Tag: Numblast
News American Playstation Store Updates: 5th November 2009
Price Drops TV Show King ($6
99) X-Men Origins Wolverine - X Arena Pack ($4.99)</ul>Qore Episode 18 ($2.99 episode / $24.99 subscription) Downloadable Games Military Madness: Nectaris ($9.99) Numblast ($4.99) Gex (PSone Classic) ($5.99) Demos Trine Demo Military Madness: Nectaris Demo Add-on Content LittleBigPlanet - Anniversary...
News Numblast Heading To The PSN For Playstation 3 & PSP
Sony have announced a new Puzzle Quest style release for PSN entitled Numblast in Europe or QRuToN (pronounced: "kuru-ton") elesewhere
In the game youll be presented with several numbered tiles, and using a 2x2 cursor you'll rotate the tiles around, attempting to create 2x2 boxes of like-numbered tiles. Once you get a match, the numbers inside the...
News Fat Princess & Trash Panic Confirmed For The European PSN This June
Sony have confirmed via the European leg of the Playstation Blog that Trash Panic and Fat Princess will be available on the PSN this June
The anticipated multiplayer romp Fat Princess is expected to make its final appearance on the E3 show floor this year before retail sometime this month. Trash Panic on the other hand is an exciting puzzle game...