Tag: Mod
News Dude Makes "Portable" Playstation 3 Type Thing
Remote Play is a pretty awesome addition to the PS3/PSP's arsenal
The problem? The Playstation Portable doesn't have enough buttons to map exactly to a DualShock - thus, the PSP can't be used as a bridge for a "portable" Playstation 3. In principle, correcting such a problem is exactly what modder Techknott has done. He's developed a...
This guy managed to get Dualshock 2 control on his PSP, as proved via this - somewhat dodgy - hardware alteration
Having Dualshock 2 control totally enables two analogue sticks. It also makes his system like, 100% less portable. Hurrah! Honestly, we know they do awesome stuff, but we'll never understand the PSP modding community.