Tag: Shadow of The Colossus
News A Decade Later, Director Says Shadow of the Colossus Film Still Happening
Running up that hill
The first whispers of a film adaptation of the already cinematic Shadow of the Colossus began in 2010. After several creative reshuffles, The Flash director Andrés Muschietti was hired in 2014. Over a decade later, Muschietti claims it's still happening. Speaking on Radio TU's program
Guide Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Boss Guide - How to Find and Kill All 16 Colossi
A full walkthrough of how to beat Shadow of the Colossus' foes
How do you find and kill all 16 Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus on the PS4? They are the beating heart of Bluepoint's brilliant remake, and in this boss guide we’re not only going to help you to find all 16 Colossi, but we’re also going to share some strategies on how you can beat...
Review Shadow of the Colossus - A Masterful Remake of an All-Time PlayStation Classic
World Wander
Republished on Wednesday 26th February 2020: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of March's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. It’s fitting that one of the greatest games of all time should be graced with one of the best remakes of all time. For some years now the Texas-based...
News Bluepoint Games Explains How It Remade Shadow of the Colossus
Audio Logs
Gamespot has been quietly releasing a new video series called Audio Logs, which brings the developers behind our favourite games to the forefront to explain the mechanics and features behind them. The latest episode takes a deep dive into 2018's Shadow of the Colossus as Bluepoint Games explains how it remade the Famito Ueda masterpiece...
Game of the Year 2018 #8 - Shadow of the Colossus
They call me the wanderer
The odds are that if you have a conversation about the merits of video games as an art form, someone is going to bring up Shadow of the Colossus. Team ICO’s 2005 masterpiece is no stranger to re-releases, having been ported to the PlayStation 3 in an impressive package in 2011, but this time things were different. Rather...
News Shadow of the Colossus Vinyl Soundtrack Revealed
Plus, an interview with the composer
Team ICO's Shadow of the Colossus has one of PlayStation's greatest soundtracks. The music is as much a part of the experience as anything else; the soaring, heroic music that plays as you grip a colossus' fur for dear life just makes the game that much more memorable. It was only a matter of time before...
Hands On Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Looks Outrageous on PS4 Pro
On par with PS4's best
That Shadow of the Colossus, a game that originally released in 2005, can be mistaken for a current-gen game is testament to the outstanding work that Bluepoint’s done on this PlayStation 4 remake. This is a complete rebuild of Fumito Ueda’s seminal boss rush release, and while it maintains the ethereal feel of the...
News Oh Boy, Shadow of the Colossus Has a Photo Mode on PS4
And it looks fantastic
Shadow of the Colossus looks bloody gorgeous on PlayStation 4, remade from the ground up. The system's share button was made for games like this, but as titles like Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Assassin's Creed Origins have shown us, it's even better when you're able to completely pause the...
News What Happens When You Show Shadow of the Colossus to a Kid?
Exactly what you'd expect
Shadow of the Colossus is one of the few games we wished we could play for the first time again. We’re a little bit jealous, then, of anyone who’s going to go into the upcoming PlayStation 4 remake having never sampled Fumito Ueda’s opus before. That includes the son of Bluepoint’s art director, who is the subject...
PSX 2017 Shadow of the Colossus Looks Outrageous on PS4 Pro
Wander of the world
Remember earlier in the year when we previewed Shadow of the Colossus’ upcoming PlayStation 4 remake and noted that it looks just as good as any current-gen release? Well here’s the proof. Sony’s gone live with a new PlayStation Underground video showing off the title in all of its spangly new glory, and we’re sur
PSX 2017 Shadow of the Colossus Has a 60FPS Performance Mode on PS4 Pro
If you prefer
The port masters over at Bluepoint Games have revealed that Shadow of the Colossus will feature two different modes on PlayStation 4 Pro: Performance mode and Cinematic mode. Cinematic mode, as you can probably imagine, bumps the game's resolution up -- supporting 4K -- while keeping the frame rate capped at 30 frames per second...
News Bluepoint Commentates Shadow of the Colossus Remake's Intro
Return to the forgotten lands
Bluepoint is remaking Shadow of the Colossus from scratch, and in this video a trio of the studio’s top dogs commentate on the intro to explain the kind of work that’s been done. In the clip, the developers touch upon the addition of new physics, the improvements to the lighting, and the overall enhancement of...
Hands On Shadow of the Colossus, One of the All-Time Gaming Greats, Stuns on PS4
Resplendent remake breathes new life into hall of famer
Between the likes of the God of War Collection and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, developer Bluepoint’s rightly earned the reputation of being the masters of remasters. But with Shadow of the Colossus’ impending PlayStation 4 remake it’s taking its work to an extraordinary new...
News Shadow of the Colossus PS4 and PS2 Comparisons Show Stark Changes
Different temperature
Shadow of the Colossus comfortably sits in the Push Square Towers Hall of Fame – it’s, without a doubt, one of the greatest games ever made. So the fact that it’s being remade for the PlayStation 4 by conversion kings Bluepoint is exciting. However, the office is divided over whether this all-new version has lost some of...
PGW 2017 Shadow of the Colossus Catches a Confirmed PS4 Release Date
Big and beautiful
The good news just keeps coming: Shadow of the Colossus has a confirmed release date. We're not sure why it wasn't mentioned during Sony's Paris Games Week 2017 press conference, but we'll take it. The remake it due to launch on the 6th February for PlayStation 4, adding to an already packed first few months for the system. ...
PGW 2017 Shadow of the Colossus Remake Looks Incredible on PS4
A colossal improvement
Hey, Bluepoint Games really knows what it's doing. Sony showed off Shadow of the Colossus at its Paris Games Week press conference -- the studio's latest porting project -- and it looks fantastic on PlayStation 4. You can get a good eyeful of this remade classic in the gameplay trailer we've embedded above. We'll admit, we...
TGS 2017 Shadow of the Colossus Stuns with New PS4 Trailer
A masterpiece
Here’s a longer look at Shadow of the Colossus on the PlayStation 4. In case you somehow missed the news at E3 2017, then remaster specialist Bluepoint is remaking Team ICO’s classic for Sony’s current console – and here’s a longer look at all of the morally testing titan slaughtering in all of its glory. A masterpiece.
News Fumito Ueda Has Proposed Changes for Shadow of the Colossus' Remake
But he doesn't know if they'll be used
Industry legend and Shadow of the Colossus creator Fumito Ueda has proposed improvements for the game’s PlayStation 4 remake. While the auteur wouldn’t reveal what those suggestions include – he doesn’t want to let people down if they don’t make it into the final product – he apparently does feel...
News Spider-Man Seemingly Launching in First Half of 2018
God of War and Shadow of the Colossus, too
We’ve told you time and time again that Sony’s moving away from the holidays for tentpole exclusive releases, but even after the dizzying first-party PlayStation 4 lineup in the first half of this year, still people doubt the tactic. Well, it looks like it’s going to be repeating it in 2018, because...
E3 2017 Shadow of the Colossus Is a PS4 Remake, Not a Remaster
A classic reborn
After some confusion, Sony has now confirmed that Shadow of the Colossus is being remade for the PlayStation 4 – and not remastered. Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida confirmed the tidbit in an interview with Famitsu magazine, as translated by Siliconera: “It is a remake,” he said. “The game content is the same as...
E3 2017 Shadow of the Colossus Being Rebuilt for PS4
Agro! AGRO!
Is it a remaster or a remake? We’re still not entirely sure, but having watched the trailer about a dozen times now, we reckon Shadow of the Colossus probably falls into the latter camp. There’s been some confusion over these two terms of late, hasn’t there? Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is billed as a remaster, but in essence...
E3 2017 Shadow of the Colossus Remake On The Horizon
Kind of a colossal deal
We reported earlier today that several trademarks were filed by Sony, including a curious renewal for Shadow of the Colossus. Well, it seems as though this giant rumour has turned into a giant reality, since the masters of remastering, Bluepoint Games, are authoring a remake of the beloved 3D platforming adventure by...
Feature Push Square's Most Anticipated PlayStation Games Of Holiday 2011: #5 - Team ICO Collection
Look: we get it
You've spent the past few years learning about how pivotal the Team ICO titles are, but you've never actually experienced them for yourself. You've looked on eBay, but the original PS2 titles fetch a packet. You've all but given up. Thankfully HD remasters do serve a purpose after all. With Sony readying a bundle of both ICO and...
Rumour Team Ico Collection To Launch In Q1, 2011
We'll see
Blimey, hot on the heels of VG247's Team Ico Collection rumour this morning, our buddies at TheSixthAxis have followed up with an even more specific tease: they reckon the touted HD re-release of PS2 classics Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus will hit PS3 next year. In Q1 if you want specifics. Again, there's not much else that we can say...
Rumour Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus Getting HD Blu-Ray Re-Release
We tried to buy a copy of both Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus from eBay not too long ago
At £70 we were outbid. Damn those games for being so rare and so sought after. Which is why, ahead of Team Ico's upcoming PS3 exclusive The Last Guardian, it would be lovely to get an HD re-release of the classic PS2 titles. That's exactly what's being rumoured...
News Worry Not, Shadow Of The Colossus Is Still Going To Be A Real Movie
Honestly, what could you want more than a Shadow Of The Colossus film? Oh, you don't want a Shadow Of The Colossus film - well tough luck
According to a report in the LATimes, it's absolutely still happening. The story emerged out of an interview with the movie's screenwriter Justin Marks, the same dude that did the terrible Kristin Kreuk Street...
News Look, It's An Amazing Shadow Of The Colossus Munny
We didn't know what a Munny was until we asked Wikipedia
If you're still none the wiser, check this beast out. It is of course an ornamental recreation of Shadow Of The Colossus, a legendary Playstation 2 game from the amazing Team Ico. You can get some more details on how the model was made here. You like? You want? Of course you do.