Tag: Sodiumtwo

  • News PlayStation Home Bumped Up To Version 1.50 Today

    Sony's confirmed that PlayStation Home will be updated to version 1

    50 today. The update, which was announced at GDC, enhances Home's engine to aid developers in creating high-performance games for the virtual world. The big example of Home 1.50's new features, SodiumTwo, is not quite ready yet, but Sony is releasing a new Sodium themed personal...

  • News Nobody Told Us SodiumTwo Is Essentially Wipeout

    As part of GDC this week, Sony took to the stage to announce a new milestone update for PlayStation Home

    Version 1.50 brings with it a suite of new technology that's set to bring Sony's virtal home closer to the reality we've been dreaming of for some time — a real gaming portal. At present the best experience you can have in Home is by navigating...