Tag: Ps Move - Page 2

  • News Rory McIlroy Swings onto Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14's Box Art

    Hole in one

    Not content with being brightest light on the circuit, landing a lucrative deal with Nike, and pulling women’s tennis pro Caroline Wozniacki, Rory McIlroy can now add appearing on the cover of a video game to his list of achievements. The Northern Irish hot shot will star on the front of the European edition of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14,...

  • News Deadly Premonition's York Was Originally Going to Be a Girl

    Right, Zacherina?

    Since its release in 2010, Deadly Premonition has rightfully earned its title as one of the most absurd, yet insanely gripping open world horror games in history. However, the story of Agent Francis York Morgan could have been very different, as director Hidetaka 'SWERY' Suehiro and producer Tomio Kanazawa explained in a recent...

  • News Sexy Threads Heading to Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut

    Dressed to kill

    The previously announced post-release DLC for Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut will include some saucy new threads for Greenvale's favourite female cop Emily, according to series creator Hidetaka 'SWERY' Suehiro. Speaking as part of an exclusive interview with Push Square, the legendary developer revealed that the outfit was...

  • News Mad Dog McCree Moves onto PlayStation 3 Next Week


    Whip out your cowboy hat and spurred boots, because Mad Dog McCree is moseying its way onto the North American PlayStation Network next week. The iffy FMV sharpshooter will join the previously released Fast Draw Showdown on 22nd January, and will boast full PlayStation Move compatibility, in addition to an “all-new scoring system” and...

  • News Who Wants to Peruse Another Bonkers PS Move Patent?


    Sony is more prolific with patents than Mario Balotelli is with controversy. Following last week’s divisive anti-used games registration, the platform holder has now concocted an updated PlayStation Move set-up that uses the current controller’s light-tracking technology in conjunction with sound detection to provide greater “depth”...

  • News LittleBigPlanet 2: Extras Edition Swings onto PlayStation 3

    The one that you want

    If you’re still yet to fully embed yourself in the creative landscape of LittleBigPlanet 2, then Sony has a tantalising proposition for you in the guise of the upcoming Extras Edition. The upgraded retail package will not only come equipped with the original adventure, but will also boast a bevy of burlap bonuses for you to...

  • News Save the World One Song at a Time with Dance Magic

    Bust a groove

    We’ve always fancied ourselves as heroic popstars, but sadly we’ve got two left feet. Still, at least we’ll be able to live out our fantasy from behind the controller in Gaijin Entertainment and Targem Games’ upcoming Dance Magic. The swish PlayStation Network exclusive – due out on 8th January in North America – promises...

  • Game of the Year Best PlayStation Move Game of 2012

    Motion in the ocean

    With new console launches hogging the headlines harder than Kristen Stewart and Harry Styles, the PlayStation Move was pushed to the sidelines slightly in 2012. But while the motion peripheral may have been left howling for attention louder than a member of The Wanted, it still managed to muster a selection box of software worth...

  • News Sportsfriends Sprints Past Its Kickstarter Target on Final Day

    Marathon winner

    Die Gute Fabrik’s innovative local multiplayer compendium Sportsfriends has crossed its Kickstarter target, meaning that it will release on PlayStation 3 next fall. With just four hours left to go, the title has earned $155,339 of its $150,000 target. The game will be marketed as part of Sony’s Pub Fund initiative – but the...

  • Feature How a Picnic Shaped the Development of Sports Champions and Its Sequel

    Motion in the ocean

    Despite the device being on the market for over two years now, few developers have managed to get the same precision out of the PlayStation Move as Zindagi Games. The second-party studio – which is based in the heart of sunny California – describes itself as a motion control specialist, having already shipped three top titles...

  • News Yes, Zindagi Has Considered Making a Standalone Table-Tennis Game

    Ping pong

    As far as we’re concerned, the table-tennis mini-game included as part of the original Sports Champions is the best example of motion control available on any platform. As such, we’ve always longed for a fleshed out version of the PlayStation Move-powered activity with online multiplayer and an in-depth career mode. But could it...

  • News BioShock Infinite's Box Art Looks Really Bland

    Cry for Columbia

    There’s been a lot of talk about bad box art over the past couple of weeks, which makes the arrival of BioShock Infinite’s final cover timely to say the least. The wrapper – which leads prominently with protagonist Booker DeWitt – shows the lead character pouting with a shotgun nestled on his shoulder. There’s also a blimp...

  • News Sony Patents Bizarre Break Apart DualShock Controller

    Shake it all about

    Sony has patented a product called the Hybrid Separable Motion Controller. While it may sound like a fancy gizmo, it actually amounts to little more than a DualShock 3 controller that snaps in half. Oh, and it’s got PlayStation Move bobbles bunged on top. The registration – which was filed in May last year and published on...

  • News Until Dawn Is Leveraging the Killzone Engine

    True grit

    Sony’s stunning Killzone franchise has always had a foreboding visual undertone to it, so it’s not particularly surprising to learn that Supermassive Games’ upcoming PlayStation Move exclusive teen horror title Until Dawn is being built on top of the first-person shooter’s incredible technology. Speaking during the latest episode...

  • News PlayStation 3 Surpasses 70 Million Units Shipped Globally

    Celebrate good times

    While we all lament the PlayStation Vita’s current commercial woes, it’s worth remembering that the mighty PlayStation 3 once faced a similar predicament. There was a time when armchair analysts were calling for the console to be scrapped – but over the years, Sony has proved that the knee-jerk reactions were premature...

  • News Johann Sebastian Joust Is Finally Coming to the PS3


    Bizarre PlayStation Move duelling game Johann Sebastian Joust will finally release on the PS3, if it can achieve its reasonable Kickstarter target. The game will launch as part of a compilation named SPORTSFRIENDS, which contains a compendium of indie hits. Developer Die Gute Fabrick is describing the package as the modern day Summer Games...

  • News Portal 2's In Motion DLC Moves onto PS3 Next Week

    Mental muscle

    Portal 2’s hotly anticipated In Motion add-on will finally arrive in North America next week, developer Sixense Studios has announced. The $9.99 expansion will take full advantage of the PlayStation Move motion controller, and will add 20 extra test chambers to the full release. The motion controls will also be extended to the...

  • News Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut Drops in March 2013

    Zach and gimme

    Cult survival horror title Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut will terrify PlayStation 3 in March 2013, publisher Rising Star Games has announced. The conflicted classic previously launched as an Xbox 360 exclusive in the West – despite being available on PS3 in Japan. In order to make up for the delay, The Director’s Cut...

  • News New Until Dawn Trailer Delivers a Difficult Ultimatum

    Follow the instructions

    Until Dawn is exactly the type of experience that we longed for back when the PlayStation Move was first announced – and so far the teen horror title appears to be living up to our admittedly lofty expectations. This brand new trailer shows some brief glimpses of a rundown cabin, before revealing that your best buddy is...

  • News Okami HD Is Reborn on the PlayStation Network This Week

    Drawn to life

    After what seems like an eternity, Capcom is finally poised to paint Okami HD onto the PlayStation Store. The loving remake will arrive on the North American digital storefront later today, while European players will have to wait until tomorrow. The high-definition makeover recompiles the PS2 classic in 1080p. The re-release also...

  • News Sports Champions 2 Is Serious Business According to This Ad

    Have you got what it takes?

    The Olympics may be over – but there’s an even more exciting sporting event about to take place in your living room. Sony has released the European television spot for Sports Champions 2, and it takes things pretty seriously. We’re not a big fan of obviously silly advertisements like this, but at least it raises a...

  • News New BioShock Infinite Trailer Should Put Your Concerns to Rest

    Jaw dropping

    If BioShock Infinite has had a troubled development, then this trailer sure makes all of the sweat and tears look worthwhile. As promised, developer Irrational Games has released the first footage of the first-person adventure in months – and it looks absolutely incredible. Throughout the 90-second short you’ll glimpse intense...

  • Preview Hitting Some Winners with Sports Champions 2

    Down the line

    The furore surrounding the introduction of new motion peripherals back in 2010 meant that the excellent Sports Champions got lost in the shuffle. Sony pushed the mini-game compilation as the first must-have title for the PlayStation Move, but post-release discussion almost always centred on the title’s technology rather than the game...

  • News Need for Speed: Most Wanted Supports the Move Racing Wheel

    Turning a corner

    Need for Speed: Most Wanted developer Criterion loves trying out new technology, so we’re not particularly surprised by the studio's decision to support the PlayStation Move Racing Wheel for its upcoming release. The crazy contraption can be used to control the car (obviously), but it also takes advantage of some of the device's...

  • News Germinator Offers an Infectious Twist on a Puzzle Classic

    Highly contagious

    Creat Studios has promised to contaminate the PlayStation Network with a brand new title. The prolific publisher has announced Germinator, an unhygienic take on the match-three puzzler. Unlike other titles, the digital release sees you slotting together germ types in order to create enormous microbes. Push them too far and...

  • News Delve Behind the Magic of Wonderbook: Book of Spells

    Witchcraft and sorcery

    Having got our hands on Wonderbook: Book of Spells recently, we’re eagerly anticipating the release of the full game. The PlayStation Move-enhanced magic ‘em up takes excellent advantage of Sony’s new book peripheral, pulling you into a fantasy world courtesy of augmented reality technology. It’s designed with children...

  • News PS Move Support Confirmed for Deadly Premonition

    Wand waver

    Back when Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut was very first revealed, director Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro promised that the PlayStation 3 re-release would feature full PlayStation Move support. However, today’s official announcement failed to mention the motion peripheral, leading us to suspect that the feature had been...

  • News This PlayStation Move Controller Turns Hot and Cold

    In the game

    It looks like Sony’s taken inspiration from Katy Perry for its latest controller patent. The platform holder’s most recent off-the-wall idea proposes a PlayStation Move-esque motion controller that could turn hot or cold depending on gameplay feedback. According to Kotaku, Sony’s got a slew of applications in mind for the

  • News Sony Signs Up Horror Veterans for Until Dawn

    Alone in the dark

    The script for Sony’s pulpy PlayStation Move exclusive Until Dawn will be penned by indie horror veterans Larry Fessenden (The Last Winter) and Graham Reznick (I Can See You). Speaking during a New York Comic-Con panel overnight, executive producer Pete Samuels noted that the duo will help to give the game “the scares you...

  • News BioShock Infinite Sets Sail Again Next Week

    Columbia beckons

    After a lengthy hiatus, BioShock Infinite is finally ready to step back into the limelight. Publisher 2K Games has casually updated the title’s official Facebook page, teasing the imminent arrival of a brand new trailer. Better yet, if you participate in a spot of viral marketing for the company, you’ll be able to help select...

  • News Machinarium Puzzles North American PSN Next Week

    Drawn to life

    When Sony announced its “Spend $100, Receive $20” PlayStation Network promotion earlier this week, we pondered how it expected gamers to accrue such a sum. Of course, we weren’t privy to the outrageous October release schedule, which has been gradually growing over the past 48 hours. Joining the likes of Retro City Rampage,

  • News The Unfinished Swan Starts Its Journey Later This Month

    Once more with feeling

    Giant Sparrow’s emotionally engaging debut The Unfinished Swan will paddle onto the PlayStation Network on 23rd October in North America and 24th October in Europe, the developer has announced. PlayStation Plus subscribers will unlock early access to the title on 16th October and 17th October respectively. The game will cost...

  • Preview Fumbling Through the Dark with The Unfinished Swan

    Blind man's buff

    It’s difficult to discuss The Unfinished Swan without drawing comparisons to Journey. Just like thatgamecompany, developer Giant Sparrow has been taken under the wing of first-party powerhouse Sony Santa Monica. Furthermore, it has signed a three game exclusivity deal with PlayStation. Indeed, the only noticeable difference...

  • Preview Wonderbook: Book of Spells Makes Reading Magical

    Muggle science

    The outrage and controversy caused by Wonderbook: Book of Spells’ elongated E3 showing has made it difficult to discuss the augmented reality experience objectively. And yet here we have one of the most unique and commercially viable casual gaming products Sony has produced since the Eye Toy. The Harry Potter spin-off doesn’t have...

  • News Decipher the Meaning of Datura While Listening to Its Soundtrack

    Forbidden fruit

    Datura’s certainly not the most polished game of the year, but it’s arguably one of the more interesting ones. Writing on the PlayStation Blog, director Michal Staniszewski claimed that no one has fully uncovered the meaning behind the PlayStation Network exclusive just yet. “Every madness has its explanation, and Datura is no...

  • News Wonderbook: Book of Spells Conjures New PS3 Bundles

    A kind of magic

    Wonderbook: Book of Spells is brimming with potential. The augmented reality PlayStation 3 exclusive has the opportunity to tempt both hardcore Harry Potter fanatics and casual gamers alike – assuming Sony gets its marketing department in order. It’s made the first step by announcing that newcomers in Europe will be able to...

  • News Rovio Flings Live Action Angry Birds Trilogy Trailer Online

    Bigger than ever

    We’re not sure what’s more frustrating: the fact that Angry Birds is big enough to warrant a live action video in the first place, or the saccharine sweet nature of the footage itself. Either way, Rovio has released a brand new trailer for Angry Birds Trilogy which is due out on PlayStation 3 later this week. If you’re...

  • News Okami HD Paints a Date with PSN on 30th October

    Wolf it down

    Capcom’s lavish high-definition retooling of Okami will hit the North American PlayStation Store on 30th October, the publisher has announced. European players will have an additional day to dig out their paper and pens, when the title travels overseas on 31st October. The re-mastered classic will cost £15.99/$19.99, and will...

  • News Wonderbook: Book of Spells Enchants Stores on 13th November

    New chapter

    Harry Potter spin-off Wonderbook: Book of Spells may not be the most obvious PlayStation 3 blockbuster of the year, but it’s clear that Sony has big plans for the augmented reality title. That’s been underlined by a North American release date of 13th November – right at the start of the gift giving season. The J.K. Rowling...

  • News Sony Serves Up Sports Champions 2 on 31st October

    Be the best

    Sports Champions 2 will move onto European store shelves on 31st October, publisher Sony has announced. A North American release date was confirmed last week. The PlayStation Move sequel boasts a variety of events, including boxing, skiing, bowling, tennis, golf and an updated version of archery. It will also allow you to design your...

  • News Sports Champions 2 Smashes onto PS3 on 30th October


    Sony has announced that it will serve up Sports Champions 2 on 30th October in North America. The PlayStation Move-powered compilation will boast a handful of new sports, including tennis, golf, skiing, bowling and boxing. It’ll also feature an updated version of archery. Unlike the previous Sports Champions, you’ll now be able to create...

  • News Sony Paints New The Unfinished Swan Trailer Online

    Beautifully simplistic

    Sony’s GamesCom 2012 press conference was laced with creative ideas yesterday, but one title that didn’t get an airing was The Unfinished Swan. Thankfully, the platform holder has taken the time to remind us about the indie adventure by releasing the striking trailer embedded below. Looks good, doesn't it?

  • News Wonderbook Commits Brand New Franchises to Paper

    Brought to life

    There was a palpable irritation filling our Twitter feed when Sony started to discuss Wonderbook during its GamesCom 2012 press conference earlier today. But, by the time the company was done, we noticed a distinct change in tune – Wonderbook is cool, and it has the potential to sell gangbusters. Heck, even we’re sold. The...

  • News Until Dawn Haunts PlayStation Move Next Year

    Are you afraid of the dark?

    As we correctly predicted, Sony officially revealed Until Dawn during its GamesCom 2012 press conference earlier today. The Supermassive Games developed PlayStation Move exclusive follows a group of high school classmates as they revisit a campsite to mark the first anniversary of their friends’ disappearance. As you...

  • News Watch PlayStation's GamesCom 2012 Press Conference Live


    Sony’s GamesCom 2012 press conference is about to go live. As always we’ll be providing commentary on Push Square throughout the evening, but if you’d like to watch Andrew House and friends drop some bombs live – you can do so through here. Remember to keep a close eye on our Twitter account for reaction to every announcement. And let...

  • News Oh, Sony's Also Trademarked Until Dawn Again


    Hot on the heels of this morning’s Rain trademark, seasoned snoopers have also discovered that Sony has re-registered the rights to Until Dawn. The name has long been associated with a mysterious PlayStation Move survival horror project that first appeared in a demo reel almost three years ago. Sony’s expected to

  • News Lights, Camera, Party! Brings Motion Madness to PSN

    Smooth moves

    We’re probably in the minority, but we love a good mini-game compilation. There’s something exhilarating about hopping between a host of madcap mechanics – even if the experience can end up feeling a bit shallow as a result. Frima Studio’s upcoming PlayStation Move-powered Lights, Camera, Party! looks to embody everything...

  • Rumour New PlayStation Move Title to Debut at GamesCom

    Move it, move it

    One of the two new titles Sony’s set to unveil at GamesCom next month will support PlayStation Move, according to a report on PSU. Details are unsurprisingly scarce, but the website claims that the platform holder will reveal a new motion controlled property at the European event. We’re secretly hoping that it’s the survival...

  • News Foosball 2012 Kicks Off on PS3 and Vita Next Week

    Flicking good fun

    You probably didn’t buy a PlayStation 3 or Vita to play a digital simulation of table football, but we bet you’re going to snap up the upcoming Foosball 2012 anyway. The Grip Games developed PSN exclusive is set to kick off on 24th July in North America and 25th July in Europe. That’s next week by the way. Brilliantly,...

  • News Angry Birds Trilogy Targets PlayStation 3 This Year

    Fowl flinger

    As previously teased, Activision will be tossing an updated version of Rovio’s popular mobile title Angry Birds onto the PlayStation 3 this year. The Move-enabled re-release – entitled the Angry Birds Trilogy – will collate the original Angry Birds with Angry Birds: Seasons and Angry Birds: Rio. “You can think of the game as...