Tag: Journey
From original composer Austin Wintory
Journey is an impactful, meaningful game to a lot of people. And it happens to be 10 years old today. A transcendent voyage that speaks to so many disparate corners of the gaming world, even 10 years on, Journey never really left the sphere of discourse in the medium. And one of the most enduring components of...
News Timeless PS3 Title Journey Is 10 Years Old Today
Into the light
Ten years ago today, on the 13th March 2012, a little game called Journey went a long way in changing our perception of 'smaller' video games. At the time, when it originally launched on PlayStation 3, Journey was met with a tidal wave of praise from both critics and players. It was and still is a uniquely fulfilling title — only a...
Soundtrack of the Decade #1 - Journey Represents the Crowning Achievement in Game Music
Born for this
We’re listing the ten best Soundtracks of the Decade. These are the ten PlayStation scores released over the past decade that we believe left the biggest impression on our sonic palettes. Whether it’s Journey's Grammy nominated masterpiece or Destiny’s 8 movement symphony, these are the soundtracks that hit the best notes across...
Game of the Decade Journey Proved Once and for All That Games Can Be So Much More
Less is more
We’re listing the ten Games of the Decade. These are the ten PlayStation titles released over the past ten years that we believe have left a historic mark on the industry. Whether it’s Destiny's impact on the Games as a Service space or Journey’s innovative approach to online connectivity, these are the releases that the industry...
News Legendary PlayStation Exclusive Journey Launches on PC Next Week
Mountain climber
Sony’s been very accommodating with PC releases of late, licensing out so-called “second party” titles like Heavy Rain and Flower to different publishers in order to get them on non-PlayStation storefronts. Journey is the latest legendary PlayStation exclusive to, well, effectively lose its exclusivity – with a 6th June...
The Game Awards 2018 PlayStation Exclusive Journey Coming to PC
A new Journey
Legendary adventure game Journey is coming to the PC via the newly launched Epic Games Store, per publisher Annapurna Interactive. The iconic thatgamecompany experience is owned by PlayStation, but it seems the platform holder has allowed it to be released elsewhere, which is great for people who haven’t played it yet.
News This Insightful Video Is All About One of PlayStation's Best Games
We're going on a Journey
Whether you like Journey or not, there's no denying that the game and its spiritual atmosphere has had a big impact on many a player. thatgamecompany's wildly successful PlayStation 3 title made a huge splash when it originally launched in 2012, and since then, its PlayStation 4 re-release has managed to inspire all over...
News This Journey Collector's Edition Trailer Features Your Favourite PlayStation Website
Straight to the top
Journey's physical collector's edition is out now on the PlayStation 4, and the title's got a lovely launch trailer to celebrate. Boasting an emotional score and plenty of gameplay, it's a thoughtful representation of thatgamecompany's masterpiece, which is packaged alongside the wonderful Flower and flOw. Of course, if the...
News Journey's Getting a PS4 Collector's Edition Next Month
Chirp like you mean it
If you're yet to wrap yourself in some lovely robes and head out into the desert, you may well be interested in Journey: Collector's Edition, which is releasing next month on the 2nd October. Much like the PlayStation 3 version, the upcoming PlayStation 4 re-release will include Journey, Flower, and flOw. thatgamecompany's...
Pilgrim's progress
Journey is as magical today as it was when it first released on the PlayStation 3 back in 2012. thatgamecompany's masterpiece is a thought provoking, emotional experience that everyone should try at least once, and now that it's on the PlayStation 4, complete with cross-buy support and enhanced visuals, there's never been a better...
Soapbox Here's Why I Will Be Playing Journey on PS4
With hopes of starting over
Republished on Tuesday, 21st July 2015: We're bringing this soapbox back from the archives to celebrate Journey's release on the PS4 this week. The original text follows. Originally published on Thursday, 14th August 2014: I understand where Polygon scribe Colin Campbell is coming from when he says that he won't be...
News Pre-Order Journey on PS4 and Get a Typically Pretty Theme
Coming to cross-buy users, too
The PlayStation Store's got quite a few decent PlayStation 4 themes knocking around, but this static Journey background's bound to look rather good. Sony Santa Monica Studio announced on Twitter that you'll be able to nab the theme by pre-ordering the sensual adventure on PS4. The new-gen port releases on the 21st...
News Journey's Got a Confirmed Release Date on PS4 and It's Cross-Buy
Cue chirping noises
As per yesterday's leak, Journey is finally coming to PlayStation 4 this month. The indie masterpiece has received a confirmed 21st July release date, along with a brand new trailer. We're sure the best part for many of you, though, will be that the new-gen port will be cross-buy compatible, meaning that if you bought the game...
News It Sounds Like Journey's Finally Floating onto PS4 This Month
Get the soundtrack on
It's no secret that the Push Square gang are massive fans of Journey - the band as well as the game, in some cases - but Sony's left us a bit baffled by being seemingly unable to put a date on the PlayStation 4 port of the indie masterpiece. That sounds like it's going to change in the very near future, though. According to...
News You Need This Journey Record in Your Life
No, not that Journey
You're not a true hipster until you have a sizeable vinyl collection – preferably spanning indie hits such as thatgamecompany's outstanding Journey. It's a good thing for your coffee shop street cred, then, that iam8bit has teamed up with Sony to create this stunning double LP set for Austin Wintory's soaring score. The...
Out in the sun
We suppose that it's about time we heard something regarding Journey's long-awaited arrival on PlayStation 4. thatgamecompany's superb PlayStation 3 adventure still has some of us captivated even today, so news that it'll actually be available both digitally and physically on Sony's newest home console is a pleasant surprise. The...
News Journey PS4 Developer Nearing the Peak of Production Mountain
Sing if you're winning
One game that was conspicuous in its absence before Christmas last year was Journey. Sony officially announced the PlayStation 4 port at GamesCom in August, which put an end to a series of hushed chirps regarding the re-release. However, while its contemporary The Unfinished Swan came and went in late October, there was no...
Gamescom 2014 You'll Traipse Journey's Desert in 1080p on PS4
Start a new journey
Journey, arguably the greatest digital download of the PlayStation 3 era, will grace its presence on the PlayStation 4, platform holder Sony has announced. The reveal was leaked earlier in the month, but that doesn’t make it any less exciting. Unsurprisingly, the title will run in 1080p on the next-gen platform, which is sure...
News Journey to Be Playable on PS4 at GamesCom 2014 Next Month
Yes, you read that right
Assuming that Sony hasn’t just let a hearty halibut leak out of its typically tight fish tank, then the company looks set to have an incredible showing at GamesCom 2014 next month. As part of a nonchalant lineup list which has appeared on its official convention landing page, the company appears to have confirmed that...
Sand play
PlayStation Plus members have been skidding through the sand in thatgamecompany's Journey for a week already, but now it's time for everybody to set off on their own adventure. Lucky North Americans got the game yesterday for the tidy sum of $14.99, while European travellers can pick it up for £9.99 as of today. Thatgamecompany's third...
News Sample The Magical Music Of Journey
Lest we forget that beyond the big names such as BioShock: Infinite and The Last Of Us, there's one very promising game coming exclusively to the PlayStation Network this Spring; thatgamecompany's beautiful flower narrowly missed out on our game of the year award in 2009, and we wouldn't bet against the indie outfit's latest, Journey, from being...
News thatgamecompany Could 'Definitely See' Previous Releases On PS Vita
thatgamecompany's three game relationship with Sony is set to end soon
The arthouse developer has already produced flow and flower for the PS3, and will conclude its contract with the upcoming Journey. While thatgamecompany is not talking about its future yet, the developer has revealed its interest in Sony's upcoming PS Vita — and more...
News Journey's Desert Backdrop Designed To 'Encourage A Connection' Between Players
There are no hard rules to thatgamecompany's Journey
But in an interview with The Guardian, producer Robin Hunicke has explained that the developer designed the world in a way that would encourage player connection. One of the things we talked about early in the project was this idea of creating a connection between players in an environment where...
News Sony Pushes Journey Into Spring 2012
The writing's been on the wall for a while
Journey's not coming out this year. Developer thatgamecompany was never specific about a date, but did confirm that it was aiming for a 2011 release date. The indie studio's silence has been telling over the last couple of months though, and it's true what they say: you can't rush brilliance. So with the...
GamesCom 2011 Latest Journey Trailer Is Nothing Short Of Beautiful
If you're yet to see thatgamecompany's third PlayStation Network exclusive, Journey, in action, then we recommend you drop everything and hit the jump
It's difficult to use words to describe this game, and that's not us (nor the developer) being pretentious, that's just a fact. Watch the new footage after the jump.
E3 2011 Sony Santa Monica To Show Eight Games At E3, Four Of Them Still Unannounced
Before you take a cartwheel into the road outside your house, let's make one point absolutely clear: Sony Santa Monica works as a micro-publisher within SCEA
It supports smaller developers getting to grips with the PlayStation hardware, and has an input in second-party development. In short: while Sony Santa Monica might have eight games at E3, not...
E3 2011 Journey Is Already Starting To Give Us The Shivers
There's an interview hidden in this pre-E3 GameTrailers reveal of thatgamecompany's Journey
We're struggling to focus on Jenova Chen's words though, because the gameplay footage that's been wrapped around it is just straight-up stunning. Persevere and you'll pick up on Chen talking about the Journey's concept and multiplayer functions. While the...
News It's Games Like thatgamecompany's Journey That Make Us PlayStation Fans
Say what you will about PlayStation, Sony or SCE; there's one area the company has always excelled, and that's in the creation of unique, moving and interesting pieces of interactive entertainment
In 2009 there was flower, a title that missed out on our game of the year accolade by mere inches. In early 2010 there was Heavy Rain, a game so...
First Impressions E3 2010: Journey on PlayStation 3
thatgamecompany's flower made us feel empowered like no other game
There's a moment, nearing the end of the game's relatively short campaign, where you guide your team of petals up an angled high-way. That moment is unlike any other we've ever experienced in a video game - there's a sensation of pure, unbridled freedom. It touches on pretense, but...
E3 2010 thatgamecompany Detail Their Third PlayStation Network Exclusive, Journey
Journey is pretty much everything you've come to expect from thatgamecompany, the folks who brought you flower
Despite the somewhat covert announcement (c'mon Sony, this should have been mentioned in your press conference), Journey promises "simple gameplay and accessible controls." Naturally it looks super pretty to boot. We're getting an...