can be borderline impossible for new players to wrap their heads around – unless they’re using our GTA Online guide, of course. Fortunately, a new update incoming next week will streamline your criminal career, allowing you to observe...
News There's an Ounce of Ace Combat to This GTA Online: San Andreas Mercenaries PS5, PS4 Trailer
Top gun
Announced last week as GTA Online’s big summer update, here’s your first taste of the San Andreas Mercenaries, which is coming on 13th June for PS5 and PS4. It all looks rather Ace Combat, doesn’t it? The press release adds: “Join up with expert pilot and skilled merc Charlie Reed to lead his new outfit – the Los Santos Angels –...
News After 10 Years, GTA 5 Will Finally Fix Its Sprint Controls on PS5, PS4
Run it back
Do you know what absolutely sucks about GTA 5? Having to mash the X button like an absolute maniac in order to sprint. Every other developer figured out that holding a single button, or popping in the left analogue stick, is the best way to handle fast-paced on-foot locomotion in games – apart from Rockstar, apparently. But a new...
News GTA Online Adds Enormous San Andreas Mercenaries Update on PS5, PS4 from 13th June
And other major improvements
The ever-expanding world of Los Santos will grow once more from 13th June, with the announcement of an all-new update: the San Andreas Mercenaries. The big summer content for GTA Online, this expansion – free for all existing owners – will see you “take flight alongside a team of elite pilots and ex-military...
News GTA 5's 1.64 Patch Notes Are Ginormous for PS5, PS4
New story content for GTA Online, raytracing, and more
Grand Theft Auto 5’s colossal 1.64 patch is available to download now for approximately 5.3GB, and it brings a bunch of new content, features, and quality of life updates to Rockstar’s unstoppable sandbox release. Most notable is the addition of new story content in GTA Online, and you can...
News Sell Psychedelics in GTA Online's Los Santos Drug Wars Update on PS5, PS4
Start a new business enterprise with Nervous Ron
GTA Online will be getting jacked with a new dose of story content next week, as the Los Santos Drug Wars descend on PS5 and PS4. Teased last week alongside a slew of gameplay improvements – including raytracing – the new content will see you travel to Blaine County to team up with Nervous Ron and...
News GTA 5, GTA Online Getting Graphics Upgrade in PS5 Patch
Shark Cards get juiced, too
Los Santos will look lovelier than ever before later this month, as Rockstar adds raytraced reflections to the Fidelity Mode of Grand Theft Auto 5’s sumptuous PS5 remaster. This feature will be available across the single player campaign and multiplayer mode GTA Online, which is also getting a raft of quality of life...
News New Cayo Perico Race Events Wave the Chequered Flag in GTA Online on PS5, PS4
El Rubio's raceway
Until today, GTA Online’s tropical Cayo Perico Island had been solely leveraged for heists – until now. As part of the latest GTA Online Weekly Update, developer Rockstar has added an entire new series of races all around the idyllic resort – and there’s double GTA$ and RP rewards up
News GTA 5 PS5 Players Are Buying More Shark Cards Than Those on PS4
Free willy
If you’re a PS5 owner playing the upgraded GTA 5 on your new console, you’re part of the problem. As part of an earnings call, Rockstar’s overlord Take-Two revealed that new-gen owners are “monetising at a rate 36 per cent higher than players on the previous generation” in GTA Online. In other words: new console owners are...
News GTA Online's Next Story Update Sees Gas Prices Soar in Los Santos
All playable in Invite Only sessions
Rockstar promised we’d get word of a major GTA Online update soon, and here it is: The Criminal Enterprises is coming on 26th July. For the most part this is promising new activities for existing business owners, and some quality of life improvements – like the ability to finally run y
News GTA Online Dialling Down the Effectiveness of the Oppressor Mk 2, Increasing GTA$ Payouts
Finally allowing Sell Missions in Invite Only lobbies
If you’ve ever played GTA Online, then you’ll know all about the Oppressor Mk 2. The frighteningly mobile flying motorcycle, complete with homing missiles, has been a source of frustration in Los Santos for years – but it’ll be getting nerfed as part of an impending update. In fact,...
News GTA 5 PS5 Will Lift a Physical Release This Month
For those who prefer boxes
The excellent next-gen version of GTA 5, already available digitally at a discounted price, will hot-wire a retail release from 12th April. Rockstar confirmed the news in its weekly GTA Online update, so all those of you who prefer physical games will be able to snap that up, either from the Rockstar Store or selected...
News GTA Online Adding Paid, Monthly Subscription on PS5
Inspired by the GTA$
Like many of its live service peers – including the likes of Fortnite and Minecraft – the ever-popular GTA Online is getting an optional monthly subscription. Imaginatively entitled GTA+, the membership – which will be exclusive to the new-gen version of the game, including PlayStation 5 – will cost $5.99 per month, and...
News GTA 5 Hotwires PS5 Specific Features Trailers
Promo work
Sony’s big money marketing deal with GTA 5 has prompted several PlayStation 5 specific trailers to be published, each delving into some of the new-gen improvements of Rockstar’s long-running open world game. The first of the series spotlights near-instant loading, and showcases a vehicle from Hao’s Special Works, which is a new mod...
News GTA 5 PS5 Promos Can Only Be Claimed on a Console
No stock, no deal
Struggling to find PS5 stock but hoping to snag a free copy of GTA Online and take advantage of the introductory offer for GTA 5? Sorry, you can’t. As has been pointed out by a number of readers, you’ll need to physically own a PlayStation 5 console to download your free copy of GTA Online and purchase the single player...
News GTA Online to Nerf Los Santos' Deadliest Vehicles
With the release of GTA 5 and, by extension, GTA Online on the PlayStation 5 this week, players are in a particularly irritable mood. While we found the community had mellowed a lot over the last few years on the PS4, we’re getting blown to pieces within seconds while minding our own business in Los Santos right now. We wouldn’t...
Guide GTA Online: Best Career Builder Business, Vehicles, and Weapons to Pick
Start your criminal empire the right way
Looking for the best Career Builder business, vehicles, and weapons to pick in GTA Online? GTA 5's multiplayer now includes a revamped onboarding experience called the Career Builder. As part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to make some recommendations on the best Career Builder business, vehicles, and...
Guide GTA Online: How to Transfer Your Character from PS4 to PS5
Migrate your GTA Online profile from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5
Are you wondering how to transfer your character from PS4 to PS5 in GTA Online? If you've spent the past near-decade building your criminal empire in Los Santos, then you may be curious how to transfer your character from PS4 to PS5. It's worth noting that this is different from How...
Guide GTA Online: How to Start The Contract
Solve celebrity issues with Franklin's new agency
Looking for how to start The Contract in GTA Online? The latest addition to GTA 5's online multiplayer mode sees you working alongside single player protagonist Franklin Clinton, helping him to establish his new "celebrity solutions agency". The word on the street is that Dr. Dre's lost his phone and...
Guide GTA Online: How to Play Solo and Avoid Griefers
Looking for how to play solo and avoid griefers in GTA Online? Rockstar's online sandbox delivers an incredible and unique experience, but it can be infuriating when you spend hours on tasks like How to Get Rich with Vehicle Cargo and Special Cargo at the Office and How to Get Rich with Warehouse Management at the
Guide GTA Online: Best Auto Shop to Buy
Car culture
What's the best Auto Shop to buy in GTA Online? The Auto Shop is a new Business in GTA Online which allows you to run a legitimate car modding company, and take some slightly less savoury contracts on the side. Unlike other Businesses in the game, there's no passive money making method, although there are plenty of opportunities to get...
Guide GTA Online: Best Nightclub to Buy
After hours
What's the best Nightclub to buy in GTA Online? The Nightclub is one of the most complex businesses in Rockstar's sandbox, but it dovetails with your other businesses helping to expand the scale of your criminal empire. It's also a really fun location to explore, and boasts some entertaining DJ-themed missions. As part of our GTA Online...
Guide GTA Online: Best Agency to Buy
Chop chop
What's the best Agency to buy in GTA Online? Agencies are part of The Contract storyline, and if you're confused you can find out How to Start The Contract through the link. Once you own an Agency, you'll be able to complete Security Contracts and discover a new storyline involving Dr. Dre and his missing mobile phone. You'll also be able...
Guide GTA Online: Best Things to Do First in Los Santos
All the things you need to see and do
What are the first things to do in Los Santos in GTA Online? Rockstar's online sandbox is vast, varied, and filled with different activities to occupy your time. If you're new to the game and not sure where to start, then our GTA Online guide can help. For the purposes of this article, we'll be focusing purely...
Guide GTA Online: All Shipwrecks Locations
How to unlock the Frontier pirate outfit
What are all Shipwrecks locations in GTA Online? Rockstar has added Shipwrecks to Los Santos which are located in random places around the map. Next to these abandoned boats you'll find Treasure Chests, which when opened will reward you with GTA$20,000 and 2,000 RP, thus making it an easy solution for How to...