Tag: Metro 2033

  • News Metro 2034 Could Come To The PlayStation 3

    Metro 2033 was an XBOX 360 and PC exclusive

    Of kinds. This wasn't an exclusive bought with Bill Gates dollars, it was a result of time and small teams. Apparently, converting the original game would have taken 4A-Games six months. Not really the best use of the studios time, especially when they could be making the sequel, Metro 2034, and making...

  • News THQ's Metro 2033 Not On Playstation 3 Due To "Business Reasons"

    4A Game's Hew Beynon has commented on the reason Metro 2033 is not coming to the Playstation 3

    In an interview with VG247 he cites "business reasons" for the decision, but explains that there is no reason why the game couldn't come to PS3. He said:“That’s probably more of a business decision, and one that I wasn’t part of when I was at...