Tag: Maintenance
News PSN Finally Back Online, But Some Problems Persist After Biggest Outage Since 2011
In the green
The PlayStation Network is currently down and out for what seems to be most — if not all — PS5 and PS4 players. Reports started coming in around 20 minutes ago, and the outage only seems to have become more widespread since. From what we can tell, this is total downtime; users can't sign in, access any network-based content, or...
News PSN Down Again as Sony Acknowledges Widespread Issues
The PlayStation Network isn't having the best of weekends, is it? Connection errors began on Friday, but Sony sorted things out quite quickly. Unfortunately, the network is now struggling again -- and has been for most of the day. Users are reporting sign in issues and interrupted online functionality. Sony has acknowledged the problems via...
News PSN Maintenance Is Incoming This Week
A timely reminder
Consider yourself warned: the PlayStation Network will be undergoing maintenance in just a couple of days, on the 23rd June. Fortunately for us lot here in the UK, the timing isn't too bad; the PS4 maintenance will take place in the morning, from 06:30AM until 08:30AM. However, that means the service will be tinkered with at night...
News Uh Oh, PSN Appears to Be Down
We should be enjoying a nice comfy bed instead of penning this super early morning article, but, as they say, there's no rest for the wicked. There are numerous reports flying around claiming that the PlayStation Network is down. We've tried logging in ourselves with no success, and there seem to be more complaints by the minute on social media...
News PSN Down For Maintenance Early Next Month
Don't panic
Did you read "PSN Down" in the headline and immediately think "not again"? Well we've got good news for you, as Sony's network hasn't taken another tumble offline - at least, not as far as we're aware. No, this is actually just a quick heads up that the service will be undergoing maintenance early next month. On the 2nd March, the...
News PSN Down for Some as PS4, PS3 Services Encounter Some Issues
Engineers working on resolution
It's been a while since we've written one of these, hasn't it? Reports are hitting the web that the PlayStation Network is suffering from some hitches – particularly on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. While at the time of writing it seems that the issue is easing, Sony's own status website notes that its...
News PSN's Down for Routine Maintenance Later Today
We'll be right back
Always keen to grab the headlines, Sony's revealed that the PlayStation Network is going to be undergoing maintenance later today. Fortunately, for us here in the UK, it'll actually be happening tomorrow from 04:30AM, but you Americans aren't quite so lucky, as you'll have to endure the maintenance tonight. Beginning at 21:30PM...
News PSN Offline Yet Again as Connections Drop Around the Globe
The age of the outage
Well, this is starting to look bad, isn’t it? We understand that networks go wrong sometimes, but Sony’s got to ensure that the PlayStation Network stays online longer than this – if only to avoid a constant barrage of negative press. Indeed, there are reports around
News PSN Offline for Some as Bungie Deploys Destiny Beta Codes for PS4
What the heck does 'E-820001F7' mean?
We’ve been sat waiting for our Destiny beta code to appear all day, so it’s not exactly surprising that the PlayStation Network has collapsed mere moments after the first batch have gone out. Sony’s online status page notes that it’s “currently experiencing high volume and users may experience issues...
News Sony Schedules PlayStation Network Maintenance for Today
Take a break
There’s never been a better opportunity for you to mow the lawn or blitz through that copy of Anna Karenina that you picked up at the local car boot, as Sony has scheduled a window of PlayStation Network maintenance for today. Set to disgruntle gamers across the globe between 16:30PM and 22:00PM GMT (11:30AM-17:00PM...
News PlayStation Network Scheduled Maintenance Times Revised
Disruption for a little longer than expected
Don’t panic if you’re just signing in to find the PlayStation Network offline – Sony has revised the times of its previously announced scheduled maintenance, bringing it forward to 13:00PM GMT. The construction period will run until 03:00AM GMT tomorrow, but you may still be able to login in the...
News PlayStation Network Maintenance Planned for 4th March
Taking time out
The PlayStation Network will go under the knife next week, as Sony works through another bout of scheduled maintenance. From 16:00PM GMT on Monday 4th March until approximately 03:00AM GMT on Tuesday 5th March you’ll be unable to access the PlayStation Store, Account Management, and Account Registration. You shouldn’t have a...
News Scheduled PlayStation Network Maintenance to Persist Overnight
There’s never been a better time for you to take the shrink wrap off that copy of Wuthering Heights and lose yourself in the (occasionally uncomfortable) love story of Heathcliff and Catherine. Sony has announced that the PlayStation Network’s pre-arranged maintenance period is set to run until the early hours of Saturday morning in Europe...
News Scheduled PlayStation Network Maintenance Extended
Don't panic
You’ll have ample opportunity to build a snowman, learn to juggle, and trim your toenails today, as Sony has announced that it's extending the PlayStation Network's scheduled maintenance for a few more hours. The period – which had been set to run from 16:00PM to 04:00AM GMT in Europe, and from 08:00AM to 20:00PM PT in North America...
News PSN Maintenance Planned for 15th October
It's been a while
The PlayStation Network will take a short break for scheduled maintenance starting 15th October, platform holder Sony has announced. We daresay the offline time will be spent preparing for the upcoming PlayStation Store overhaul. During the allotted period – scheduled to take place from 13:00PM BST through until 02:00AM BST the...
News PlayStation Network Goes Under the Knife This Week
Pass the scalpel
In an announcement that will almost certainly be blown out of proportion all over again, Sony has announced that the PlayStation Network will be getting some much needed maintenance later this week. Starting 16:00PM BST on 26th July and running through until 08:00AM BST on 27th July, some elements of the PSN experience will be...
News PlayStation Network Maintenance Returns Tomorrow
Stop press
The PlayStation Network is set to undergo another round of scheduled maintenance tomorrow. From 16:00PM BST tomorrow (that’s Thursday, if you’re not sure) through until 08:00AM BST on Friday, you’ll be unable to access Account Management and the PlayStation Store. Online gameplay should work if you sign in before the maintenance...
News PSN Going Under the Knife Today
Maintenance watch
PlayStation Network maintenance periods are always given plenty of publicity around the web, but we rarely find it interrupts our playing schedule. Regardless, it’s out duty as your reliable source of daily PlayStation news to inform you that Sony’s preparing 13 hours of PSN repairs from 2PM BST (9AM EST) today. During that...
News PSN Maintenance Returns This Wednesday
Heads up
It’s that time of the month again where we hop online to school you about Sony’s latest PlayStation Network maintenance plans. Comes around quick, doesn’t it? Posting on the official community forums, Sony’s announced that the latest batch of network repairs will begin on 21st March at 15:00PM GMT and will run right through until...
News PlayStation Network Maintenance Scheduled For Thursday
Be known, valued reader, that some facets of the PlayStation Store will be unavailable this coming Thursday, February 2nd
As usual, the whole "scheduled maintenance" notice seems a bit overboard — as we've never had a problem connecting and playing games online during these periods of "supposed downtime". But it's still worth...
News Scheduled PlayStation Network Maintenance Returns On Thursday, January 19th
It's been a while since we posted about PlayStation Network maintenance; the Christmas break has clearly been kind to your gaming time
But Christmas is like a distant memory now, and so it's only appropriate that Sony's regular maintenance should return. The platform holder's issued a notice of warning on the official PlayStation forums, noting that...
News Heads Up: Playstation Network Maintenance Scheduled For This Week
It's been a while since the last batch of scheduled PlayStation Network maintenance, so we suppose we can't complain
Sony's announced that it's set to do some work on the PSN for a few hours this week, starting Thursday evening. The maintenance will run from 16:00PM, 15th December through to 02:00, 16th December UK time. During the downtime you...
News PlayStation Network Down For Maintenance Again Tomorrow
Sony's dropped word that its bringing some of the PlayStation Network's features offline tomorrow (November 17th) for a spot of maintenance
Yup, again. This time it's the PlayStation Store and account management features that will be rendered inaccessible. The maintenance will run for 16:00PM GMT tomorrow right through until 02:00AM GMT on Friday...
News PlayStation 3 Software Maintenance To Take Place Next Tuesday
A variety of Sony published PlayStation 3 titles are due to go offline for a period of scheduled maintenance, Sony has announced
The downtime will span from 6AM until midday next Tuesday (November 15th). Titles such as PlayStation Home, Buzz, MotorStorm and Wipeout HD will all be affected, while other titles such as Killzone 3, SingStar and...
News Ruh-Roh: Another Wave Of PlayStation Network Maintenance Coming Your Way This Thursday
Sony's now infamous weekly maintenance is slotted in once again for this Thursday
This time you'll be unable to access key online features betweeen 16:00 and 18:00PM UK time. No reason was given for the maintenance. Feel free to vent your frustration in the comments.
News PushSquare Service Announcement: PlayStation Network Maintenance Scheduled Overnight
It's been a while
Almost, what, two weeks since the last wave of PlayStation Network maintenance. But we were never going to get away with it for too long. And sure enough, Sony has announced that the PlayStation Network will go offline overnight while the platform holder tweaks a few knobs and does, erm, general maintenance stuff. The maintenance...
News Again? PlayStation Network Offline For Two Hours Tonight...
We're getting to the point where we can only imagine Sony has something brewing
That's what we'd like to believe. Because the amount of maintenance the PlayStation Network's getting lately has been pretty bizarre. It's not like this is a common thing. We remember in the 'olden' days, the PSN would get scheduled maintenance once a month at most...
News Heads Up: Various PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable Titles Undergoing Maintenance On Sunday
Sony's scheduled a period of maintenance for a number of its first-party PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable tiltes this weekend
The maintenance will see a dozen titles go offline for a few hours from 5AM through to mid-day UK time on Sunday 25th. PlayStation Home will also be affected. Hit the jump for the full run-down of titles undergoing...
News PushSquare Service Announcement: PlayStation Network Offline Again Tomorrow Evening
Just heads up: Sony's announced that the PlayStation Network will be going through another bout of scheduled maintenance from 16:05PM BST tomorrow (Thursday 11th) through to 02:00AM BST (Friday 12th)
During which time you'll be unable to access the PlayStation Store and Account Management. You'll still be able to play online if you sign into the...
News PushSquare Service Announcement: PSN Scheduled Maintenance Kicks Off Again Tomorrow
Sony's announced that the PlayStation Network will be undergoing maintenance starting Thursday 4th August from 16:00PM BST through to 03:00AM BST Friday morning
During which time you'll be unable to access Account Management, the PlayStation Store and PlayStation Home. Online game titles may also be affected, Sony's noted. Those signed into the...
News Heads Up: PlayStation Store Down For Maintenance Today, Don't Cancel Your Credit Cards
Just a quick heads-up: Sony's bringing down the PlayStation Store today for a couple of hours maintenance
We're posting this because we know how frightening outages can be in the post-PSNgate climate. We just wanted to let you know that, hey, if you try to log on to the PlayStation Store this afternoon and it flips out — everything is fine. Don't...
News PlayStation Network Maintenance Scheduled For Tomorrow, Don't Worry
Sony's announced some super-brief scheduled maintenance for the PlayStation Network tomorrow
The service will be offline between 05:00AM BST and 08:00AM BST. Is anyone eager to get online during those hours? If you need more details, you'll find them through here.
News PlayStation Network To Go Down For Maintenance This Afternoon
The PlayStation Network was supposed to go down for maintenance last night
It was postponed. Instead it will go down for maintenance this afternoon, from 16:30 GMT. Insanely the service will remain offline until 07:00 GMT tomorrow morning. That's a lot of downtime. We can only suspect it has something to do with the PlayStation Store. Sony
News Errr, So There's A Little Bit More PlayStation Network Maintenance Incoming Next Week
This one is probably the one
Sony has frequently insisted that it will have the PlayStation Store back online by the end of the month, and it looks like the platform holder is going to squeeze every last minute out of that deadline. Sony has announced that the PlayStation Network will go offline for a few hours next Tuesday evening (from 19:00 BST...
Last week an internal Sony memo hinted that the PlayStation Store would return today
We've still got no real conclusive evidence of that, but it's surely no coincidence that Sony has planned out scheduled maintenance for this evening. The maintenance, which is set to run today from 16:00PM (UK-time) through until 00:00AM, will lock you out of...
News PushSquare Service Announcement: PlayStation Network Maintenance Confirmed For Today
Sony's confirmed a short period of "maintenance" downtime for the PlayStation Network today
The service will go down for roughly three hours between 3PM and 6PM GMT. Sony's added that the downtime probably won't affect PSN activity, though error messages may occur when users attempt to download files. If you see the error "80022f10 ...
Sony has announced some scheduled maintenance for the PlayStation Network this evening
According to the PlayStation Blog, the service will be down from 16:05 PM GMT this evening through to 03:00 AM GMT tomorrow. You'll be unable to access the PlayStation Store nor manage your account during the downtime. If you want to play online tonight, you'll...
News PushSquare Service Announcement: PlayStation Network Downtime Scheduled For Today
SCEE's announced that the PlayStation Network will be experiencing some downtime later this afternoon
Those of you getting out of work at 5PM to slot in your brand new copy of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood or Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, prepare to be furious. The maintenance is scheduled for between 16:05 and 01:00GMT. Users will not be able to...
News PushSquare Service Announcement: PlayStation Network Maintenance Scheduled For August 30th
August 30th is a bank holiday here in the UK
If you're unfamiliar with the bank holiday concept, it is when people have an added day-off. Three-day weekend, huzzah! Perfect for some time spent curled up in front of the PS3 right? Wrong — Sony's got PSN maintenance planned for the whole day. That's 8:00AM-9:00PM. During this period, the PlayStation...
News Playstation Store Goes Offline For Maintenance Tomorrow
Muster_Buster's just confirmed via the official Playstation forums that the Playstation Store will be offline tomorrow (Wednesday 9th June) from 16:30BST until the early hours of Thursday morning
During the time you'll be unable to access the Playstation Store, Account Management or Account Registration. Maintenance has been cited as the reason for...