Tag: Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1
News Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 To Boast New Graphics, Remastered Physics
"Something about Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is just not right," read our review of SEGA's nostalgic reboot last year
While we praised SEGA's intentions to return to Sonic's roots with the episodic Sonic The Hedgehog 4 series, we felt a little letdown by the first episode. It sure looked and sounded like a classic Sonic title, but it didn't feel...
News SEGA: New Sonic 4 Episode Information Incoming
Remember Sonic The Hedgehog 4?
SEGA's cannon storyline continuation was touted as an episodic series, but since the release of Episode 1 last year, the Japanese publisher's gone dark — opting to promote upcoming PlayStation 3 title Sonic Generations instead. The series is clearly not dead however, as SEGA West gaffer Mike Hayes has told VG247 to...
News There's Probably Going To Be A Sonic 4: Episode 2 At Some Point Soon
Remember Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1? Vaguely, right? The downloadable main-line Sonic adventure was good, but not good enough
For SEGA though, it was a big success. Despite the wonky physics and forgettable level design, SEGA made a ton of money off the noscon, and it's looking to get feedback for a follow-up. According to comments made by...
News Fans Release Amazing Sonic The Hedgehog Project
Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 was pretty good
But there's a sense that it could have been better. We're not saying the personal project of Phelikan13 and Mercury is better than Sonic 4, but it definitely gives the SEGA-created title a run for its money. Sonic Fan Remix, which is available to download through here, recreates three acts from Emerald...
News European PlayStation Store Updates: 13th October 2010
PlayStation Plus Full Game Trial — Hustle Kings Game Add-ons — Fallout 3 Packs Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta and Operation Anchorage Theme — Killzone 3 Beta (goes live at 8pm in the UK, 9pm CET and 6am tomorrow in Sydney, Australia) Special Offers Until October 27: Topatoi: The Great Tree Story (was £4. 79/5.99 now ...
News American PlayStation Store Updates: 12th October 2010
Price Updates Fighting Force Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $2
99, original price $5.99) Resident Evil 5: Untold Stories Bundle Sale (PS3) (now $5.99, original price $12.49) Blue Toad Murder Files Episodes 4-6 Bundle Pack Sale (PS3) (now $7.49, original price $14.99) Astro Tripper Sale (PS3) (now $2.99, original price $4.99) Section 8 ...