Tag: Sam & Max The Devils Playhouse
News American PlayStation Store Updates: 31st August 2010
Price Updates Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Sale (now $7
49, original price $9.99) Digger HD Sale (now $5.99, original price $9.99) Mushroom Wars Sale (now $5.99, original price $9.99) Worms Sale (now $6.49, original price $12.99) Sam And Max The Devil's Playhouse Full Season Sale (now $19.99, original price $29.99)...
News Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Season Finale Drops Next Week
Hit the road
The finale for Sam & Max's third season, The Devil's Playhouse, is scheduled to hit the PlayStation Network next week. The final episode, The City That Dares Not Sleep, sees a gigantic, monster version of Max trounce New York City to the ground. Subscribers will be able to grab it from August 31st.
News European PlayStation Plus Content Detailed For August & September
Check it out
Sony's revealed the content that PlayStation Plus subscribers can expect in the months of August and September. Aswell as teasing some "exclusive" treats, subscribers will snatch copies of Zen Pinball, Medievil, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and the entire season of Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse. Of course, a further selection of DLC...
News American PlayStation Store Updates: 22nd June 2010
Sales Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Add On Bundle Sale (now $6
49, original price $12.99) Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing DLC 2 Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone Track Sale (now $5.49, original price $7.99) Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Ryo with Forklift Character Sale (now $3.49, original price $4.99) Sonic The...
News PushSquare's PlayStation Picks: 21st-27th June 2010
Whaddup PushSquare-erm-ers
Gah, I vouch never to use the term "PushSquarers" ever again. D'oh, already broken my vow haven't I? Oh well, whatever. There's a ton to make up for our dishonesty this week - E3 is out of the way and video games are releasing again. Lots of them, actually. PushSquare's Pick Of The Week: Transformers: War For Cybertron...
News European Playstation Store Updates: 26th May 2010
Special Offers Until June 9: Wakeboarding HD (was £11
99/14.99 now £6.29/7.99) Numblast (was £3.99/4.99 now £2.39/2.99) Magic Orbz Bundle Pack (was £9.99/12.99 now £5.19/6.49) Magic Orbz Booster Pack (was £2.39/2.99 now £1.19/1.49) Magic Orbz Winter Pack (was £2.39/2.99 now ...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 18th May 2010
Pricing update and bundles Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix ($7
49; reg. $14.99). Offer good through Monday, 5/24. Joust Permanent Price Drop (now $1.99, original price $4.99) *Offer good through Monday, 6/1 Championship Sprint Permanent Price Drop (now $1.99, original price $4.99) *Offer good through Monday, 6/1</ul>Downloadable...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 15th March 2010
Price Updates Wipeout HD Sale (now $9
99, original price $19.99) Tank Battles Sale (now $4.99, original price $6.99) TV Show King Sale (now $4.99, original price $6.99) UNO Sale (now $4.99, original price $7.99)</ul>Downloadable Games Final Fight: Double Impact ($9.99) Sam and Max Episode 1: The Penal Zone PSone Classics XS Junior...
News European Playstation Store Updates: 15th April 2010
Special Offers Until April 29: Gravity Crash (was £6
29/7.99 now £3.99/4.99) Prince of Persia Classic (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99) Thexder Neo (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99) Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X US Eagles Pack (was £3.99/4.99 now £2.39/2.99) Shaun White's Snowboarding Hard Pack (was...
We hope you've got your subscription in
Sam & Max finally kick off Season 3 of their episodic adventures this week, with the "Penal Zone" finally hitting the Playstation 3. If you're still not totally convinced about hitting that "Subscribe" button on the Playstation Store - which grants you access to each monthly episode of...
News PushSquare's Playstation Picks: 12-18th April 2010
Here's what's coming to PS3 this week
After the big news regarding Activision, EA and Infinity Ward's sacked duo, you might be seeking a little rest and relaxation to calm down. PushSquare's Playstation Pick Of The Week: Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City It's been out on the XBOX 360 for what seems like an eternity, but Microsoft's...
News American Playstation Store Updates: 18th March 2010
Price Updates 1942 Joint Strike Sale (now $4
99, original price $9.99)</ul> Downloadable Games Groovin Blocks ($9.99) Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Pre-order ($29.99) The Tester The Tester Episode 5 PSone Classics One ($5.99) Jigsaw Madness ($5.99) Game Demos Brain Challenge Trail Add-on Content Aliens Vs. Predator Multiplayer...
News Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Rated By The ESRB, Coming To PS3
An ESRB rating for Telltale's Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse on PS3 has hit the Internet according to VG247. Even more mysteriously, the listing has since been removed. It would be the first time a Sam & Max title hit the PS3, and will likely be distributed via the PSN, like the past two seasons which were put on XBOX Live Arcade...