Tag: Xseed Games
News Remastered Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Promises January Release on PS5, PS4
Let's start over
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana, a remaster of XSEED's classic 2005 action RPG, will slash its way onto PS5 and PS4 on 7th January 2025. In a release date trailer, we got a look at the updated visuals and additional features this enhanced package provides. Following the series protagonist Adol Christin as he accompanies his...
News Classic Action RPG Remaster Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Slashes to PS5, PS4 in 2025
XSEED Games is bringing classic action RPG Ys: The Oath in Felghana back, complete with various enhancements on PS5 and PS4. The Oath in Felghana itself is a remake of 1989's Ys 3, and was released for the PSP all the way back in 2010. However, a remastered version of the remake — titled Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana — just...
News Freedom Planet 2 Finally Fights Its Way to PS5, PS4 in April
Speedy sequel on the way
It was in the works for a very long time, but Freedom Planet 2 made its debut on PC in 2022 to a great reception. Us console peasants have had to wait even longer, but at last, the side-scrolling sequel has a firm release date on PS5 and PS4. The game finally lands on 4th April 2024. Freedom Planet 2 looks like a bigger,...
Mini Review Loop8: Summer of the Gods (PS4) - Shallow RPG With a Repetitive Time Loop Mechanic
Let’s do the time warp again
Part visual novel, part RPG, Loop8: Summer of the Gods is an interesting idea which unfortunately ends up stuck in a bit of a rut. It all starts off well enough, with the game’s protagonist Nini moving to a small town and one of the few safe havens left on Earth. Humanity has been driven to the brink of extinction...
News 90s Action RPG Throwback Trinity Trigger Hacks and Slashes to PS5, PS4 in May
Trigger pulled
First released in Japan last year, Trinity Trigger only just got a Western date on PS5 and PS4. Describing itself as a throwback to 90s-style action RPGs like Trials of Mana, this could be one to watch if you're a fan of the genre. It arrives on the 16th May here in the West. Given that Trinity Trigger's been available for months in...
News Sunny Anime Adventure Loop8: Summer of Gods Shines on PS4 in June
Bright and breezy
At first glance, Loop8: Summer of Gods looks like a laidback slice-of-life adventure – but the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, protagonist Nini was born and raised on a space station, and has returned to Earth when it’s at the brink of extinction. His goal? To defeat a race of demonic entities known as...
Review No More Heroes III (PS5) - A Suda51 Sequel Full of Surprises
Start the game
Grasshopper Manufacture and its founder Goichi Suda are infamous for their oddball ideas, and the No More Heroes games are prime examples of their unorthodox proclivities. The first two games are schizophrenia-fuelled mania operating under the guise of hack-and-slashes, while Travis Strikes Again utilised its smaller team and budget...
News Time Traveling JRPG Loop8: Summer of Gods Announced for Western Release
Hope springs
Loop8: Summer of Gods is a JRPG in which players repeat the month of August in order to prevent the Kegai, demonic invaders from the Underworld, from destroying the world. The title will be released in the West in Spring 2023, on PS4. Loop8 follows protagonist Nini and his classmates as they attempt to stop mankind's extinction. Raised...
News The Weird and Wonderful No More Heroes 3 Hits PS5, PS4 This October
Plus new trailer
Originally a Nintendo Switch exclusive, No More Heroes III will become a multi-platform release with PS5, PS4 versions launching on 11th October 2022. A new trailer reveals the release date along with loads of new footage specific to the updated current-gen versions. We know the PS5 version will run at 60 frames-per-second with a...
News No More Heroes 3 Handed Japanese Release Date on PS5, PS4
US, European dates likely similar
No More Heroes III has been given a Japanese release date of 6th October 2022 on PS5 and PS4, with the western launch in the USA and Europe likely planning for a similar timeframe. Both physical and digital options are being offered for 6,800 yen (£40/$50), with a more expensive Digital Deluxe Edition including a...
News No More Heroes 3 Touches Down on PS5, PS4 This Year
Higher resolution, faster framerate
One-time Nintendo Switch exclusive No More Heroes 3 will (Travis) Touchdown on PlayStation 5 and PS4 later this year. The game – originally released for Nintendo’s hybrid hardware last year – will boast improved HD visuals (expect 4K on PS5), as well as faster framerates and loading times. It promises to be...
News Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town Plants Itself on PS4 This Summer
A new chapter
Released last year on Nintendo Switch and PC, Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is coming to PlayStation 4 this summer. The relaxing farming title received reasonably positive reviews on the aforementioned platforms, with our pals over at Nintendo Life giving it a 6/10. It got pinged for frame rate issues and long load times on...
Mini Review Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (PS4) - Remastered JRPG Is Fun But Flawed
Strip Tease
How time flies! The Akiba’s Trip series has been going for 10 years and to celebrate Acquire has remastered the first game in the series, which was previously only released on PSP in Japan. The game takes place in Akihabara, an area in Tokyo that is famous for its maid cafés and abundance of stores filled with manga, anime, and...
Mini Review Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin (PS4) - Gorgeous Action RPG with Deep Farming Mechanics
Have a rice day
In Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, you’ll be playing as a young goddess, called Sakuna, who spends her days being lazy and drinking in the home of the gods. After a small mishap involving a fire and some sacred offerings, she ends up being banished to the Isle of Demons and told that she can only return once all the monsters are...
News Granblue Fantasy Versus Finally Gets a Western Release Date in March 2020
Just in time
With the Japanese launch of Granblue Fantasy Versus less than a week away, we've been anticipating a confirmed Western release date -- and now we've finally got one. The good news is that we won't have to wait too long for the title to land in North America. It's around one month out from its Japanese counterpart, launching on the 3rd...
News Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Touches Down on PS4 from 17th October
Otaku assassination action
Hot on the heels of its Japanese release date, Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes has been assigned a 17th October release date in Europe and North America. The title – which is being published by Marvelous Europe or XSEED Games depending upon your territory – features all of the ex-Nintendo Switch exclusive’s...
News Granblue Fantasy Versus' New Character Reveal Brings Fiery Death
The Lord of Flames
The character roster for upcoming fighting game Granblue Fantasy Versus is starting to come together quite nicely. Developer Arc System Works has revealed the title's next combatant: Percival the Lord of Flames. Wielding a big old flaming sword, he's looking like another fine addition to the fighter. Granblue Fantasy Versus has...
E3 2019 Beautiful Upcoming PS4 Fighter Granblue Fantasy Versus Gets a Great E3 Trailer
Power, skill, and spirit
Not missing out on the hype of E3 2019, publisher XSEED Games has pumped out an English trailer for Granblue Fantasy Versus. The gorgeous looking fighter's on full display here, and although it still doesn't have a Western release date, it's nice to see the marketing machine kick in. It can't be that far away. Are you hyped...
E3 2019 Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed Bares All This Winter
Will you give it a grope?
Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed, a full remaster of the original game in Acquire’s stripping series, will launch on the PlayStation 4 this winter. The title – which promises to “knock your socks off” – sees you exposing vampiric creatures to sunlight by relieving them of their clothes. You may be...
News Trails of Cold Steel I and II Have Cross-Save Support on PS4
The adventure continues
Publisher XSEED Games has confirmed that the upcoming PlayStation 4 ports of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II will have cross-save functionality. This means that you'll be able to transfer save data from the PlayStation 3 or PS Vita versions of the games. it's a...
News Sony Seemingly Censors Controversial Senran Kagura Mode
Booby trap
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal will not include its controversial ‘Intimacy Mode’ on the PlayStation 4, which effectively allows you to fondle the private parts of its questionably aged cast of anime characters. Previous instalments on Sony’s system have included this feature, as does the Japanese version of the same game, so it seems...
News Excellent JRPGs Trails of Cold Steel I and II Confirmed for PS4 in the West
Set for early 2019
Fans of Japanese role-playing games rejoice, for two top tier titles are heading West. Originally released on PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II made the jump to PlayStation 4 earlier this year in Japan, and now the remasters have been confirmed...
News Fate/Extella Link Now Launches in Early 2019 on PS4, Vita
Action title delay confirmed
Dynasty Warriors-esque action title Fate/Extella Link has been hit with an inevitable delay in North America and Europe. The PlayStation 4 and PS Vita sequel to the really rather good Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star was due to launch in the second half of this year, but now publisher XSEED Games has confirmed that it's...
Just beat it
If you're a fan of Japan and its wonderful culture then you'll probably be aware of Akihabara, a district in Tokyo filled with all manner of delights that will get any otaku salivating at the thought of it. It's a haven for geeks with plenty of shops filled with anime, manga, collectable cards and figurines, as well as maid cafés for...
Review Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star (PS4)
History repeats
At its core, Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star is Dynasty Warriors set in cyber space. Three factions battle it out to decide who rules the brightly coloured digital world, and each army is spearheaded by anime-style representations of mythical and historical figures. You'll see legendary Chinese general Lu Bu clashing with Joan of Arc...
News Hectic Action Game Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star Launches on PS4, Vita Next Month
Never surrender
There are a lot of Japanese games launching in early 2017, but even though the start of the year is looking swamped, we'd recommend keeping an eye on Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star. A hack and slasher that's very Warriors-esque in its structure - featuring interconnected battlefields stuffed with grunts and boss enemies - The Umbral...
Review Senran Kagura Estival Versus (PS4)
There's always a butt
Senran Kagura Estival Versus is the first time that the series has bounced onto a home console, and in many ways, it's dressed itself up for the big occasion. Estival Versus exudes a level of polish – particularly in terms of presentation – that previous PlayStation title Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus simply didn't possess...
News Senran Kagura Estival Versus Finally Jiggles onto PS4, Vita Next Month
The girls are back in town
Fans have been waiting for what feels like an eternity, but the moment has finally arrived: Senran Kagura Estival Versus has confirmed release dates for its arrival here in the West - and it may actually be coming a little sooner than you might have thought. The brawler will bounce onto PlayStation 4 and Vita on the...
Review Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel (PS4)
Blast this patchwork world
Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel is the latest fighter to take to the PlayStation 4, featuring 12 characters from the visual novels of Tokyo-based Nitroplus. Typically, the title is set up to show fans what could happen if their favourites were brought together to lay down beatings, so what makes this game...
Review Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (PS4)
The bugs are back in town
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair is glorious in its stupidity. It's easily one of the worst looking games on the PlayStation 4, its general gameplay is incredibly basic, and quite frankly the whole thing's bloody mental. You rarely see such madness on home consoles these days – but all of this is part of...
News Take Your Waifu Fantasy One Step Further with Kissing in Senran Kagura Estival Versus
No tongues, mind
By this point, those of you reading this probably understand what Senran Kagura: Esitval Versus is all about. The latest instalment in the somewhat controversial beat-'em-up series, Estival Versus released earlier this year in Japan. Essentially a title in which buxom young female ninjas kick the the living daylights out of each...
News XSEED: We Love the Vita and Will Continue to Support It
Get a room
Sony's slowly dropping support for the PlayStation Vita, but it remains flush with Japanese titles and indie ports. This puts the portable in a unique position: it remains incredibly relevant – but only among a very specific niche. Fortunately, publisher XSEED – the organisation responsible for bringing the likes of Akiba's Trip:...
News Senran Kagura Estival Versus Bounces onto PS4 and Vita Next Year
Physical copies, too
It may have taken a while, but Senran Kagura Estival Versus finally has a European release date. The brawler, which features female ninja smashing the absolute snot out of each other, will launch on PlayStation 4 and Vita in the first quarter of 2016. It's a shame that we don't have a more precise date, especially given that...
Review Onechanbara Z2: Chaos (PS4)
Devil don't care
The Onechanbara series has been around for a while in Japan, shamelessly fusing ridiculous combat with girls in skimpy costumes for a good 11 years now. It's safe to say that it's a franchise that knows what its fans want, and as such, it's never tried to move away from its aforementioned core concepts. The same is true of its...
News Girls are Cuter on the PS4, According to Senran Kagura Creator
This is next-gen
Ah, Kenichiro Takaki, the rather bombastic mind behind the Senran Kagura series. Unsurprisingly, when he isn't busy talking about women, he's probably busy thinking about them, but in a recent interview with PlayStation Universe, he was actually contemplating something different: the power of the PlayStation 4. "Simply put, with...
News Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair Brings Buggy Slideshows to PS4
Earth Defense Force's eternal appeal will always be its less-than-stellar presentation. We're not sure whether we find XSEED Games' promise of better performance in the forthcoming PlayStation 4 instalment Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair appealing or not, then – but having read similar pledges for previous...
News Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Will Raise Eyebrows in the West on PS4, Vita
Maintain eye contact
XSEED is busting a gut bringing some of the more obscure PlayStation 4 and Vita titles to the West, and its effort looks set to pay off this winter with some ridiculous, er, busts. Senran Kagura: Estival Versus is sure to have parts of the enthusiast press up in arms as it pits scantily clad female ninja warriors up against...
News It's Fine to Be Fashionably Late to Corpse Party: Blood Drive
Washin' your hair
We don't know about you, but as this author got older, the concept of 'fashionably late' got taken to extremes. Events would be scheduled for, say, 19:00PM – but you were a jerk if you showed up any earlier than 22:00PM. Growing up is pretty dumb, huh? Having said that, such tactics may come in handy when it comes to Corpse Party...
Something something Japan
Maybe it's the writing, maybe it's the voice acting, we don't know - but we bet a lot of people who watch Onechanbara Z2: Chaos' Western announcement trailer will think that it looks a bit cheap. Production values aren't everything, of course, and we reckon it does look like it could prove to be fun in a very over the top...
News Bikinis, Zombies, and Ridiculous Action: Onechanbara Z2: Chaos Is Coming West on PS4
The w*nking dead
Described by its publisher as a "sexy zombie slayer", Onechanbara Z2: Chaos is heading West courtesy of XSEED Games. Essentially a hack-and-slasher that's not afraid of some, er, raunchy content, you play as various members of the "bikini zombie squad" and take the fight to the undead hordes. Typically, you can upgrade your weapons...
Review Brandish: The Dark Revenant (PlayStation Portable)
Resurrect an old friend
Brandish: The Dark Revenant was originally released on the Super Nintendo in 1991. Despite its rocky reception, it was eventually ported to the PlayStation Portable in 2009 in Japan. And, after six years, it's finally travelled overseas, with a full English localisation. The big question is: has it been worth the wait? The...
News Corpse Party: Blood Drive Hops on the Highway to Hell
XSEED registers domain for Vita exclusive
There may be a dearth of big budget blockbusters on the PlayStation Vita right now, but there are bags of indie titles and quirky Japanese curios. Corpse Party is one franchise that blossomed into popularity towards the end of the PlayStation Portable's life, and it looks like its Vita exclusive successor,...
Review Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PlayStation 4)
Take off your pants and jacket
Welcome back to the land of the undead and undressed, where you are a modern day vampire roaming the streets of Akihabara, stripping others of their finest threads. Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed has been doing the rounds on Sony’s systems for a while now, finally arriving on the PlayStation 4 following a...
Review Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (PlayStation Vita)
Well rounded
First impressions count for a lot in this fickle industry. Whether it's art style, design choices, or DLC policies, it's surprisingly easy to lose all interest in a game that doesn't initially match up to your personal preferences. For Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, this is a big problem, as from the word go, you're bombarded by big,...
News Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus Goes for the Jugular Next Month
Bursting with goodness
You’ll find more wobbling in PlayStation Vita exclusive Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus’ launch trailer than on a plate of jelly, but beneath all of the titillation appears to be an amusing action game. The spiritual successor to the somewhat divisive side scroller Senran Kagura Burst, this portable escapade appears to share...
Review Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed (PlayStation Vita)
Undressed to kill
To describe Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed as a simple action role-playing game would do it a disservice – a bit like describing a vampire as a mere blood gulper. The aforementioned nocturnal beast has gone through several iterations over the years, ranging from fear inducing monsters through to promiscuous teenagers –...
News Stripping Sim Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed Exposes Itself on PS4 This Fall
Hot in here
The heat remains utterly inescapable here in the UK, which means that plenty of skin and bad tattoos are on display. Of course, the poor Synthisters – the vampirish foes from stripping simulator Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed – have no choice but to remain covered up, as the sunlight is their one true rival in the world...
News Strip-'Em-Up Akiba's Trip Will Ship on an 8GB PS Vita Card [Updated]
And will feature more men
If there’s one unspoken issue consistent across virtually all PlayStation Vita ports, it’s that the audio is often horribly compressed. It’s a problem that we pointed out in our recent review of The Sly Trilogy, which is a pixel perfect conversion of Sanzaru Games’ platforming compilation from a visual perspective...
News This PS3 and Vita Game Allows You to Strip Strangers to Their Underwear
XSEED exposing strange stripping game
Ripping the clothes off anyone in public may be enough to land you with a pretty severe sexual assault charge, but in upcoming PlayStation 3 and Vita title Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed, you can at least tell the police that you’re actually saving the planet. XSEED has announced that the cult Acquire...
Review Valhalla Knights 3 (PlayStation Vita)
This ain't heaven
With such a miserable and lacklustre franchise history, you’d be forgiven for expecting Valhalla Knights 3 to fall short of almost all expectations, and unfortunately, you’d probably be right. Where does this apparently doomed franchise keep making wrong turns – and has anything improved over the three years since the last...