Tag: Upcoming Releases
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in October 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in October 2019
What new PS4 games are releasing in October 2019? This is a gargantuan window for the PlayStation 4, so you can kiss goodbye to your social life. Headline titles include Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, Concrete Genie, MediEvil, and The Outer Worlds – but spare a thought for the likes of Afterparty,...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in September 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in September 2019
What new PS4 games are releasing in September 2019? It's a huge month for new PlayStation 4 release dates, with Borderlands 3 and FIFA 20 among the heavy hitters. Other noteworthy titles include Greedfall, NBA 2K20, and The Surge 2. New PS4 Games Releasing in September 2019:...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in July 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in July 2019
What new PS4 games are releasing in July 2019? We're deep into the summer now, so highlights are few and far between. The biggest games due this month are the two Wolfenstein spin-offs, but spare a thought for a Dragon Quest Builders 2, too. New PS4 Games Releasing in July 2019:...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in June 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in June 2019
What new PS4 games are releasing in June 2019? E3 2019 is all but here, so it's unquestionably a quiet month for PlayStation 4. There's no doubt that the highlight this time is Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled, which we expect to be a huge summer smash. Other titles worthy of attention include...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in May 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in May 2019
What new PS4 games are releasing in May 2019? With E3 2019 around the corner, it's definitely a quieter month for the PlayStation 4, although PlayStation VR will be the kind recipient of some big new titles – including Blood & Truth and Everybody's Golf VR. Elsewhere, highlights include...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in April 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in April 2019
What new PS4 games are releasing in April 2019? It’s a slightly quieter month on the PlayStation 4 this time, but there are two big titles waiting at the end of it: Days Gone and Mortal Kombat 11. The former is the next big exclusive from Sony, while the latter practically guarantees a good...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in March 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in March 2019
What new PS4 games are releasing in March 2019? The end of the fiscal year always brings about a slew of big new releases, and this year is no different. Between the likes of The Division 2, Devil May Cry 5, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice there's lots to look forward to this month, but also pay...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in February 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in February 2019
What new PS4 games are releasing in February 2019? The first month of the year is all but over, and what an eventful curtain raiser it was. And there's no sign of the release calendar slowing in Feb, as the schedule is stacked with massive new PlayStation 4 titles like ANTHEM, Far Cry: New...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in January 2019
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in January 2019
There’s no rest for the wicked, as January 2019’s new PS4 games include major releases like Resident Evil 2, Kingdom Hearts III, and Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. It’s a great start to the New Year, and when you factor in the release dates for remasters Onimusha: Warlords and Tales of...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in November 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in November 2018
Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now, but don’t think the PlayStation 4 release schedule’s going to give you time to work through Rockstar’s epic. Things pick up as quickly as next week with the bizarre FMV curio The Quiet Man, and then it’s full steam ahead on Hitman 2, Fallout 76, and...
Feature The Promising PS4 Games of November 2018
Spyro, Hitman, Fallout, and more
October has been a gruelling month for us here at Push Square, but the release schedule is finally slowing down as we head into November. The penultimate month of 2018 isn't exactly quiet, however, as there are still several big games coming our way over the next 30 days. Without further ado, let's take a look at...
Feature The Promising PS4 Games of October 2018
This is the one
Oh god, it's here. The big one. For real this time. October looks set to be the biggest month of the year for blockbuster titles. At this point you probably don't even need reminding, but we're going to go ahead and do our monthly Promising PS4 Games feature anyway. It's time to pray for your wallets as well as your free time...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in October 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in October 2018
What new PS4 games are coming out in October 2018? Perhaps a better question would be: what isn't releasing on the PlayStation 4 next month? There's no doubt that the biggest new title is Red Dead Redemption 2, but there's also Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, SoulCalibur VI, and Assassin's Creed...
Feature The Promising PS4 Games of September 2018
It begins
Here it is, the big one. Well, one of the big ones. September is jam-packed with PlayStation 4 goodness, and it would have been even more insane had Spyro: Reignited Trilogy not been delayed into November. Still, this is where the real end-of-year rush begins. From here on out, it's a ridiculous few months for fans of Sony's...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in September 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in September 2018
What new PS4 games are coming out in September 2018? Well, your break from the heavy hitters is officially over, as things get crazy from here on out. Marvel’s Spider-Man is without a doubt the biggest new release of the month, but there are several others we could have highlighted here:...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in August 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in August 2018
What new PS4 games are coming out in August 2018? We're finally on the other side of the summer drought, and the release calendar is looking seriously stacked as a result. Try not to panic just yet, though, because this is the calm before the storm – you should see the state of September...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in July 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in July 2018
What new PS4 games are coming out in July 2018? Well, the sun’s shining and there are SEGA skies outside. This means that the games industry is on a little bit of a break in the wake of E3 2018, and there aren’t a whole lot of new releases to look forward. Perhaps the highest profile new...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in June 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in June 2018
What new PS4 games are coming out in June 2018? With the gaming industry turning its attention to E3 2018, this is typically a fallow period for PlayStation software – but that’s actually not accurate this year. New releases include gothic role-playing game Vampyr, Nintendo Switch port Super...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in May 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in May 2018
What new PS4 games are releasing in May 2018? This is a stronger month than April 2018, with a lot of lower profile titles all set to release before the E3 2018 rush. Among the highlights are Quantic Dream’s anticipated Detroit: Become Human, as well as Dark Souls Remastered and Tennis World...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in April 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in April 2018
What new PS4 games are releasing in April 2018? With the chaos of March out of the way, we’ve compiled a list of all PlayStation 4 release dates around the corner. This isn’t a particularly hectic month, but it is host to some heavy hitters – namely a little game called God of War. ...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in March 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in March 2018
What new PS4 games are releasing in March 2018? We’ve compiled all of the PlayStation 4 release dates for what’s shaping up to be a massive month for Sony’s flagship format. The heavy hitters this time include Far Cry 5 and Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, but there are also a fair few...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in February 2018
Every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in Feb 2018
What new PS4 games will release in February 2018? We’ve got all the dates and all of the intel on what is shaping up to be a pretty big month for the PlayStation 4 yet again. The highlights this time include Sony’s anticipated Shadow of the Colossus remake, as well as Owlboy, Metal Gear...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in January 2018
All upcoming PlayStation 4 release dates
Ready to go again? We bet you're wondering what new PS4 games are scheduled to launch in January 2018, aren't you? We bring good news, because we've compiled all of the upcoming PlayStation 4 release dates for your perusal below. It's a huge start to the year to be honest, with the likes of Monster...
Guide New PS4 Games in December 2017
All upcoming PlayStation 4 release dates
That’s it, then – all of the new PS4 games are out. Or are they? Publishers tend to stuff October and November with software, attempting to extract all of your spare cash ahead of the holidays. However, there are always a handful of stragglers in December, and this month there are actually more releases...
Guide New PS4 Games Releasing in 2017
Upcoming PlayStation 4 games release dates
Looking for new PS4 games release dates? Then we've got you covered with an exhaustive list of every PlayStation 4 game scheduled to release in 2017. You'll find every confirmed release date from the end of October and beyond, alongside some tentative ones, and we'll be working to update this regularly so...
Guide New PS4 Games in November 2017
All the upcoming PlayStation 4 release dates
There’s no better month for new PS4 games than November 2017 – after all, the final few weeks before the holidays bring more blockbusters than any other period in the year. This term there’s lots to look forward to on the PlayStation 4, including (but not limited to) Call of Duty: WWII, Sonic...
News Namco Turns the Pages on New Tales of Xillia Features
Say hello to another PS3 exclusive
Last July we heard that the next entry in the popular Japanese RPG series Tales of Xillia would be travelling to the West in 2013. While Namco Bandai has not yet provided us with an exact release date, they have instead detailed some of the game's new features, promising a great deal of character immersion and...
News Watch_Dogs Announced as a PS4 Launch Title
PS4 version to "push the boundaries of what was previously thought possible"
One of the major publishers to appear in support of PlayStation 4 for the console's big arrival was Ubisoft, a company that's been an ever-present on PS3. The announcement wasn't necessarily a surprise, with E3 2012 showstopper Watch_Dogs being revealed as a launch title...
News Killzone Trilogy Confirmed for 23rd October
Lots of bang for your buck
Sony and other publishers have brought a fair share of trilogies, HD remasters and combo-packs to PS3. Announced today by Guerilla Games is one of the best we've seen, however, with Killzone Trilogy confirmed for release on 23rd October in North America, and just a day later on 24th October in Europe. As the title...
News Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Announced by Ubisoft
Back to duelling in the Wild West
After a rather mixed reaction to its attempts to take the action to modern times in Call of Juarez: The Cartel, Ubisoft has announced that the series will return to the Wild West for more gun-slinging action. In fact, it's titled Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, in order to avoid any confusion. Your role in the latest...
News Assassin's Creed 3 Development Was a "Rare Opportunity"
Last of the triple-A "dinosaurs"
Assassin's Creed III on PS3 is one of the triple-A titles heading to the system this Holiday season, alongside a certain Activision behemoth, of course. It's undoubtedly a big budget title, with a lengthy development period and a big team from across Ubisoft's various studios. Yet, as new hardware emerges in the next...
News New Resident Evil 6 Demo Shuffling Out 18th September
Itchy taster
Not seen enough of Resident Evil 6 before release yet? Then you'll be pleased to hear that there's a brand new demo coming to the PlayStation Store on 18th September. The trial will give you a little taste of each of the game's three main campaigns, and each level can be played in either single player or online co-op. You'll be able to...
News Ratchet: Deadlocked Breaking Out in PSN Re-Release
Hitting PS3 this year
The Ratchet & Clank series is in the middle of its 10 year anniversary celebrations, which has already prompted HD re-release goodness with Ratchet & Clank Collection. Fans of the series will no doubt be pleased to hear that there's more on the way, with Ratchet Deadlocked — known as Ratchet: Gladiator in PAL regions...
News Stolen Copies of Resident Evil 6 Are Infecting Poland Early
Capcom confirms reports
Recently we brought you the news that retailers had released Resident Evil 6 early in Poland. Beyond the immediate feeling of being jealous, we did wonder how a retailer had sold a game a whole month ahead of its release day. It's simple, the copies are hot, and we don't mean that in a good way. Capcom has provided a...
News NiGHTS and Sonic Adventure 2 Go HD in October
Sweet dreams
SEGA classics NiGHTS into Dreams and Sonic Adventure 2 are escaping the confines of standard definition and jumping onto PlayStation Network in fabulous HD next month. Under the SEGA Heritage label, the duo will be revitalised alongside Jet Set Radio, which is skating its way onto the PlayStation Store in September. We don't hav
News Don't Mix Up Project Ogre and Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Two different beasts
Project Ogre and the recently revealed Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes are two entirely different projects — and don't let Hideo Kojima hear you say otherwise. Metal Gear's main man huffed on Twitter that he was "sick and tired" of people asking if the games are one and the same during PAX Prime. We gues
News Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 Regroups as a New IP
Change of command
We hope you've not been anticipating the next Brothers in Arms game too much — the title once known as Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 will now be released as a new IP separate to the series. At PAX Prime, Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford told attendees of his Inside Gearbox Software panel that the game, originally...
News Wonderbook is Sony's Big Christmas Focus
Sony are hoping that its exclusive Harry Potter spin-off Wonderbook: Book of Spells will cast some serious magic over the holiday season — so much so that it's been pegged internally as PlayStation 3's big Christmas seller. In an interview with MCV, Sony Computer Entertainment UK boss Fergal Gara held Wonderbook up as one of the most...
News Mystery Dungeon Shiren 4 Wanders onto PSP
What a rogue
Chunsoft's roguelike dungeon RPG Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer 4 is making the trip over to PSP in Japan this October. The game originally came out on Nintendo DS a couple of years ago, but now it's coming over to Sony's handheld as Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer 4+. That all-important extra symbol is for the three new...
Interview Vigil Games - Darksiders II
Straight from the Horseman's mouth
Darksiders II is mounting up to charge onto PlayStation 3 next month. Before the Horsemen are upon us once more, Push Square caught up with Vigil Games' Haydn Dalton, lead designer on the game, at Manchester MCM Expo to speak about Darksiders II's new systems, how new character Death differs to War and the...
News Three New Gameplay Videos for Resident Evil 6
Survive the all new C-Virus
Capcom are fighting back the upcoming zombie apocalypse with three new gameplay videos of Resident Evil 6, featuring Leon, Helena, Chris, Jake and Sherry. Please be aware, that the following videos contain bad language and scenes of gory zombie-infested violence. Just like any Resident Evil video should. The first video...
News Dead Space 3 Has Co-Op to Help With Scares
'The horror of Dead Space is still all there'
When Dead Space 3 was revealed at this year's E3, anguished cries from series fans could be read around the internet. The trailer shown was certain action-intensive, suggesting that the latest entry was shifting away from creepy horror and towards more traditional third-person shooter territory. EA is...
News Campaign Launched to Enhance The Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Special Edition
Could it be magic?
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a JRPG from Level-5 and Studio Ghibli that, for those aware of the project, is undoubtedly one to watch. In fact, in our Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch preview we said that its 'beautiful art style, empowering soundtrack and colourful overworld make it one of the most exciting...
News EA Canada Gets to Work on EA Sports UFC
Fight club
EA Canada, known for its work on the Fight Night series, will be behind EA Sports' new licensed UFC game. It's provisionally known as EA Sports UFC. A new 'Fighting Team' has also been created at EA because of the UFC licence acquisition. Fight Night Round 3 and Fight Night Champion gameplay design lead Brian Hayes has taken up the role...
News Go Behind the Scenes with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Behind developer lines
Treyarch has pulled back the curtain on some of its Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 experiences, including working with Hollywood writers and big name musicians. Predictably, there's high praise a-plenty. Screenwriter David S. Goyer, who worked on Batman Begins and Blade, is involved in writing Black Ops 2's story. Goyer describes...
News Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Officially Announced
Gangsta's paradise
A Yakuza HD collection was outed recently, but now SEGA has officially confirmed the release of Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition. As well as all-new sparkly high definition visuals, it'll also feature Trophy and data install support to make your trip into the underground world of organised crime run just that little bit smoother. The...
News LittleBigPlanet Karting Beta Open to EU PS Plus Gamers, Right Now
Get karting
The beta trial of LittleBigPlanet Karting on PS3 opened a little over a week ago, but as this is a highly anticipated title the demand has meant that many have, so far, missed out. It seems that Sony can't get enough of your feedback as registration and, most importantly, access is now available to PlayStation Plus subscribers in the EU...
News Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault Features Tower Defense
As well as online, unlockables and more
Ratchet & Clank: Full Front Assault hits PSN this fall, and developer Insomniac Games has taken to the PlayStation blog to share some details. Aside from the series-standard third-person gameplay and variety of crazy weapons, this new entry has a twist: tower defense. As well as tackling invasions in...
News PSN Gets Double Dragon Neon on 11th September
Blood brothers
Get ready to brawl — Double Dragon Neon is coming to the North American PlayStation Network on 11th September. It'll cost $9.99. WayForward's series revival hurls twin brothers Billy and Jimmy Lee into an adventure to recover their mutual love interest Marian. The siblings will still be fighting over 2D planes, but the world they...
News Rock Band Blitz Rocks Onto PSN 28th August
Rock and roll star
Harmonix has announced that Rock Band Blitz will be ready to rock the PlayStation Network on 28th August. But don't worry about dusting off that plastic guitar just yet — the downloadable game is played with nothing more than your DualShock. The familiar lanes are all there, only you'll be tapping buttons to beat instead,...