Tag: Push Square

  • Feature Happy New Year from the Push Square Team

    Our mission statement for the months ahead

    And just like that, it’s 2025! Wait, what? Wasn’t it, like, 2009 a couple of weeks ago? Where does the time go, eh? Firstly, on this newest of new years we’d like to wish you and your loved ones a prosperous 2025 and beyond. It feels like we’re replaying an old record, but we indeed live in...

  • Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    It’s been a difficult year for the games industry, but the software has been flowing as strongly as ever. At times, we’ve all struggled to keep up with the veritable array of titles available for the PS5, and we’re sure many of you feel much the same. The thing that makes running Push Square such a pleasure is...

  • Feature Happy New Year from the Push Square Team

    Auld lang Sony

    Welcome to 2024! The time for ponderous Christmas reflection is over, as we reset ahead of what looks to be another action-packed year. The coming months are especially outrageous for PS5: January alone will play host to the likes of Tekken 8 and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – two titles which are looking utterly essential, and...

  • Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    It’s been an action-packed year, hasn’t it? From the Activision Blizzard courtroom drama through to the absolutely stacked release calendar from start-to-finish, this is our first real opportunity to reflect on 2023. Merry Christmas, by the way, we sincerely hope you and your entire family have a fun one...

  • Random Push Square Was a Question on a UK Quiz Show

    And they got the answer wrong

    Push Square has gone mainstream – well, at least as mainstream as you can get when it comes to UK quiz shows. As spotted and shared by reader BlaizeV (seriously, we’d never have known about this without you), our humble PlayStation community was referenced in a 29th September episode of Tipping Point. In the show,...

  • Community Push Square Community's Best Game of All Time Has Been Decided

    Best of the best

    You may recall that, a couple of weeks ago, the Push Square readership narrowed down its Best Game of All Time knock-out tournament to two finalists. After whittling the games down in a series of one-on-one votes, it all came down to a pair of iconic PlayStation titles — Bloodborne and Final Fantasy VII. It was a case of old vs...

  • Community Push Square Readers Narrow Down Best Game of All Time Vote to Two Classics

    Old vs. new

    We're facing up against that eternal question yet again — what's the best game of all time? Which single title trumps all others? It's impossible to truly answer, as there are countless incredible games that could be worthy of being labelled the GOAT. However, that's not dissuaded our enthusiastic readership from finding an answer...

  • Feature Wishing You a Happy New Year from the Push Square Team

    Welcome to 2023

    And thus concludes another marginally less unusual – but no less dramatic – year! Welcome to 2023, folks, where we all ride on hover boards and have augmented reality lenses installed into our eyes. Not really, of course! It’s basically the same as 2022, except we’re all a little bit older and can’t afford to turn on our...

  • Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    Well, then, our annual Christmas message is becoming a bit of a festive tradition, isn’t it? It’s a bit like the queen’s speech, except she won’t actually be doing one this year because – well, y’know! Anyway, we digress. Wherever you’re reading this, it’s 25th December, which means the big-bellied...

  • Soapbox Ask Push Square's Video Producer Anything

    We're on the hunt for your burning questions.

    Hello there Push Square community! My name is Aaron, and for the last six months I have been your resident YouTube video producer. It is a great gig to say the least, where I get to discuss, rant, and dissect my favourite (and least favourite) aspects of the PlayStation world. This week marks six months...

  • Feature Happy New Year from the Push Square Team

    Onwards and upwards

    As one unusual year comes to a close, another begins. The world is a strange place at the moment, and it doesn't look like we'll be getting back to normality any time soon. One more year we are happy to see the back of, it seems. At least we were kept occupied by PlayStation 5. Sony is selling the console as quickly as it can...

  • Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    We feel like we could copy and paste the opening sentence from our 2020 Merry Christmas message and nobody would be none the wiser: "We’re hesitant to mention it, but it’s been a strange old year, hasn’t it?" Yes, for the second full year in a row, the world hasn't quite been its normal self. Thankfully, in...

  • Talking Point What Content Do You Want from Push Square?

    Share your feedback and suggestions

    It's been a slow start, hasn't it? When you compare the first few weeks of 2021 to the excitement and speculation that came with the PlayStation 5 launch and the 10 months before it, the hand we've been dealt has been comparatively light. That's largely thanks to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the teething...

  • Feature Happy New Year from the Push Square Team

    We go again

    Well, then – that’s the end of that. As much as we wished we could, we can’t imagine any of us will be forgetting 2020 in a hurry – it’s been an unfathomably bad year for every single one of us, and frankly we’re glad to see the back of it. The one shining light amid the 12 months of misery is that Sony absolutely smashed it,...

  • Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    We’re hesitant to mention it, but it’s been a strange old year, hasn’t it? The good news is that things have been reasonably consistent for us PlayStation fans: we’ve enjoyed great games, got an awesome new console, and the software slate for 2021 is looking just as strong as ever. In that sense, we should be...

  • Video As We Reach 100k YouTube Subscribers, Here Are Our Top Five PlayStation Buttons to Push

    Guess number one

    Break out the biscuits and party poppers: we've hit 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. It's been a long journey to reach this milestone, but with a massive effort from video producer Liam Richardson, our industrious leader Sammy Barker, and other contributors, we've done it. A huge thank you must go out to anyone who watches our video...

  • Feature Happy New Year from the Push Square Team

    We go again

    Historically, we’ve opened these articles with a sense of surprise. A brand-new year? Already? The clock in the corner of our computer says it’s 2020, but that can’t be accurate, can it? It doesn’t feel like that long since we were welcoming 2019, and already we’re being forced to celebrate an entirely new decade? Preposterous!...

  • Feature We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    The weather is gloomy as we write this, but there’s already the scent of cinnamon in the air. By the time you read it, you’ll be surrounded by tinsel, pine needles, and Ferrero Rocher wrappers. Whether you celebrate it or not, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas – or a delightful 25th December if you...

  • Site News Welcome to Our End of Year Bonanza

    Christmas is coming

    This is typically the time of year where computers get shutdown, email notifications get enabled, and Mulled Wine gets stewed. Make no mistake: that’s exactly what will be happening here at Push Square Towers, too – we’ll just be cranking up Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled as opposed to the crusty old karaoke machine. But!...

  • Site News We're Looking for a Vibrant Video Producer to Lead Push Square to YouTube Glory

    Hey everyone! It's [Your Name] from Push Square

    We love writing about PlayStation here at Push Square, but apparently the younger generation aren’t quite as fond of the written word. We’ve been meddling with YouTube for several years now, and we’ve published some cracking content in that time. However, with the PlayStation 5 around the corner,...

  • Site News Our PlayStation E3 2019 Coverage Starts Now

    Are you red E?

    Look, let’s address the big white elephant in the non-existent room: whatever happens over the next week or so, this is not going to be a vintage E3 for PlayStation. You can call us cynical if you like, but it’s just not going to be – without Sony in attendance, there’s going to be a gaping hole in our coverage that no...

  • Site News Push Square Is Now Ten Years Old (We Think)

    Remembering a decade of (mostly) outstanding PlayStation coverage

    Every good story starts with a eureka moment! My fledgling music career had fizzled out before I’d even had chance to finish my mathrock cover of Bump in the Night, and a bright-eyed Sammy Barker – then with much better, much blonder hair – decided to do something new. I’d...

  • Feature Happy New Year from the Push Square Team

    Our mission statement for 2019

    No way? No way! It’s surely not 2019 already? Man, the year is going to take some time to sink in – aren’t we supposed to be driving hover cars and living in neon cities by now? Anyway, one thing that’s not up for debate is that the past year was Push Square’s best ever, and as the site approaches its tenth...

  • Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    Wait, is this thing on? So wait, we keep the servers online even though no one’s actually here? What do you mean people are reading this article – aren’t you supposed to be squabbling with family members over pigs in blankets? Oh right, you wanted to read the latest Game of the Year entry – well, you’ll...

  • Site News Push Square Readers Vote for Game of the Year

    Playing favourites

    Push Square’s official Game of the Year has been decided, but you won’t see the editorial team's top ten until later in the month – we’ve got to keep the articles churning through the slow Christmas period, after all. That said, if you want some Game of the Year action right now, then our readers are voting on their...

  • Site News Would You Kindly Complete Our Readership Survey?

    You'll get a Banoffee biscuit for your troubles

    Maybe it’s just us, but we’ve always derived a perverse kind of pleasure from completing readership surveys. You could say we’re doing you a favour by presenting you with about a billion different questions about your experience on Push Square, then. While we’re pretty much already the best...

  • Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    Oh, hello! What are you doing reading Push Square when you should be squabbling with family members and quaffing mince pies? You wanted to see the next entry in our Game of the Year countdown? Fair enough. Well, while you’re here, why don’t you pop off your party hat and indulge us for a minute or two? Merry...

  • Site News Push Square Forum Members Seek Game of the Year

    Help make the decision now

    The annual Game of the Year bonanza is now underway in the Push Square forums, with our resident points tallying pro themcnoisy working to determine our community’s favourite PlayStation release of 2017. There are no shortage of contenders this year, with Persona 5, Horizon: Zero Dawn,

  • Site News We Need You to Complete Our Readership Survey

    There's a Jammie Dodger in it for you

    Anyone else derive a perverse kind of pleasure from filling in surveys? Good news, then – it's that time of the year yet again where we thrust a questionnaire in front of your bemused faces and beg you to fill it in. Pretty please? With a cherry on top? Seriously, though, this survey comes from our...

  • Site News You Can Now View Push Square's Content as a Timeline


    Earlier this year we launched our new Push Square layout and we couldn't be happier with it. One of our goals was to better spotlight the breadth of content that we create every single day, without it obstructing general news consumption – and we reckon that we've done an excellent job. However, some regular readers commented that you'd...

  • Site News Welcome to the New Push Square

    Fresh start

    Do you like what we've done to the place? Phwoar, it's pretty bloody spiffing, isn't it? For the past year we've quietly embarked on a Nathan Drake-esque adventure in search of the perfect Push Square facelift. We loved the previous layout just as much as you do, but the simple fact is that we outgrew it; we create such a variety of...

  • Round Up Push Square's Top Ten PlayStation Games of 2016

    Cream of the crop

    And there we have it: Game of the Year 2016 is done and dusted. As is the case every year, we pulled our entire team together to determine our top PlayStation title of the past 12 months, and while everyone had their own personal favourites, we settled upon a Top Ten that reflects the sentiment of every single one of our staffers...

  • Feature We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas

    'Tis the season, after all

    Psst. Take off your party hat, put down your Christmas cracker, and fall away from your family for a second: we've got something to say. It won't take long, it's only a couple of words. Ready? Happy Holidays! Yeah, that was it really. To be brutally honest, this year's passed in a flash, so it only feels like a few weeks...

  • Site News Push Square's Game of the Year Coverage Is Underway

    Here's what you can expect

    Good ol' Game of the Year: the perfect excuse to pad out a slow period of news with pre-written articles while we stuff our faces with turkey sandwiches and all attempt to earn the Platinum Trophy in Final Fantasy XV. You may have noticed already, but our coverage is already underway, though things properly get started...

  • Site News Would You Kindly Take Our Survey?

    Be a bae

    Look, we're know that you're busy trying to finish The Witness, but can you forget about line puzzles for five minutes, please? Our not-so intimidating overlords at Gamer Network have concocted a right stonker of a survey, and kindly asked us to gently nudge it in your general direction. We really, really need your help with this, because...

  • Feature Here's to an Amazing 2016 on Push Square

    Level up

    If you'd have told me 12 months ago that The Last Guardian, Shenmue III, and Final Fantasy VII Remake would be real, I wouldn't have believed you. It's been a roller coaster 2015 for PlayStation fans – and that's without even mentioning Hideo Kojima's decision to partner with Sony on a new PlayStation 4 exclusive. But while the manufactur

  • Feature We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas

    For the festivities

    I write this on a dark and dreary Wednesday evening ten or so days before Christmas. The build-up to the festive period is always stressful here at Push Square: personal business is complemented by frantic holiday writing, as we attempt to get our Game of the Year coverage in order and tie up any loose ends before we take a day...

  • Site News Our Game of the Year Coverage Starts Today

    The final countdown

    Spoilers: we picked our Game of the Year winner a couple of weeks ago. Since then, the Push Square team has been frantically writing articles in order to keep you occupied over the holidays. This year's, er, end of year coverage is going to be our best ever, with a number of our authors sharing their personal Top Five titles of...

  • Community Final Fantasy VII Voted Push Square Readers' Greatest Ever Game

    Cloud nine

    We, along with the rest of the Push Square community, were screaming like little girls when Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced for the PlayStation 4 during Sony's jaw-dropping E3 2015 press conference. It's fitting, then, that little over two months later, the original PSone version of Final Fantasy VII has been voted as Push Square's...

  • Site News Our PlayStation E3 2015 Coverage Starts Now

    Are you red E?

    Buckle up everyone, because E3 2015 is just around the corner. The biggest event in gaming comes around but once a year, and over the course of about a week, we're bombarded with news, release dates, announcements, and trailers from just about every publisher under the sun. For us here at Push Square, it's a time that we both relish...

  • Site News Hideo Kojima Joins the Push Square Team

    Metal Gear developer to move into video game journalism

    Loughborough, England – Push Square, the internationally recognised PlayStation publication operated by Nlife Ltd, has today announced that video game visionary Hideo Kojima will be joining its editorial team as a reviewer. Mr. Kojima is perhaps best known for his work on the critically...

  • Feature We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas

    Play another day

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – which is handy, because when you read this, the big day will have arrived. Before you get back to peeling potatoes and opening presents, though, we just wanted to take advantage of the season to leave you a message thanking you for all of your support in 2014. Push Square continues...

  • News We'd Just Like to Wish You All a Very Merry Christmas

    Play another day

    The carpet of discarded wrapping paper beneath your feet and the ill-fitting party hat atop your head suggests that your Christmas is well underway. As we write this a few hours before the big day, we’ve got our fingers crossed that everything goes to plan for you and your families. However, before you get back to your roast...

  • News We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Rockin' around the PS3

    It’s only been Christmas for a few hours, but we suspect you’ve already witnessed a ferocious family feud over the dinner table. How do we know? Well, because it’s much the same scenario in our neck of the woods too. We never imagined that spilled gravy would lead to the equivalent of World War III. Still, while the...

  • News The Push Square Forums are Now Open!

    Come say hello

    We've just opened our forums so you can jump into discussion about which Vita game you're most looking forward to, whether Final Fantasy VIII is better than Final Fantasy IX or share your PSN ID, the Push Square forums are the ideal place to do it. We have an official introductions topic for you to tell us a little bit more about...

  • News Introducing the Push Square Team

    Meet your new friends

    Whether you're a long-time Push Square reader or this is your first visit to our corner of the web, we want you to come meet a few people. We've assembled a stellar team to provide you with top notch PlayStation content, from news and reviews to features and interviews for years to come. Let's get introduced. Editorial: James...

  • Feature Push Square's PlayStation Predictions For 2012

    It's 2012; the future is upon us

    You didn't notice? Seriously, stop reading this article right now and find your nearest window — don't worry, we'll wait. Good, you're back. Did you notice the flying cars and newly built steel sky-scrapers on the horizon? Yeah, exactly. The future, huh? Unfortunately the future isn't quite as exciting as late 70s...

  • Feature PlayStation At GamesCom 2011: The PushSquare Round-Up


    Thus concludes another bonkers day in PlayStation land, and we're sure the announcements won't stop coming as GamesCom fever takes hold over the course of the week. Sony's GamesCom press conference was, all told, a fairly muted affair with not an enormous number of huge announcements to shout about. But despite the lack of mind-shattering...

  • News PushSquare Service Announcement: Sony & EA GamesCom 2011 Press Conferences Today

    Despite the anticipation being nowhere near E3, we always enjoy the muted build-up to the GamesCom press conferences

    You're never going to see a megaton announcement at GamesCom, but because the anticipation is lower, those muted surprises are all the more impactful. The PlayStation 3 Slim announcement in 2009 was huge, and we'll never forget the...

  • E3 2011 Remember To Follow Us On Twitter For Full Reaction To Sony's E3 Press Conference

    Just a heads-up: remember to follow us on Twitter for our moment-to-moment reaction of everything announced during Sony's press conference

    The show is set to start shortly, and you can catch a live-stream of the entire event through here. We're as much a part of the PlayStation community as you guys, so we want to be there with you for every shock,...