Tag: Party Animals
News Party Animals Knocks Off Among Us As It Completes Transition from Xbox to PS5
Monkeying around
Party Animals, a timed Xbox console exclusive, will launch on PS5 from 23rd January – over a year after it originally released. The physics-based party game – which sees you assuming the role of a furry critter and pulling, pushing, and head-butting your way to victory – will launch on Sony’s system alongside an all-new...
News Another Xbox Console Exclusive Confirmed to Be Coming Soon to PS5
Time for a party
Publisher Source Technology and developer Recreate Games have officially announced that Party Animals will be coming to PS5. This Xbox console exclusive will make the jump to Sony's current-gen machine "soon", with no firm date provided. We kind of already knew about this thanks to a premature PS Store page, but it's always good...
News Xbox Console Exclusive Party Animals Will Soon Arrive Fashionably Late on PlayStation
Répondez s'il vous plaît-Station
Party Animals, a Gang Beasts-like party title from Recreate Games, looks set for its late arrival on PlayStation. A PS Store listing has been discovered for the game, pretty much confirming it's due for release on Sony's hardware in the near future. The game initially released on PC and Xbox almost a year ago on...
News Physics-Based Brawler Party Animals Coming to PS4 Later This Year
Console release inbound
Party Animals is a wonky, physics-based multiplayer brawler, and those are nearly always a good laugh. Developed by Recreate Games, the title pits plushies against each other in four-player bouts, not unlike the popular Gang Beasts. Having said that, a point of difference is a co-op twist, in which some levels will feature...