Tag: Gun

  • News Psst... Neversoft's Working On A New Shooter

    A job listing for a senior level designer at Neversoft has revealed that the Guitar Hero studio is working on a new shooter

    You want more details? You can't have them because there aren't any. Speculation hints at a long overdue sequel to GuN, but the Call Of Duty name has also been tossed around. Y'know, if Red Dead Redemption hadn't come out last...

  • Feature The 9 Best Playstation Games To Play On A Snow Day

    It's snowing here in England

    Quite badly actually. Well enough for London's public transport to effectively shut down entirely. This means that some Briton's are getting a three-day weekend thanks to the disruption. What better way than to spend it gaming? Here are the games we recommend you spend your day playing: Ratchet & Clank: Tools Of...