Comments 102

Re: EA Sports WRC Update 1.3 Targets Performance Problems and Much More


Doesn’t anybody have the brightness problem? I cant see the road properly in Sweden but also the roads in Mexico Grease etc etc. I tried to fiddle with the gamma settings and it doesn’t help. I have an HDR tv (TCL 55C735) but i don’t use it. Strangely this title looks better in HDR but with the HDR brightness on 35. I noticed on other fora that randomly other users have this same problem!

Re: EA Sports WRC Looks Intense and Fast in Raw Gameplay Video


The more i look at this gameplay footage the more i am regretting my preorder. It is obvious that Codemasters used UE 4 and not 5. There are so many things wrong with the looks (rain, shadows almost non aparent in cockpit view, roads look bland, snow looks very artificial. But my biggest worry is the handling. Big jumps with almost no impact? Heavy rain with extreme grip? Look at heavy rain in 2.0 and compair! OMG