Tag: Just Cause 3

  • Review Just Cause 3 (PS4)

    A hankering for Scorpio

    Republished on Wednesday, 26th July 2017: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of August 2017's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. Just Cause 3 can be best described as a catalyst for fun. The huge array of tools at your disposal, the sheer size of the...

  • News Avalanche Squashes Just Cause 3 Rumour

    Yesterday we posted a report from XBOX World magazine

    We should have known better there and then. The report suggested that Just Cause 3 was in development, and due for release next year. Unfortunately, developer Avalanche Studio hasn't got the foggiest idea where the rumours came from. "It's just a rumour and we're not releasing any game in...

  • Rumour Just Cause 3 Out 2012

    Ready for more ridiculous graphics and terrible accents? Good, because if rumours are to be believed Avalanche is hard at work on a new entry in the Just Cause series

    The news comes via XBOX World magazine (sigh, we know), which claims that the game is due for release next year. We'll take a new Just Cause, just less Bolo Santosi this time ta...

  • News Surprise: Just Cause 3 Is Probably Going To Come Out At Some Point

    When Just Cause 2 shot straight to number one in the British sales charts this week, we bet you didn't expect there to be a Just Cause 3, did you? You did? Oh

    Well, that's good then, because Avalanche has claimed that people “shouldn’t be surprised” to see a Just Cause 3. “I think there are a lot of connections with [Avalanche and] the IP,”...