Tag: Zipper Interactive
News Sony Confirms Zipper Interactive Has Closed
Zipped up
SOCOM developer Zipper Interactive has closed, Sony has confirmed. Speculation about the studio’s imminent demise began last weekend, but the firm remained tight-lipped for the majority of the week. However, Sony confirmed the sad news in a statement to Game Informer over night: Sony Computer Entertainment can confirm the closure of...
Rumour Sony to Close Zipper Interactive
So gone
It sounds as though the lights could be dimming on SOCOM developer Zipper Interactive. Kotaku reports that Sony is currently in the process of laying off staff at the American studio, where project cancellations have put its future in doubt. Zipper Interactive recently released the decent Unit 13 on PlayStation Vita and SOCOM 4 on PS3 last...
News Unit 13 Ships Out March 6th
Video walkthrough inside
Unit 13, Zipper Interactive's Vita-exclusive shooter, was previously listed as a PS Vita launch game for Europe, but now it seems it will fall within the system's "launch window" instead. Sony pegged the game for a March 6th deployment in both Europe and the United States at CES. The game comes from the team behind...
News Unit 13 Brings Social Shooting To PlayStation Vita On March 6th
Sony's deployed a date for Zipper Interactive's ambitious PlayStation Vita debut, Unit 13
The social driven shooter is set to settle onto North American stores on March 6th — shortly after the handheld's February 22nd western launch. Unit 13 is a tactical shooter in the same vein as SOCOM, with some really intelligent social features that make it...
News Zipper Interactive Deploys New Gameplay Footage For Unit 13
Zipper Interactive's tactical shooter, Unit 13, has been generating some hype in the US
The third-person shooter combines social and competitive gameplay to create a unique portable experience. In a new video — narrated by Zipper's Seth Luisi — the developer shows off a bunch of new gameplay, in addition to explaining the aforementioned social...
News Unit 13 Takes It To The Dancefloor
Every shooter needs a good nightclub stage
And Zipper Interactive's upcoming PlayStation Vita exclusive Unit 13 looks more than happy to oblige. New screenshots fired over by Sony show some four-to-the-floor shootouts. Everyone grab your dancing shoes.
News Zipper Interactive's Unit 13 Trailer Unlocked
Deploying at launch
Zipper Interactive is well-known for SOCOM and MAG, but when Vita launches, the studio will be deploying its newest series: Unit 13. While we brought you a snippet of info on the new IP yesterday, we’ve grabbed a cache of new details that just recently emerged, as well as a trailer for you to check out the game in action, which...
News Unit 13 Gets Debut Gameplay Trailer
Following last night's unveiling, Sony has released the first gameplay trailer for Zipper Interactive's upcoming Unit 13
The PlayStation Vita title is due around launch, and promises to deploy players into a series of engaging "fast action" missions designed specifically with Sony's new handheld system in mind.
News New Vita Shooter from Zipper Interactive, MotorStorm RC Announced
More first-party goodness
Sony has two more titles to add to the PS Vita's ever-growing roster of first party games. Set two launch beside PS Vita come February 22nd, the two titles come from veteran studios Zipper Interactive (MAG, Socom 4) and Evolution Studios (MotorStorm Apocalypse). Unit 13 Brought t
News Zipper Interactive Reveals Unit 13 For PlayStation Vita
Zipper Interactive's lifted the lid on a brand new shooter for PlayStation Vita this evening
Entitled Unit 13, the third-person shooter has been designed from the ground-up for Sony's swanky new portable system. "Fast action, on-the-go gameplay was a key goal for the Unit 13 team," explained Zipper Interactive's Brian Soderberg on the...
News Two New SOCOM 4 DLC Packs Revealed
Zipper Interactive's hoping to breathe new life into SOCOM 4 (known as SOCOM: Special Forces in the UK) with a couple of DLC packs due out on the PlayStation Store this week
The first set of DLC brings the return of Demolition mode, an all-time SOCOM favourite which sees teams competing over a single bomb and attempting to detonate it in the...
News SOCOM Fan Petitions Zipper for Better Sharp Shooter Controls
You can help too
SOCOM: Special Forces (or SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs to some) is designed to work with PlayStation Move and the Sharp Shooter, but there's still some room for improvement in the game's controls. Movemodo user Michel Filipe has begun petitioning Zipper Interactive to make some improvements, and he needs your help. Over at the official...
News SOCOM 4 Scores 'Double XP' Offer To Welcome Players Back
Players eager to jump back into SOCOM 4 will be excited to learn that Zipper's doubling up the XP rewards for the "near future"
Community manager Chris Roper (beyond!) made the announcement on the official SOCOM website this evening. "In an effort to help bring everyone back up to speed, we're doubling any and all XP earned during competitive...
News Zipper Interactive Hit With Layoffs
Bad news coming out of Zipper Interactive
Apparently the Seattle based studio has been hit with a number of redundancies, which Kotaku reports to be in the region of 33 employees. A Sony spokesperson clarified the layoffs as "normal business practice and a result of cutting back on production resources after the launch of two major...
Guides SOCOM 4, PlayStation Move and Sharp Shooter Tips
Tactically movin'
SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs has been on store shelves for nearly a week now, and the bulk of the game has been crippled by the untimely PSN server issues. Even though blasting away with Move and Sharp Shooter online isn’t currently possible, the offline Campaign is still readily available. We at Movemodo have been diligently working...
News Travis Steiner Leaves Zipper Interactive, Opens New Company
Zipper Interactive veteran Travis Steiner has announced he's left the company after fulfilling his duties on SOCOM 4
The lead designer has been with the studio for eight years, but has left in order to start up his own company. There's very little information on what that project will pertain, but Steiner's promising an update soon. Clearly Steiner...
News SOCOM Pro Access is Free to Everyone in Europe
Sorry, North America
Here's something that might put bees in a few bonnets: tomorrow's European launch of SOCOM: Special Forces doesn't come with a SOCOM Pro access code because this access is free for European PlayStation Network users. North American SOCOM Pro access is only free with the purchase of a new game — players who pick up the game...
Out Today SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (North America)
Ready for action
It's been a long wait for Zipper Interactive to release a SOCOM game on PlayStation 3 following Slant Six's disappointing SOCOM Confrontation in 2008, but the wait is finally over as SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (known as SOCOM: Special Forces in Europe) launches on PlayStation 3 today. We'll bring you a full review of Zipper's latest...
News SOCOM 4 To Ship With Download Code For Additional Multiplayer Content
Those intending to purchase used copies of SOCOM 4 will find themselves locked out of multiplayer content, as Sony has announced that new copies of the game in the US will ship with a SOCOM Pro downloadable code
The code will primarily earn players access to Pro Custom Game queues. "Not only will these queues be ranked, but they'll also be...
News European Gamers Not Invited to SOCOM Pro Club
Access code: denied
We recently told you about the SOCOM 4 "Pro" Access Code to be included in the American release of SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (known as SOCOM: Special Forces in Europe). Following in the footsteps of EA and THQ, the code is a once-use only affair that limits online access for gamers who pick up the game pre-owned, while...
News Kevin Butler's Well Prepared For Military Action In This SOCOM Commercial
Red Bull
Pretzels. Doughnuts. A PlayStation Move and Sharpshooter peripheral. Kevin Butler's well prepared for military action in this SOCOM 4 commercial. It's a return to form for the fake executive.</em>
News Kevin Butler Steps Up to Show How SOCOM Should Be Played
Hint: you'll need a tie
We're just days away from SOCOM: Special Forces (known as SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs in North America) so it's just as well that corporate VP of everything Kevin Butler has sprung up to show us how to kick backside in Zipper Interactive's third-person strategic shooter. Apparently teamwork is the key to success, but the extra...
News Y'Know, SOCOM 4's Single-Player Is What We're Hyped About Playing
SOCOM will always be primarily a multiplayer game
That's what a good chunk of the game's fan-base are interested in. But when it comes to SOCOM 4, personally we're more hyped about the game's single-player campaign. Ever since we played it late last year, it totally won us over. The shooting is good, and the implementation of your squad and tactical...
News Buy SOCOM 4, Get Resistance 3 Beta Access
Seems a fair deal
The ongoing assembly line of Sony first-person shooters and their accompanying betas and demos is a smart move on Sony's part, keeping gamers engaged with a constant supply of anticipation-building action. Just as gamers who picked up Killzone 3 got access to the SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs beta, so those who purchase the full game...
News See SOCOM 4 In Sharp Shooter Action in New Video
Sony producer shows you the ropes
Now that the beta for SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (or SOCOM Special Forces in Europe) is open to all new recruits, curious gamers might appreciate a look at how the game operates with the PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter. Lucky you, then, that senior producer Ken Inagaki is here to save the day. The video is more a...
News Try MAG with Full Game Trial for All on PlayStation Store
Hope you're patient
If you've held off from trying Zipper Interactive's 256-man shooter MAG, now's your chance to see why it lives up to its name of Massive Action Game with a 5.5GB demo available on the North American PlayStation Store. While you'll be able to jump into battle with those who own the full game, your progress will be capped at level...
News Zipper Showcase New SOCOM 4 Multiplayer Maps
As promised, Zipper Interactive's provided us with a teasing glimpse at two of SOCOM 4's multiplayer maps: Von Heine Express and Cesspool
Jeremy Dunham explains on the PlayStation Blog that Von Heime Express is designed to capture the spirit of the classic SOCOM 2 map, Fox Hunt: "Set on the coast of Southeast Asia in a makeshift military base...
Out Today PlayStation Plus SOCOM 4 Beta (Global)
Pay to play
Members of Sony's premium PlayStation Plus subscription service can Move onto the battlefield from today, as the multiplayer beta for SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (known as SOCOM: Special Forces in Europe) is now live on the PlayStation Store. The beta is fully compatible with PlayStation Move, so you can enjoy all the free-look shooting...
News SOCOM: Special Forces Release Date Revealed
Locked and loaded for launch in the UK
SOCOM: Special Forces, or SOCOM 4: US Navy SEALs as it’s known in North America, has been confirmed for a European release, but sadly without a set release date. Today that has all changed, and Europe can expect to see SOCOM: Special Forces releasing on April 22, 2011 only three days behind the North American...
News Sony Targets April 22nd Release Date For SOCOM: Special Forces In The UK
Y'know what really, really annoys us
When European and American games have different titles. It makes things so complicated. Do we call the game by its European name and isolate our American userbase? Do we call the game by both its names and write messy looking articles? Gah, it's a never-ending debate in the office whenever a new Hot Shots Gol-...
News Oscar-Mike: Zipper Reveal SOCOM 4's Catalogue Of Trophies
According to Zipper's Jeremy Dunham, one of the biggest questions on SOCOM fan's lips these days is, "what kind of trophies can we earn in SOCOM 4?" Well, if you're one of those eager to know what activities are going to make your PlayStation 3 ding with the sound of success, wonder no more — we've got SOCOM 4's full catalogue of in-game...
News Here's the SOCOM 4 Trophies You Ordered
Apart from the secret ones
Fresh from the details of the SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs beta last week, now Zipper Interactive has unleashed details of the Trophies you'll be able to earn in the finished game. Ranging from the super-simple to the sadistic, with a stack of hidden Trophies to unlock as well. The complete list is below, so start planning...
News Zipper Lets Fly with SOCOM 4 Beta Details
Kicking off on 15th March
Want to know how you can get to play SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs before it's out in April? We have the beta details for you right below. The first North American players will be invited to play from 15th March, one week before PlayStation Plus members get to take part. 29th March sees those who picked up a beta code with...
News SOCOM 4's Beta Kicks Off This Month For PlayStation Plus Subscribers
Sony's slapped a big-fat date on SOCOM 4's beta trial, and PlayStation Plus subscribers will once again get the nod ahead of everybody else
The multiplayer trial will kick off on March 22nd (23rd in Europe) for premium members, while the rest of the PSN community is forced to wait until April 5th (6th in Europe) to try out the military shooter. US...
News SOCOM Special Forces Beta Comes to PlayStation Plus
Hits Europe on 23rd March
Tactical shooter SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs — known as SOCOM: Special Forces in Europe — isn't just the focus of the most awesome Move bundle, it's also getting a playable beta in the next few weeks. PlayStation Plus subscribers across Europe can get access to the beta on 23rd March, more details of which will be...
News This SOCOM 4 PlayStation Move Bundle Really Has Everything
It should for $149.99
Earlier we reported on the new 5-player co-operative missions in SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs, and now we have the first sighting of the game's behemoth-like PlayStation Move bundle launching alongside the game on 19th April. Called the Full Deployment Edition, the package contains everything you need to start off with PlayStation...
News SOCOM 4 Gets Bundled Up With PlayStation Move For Full Deployment
If you're looking to take advantage of the uber-accurate PlayStation Move to bust some caps in SOCOM 4, Zipper might have just what you need
Announced earlier today on the US PlayStation Blog, SOCOM 4's $150 'Full Deployment Edition' will come with everything you need to get your motion controlled military action on. The pack comes with a copy of...
News SOCOM 4 Rolls Out with 5-Player Co-Op Missions
Stand tall, soldier
SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs is the next big shooter lined up for Move, heading to North America on 19th April with a newly announced co-operative mode that puts up to five players in a set of unique missions. There'll be two main modes to tackle, Takedown and Espionage. The first is a search-and-destroy mission against opponents,...
News Zipper Respectfully Dubs SOCOM 4 The First "Real" SOCOM Game On PS3
Zipper Interactive are super-nice, professional developers
So they're put in a hard place with SOCOM 4. Undoubtedly the franchise's popularity has been hindered by the slightly rubbish PSN release, SOCOM: Confrontation. But that game wasn't developed by Zipper, and so the studio are clearly having to carefully state, "Hey, SOCOM 4 is the first...
News SOCOM 4 Confirmed for 3D, Beta Coming with Killzone 3
War gets beta
It's wall-to-wall betas on PlayStation 3 at the moment: just as many gamers are ripping through the Move-enabled Killzone 3 beta, Zipper Interactive is bringing a beta of upcoming shooter SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals to PlayStation 3 owners soon. For a limited time, copies of Killzone 3 will contain access to the beta, which will be made...
News SOCOM: Special Forces is Ready for Action on April 19th
New multiplayer video too
MAG developer Zipper Interactive isn't just working on maintaining one Move-enabled shooter, it's getting ready to launch another one soon, with SOCOM: Special Forces set for deployment in North America on April 19th. Gamers who pre-order with GameStop can also receive the famous Suppression map from previous SOCOM games as...
News Debut SOCOM 4 Multiplayer Trailer Accompanies April 19th US Release Date
Sony's slapped a big fat April 19th release date on Zipper Interactive's upcoming latest entry in the SOCOM franchise
SOCOM 4: US Navy Seals — which is confusingly sub-titled Special Forces in Europe — will include full support for the PlayStation Move at launch. Zipper promises a "flood of SOCOM goodness" building up to the game's...
News Happy Birthday MAG! May You Stay Massive For Many More Years!
MAG was a bit of an experiment when it launched last year
The madcap 256-player online multiplayer shooter had its critics, but ended up proving its worth. While never commanding a player base as large as a game like Call Of Duty, MAG has a very devoted audience that continues to play today. We still jump in every few months, such is the love...
LittleBigPlanet 2's kinda out
Killzone 3's nearly out. But the cogs at Sony's overworked PR office keep turning; we've just realised we still know absolutely nothing about SOCOM 4's multiplayer component. That's not a problem though, because Sony's announced on the US PlayStation Blog that marked copies of Killzone 3 (Helghast and
News US PlayStation Plus Subscribers Net Unlimited MAG Full-Game Trial
Here's a novel way of killing three birds with one stone: MAG's set to get an unlimited full-game trial for US PlayStation Plus subscribers this week
The trial will allow players to experience MAG fully, but will cap progress at level eight. This is actually the best idea ever. Why? It serves three purposes: keeps MAG's servers populated with fresh...
News MAG Scores Version 2.10, Nets Multiqueue & Screenshot Features
If you're still heavily engaged in Zipper's massive action game, MAG, then you should probably know that a new patch has been released today
The update brings a fancy new multiqueue which allows you to line-up several game modes all at once. It replaces the game's Directive feature. The patch also includes the ability to take 720p screenshots...
News MAG Version 2.10 Drops Next Week, It's A Slow News Day
Zipper Interactive's revealed that MAG will get a gameplay patch next week
Patch 2.10 includes "gameplay and technical amendments" along with new game queue technology. Bit of a non-story this really, isn't it? Yep, we thought so. It's that kinda day.
News Zipper: MAG Still "Amongst The Most Played PS3 Games Out There"
Zipper Interactive's Jeremy Dunham has responded to claims that MAG is struggling to maintain a substantial player-base
Posting on Zipper's official forums, Dunham stated: This is incorrect MAG has more concurrent players than SOCOM Confrontation worldwide on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. This has been true for every month since...
News The MAG DLC We've All Been Waiting For Hits Next Week
Ever since MAG released we've always stated: "How cool would it be if all three factions from the game got to take part in one massive royal rumble style match-up?" Next week, our dreams come true
Zipper's confirmed that the Escalation DLC — which places 32 players from each faction on the map — will launch for $9.99 next week. The new game-mode...
News This Is Totally How You Play MAG With PlayStation Move
We've tried MAG with the PlayStation Move controller and it's surprisingly good fun
We're not sure personally whether playing the game with Sony's glowing wand would be our preferred method, but it's nice to have the option there. And that's not to say it's not accurate enough for competitive play because it is - we know of plenty of people who've...